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张黔屏 《化工环保》1998,18(3):186-187
PC-1500微型计算机在烟尘监测中的应用在测定烟道气中烟尘的浓度时,若采样流速与烟尘原来的流速不同,则由于烟尘粒子惯性大而出现气体和烟尘粒子的分离现象。当抽气速度大于烟尘流速时,测定的烟尘浓度偏低;当抽气速度小于烟尘流速时,测定的烟尘浓度偏高。为保...  相似文献   

烟气浊度在线监测仪校准中应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了烟气浊度在线监测仪在烟尘浓度测定中应采用的校准方法以及实际操作中应注意的问题,为适时监测烟尘排放浓度及除尘器除尘效率提供一种快速、可靠的方法。  相似文献   

烟尘对光谱法烟气在线监测系统的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了紫外吸收光谱法烟气在线监测的原理和数据处理方法,分析了烟尘对不同光谱数据处理结果的影响及各方法的优缺点,利用紫外光谱法不仅可以进行烟气排放的在线监测,同时能进行烟尘检测,与其他光谱法相比,差分吸收光谱法计算结果受烟尘的干扰最小,比较适合用于烟气排放在线监测系统。  相似文献   

陈昭宜  王厚德 《化工环保》1992,12(4):218-223,245
文中总结了长沙颜料厂硫化钡转炉烟尘的测试结果;对该烟尘的特性及现有消烟除尘流程的优缺点进行了分析研究,提出了优化的消烟除尘方案。  相似文献   

循环流化床锅炉脱硫工艺对烟尘性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍循环流化床锅炉脱硫工艺特点,及其对烟尘质量浓度,粉径分布,形态,粘性比电阻等物理,化学特性的影响。  相似文献   

在我国 ,燃煤焰窑由于具有结构简单、造价低廉、操作使用灵活和方便、容量大等特点 ,被广泛应用于生产各种耐火材料、陶瓷、砂轮等产品。然而 ,燃煤产生的烟尘污染一直是困扰人们的难题。在治理烟尘污染方面 ,无论是采用湿法、干法或者半干法 ,都难以满足环保要求。尤其是湿法 ,水蒸气形成的酸雾对风机、管路和烟囱腐蚀严重 ,使整个系统无法稳定工作 ,再加上动力消耗过大 ,运行成本较高 ,一般企业难以承受。我们通过试验 ,对某类型燃煤倒焰窑烟尘的治理获得了成功。   (1)治理工艺基本原理在不破坏炉窑燃室结构的基础上 ,采取炉头增氧、烟…  相似文献   

回顾了电力工业烟尘排放标准及除尘技术的发展,总结了烟尘排放状况,根据新修订排放标准的要求,有针对性地提出了现有未达标除尘器改造方向,以及2010年以后新建电厂实现30mg/m3排放的控制对策。  相似文献   

杨勰  李宏煦  李超 《化工环保》2014,34(5):493-498
采用XRF、XRD、激光粒度分析、DTA-TG、FTIR以及SEM-EDS等技术,对某铅冶炼厂烟尘(简称烟尘)进行了物性分析,并采用稀硫酸对烟尘进行了浸出性研究。分析结果表明:烟尘所含主要元素为Pb,Zn,Cd,Cl,S,As;烟尘是氧化物、硫酸盐、硅酸盐、硫化物和砷化物等物质的混合物,主要物相为ZnO,PbO,PbSO4,CdO,CdS;烟尘颗粒大小不一,形状各异,多呈相互黏结或包裹状。实验结果表明:在ρ(硫酸)=120 g/L、浸出时间30 min、液固比(稀硫酸体积(mL)与烟尘质量(g)之比)20∶1、浸出温度60 ℃的条件下,Pb,Zn,Cd,As,Cl的浸出率分别达到0.16%,98.95%,49.36%,89.12%,99.31%。  相似文献   

该发明提供了一种捣固焦炉烟尘治理系统及其方法。在捣固焦炉的机侧设置机侧烟尘捕集装置,机侧烟尘捕集装置的集气管汇集后通过管道无级对接装置与机侧烟气输送干管连接;在焦炉的炉顶轨道上设置密闭卸压导流专用车,密闭卸压导流专用车与炉顶集成烟气输送干管连接;在焦炉焦侧设置除尘拦焦车。  相似文献   

烟尘浓度分布对二次扬尘影响的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电除尘器内电场断面烟尘浓度呈非均匀性分布,它是产生振打二次扬尘的重要原因之一,通过改善电场内部气流分布状况和使用出口向上的出气箱,可以减少振打二次扬尘,从而达到电除尘器高效除尘的目的。  相似文献   

介绍了某电厂空预器的设计特点,该空预器运行过程中出现了一、二次风压与炉膛压力周期性波动、进出口差压偏大的问题.对该空预器实际运行情况的分析研究表明:燃用煤种含硫量超标、吹灰蒸汽带水、冬天暖风器投用不及时以及蓄热元件布置紧密是造成空预器堵灰的关键问题.通过控制入炉煤含硫量、加强吹灰、提高综合冷端温度和蓄热元件改造等措施,保证了空预器安全经济运行.  相似文献   

对SCR脱硝催化剂积灰堵塞原因及对空预器的影响进行了简要分析。介绍了SCR催化剂使用可调频高声强声波吹灰器进行声疲劳和抗压强度试验,结果表明,该新型声波吹灰器不会对SCR催化剂造成损坏。  相似文献   

目前国内燃煤电厂湿法烟气脱硫装置常因为GGH堵塞而被迫停运,为了解决这个问题,介绍了一种利用高声强声波吹灰器结合高压水冲洗,彻底解决GGH结垢堵塞的方法,并对高声强声波吹灰器的除垢机理进行了分析,认为高强声波的推拉作用可使换热器表面的硬垢因声致疲劳而松动、脱落,同时,降低灰垢在换热器表面的附着力。另外,针对强声波对GGH的机械作用力进行了平衡分析,认为在强声波环境下GGH运行是安全的。  相似文献   

通过对10个电厂22台机组36组实测数据的分析,论述了燃煤挥发分、灰分及过剩空气系数对煤粉锅炉飞灰份额的影响趋势。  相似文献   

京隆发电公司脱硫系统运行过程中经常发生GGH换热元件结垢和堵塞现象,分析了GGH结垢和堵塞的原因,主要包括除雾器除雾效率差;脱硫系统水平衡设计不合理;除雾器冲洗水系统故障、设计不当或冲洗不足;吸收塔补充石灰石浆液量过大;GGH换热元件波形板或GGH换热面高度设计不合理;吹灰系统设计不合理;氧化风量不足;吸收塔液位长时间保持在高液位、消泡剂添加不足;燃煤硫分的变化及吸收剂品质不好等。提出了防治措施,较好地解决了GGH换热元件结垢和堵塞的问题。  相似文献   

The major forest nonpoint source control programs in the West are largely regulatory, either under forest practices acts (California, Idaho, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington) or a streamside management act (Montana). These programs and the specific rules they enforce continue to undergo intensive scrutiny. Still, the questions are the same for these regulatory programs as for states that base nonpoint source control on voluntary BMPs (Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming). Are the rules or BMPs being applied, and are they effective in reducing nonpoint source pollution to levels that protect beneficial uses of water? The level of debate about forestry in the West has resulted in detailed monitoring and research to answer these questions. In the past, state agencies have assumed levels of BMP compliance based on the percent of operations without enforcement actions. These estimates are being replaced by statistically valid and reproducible monitoring of forest practices rules and BMP compliance levels. BMP effectiveness is being assessed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. This can involve field assessments, process-based research, and control watershed studies. Some trend monitoring is also beginning. With the regional implementation rate for forestry BMPs at about 94% and rising, it is likely that effectiveness testing will continue to be a priority and consume the majority of assessment resources for this region.  相似文献   

Extremely high emissions of S and N compounds in Central Europe (both 280 mmol m-2 yr-1) declined by 70and 35%, respectively, during the last decade. Decreaseddeposition rates of SO4 -2, NO3 -, and NH4 + in the region paralleled emission declines. The reduction in atmospheric inputs of S and N to mountain ecosystemshas resulted in a pronounced reversal of acidification in the Tatra Mountains and Bohemian Forest lakes. Between the 1987–1990and 1997–1999 periods, concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - decreased (average ± standard deviation) by 22±7 and 12±7 mol L-1, respectively, in theTatra Mountains, and by 19±7 and 15±10 mol L-1, respectively, in the Bohemian Forest. Their decrease was compensated in part (1) by a decrease in Ca2+ + Mg2+ (17±7 mol L-1) and H+ (4±6 mol L-1), and an increase in HCO3 -(10±10 mol L-1) in the Tatra Mountains lakes, and (2) by a decrease in Al (7±4 mol L-1), Ca2+ + Mg2+ (9±6 mol L-1), and H+ (6±5 mol L-1), in Bohemian Forest lakes. Despite the rapid decline in lake water concentrations of SO4 -2 and NO3 - in response to reduced S and N emissions, their present concentrations in some lakes are higher than predictionsbased on observed concentrations at comparable emission rates during development of acidification. This hysteresis in chemical reversal from acidification has delayed biological recovery of the lakes. The only unequivocal sign of biological recovery hasbeen observed in erné Lake (Bohemian Forest) where a cladoceran species Ceriodaphnia quadrangular has recentlyreached its pre-acidification abundance.  相似文献   

Stuchlík  E.  Appleby  P.  Bitušík  P.  Curtis  C.  Fott  J.  Kopáček  J.  Pražáková  M.  Rose  N.  Strunecký  O.  Wright  R. F. 《Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus》2002,2(2):127-138
Starolesnianske pleso is a small and shallow acid lake in the High Tatra Mountains, situated at 2000 m above sea level, on granitic bedrock, with sparse and thin soil cover. When detailed measurements began in the 1980s Starolesnianske pleso had pH below 5 and only one species of cladoceran zooplankton, the ubiquitous Chydorus sphaericusPalaeolimnological investigations show changes in cladoceran zooplankton and chironomid zoobenthic assemblages since about 1920 and a major change in 1970–1980. The dynamic acidification model MAGIC was used to reconstruct changes in water chemistry over the past 150 years. The results from MAGIC agree well with the sediment record; pH levels gradually decreased from 6.5 in the mid-1800s to about 5.6 in 1920 (first response in biota) to below 5.0 by 1970, and concentrations of inorganic aluminium rose dramatically beginning about 1960. In the 1990s the lake water chemistry showed clear signs of reversal in acidification brought about by a major decline in S deposition.  相似文献   

The removal of a mixture of heavy (toxic) metal cations (copper, nickeland zinc) from liquid effluents was investigated in this study at pilotscale, using counter-current contact mode. The innovative processinvolved the abstraction of metal ions onto fungal biosorbents, followedby the application of flotation for the subsequent solid/liquid separationof biomass particles. The ability of microorganisms to remove metal ionsfrom aqueous solutions is a well-known phenomenon. Nevertheless,engineering considerations are very important in decisions, concerningthe commercial future of biosorption and practical solutions are neededfor certain problems, such as the efficient post-separation ofmetal-loaded biomass. The two processes (flotation and biosorption) caneffectively operate in combination, in what it was termed biosorptiveflotation process. The sorbents may be recycled, after appropriate elutionof metals, as well as the treated (clean) water.  相似文献   

Mining activity in SE of Spain, in the west Mediterranean coast, originated more than two millenniums ago. It has generated huge areas affected by heavy metals contamination, especially of lead, which is possibly one of the most important. Investigations related to the selection of autochthonous plant taxa from a typical Spanish Mediterranean area, useful for phytoextraction and phytostabilization purposes in these polluted areas are shown. Under these edaphoclimatic conditions 12 interesting species were considered, from them six taxa were chosen for further studies. Some plant species have been proposed either for phytoextraction or phytostabilization purposes. Recommendations for further research have been discussed.  相似文献   

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