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介绍了我国火电厂CO2排放特点,阐述了火电厂CO2减排技术、成本及影响因素,分析了CO2减排对中国未来能源和经济的影响。指出最适合CO2捕集技术发展的电厂类型是超超临界燃煤电厂和IGCC电厂,CO2减排技术的研发重点是大幅度降低成本和效率损失。  相似文献   

为了解决油田强化采油所需的CO2来源和减少火电厂烟气中CO2的排放污染,保护环境,胜利油田在其自备发电厂建成了用化学法捕集CO2工业化示范工程,用于油田“低渗透油藏驱油”先导试验。该试验取得成功,使CO2变废为宝,实现了驱油效益与环境效益双赢,为我国碳减排和资源化利用探索了一条有效的途径,对油田和火电厂均有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存技术(CCUS)作为一项新兴的、具有大规模减排CO2潜力的技术,近几年来受到国内外的广泛关注。简要介绍了CCUS的基本原理,阐述了我国及主要发达国家CCUS技术路线,分析了我国发展CCUS的技术原则、技术政策及相关举措,为我国开展CCUS技术研究和工程示范提供参考。  相似文献   

全面介绍了自养微生物固定CO2的研究进展及应用,包括固定CO2的微生物种类、微生物固定CO2的机理、微生物固定CO2技术的发展趋势及在CO2吸收与资源化中的应用.提高微生物的固定CO2能力、简化固定CO2环境要求、拓展微生物固定CO2的应用领域是微生物固定CO2技术及其应用的发展方向.  相似文献   

电催化还原CO2转化为清洁能源或有用的化学品被认为是减排CO2的一种有效方式。金属有机框架(MOFs)材料由于分散的金属中心和可调的化学结构等特点而被广泛应用于电催化领域。综述了MOFs材料用于电催化还原CO2的研究进展,对比了近年来MOFs材料及其衍生物电催化CO2化学转化的效率及产物选择性,并对MOFs材料作为电催化材料的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对重金属含量超标的工业污泥,处理量大,污染物成分复杂,国内常规处理技术难以实现较为环保的资源化处理。针对该项目特点采用国内外较为先进的热解炭化技术,实现工业污泥由污染物转化为可利用资源。这种资源化利用方式,避免了污泥处理过程中的污染物二次转移达到稳定化、无害化、资源化处理的目的。  相似文献   

火电厂CO2减排技术主要包括燃烧前处理、燃烧中减排及燃烧后捕集三类。介绍了IGCC、富氧燃烧、胺吸收法、生物法等CO2捕集与封存技术,分析其存在问题及应用前景。  相似文献   

全面介绍了山东莱芜钢铁集团有限公司按照落实科学发展观、走新型工业化道路的要求,以冶金工业生态学和流程优化理论为指导,以减量化、再利用和资源化为基本原则,以节能、减排、增效为目标,建立和实施循环经济管理体系、技术支撑体系、产业链体系以及信息反馈体系为核心的多维一体循环经济运行体系,以此推动企业发展循环经济,初步实现了钢铁企业"生态化"转型。  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,我国废物资源化科技创新将统筹基础研究、技术突破、设备创制、产品开发、工程示范、基地建设、市场培育等关键环节,带动废物资源化技术创新,加快成果快速转化,形成对新技术、新设备、新产品的直接市场需求,建立有利于形成现实生产力的废物资源化技术创新成果转化模式,打造技术研发—成果转化—市场推广的产业技术创新链,以点带面引领废物资源化产业的健康发展,支撑循环经济大规模发展与示范升级,促进资源可再生与可持续利用,推进节能减排工作,提高资源产出率,支撑经济发展方式转变与生态文明社会建设。  相似文献   

为了解决乳业快速发展带来的环境污染和资源浪费问题,运用循环经济理论,分析探讨乳业循环经济模式,以镇江市长江乳业有限公司为例,建立"奶牛-沼气-种植-奶牛"的良性生态循环经济模式,企业的年运行效益为24.51万元,静态投资回收期为7.7年.研究结果对于实现乳业可持续发展,为相关企业节能减排,提高效益,探索畜禽粪便资源化利用的技术途径,建设乳业循环经济模式提供了参考.  相似文献   

作为主要的温室气体,CO2减排问题引起全球范围的广泛关注。阐述了燃煤烟气中CO2脱除的多种方法,分析比较了CO2的吸收法、吸附法、膜分离法等的特点及各自的优缺点,侧重介绍了有机胺和氨水脱除的技术进展,并介绍了氨水烟气脱碳的部分试验结果。  相似文献   

阐述了我国燃煤电厂CO2排放现状及趋势,将CO2减排技术分为捕集与封存两个部分进行讨论,介绍了目前主要的CO2捕集与封存技术及其研究进展,并分析了各种技术的特点及其在我国电力行业的应用前景。指出电厂位置、CO2捕集方案及封存方式三者之间是相互影响、相互制约的,其中CO2去向是关键因素,处于不同地理位置的电厂需根据具体情况选择相适应的CO2捕集与封存技术的组合。探讨了各种捕集与封存技术的应用前景,建议由国家相关部门或行业支持,建设国家或行业层面的工业化试验中心或试验台。  相似文献   

Trading of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions is an attractive approach to help producers implement cleaner treatment technologies to replace current anaerobic lagoons. Our objectives were to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from implementation of aerobic technology in USA swine farms. Emission reductions were calculated using the approved United Nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC) methodology in conjunction with monitoring information collected during full-scale demonstration of the new treatment system in a 4360-head swine operation in North Carolina (USA). Emission sources for the project and baseline manure management system were methane (CH4) emissions from the decomposition of manure under anaerobic conditions and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions during storage and handling of manure in the manure management system. Emission reductions resulted from the difference between total project and baseline emissions. The project activity included an on-farm wastewater treatment system consisting of liquid-solid separation, treatment of the separated liquid using aerobic biological N removal, chemical disinfection and soluble P removal using lime. The project activity was completed with a centralized facility that used aerobic composting to process the separated solids. Replacement of the lagoon technology with the cleaner aerobic technology reduced GHG emissions 96.9%, from 4972 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq) to 153 tonnes CO2-eq/year. Total net emission reductions by the project activity in the 4360-head finishing operation were 4776.6 tonnes CO2-eq per year or 1.10 tonnes CO2-eq/head per year. The dollar value from implementation of this project in this swine farm was US$19,106/year using current Chicago Climate Exchange trading values of US$4/t CO2. This translates into a direct economic benefit to the producer of US$1.75 per finished pig. Thus, GHG emission reductions and credits can help compensate for the higher installation cost of cleaner aerobic technologies and facilitate producer adoption of environmentally superior technologies to replace current anaerobic lagoons in the USA.  相似文献   

We discuss the current status of waste to power generation (WPG) in Japan and various scenarios involving indirect reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by WPG. The number of WPG facilities domestically as of 2005 was 286. Power generation capacity attained 1,515 MW and power generation 7,050 GWh/year. This amount substitutes energy otherwise acquired from natural resources such as fossil fuels in thermal power plants. If the basic unit of carbon dioxide is 0.555 kg-CO2/kWh, then the corresponding carbon dioxide emission reduction is calculated to be 3.9 million tons, equivalent to 26.7% of the 14.6 million tons emitted by municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI) in 2005. Using various existing technological options, the power generation efficiency could reach more than 20% in MSWI facilities with capacity of 300 tons/day, although present efficiency is only 12.0%. If about 85% of MSW were incinerated in MSWI with power generation efficiency of 20% as a feasible assumption, the total power generation and the corresponding carbon dioxide reduction would be 16,540 GWh/year and 9.18 million tons, respectively, equivalent to 62.7% of the carbon dioxide emitted by MSWI. Also, the ratio of the additional reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by WPG to the total additional reduction (20,000 ktons/year) in Japan during the first commitment period would be 26.3%, suggesting that promotion of WPG in MSWI is an effective option for prevention of global warming.  相似文献   

The emission of waste in an economy, including landfill, is to a large extent determined by its patterns of technology, institutions, and lifestyle. A mathematical model (the waste input–output model) is presented that gives a simple analytical representation of this interdependence. The model was used to evaluate the effects of alternative waste disposal and recycling options on the levels of industrial production, landfill consumption, and the emission of carbon dioxide, and also to analyze the overall dependence on landfill of individual industries. It was found that a systematic combination of the options could be effective in reducing the overall landfill consumption and carbon dioxide emission. Received: November 4, 2000 / Accepted: August 2, 2001  相似文献   

提出高温分解及烟气净化处理废弃电子垃圾的技术。通过喷水系统调节分解炉内气氛,控制有机物分解速度,使有机物裂解成二氧化碳和水蒸气,有害成份经净化系统再次处理后达到环保排放标准。金属部分可进一步进行提炼回收,实现有机物和金属的绿色分离。  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) under anaerobic conditions with various terminal electron acceptors was examined. Nitrate-reducing consortia were established using activated sludge, and PHAs were shown to be biodegradable under these conditions. A positive correlation between carbon dioxide production and nitrate reduction was demonstrated. Nitrous oxide accumulated as the main N-containing product of nitrate reduction. The amount of PHAs in activated sludge cultures decreased approximately 20% within 40 days of incubation. Attempts were made to establish iron- and sulfate-reducing consortia from spring water, yet it could not be demonstrated that the mixed cultures were capable of degrading PHAs. Pure cultures of iron- and sulfate-reducing bacteria could not utilize PHAs as sole carbon sources. Methanogenic environments sampled included pond sediment and rumen fluid. PHAs were fermented to methane and carbon dioxide after 10 weeks by a sediment consortium, with 43 to 57% of the substrate carbon transformed to methane. Although it could not be demonstrated that PHAs were biodegraded by a rumen fluid consortium, a facultative anaerobic bacterium, identified as aStaphylococcus sp., that could grow on PHAs was isolated from rumen fluid.  相似文献   

四溴双酚A降解技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李瑛  肖阳  李筱琴 《化工环保》2014,34(4):326-331
综述了微生物、物理和化学降解技术等几种主要的四溴双酚A(TBBPA)降解技术的研究进展。阐述了各种降解技术的机理和优缺点。指出今后重点的研究方向是:根据不同的反应机理和生长特性分离出微生物降解TBBPA的优势菌种,探索将TBBPA彻底碳化的工艺条件;优化高级氧化法降解TBBPA的反应条件,使之更适于工程应用;将还原法与微生物降解技术或高级氧化法相结合,先将TBBPA快速还原成双酚A,再进一步彻底碳化成CO2和H2O。  相似文献   

超临界二氧化碳在环境保护中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
超临界CO2具有气体的低粘度、高扩散系数和液体的高密度特性,且具有化学惰性,无毒、无腐蚀性,临界状态容易实现,是一种性能优良的环境友好溶剂。文章概述了超临界CO2在去除环境污染物、取代传统工艺助剂或溶剂以减少有机物和废水排放以及分析测试等方面的应用。  相似文献   

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