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梳理了我国城市生活垃圾分类体系的发展和价值取向的转变。在对广州市生活垃圾的组分、回收再利用率和再处理情况进行分析的基础上,对推动广州市生活垃圾分类体系发展提出了明确环保价值取向,以有机易腐垃圾分类体系发展(尤其是废弃生鲜农产品)为重点,确立有机易腐垃圾分类体系的公益地位,推行有机易腐垃圾分类激励机制的对策。  相似文献   

瑞典生活垃圾减量化措施及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了瑞典生活垃圾分类管理的现状,对瑞典生活垃圾分类管理的法律框架、分类方式、产生及处理情况以及减量化措施做出详尽阐述。结合我国生活垃圾减量化尚需稳步提升的国情,对我国生活垃圾减量化提出建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,国家对于环境保护的力度越来越大,垃圾分类回收的关注程度也逐步提高。《“十三五”全国城镇生活垃圾无害化处理设施建设规划》要求,要建立与生活垃圾分类、回收利用和无害化处理等相衔接的收运体系,积极构建“互联网+资源回收”新模式,打通生活垃圾回收网络与再生资源回收网络通道,实现“两网融合”。高校是推进垃圾分类的重要试验地。以山东财经大学为主要调研地,通过问卷调查和实地调查的方式,了解高校垃圾分类现状,在利用已有的技术设备和资源的基础上探讨并提出针对高校垃圾分类回收的项目。  相似文献   

垃圾分类是所有垃圾处理技术实现"三高化"(高速、高效、高值化)的基础和前提,城乡生活垃圾一体化处理的关键在于破解垃圾"混合"状态和阻遏城乡垃圾"汇合"之势,以及如何充分利用湿垃圾。城乡生活垃圾三元二级分类新体系,即首先将生活垃圾分为三种基本类型:干垃圾、湿垃圾和特种垃圾;然后再分别进行二次或多次单一化精细分类。家庭、社区源头分类对破解生活垃圾进入混合状态的贡献最大;城乡生活垃圾一体化推进三元二级分类新体系有助于阻遏城乡垃圾汇合之势;干垃圾进入废品回收再生资源化系统,拾荒大军功不可没;湿垃圾通过物理破碎、干湿分离、微生物酵化预处理、环境昆虫过腹转化的"封闭式四位一体全物质循环利用技术系统"实现资源化利用;特种垃圾则通过专业化处置。城乡生活垃圾三元二级分类新体系是一个极简垃圾分类体系,是立体化多级分类结构,与国外扁平化一次性分类结构存在显著区别,适应我国现阶段国情。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾的精细分类是高效高值化垃圾处理的基础和前提,城市生活垃圾处理的关键在于阻遏垃圾混合和如何充分利用湿垃圾。城市生活垃圾三元二级分类体系,即首先将垃圾分为3种类型:干垃圾、湿垃圾和特种垃圾;然后再分别进行二次单一化精细分类。源头分类阻遏了垃圾进入混合状态;对有机垃圾则通过物理破碎、微生物混合发酵预处理、环境昆虫过腹转化的"三位一体处理技术系统"实现资源化利用。城市生活垃圾三元二级分类体系是一个简化垃圾分类体系,改变了"可回收"与"不可回收"垃圾难以快捷界定的难题。  相似文献   

由于居民生活水平的提升及收入的增加,废旧织物已由资源转变为垃圾.这一方面造成废旧织物的再生利用价值的浪费,一方面也使得生活垃圾处置成本居高不下.以“上海2011年百万家庭低碳行、垃圾分类我先行”实践为例,对其中废旧织物的回收再利用现状进行梳理,建立博弈模型,运用逆推归纳法对涉及的利益相关方策略选择进行了分析,指出当前影响废旧织物回收再利用的瓶颈,提出分类基础上的垃圾收费制度和再生利用企业与物业保洁员的横向联盟,将有助于推进废旧织物产业化发展.  相似文献   

北京和上海在迈向国际化大都市进程中,随着人口的迅速增长,生活垃圾产生量与日俱增,垃圾减量从源头做起。旧衣物作为可回收、可再利用资源,现有的垃圾分类标准和回收箱的设置,不利于旧衣物的回收和再利用。目前,北京和上海在政府的支持和推动下,设专项开展旧衣物回收试点工作,已取得良好的效果。未来,如何使北京和上海旧衣物回收再利用成为一种常态,仍需政府的支持和全社会的共同参与。  相似文献   

法国使用绿色、黄色、白色3种不同颜色盖子的容器分别回收不可回收物、可回收物和玻璃类垃圾,玻璃类垃圾单独回收是法国垃圾回收的一个特点,因此玻璃类垃圾的回收利用率极高。分类后的垃圾由环卫部门上门回收后再进行二次分选,再分别进行再循环利用和其他处理。法国的垃圾处理以焚烧和填埋为主,并对焚烧灰渣和热能进行再利用,在法国政府和居民的共同努力下,近年来其垃圾产生量逐渐减少,再循环利用率不断上升。  相似文献   

浅析城市生活垃圾分类回收   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市生活垃圾分类回收有别于混合收集,是垃圾收集的一种新趋势.结合我国垃圾的特点,阐明了当前垃圾分类收集的现状,并指出了我国垃圾分类回收的意义;根据当前垃圾收集存在的问题,提出了一些具体化的对策.通过垃圾的分类回收,减少了垃圾的最终处置量,提高垃圾资源化率.  相似文献   

由于我国乡镇经济的迅速发展以及乡镇村民生活水平加速提高,乡镇的垃圾种类及数量趋向于城市。乡镇村民居住较为分散,垃圾分类、收集、循环利用相较于城市困难,因此推进乡镇垃圾分类循环利用迫在眉睫。本文从闽侯县上街镇展开调查,以乡镇垃圾分类、回收循环利用为关键词展开分析,并从上街镇垃圾分类循环利用模式存在的问题进行分析、总结和建议。  相似文献   

通过对荷兰生活垃圾分类管理和经验做法的介绍,分析荷兰居民生活垃圾源头减量的措施,以及对我国开展垃圾分类减量及减量管理工作的启示。  相似文献   

Two different strategies aiming at increasing household source-separation of food waste were assessed through a case-study in a Swedish residential area (a) use of written information, distributed as leaflets amongst households and (b) installation of equipment for source-segregation of waste with the aim of increasing convenience food waste sorting in kitchens. Weightings of separately collected food waste before and after distribution of written information suggest that this resulted in neither a significant increased amount of separately collected food waste, nor an increased source-separation ratio. After installation of sorting equipment in households, both the amount of separately collected food waste as well as the source-separation ratio increased vastly. Long-term monitoring shows that results where longstanding. Results emphasize the importance of convenience and existence of infrastructure necessary for source-segregation of waste as important factors for household waste recycling, but also highlight the need of addressing these aspects where waste is generated, i.e. already inside the household.  相似文献   

Householders’ response to weight-based billing for the collection of household waste was investigated with the aim of providing decision support for waste management policies. Three questions were addressed: How much and what kind of information on weight-based billing is discernible in generic Swedish waste collection statistics? Why do local authorities implement weight-based billing, and how do they perceive the results? and, Which strengths and weaknesses of weight-based billing have been observed on the local level? The study showed that municipalities with pay-by-weight schemes collected 20% less household waste per capita than other municipalities. Surprisingly, no part of this difference could be explained by higher recycling rates. Nevertheless, the majority of waste management professionals were convinced that recycling had increased as a result of the billing system. A number of contradicting strengths and weaknesses of weight-based billing were revealed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to provide policy-makers and waste management planners with information about how recycling programs affect the quantities of specific materials recycled and disposed of. Two questions were addressed: which factors influence household waste generation and pathways? and how reliable are official waste data? Household waste flows were studied in 35 Swedish municipalities, and a wide variation in the amount of waste per capita was observed. When evaluating the effect of different waste collection policies, it was found to be important to identify site-specific factors influencing waste generation. Eleven municipal variables were investigated in an attempt to explain the variation. The amount of household waste per resident was higher in populous municipalities and when net commuting was positive. Property-close collection of dry recyclables led to increased delivery of sorted metal, plastic and paper packaging. No difference was seen in the amount of separated recyclables per capita when weight-based billing for the collection of residual waste was applied, but the amount of residual waste was lower. Sixteen sources of error in official waste statistics were identified and the results of the study emphasize the importance of reliable waste generation and composition data to underpin waste management policies.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors influencing recycling behaviour can lead to better and more effective recycling programs in a community. The goal of this study was to examine factors associated with household waste behaviours in the context of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) among a community sample of Iranians that included data collection at time 1 and at follow-up one year later at time 2. Study participants were sampled from households under the coverage of eight urban health centers in the city of Qazvin. Of 2000 invited households, 1782 agreed to participate in the study. A self-reported questionnaire was used for assessing socio-demographic factors and the TPB constructs (i.e. attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, and intention). Furthermore, questions regarding moral obligation, self-identity, action planning, and past recycling behaviour were asked, creating an extended TPB. At time 2, participants were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire on self-reported recycling behaviours. All TPB constructs had positive and significant correlations with each other. Recycling behaviour at time 1 (past behaviour) significantly related to household waste behaviour at time 2. The extended TPB explained 47% of the variance in household waste behaviour at time 2. Attitude, perceived behavioural control, intention, moral obligation, self-identity, action planning, and past recycling behaviour were significant predictors of household waste behaviour at time 2 in all models. The fact that the expanded TPB constructs significantly predicted household waste behaviours holds great promise for developing effective public campaigns and behaviour-changing interventions in a region where overall rates of household waste reduction behaviours are low. Our results indicate that educational materials which target moral obligation and action planning may be particularly effective.  相似文献   

The large waste generation has become one of the worldwide environmental problems. Circular economy has been seen as a way to tackle its urgent problems of environmental degradation and source scarcity. In recent years, under the concepts of circular economy, waste prevention through “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” (3R) rules have attracted a broad concern in China. China has made some great achievements on waste management, and at the same time is facing many challenges. It is very necessary to share the management experiences and practices with the scholars and managers in other countries. This review covered the current situation and progress of circular economy development from the perspective of the legal regime and project practices, and the recycling practices of typical waste. The typical household wastes, including municipal solid wastes (MSW), e-waste, and end of life vehicles (ELV), were studied as the typical cases. Based on an examination of the statistical results, we also identified the potential problems and challenges for waste prevention through 3R in China. Finally, we provided some effective measures to further improve the waste management and recycling in China.  相似文献   

废玻璃是一种载能节能、低碳环保、可重复利用和再生利用的再生资源,广州市通过补贴政策、两网融合等手段,促进废玻璃回收利用,随着生活垃圾分类纵深推进,为了进一步提高废玻璃回收利用,从废玻璃回收利用现状入手,对比了北京、上海生活垃圾中废弃玻璃的占比情况,针对目前存在问题,提出废玻璃回收利用分析与建议。  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部发布《生活垃圾分类标志》新标准,城市生活垃圾分类工作逐步推进,但是仍然存在尚待完善之处。日本《废弃物处理法》是日本生活垃圾分类治理的立法依据,其成功经验颇值得借鉴。在总结《日本废弃物处理法》的立法概况和分析其城市生活垃圾分类立法特征的基础上,探讨我国城市生活垃圾分类立法现状,从立法目的与原则、城市生活垃圾分类标准、各主体的法律责任及惩罚措施4个维度提出具体优化路径。  相似文献   

伴随着建筑废弃物产生量的迅速增长,建筑废弃物循环利用已成为循环经济发展的重点领域。从完善的法律法规、深度循环利用方式和产业化发展等方面,对国外发达国家废弃物循环利用的经验和做法加以总结和提升,并结合我国实际,提出建立健全我国建筑废弃物法律法规体系、构筑多级循环利用模式和培育废弃物利用产业体系的几点启示,以期为我国相关部门制定建筑废弃物的相关政策制度、提高建筑废弃物的循环再利用水平提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

介绍了我国电子垃圾回收利用存在的问题与现状、国外可供借鉴的经验,以及电子垃圾分类情况,最后提出我国电子垃圾再生利用的产业化发展方向。  相似文献   

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