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SGA对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据EPA1311、HJ/T299—2007、HJ/T300—2007和HJ557—2009等国内外不同标准,研究了深圳某垃圾焚烧发电厂垃圾焚烧飞灰的浸出毒性,探讨了六硫代胍基甲酸(sixthioguanidineacid,SGA)、二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸盐(sodiumdimethyldithiocarbamate,SDD)和Ca(OH)2浓度对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固定性能的影响。研究结果表明,随着浸提液pH的降低,该厂焚烧飞灰中大部分金属元素的浸出量增大,焚烧飞灰浸出液中的cd、Ni、Ph和zn浓度分别超过国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3—2007)规定值的4.75倍、1.47倍、6.72倍和2.20倍,属于危险废弃物,必须进行稳定化处理。当固化剂SGA加入量为0.1mol/kg时,稳定化后的重金属浸出浓度已经低于危险废物鉴别标准,且对Cd、Cr、Cu和Pb的固化性能优于SDD和Ca(OH)2;当固化剂SGA、SDD和Ca(OH)2加入量为0.5mol/kg时,稳定化后的焚烧飞灰重金属浸出浓度均低于国家危险废物鉴别标准(GB5085.3-2007)中的规定值。与SDD和Ca(OH):相比,SGA对垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的固化处理更具有优势。  相似文献   

以城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰和矿山酸性废水无害化处理为研究对象,设计了一条城市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰与矿山酸性废水共处置技术路线,利用焚烧飞灰和矿山酸性废水的酸碱性,加入重金属稳定化药剂,经处理可实现矿山酸性废水和垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的有效去除和稳定。矿山酸性废水的p H由2.33升至中性,废水中重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn、Fe和As等浓度均有下降,可满足国家《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)相关标准;垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属Pb、Zn和Cd浸出浓度分别降低了92.1%、73.4%和95.2%,满足危险废物鉴别标准(GB 5085.3-2007)。  相似文献   

用硫铝酸盐水泥对城市垃圾焚烧飞灰(简称飞灰)进行固化实验,研究了飞灰重金属浸出特性,分析了飞灰掺量、浸提剂p H值对重金属浸出特性以及飞灰掺量对不同龄期(3、7、28 d)飞灰固化体抗压强度的影响,并对飞灰及其固化体进行XRD分析。结果表明,在HJ/T 299-2007和HJ/T 300-2007两种不同浸出体系下,飞灰中Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、Cr和Mn等重金属浸出浓度差别较大,建议应根据评价目标合理选择重金属浸出测量方法。其中,飞灰中Pb的浸出浓度超过《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》(GB 5085.3-2007)限值的3.35倍,因此被列为危险废物,应妥善处理。除飞灰掺量小于40%时的固化体Cd符合标准,其余飞灰固化体Pb和Cd的浸出浓度仍超过《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889-2008)限值,故达不到卫生填埋的要求。固化体抗压强度随飞灰掺量增大而降低,重金属浸出浓度与之相反。飞灰掺量为40%时,固化体中重金属浸出浓度随浸提剂p H值降低而增大,但p H值大于5时,未测出重金属浸出。XRD结果表明:飞灰中可溶性盐参与水泥水化反应,重金属Cr以CrO_2-4的形式固化于钙矾石中。  相似文献   

研究了有机磷酸羟基亚乙基二膦酸(HEDP)对生活垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的稳定方法.通过对不同HEDP投加量处理后的飞灰试样作危险废物浸出毒性鉴别试验,分析HEDP最佳使用剂量,并评价了稳定化飞灰的长期稳定性.结果表明,HEDP最适使用剂量为0.03 Ml/g(以商品级HEDP与飞灰的体积质量比计),处理后飞灰与原状飞灰相比,Pb、Zn和Hg的浸出浓度分别降低了98.3%、99.5%和85.0%.HEDP对飞灰中重金属稳定效果排序为:Pb>Zn>Hg>Ni>Cu>Cd>CrHAs.重金属pH相关浸出测试(pH-dependent leaching tests)表明:经0.03mL/g HEDP稳定处理的飞灰,在0.3 mol/L HNO3和0.3 mol/L NaOH的浸取条件下,其重金属浸出浓度均低于国家危险废物鉴别标准,显示具有良好的长期稳定性.  相似文献   

针对垃圾焚烧飞灰广泛存在重金属超标的问题,采用哌嗪螯合剂、二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸盐及水泥对飞灰进行预处理,以降低填埋风险。通过《固体废物浸出毒性方法醋酸缓冲溶液法》(HJ/T300-2007)探讨预处理对飞灰中重金属的固定效果,并采用X射线衍射、扫描电镜和BCR形态提取分析各飞灰的物相组成、微观形貌和重金属形态分布,使用RAC和STI模型对各飞灰进行环境风险评估。结果表明,原灰中重金属Ni、Pb、Cd的浸出毒性超标,重金属含量呈Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd>Cr>Ni顺序分布。预处理作用后,飞灰中重金属Ni、Cd、Pb的浸出毒性满足标准限值,固定率达99%以上,未超标重金属Cr、Zn、Cu的固定率高于96%。同等添加量下,SDD的稳定效果优于TS300,但TS300协同水泥固定重金属的作用优于SDD。稳定化对Cr的处理效果优于固化/稳定化,单一水泥固化对Zn、Pb、Ni的固定作用最佳,但40%的水泥用量及高增容比限制了水泥固化的应用。ANC测试表明,水泥固化的ANC最强。XRD和SEM分结果表明,稳定化形成的新矿物对重金属的固定起重要作用,水泥水化生成的Ca(OH...  相似文献   

以上海市生活垃圾焚烧飞灰为案例,研究了其物化性质及重金属污染特性。结果表明:(1)飞灰孔隙率较高,经化学药剂稳定后飞灰形貌呈致密化,可大大减少重金属浸出;飞灰吸脱附曲线有明显滞回环,属于H2型滞回环,属于典型的多孔物质吸附类型。(2)飞灰重金属的浸出毒性表明,Pb、Cd超出了《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889—2008)中的限值,根据《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》(GB 5085.3—2007),飞灰属于危险废物。(3)在酸性条件下,重金属较易释放到环境中。  相似文献   

重庆市垃圾焚烧飞灰特性及重金属浸出行为的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过激光粒度仪分析了重庆市垃圾焚烧飞灰颗粒粒径的分布特征,并研究了在GB5085.3-2007和USEPA-TCLP浸出条件下及不同pH、浸出液固比和浸出时间等因素下重庆市垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的浸出行为.结果表明,重庆市垃圾焚烧飞灰颗粒平均粒径为36.4μm,飞灰中主要重金属总量约1.04%,Zn、Pb含量较高,具有较...  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰残留有重金属元素和二恶英等物质而被认为是危险废物,必须对之进行稳定化处理.通过试验研究分析了国内首家自主开发成功的广东省东莞市某回转窑垃圾焚烧发电厂垃圾焚烧飞灰的化学成分及矿物组成,研究了飞灰的浸出毒性,考察了水泥固化焚烧飞灰的效果,并与熔融/玻璃固化进行了比较.研究表明,该焚烧飞灰中重金属Cd的浸出毒性严重超标,并且随pH值的减小而增大,水泥固化效果随龄期的增大而更加显著.熔融/玻璃固化的效果优于水泥固化,但其经济性有待提高.  相似文献   

水泥对垃圾焚烧飞灰的固化处理试验研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
对垃圾焚烧飞灰的化学成分、重金属物质的含量及浸出浓度进行测试分析.结果表明,飞灰中Pb和Cr等重金属物质浸出量超过浸出毒性标准,因而被认为是危险废物,必须进行固化处理.还考察了水泥对焚烧飞灰中重金属物质固化的效果,研究表明当飞灰掺量适当时,重金属物质的固化效果良好.重金属物质通过物理固封、替代,沉淀反应和吸附等形式可固化进水泥水化产物结构中.  相似文献   

研究了有机磷酸羟基亚乙基二膦酸(HEDP)对生活垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的稳定方法.通过对不同HEDP投加量处理后的飞灰试样作危险废物浸出毒性鉴别试验,分析HEDP最佳使用剂量,并评价了稳定化飞灰的长期稳定性.结果表明,HEDP最适使用剂量为0.03 Ml/g(以商品级HEDP与飞灰的体积质量比计),处理后飞灰与原状飞灰相比,Pb、Zn和Hg的浸出浓度分别降低了98.3%、99.5%和85.0%.HEDP对飞灰中重金属稳定效果排序为:Pb>Zn>Hg>Ni>Cu>Cd>CrHAs.重金属pH相关浸出测试(pH-dependent leaching tests)表明:经0.03mL/g HEDP稳定处理的飞灰,在0.3 mol/L HNO3和0.3 mol/L NaOH的浸取条件下,其重金属浸出浓度均低于国家危险废物鉴别标准,显示具有良好的长期稳定性.  相似文献   

Both grate and fluidized bed incinerators are widely used for MSW incineration in China. CaO addition for removing hazardous emissions from MSWI flue gas changes the characteristics of fly ash and affects the thermal behavior of heavy metals when the ash is reheated. In the present work, two types of MSWI fly ashes, sampled from both grate and fluidized bed incinerators respectively, were thermal treated at 1023–1323 K and the fate of heavy metals was observed. The results show that both of the fly ashes were rich in Ca and Ca-compounds were the main alkaline matter which strongly affected the leaching behavior of heavy metals. Ca was mostly in the forms of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3 in the fly ash from grate incinerator in which nascent fly ash particles were covered by Ca-compounds. In contrast, the content of Ca was lower in the fly ash from fluidized bed incinerator and Ca was mostly in the form of CaSO4. Chemical reactions among Ca-compounds caused particle agglomeration in thermal treated fly ash from grate incinerator, restraining the heavy metals volatilization. In thermal treated fly ash from fluidized bed incinerator, Ca was converted into aluminosilicates especially at 1323 K which enhanced heavy metals immobilization, decreasing their volatile fractions as well as leaching concentrations. Particle agglomeration hardly affected the leaching behavior of heavy metals. However, it suppressed the leachable-CaCrO4 formation and lowered Cr leaching concentration.  相似文献   

危险废物焚烧飞灰中重金属的稳定化处理   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
以上海市某危险废物焚烧厂飞灰为研究对象,采用Na2S、FeSO4、Na3PO4、和Na3C3N3S34种不同类型化学稳定药剂对飞灰进行了稳定化处理,并应用XRD、IR、SEM和连续化学提取法等仪器和手段对Na3C3N3S3处理焚烧飞灰的产物进行分析研究。研究结果表明,Na3C3N3S3对飞灰中的重金属Cr、Pb、Zn的稳定效果最好,Na3PO4对Cr无明显稳定效果。稳定后产物表面变得致密化,Na3C3N3S3与重金属离子生成的沉淀物干燥后无明显晶型存在。经稳定处理后飞灰中的重金属形态由弱酸提取态转化为可氧化态,减少了飞灰中重金属的浸出毒性。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧飞灰磷酸洗涤对重金属的固定效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重金属的固定是垃圾焚烧飞灰资源化技术的核心问题.通过系统试验,研究了垃圾焚烧飞灰磷酸洗涤对重金属溶出、后续烧结过程中重金属挥发,以及重金属化学形态变迁的影响.试验结果表明,磷酸洗涤在有效洗脱飞灰中氯盐的情况下,能够显著减少洗涤过程中重金属的溶出,抑制烧结过程中重金属的挥发,从而避免了飞灰处理过程的二次污染;同时,磷酸洗涤使飞灰中的重金属在烧结前后均向更为稳定的化学形态转化,烧结产物中重金属主要以残留态存在,从而提高了烧结产物资源化利用的长期环境安全性.  相似文献   

Novel dynamic equipment with gas in and out continuously was developed to study the capture capacity of CO2. Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash has a high capture rate of CO2 in CO2-rich gas. Fly ash can sequester pure CO2 rapidly, and its capacity is 16.3 g CO2/100 g fly ash with no water added and 21.4 g CO2/100 g fly ash with 20% water added. For simulated incineration gas containing 12% CO2, the capture rate decreased and the capacity was 13.2 g CO2/100 g fly ash with no water added and 18.5 g CO2/100 g fly ash with 20% water added. After accelerated carbonation, the C and O contents increased, indicating CO2 capture in the fly ash; CO2 combines with Ca(OH)2 to form CaCO3, which increased the CaCO3 content from 12.5 to 54.3%. The leaching of Pb markedly decreased from 24.48 to 0.111 mg/L.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the synthesis and application of novel nano-size calcium/iron-based composite material as an immobilizing and separation treatment of the heavy metals in fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration. After grinding with nano-Fe/Ca/CaO and with nano-Fe/Ca/CaO/[PO4], approximately 30 wt% and 25 wt% of magnetic fraction fly ash were separated. The highest amount of entrapped heavy metals was found in the lowest weight of the magnetically separated fly ash fraction (i.e., 91% in 25% of treated fly ash). Heavy metals in the magnetic or nonmagnetic fly ash fractions were about 98% and 100% immobilized, respectively. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDS) observations indicate that the main fraction of enclosed/bound materials on treated fly ash includes Ca/PO4-associated crystalline complexes. After nano-Fe/Ca/CaO/[PO4] treatment, the heavy metal concentrations in the fly ash leachate were much lower than the Japan standard regulatory limit for hazardous waste landfills. These results appear to be extremely promising. The addition of a nano-Fe/Ca/CaO/PO4 mixture with simple grinding technique is potentially applicable for the remediation and volume reduction of fly ash contaminated by heavy metals.

Implications: After grinding with nano-Fe/Ca/CaO and nano-Fe/Ca/CaO/[PO4], approximately 30 wt% and 25 wt% of magnetic fraction fly ash were separated. The highest amount of entrapped heavy metals was found in the lowest weight of the magnetically separated fly ash fraction (i.e., 91% in 25% of treated fly ash), whereas heavy metals either in the magnetic or nonmagnetic fly ash fractions were about 98% and 100% immobilized. These results appear to be very promising, and the addition of nano-Fe/Ca/CaO/PO4 mixture with simple grinding technique may be considered potentially applicable for the remediation and volume reduction of contaminated fly ash by heavy metals.  相似文献   

小型垃圾热处理设备可实现就地处置,节约运输成本,目前在中国山区、丘陵地带的村镇得到广泛应用.为了解村镇小型生活垃圾热处理炉底渣的理化特性及其影响因素,对中国云南、贵州、安徽村镇实际运行的小型生活垃圾热处理设备产生的底渣进行取样,分析其热灼减率、物理组成、化学组成、晶相组成、重金属含量和浸出特性,探讨处理工艺、地域及季节...  相似文献   

以深圳市某垃圾焚烧厂飞灰为原料,采用高温管式电阻炉,研究了在0.6L/minN,气氛下,CaCl2在不同添加量、处理温度及处理时间下对飞灰中重金属Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu挥发特性的影响,并对收集到的二次飞灰进行成分及物相分析。结果显示,X射线衍射仪和EDS分析表明,二次飞灰主要是由NaCl、KCl和部分SiCl4组成,zn主要以K2ZnCl4形式挥发,而Pb则主要以氧化物PbO和Pb3SiO5的形式挥发。最终得到CaCl2热处理飞灰的最佳二次气化条件:以0.6L/minN,为载气,添加14wt%的CaCl2,在1100℃高温下处理2.5h。经CaCl2热处理后的剩余飞灰,其浸出毒性达到了《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》要求。  相似文献   

In the vulnerable Arctic environment, the impact of especially hazardous wastes can have severe consequences and the reduction and safe handling of these waste types are therefore an important issue. In this study, two groups of heavy metal containing particulate waste materials, municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly and bottom ashes and mine tailings (i.e., residues from the mineral resource industry) from Greenland were screened in order to determine their suitability as secondary resources in clay-based brick production. Small clay discs, containing 20 or 40% of the different particulate waste materials, were fired and material properties and heavy metal leaching tests were conducted before and after firing. Remediation techniques (washing in distilled water and electrodialytical treatment) applied to the fly ash reduced leaching before firing. The mine tailings and bottom ash brick discs obtained satisfactory densities (1669–2007 kg/m3) and open porosities (27.9–39.9%). In contrast, the fly ash brick discs had low densities (1313–1578 kg/m3) and high open porosities (42.1–51. %). However, leaching tests on crushed brick discs revealed that heavy metals generally became more available after firing for all the investigated materials and that further optimisation is therefore necessary prior to incorporation in bricks.  相似文献   

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