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施工车辆车轮带泥是我国道路扬尘污染控制面临的共性和突出问题。为在国内推广使用洗轮机提供技术依据,通过检测工地出口外道路积尘负荷来估算转轮式洗轮机对车轮带泥的冲洗效率,并以该洗轮机作为车轮带泥检测设备,检测和统计北京市车轮带泥量。结果表明,(1)转轮式洗轮机可以将工地出口外100m道路积尘负荷增量由64.4g/m2降至5.9g/m2,转轮式洗轮机对车轮带泥的冲洗效率大于90%;(2)渣土车和混凝土车车轮带泥量的平均值分别为5.1和2.2kg/车;(3)北京市未来车轮带泥量将超过8.8万t/a,施工车辆全部经过转轮式洗轮机冲洗后,车轮带泥量可削减7.9万t/a。建议在相关法律法规中以强制性条款落实施工车辆车轮带泥机械化冲洗要求。  相似文献   

道路扬尘是大气细颗粒物的来源之一,道路清扫保洁可以降低道路积尘量和道路扬尘排放。收集北京市2015年道路尘土残存量(d≤2 mm)数据,采用道路积尘湿式采样器采集秋季道路积尘量(d≤180μm),分析道路积尘的空间和道路类型分布特征,道路积尘中有机物和无机物含量等,并与瑞典斯德哥尔摩城市道路积尘特征进行比较。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬和年均值道路尘土残存量分别为26.1、15.7、14.9、15.0和17.9 g·m~(-2),4类城市功能区的道路尘土残存量分别为13.8、15.0、24.8和20.6 g·m~(-2);秋季首都功能核心区和城市功能拓展区道路积尘量分别是道路尘土残存量的3.2和2.5倍,是斯德哥尔摩市道路积尘量的5.3和3.9倍;道路积尘量主要来自车辆遗撒、车轮带泥、非铺装路肩风蚀水蚀和大气降尘等无机物,无机物约占道路积尘量的(86.8±5.1)%,最高可达95.8%。建议严格控制渣土车遗撒和车轮带泥等污染源,并加强道路清扫保洁。  相似文献   

道路扬尘是大气细颗粒物的来源之一,道路清扫保洁可以降低道路积尘负荷和道路扬尘排放。干式吸尘方法在检测潮湿路面和未来更加清洁道路的积尘负荷时有局限性,研发了一款基于高压水冲洗回收的道路积尘湿式采样器,并对采样器的供水量稳定性、冲洗水回收率、道路积尘收集率和道路积尘粒径分布重现性等指标进行评价,结果表明:当水桶(20 L)水位为50%和100%时,采样器供水量分别为(604±3)m L和(606±2)m L,稳定且无差异;在3种粗糙度(大理石、水泥混凝土、沥青混凝土)道路的冲洗水回收率都≥95%;道路积尘收集率随尘土残存量增加而增加,收集率为88%~95%;采样器收集到道路积尘(≤180μm)的粒径分布与原始样品具有很好的重现性;湿式和干式吸尘积尘量的线性关系式为y=2.97x+29.58,R~2=0.63。建议采用道路积尘湿式采样器评价城市道路清扫保洁质量。  相似文献   

在以焦炭为填料的生物滴滤塔对挥发性脂肪酸臭气的处理研究中考察了空床停留时间、臭气浓度、体积负荷以及进气温度等参数对净化效果的影响。结果表明,空床停留时间较长时对臭气降解有利。在停留时间超过97 s时,能实现完全降解;此外,净化率随臭气浓度和体积负荷的不断增加呈先增加后降低的趋势。当臭气浓度为24.29 mg/m3即臭气的体积负荷为3 g/(m3·h)时,去除率约为96%;当臭气浓度增至1 345.74 mg/m3即体积负荷增至18 g/(m3·h),去除率达100%;然而,当臭气浓度增至4 934.38 mg/m3即体积负荷增至66 g/(m3·h)时,去除率降至73.1%。另外,进气温度对净化率也有一定程度影响。当进气温度较低时,净化效率相对较高。  相似文献   

采用2套启动成功的上向流厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)生物滤柱,通过调节进水NaNO2和(NH42SO4 的浓度负荷及水力负荷,改变进水容积负荷,探讨容积负荷对ANAMMOX生物滤柱脱氮效能的影响及其动力学模型。结果表明,滤速恒定条件下,通过提高进水基质浓度来提高进水TN容积负荷,其容积负荷去除动力学过程符合Monod-Haldane基质抑制模型。进水NH4+-N与NO2--N浓度分别低于100 mg/L和133 mg/L时,反应器脱氮效果不受明显影响,TN容积去除负荷可达4.21 kg/(m3·d),TN去除率可达80%以上。进水基质浓度恒定条件下,通过提高滤速来提高进水TN容积负荷,其容积负荷去除动力学过程符合零级动力学方程。不受基质浓度抑制的条件下,滤速为3.0 m/h、进水容积负荷为8.82 kg/(m3·d)时,反应器总氮容积负荷去除量可达7.15 kg/(m3·d),总氮去除率可达81.1%。  相似文献   

焦化废水深度处理试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娟  刘玉学  范迪 《环境工程学报》2009,3(10):1804-1807
采用BC法+复合过滤技术工艺对焦化废水生化出水进行深度处理试验。结果表明,在SE混凝剂投药量为30 mg/L、BC池停留时间为1.5 h、复合过滤器水力负荷为2.4 m3/(m2·h)的条件下,当深度处理进水水质为COD=196.1 mg/L、色度=120倍、NH3-N=35.1 mg/L时,其去除率分别为74.7%、86.7%和69.7%,出水可达回用水要求。  相似文献   

采用耐酸驯化的厌氧消化污泥处理餐厨垃圾,在酸性条件下(pH=4.5),对实验装置容积负荷从1.0 kg VS/(m3·d)分9次逐级增加到5.0 kg VS/(m3·d)的过程进行了跟踪监测,并较深入地研究了驯化污泥代谢活性和处理效果。实验结果表明,pH 4.5的耐酸厌氧消化污泥,最佳投加负荷约为4.5 kg VS/(m3·d),此负荷下容积产气率,CH4含量平均值均达最大,分别为1.68 m3/(m3·d),75.0%。耐酸厌氧消化装置持续增料运行46 d,产甲烷菌仍能保持较高的活性,其COD去除率范围为40.4%~75.0%,仍能保持pH 7.2时处理效果的65.0%~91.8%,表明在低pH、低碱度下实现稳定的产甲烷过程是可行的。  相似文献   

2种耐寒生态浮床植物的水质改善性能研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
引种了2种陆地湿生的耐寒植物——黄菖蒲和西伯利亚鸢尾作为生态浮床植物,以水生美人蕉为对比,进行了水质改善实验研究。在6个月实验期内,黄菖蒲、西伯利亚鸢尾和美人蕉(5个月)对SRP的平均去除速率分别为79.27、20.92和34.29 mg/(m2?d),对TP的平均去除速率分别为86.92、24.91和36.6 mg/(m2?d),对NH+4-N的平均去除速率分别为517.54、170.57和274.07 mg/(m2?d),对TN的平均去除速率分别为763.79、301.81和384.04 mg/(m2?d)。黄菖蒲年去除磷的量21 207.64 mg/(m2?a),是西伯利亚鸢尾的2.6倍,是美人蕉的3.8倍;年去除氮的量186 365.78 mg/(m2?a),是西伯利亚鸢尾的1.9倍,美人蕉的3.2倍。黄菖蒲和西伯利亚鸢尾耐寒能越冬,生长期长,管理工作量小。  相似文献   

炭纤维载体固定床厌氧发酵启动运行效果实验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以开发高效率、抗冲击性能强的高浓度有机废水沼气发酵技术为目的,用传统的 UASB反应器作为对照,研究了以炭纤维为生物膜载体的固定床厌氧反应器的启动运行效果。反应器进口废水 COD 为 5 000 mg/L, 水力停留时间 (HRT) 由213 h 逐步缩短为35 h,进水有机容积负荷(OLR)由0.56 kg COD/ (m3·d)提到3.45 kg COD/(m3·d)。结果表明,固定床反应器厌氧发酵的效率比对照高,出水 pH 值也比对照稳定;运行到第 50 d 时,固定床厌氧反应器和对照的 COD去除率分别由第 7 d 的36.56%和33.58%上升到87.9%和62.6%;固定床厌氧反应器的容积比产气率最高为1.16 m3/(m3·d),累计产气量为415.59 L,而对照的容积比产气率最高值仅为0.31 m3 /(m3·d),累计产气量为 71.66 L,前者最高容积比产气率和累计产气量分别是后者的3.74倍和5.78倍。固定床厌氧反应器的启动速度、COD 去除率和产甲烷效率显著地高于对照反应器。  相似文献   

改进型升流式固体反应器处理猪粪污新工艺研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对传统升流式固体反应器(USR)进行改进,反应器内设置专用搅拌器,搅拌器间歇开启,在保留USR各项优势的前提下,使料液与厌氧微生物接触更充分,反应温度更均匀,提高产气率,同时还解决了传统USR的“结壳”问题,提高了反应器的传质效率、甲烷产气率和COD去除效果。进料含固量在12.1%时,水利停留时间为17 d,反应器最高容积负荷达到4.9 kg COD/(m3·d),产气速率为2.55 m3/(m3·d),产气率达到0.359 m3/kg干猪粪。  相似文献   

Particulate emissions from construction activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although it has long been recognized that road and building construction activity constitutes an important source of particulate matter (PM) emissions throughout the United States, until recently only limited research has been directed to its characterization. This paper presents the results of PM10 and PM2.5 (particles < or = 10 microm and < or = 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factor development from the onsite testing of component operations at actual construction sites during the period 1998-2001. Much of the testing effort was directed at earthmoving operations with scrapers, because earthmoving is the most important contributor of PM emissions across the construction industry. Other sources tested were truck loading and dumping of crushed rock and mud and dirt carryout from construction site access points onto adjacent public paved roads. Also tested were the effects of watering for control of scraper travel routes and the use of paved and graveled aprons at construction site access points for reducing mud and dirt carryout. The PM10 emissions from earthmoving were found to be up to an order of magnitude greater than predicted by AP-42 emission factors drawn from other industries. As expected, the observed PM2.5:PM10 emission factor ratios reflected the relative importance of the vehicle exhaust and the resuspended dust components of each type of construction activity. An unexpected finding was that PM2.5 emissions from mud and dirt carryout were much less than anticipated. Finally, the control efficiency of watering of scraper travel routes was found to closely follow a bilinear moisture model.  相似文献   


Although it has long been recognized that road and building construction activity constitutes an important source of particulate matter (PM) emissions throughout the United States, until recently only limited research has been directed to its characterization. This paper presents the results of PM10 and PM2.5 (particles ≤10 μm and ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factor development from the onsite testing of component operations at actual construction sites during the period 1998 –2001. Much of the testing effort was directed at earthmoving operations with scrapers, because earthmoving is the most important contributor of PM emissions across the construction industry. Other sources tested were truck loading and dumping of crushed rock and mud and dirt carryout from construction site access points onto adjacent public paved roads. Also tested were the effects of watering for control of scraper travel routes and the use of paved and graveled aprons at construction site access points for reducing mud and dirt carryout. The PM10 emissions from earthmoving were found to be up to an order of magnitude greater than predicted by AP-42 emission factors drawn from other industries. As expected, the observed PM2.5:PM10 emission factor ratios reflected the relative importance of the vehicle exhaust and the resuspended dust components of each type of construction activity. An unexpected finding was that PM2.5 emissions from mud and dirt carryout were much less than anticipated. Finally, the control efficiency of watering of scraper travel routes was found to closely follow a bilinear moisture model.  相似文献   

Although the fugitive dust associated with construction mud/dirt carryout can represent a substantial portion of the particulate matter (PM) emissions inventory in nonattainment areas, it has not been well characterized by direct sampling methods. In this paper, a research program is described that directly determined both PM10 and PM2.5 (particles < or =10 and 2.5 microm in classical aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factors for mud/dirt carryout from a major construction project located in metropolitan Kansas City, MO. The program also assessed the contribution of automotive emissions to the total PM2.5 burden and determined the baseline emissions from the test road. As part of the study, both time-integrated and continuous exposure-profiling methods were used to assess the PM emissions, including particle size and elemental composition. This research resulted in overall PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors of 6 and 0.2 g/vehicle, respectively. Although PM10 is within the range of prior U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance, the PM2.5 emission factor is far lower than previous estimates published by EPA. In addition, based on both the particle size and chemical data obtained in the study, a major portion of the PM2.5 emissions appears to be attributable to automotive exhaust from light-duty, gasoline-powered vehicles and not to the fugitive dust associated with reentrained mud/dirt carryout.  相似文献   


Although the fugitive dust associated with construction mud/dirt carryout can represent a substantial portion of the particulate matter (PM) emissions inventory in non-attainment areas, it has not been well characterized by direct sampling methods. In this paper, a research program is described that directly determined both PM10 and PM2.5 (particles ≤10 and 2.5 μm in classical aerodynamic diameter, respectively) emission factors for mud/dirt carryout from a major construction project located in metropolitan Kansas City, MO. The program also assessed the contribution of automotive emissions to the total PM2.5 burden and determined the baseline emissions from the test road. As part of the study, both time-integrated and continuous exposure-profiling methods were used to assess the PM emissions, including particle size and elemental composition. This research resulted in overall PM10 and PM2.5 emission factors of 6 and 0.2 g/vehicle, respectively. Although PM10 is within the range of prior U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance, the PM2.5 emission factor is far lower than previous estimates published by EPA. In addition, based on both the particle size and chemical data obtained in the study, a major portion of the PM2.5 emissions appears to be attributable to automotive exhaust from light-duty, gasoline-powered vehicles and not to the fugitive dust associated with re-entrained mud/dirt carryout.  相似文献   


Heavy-duty trucks make up only 3% of the on-road vehicle fleet, yet they account for >7% of vehicle miles traveled in the United States. They also contribute a significant proportion of regulated ambient emissions. Heavy vehicles emit emissions at different rates than passenger vehicles. They may also behave differently on‐road, yet may be treated similarly to passenger vehicles in emissions modeling. Input variables to the MOBILE software, such as average vehicle speed, are typically specified the same for heavy trucks as for passenger vehicles. Although not frequently considered in modeling emissions, speed differences between passenger vehicles and heavy trucks may influence emissions, because emission rates are correlated to average speed. Differences were evaluated by collecting average and spot speeds for heavy trucks and passenger vehicles on arterials and spot speeds on freeways in Des Moines, IA, and Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN. Speeds were compared by study site. Space mean speeds for heavy trucks were lower than passenger vehicle speeds for all of the arterials with differences ranging from 0.8 to 19 mph. Spot speeds for heavy trucks were also lower at all of the arterial and freeway locations with differences ranging from 0.8 to 6.1 mph. The impact that differences in on‐road speeds had on emissions was also evaluated using MOBILE version 6.2. Misspecification of average truck speed is the most significant at lower and higher speed ranges.  相似文献   

PM10 and PM2.5 emissions from roadways are currently estimated using the silt loading on the road surface as a surrogate for the emissions potential of road dust. While the United States Environmental Protection Agency prescribes this method in AP-42, there is considerable cost associated with silt loading measurements; it is feasible to sample only a small portion of a roadway network. A new approach for measuring the concentration of suspendable PM10 above road surfaces has been developed to obtain a more spatially representative estimate of a road's potential to emit dust. The Testing Re-entrained Aerosols Kinetic Emissions from Roads (TRAKER) system uses real-time aerosol sensors mounted on a vehicle to measure the concentration of dust suspended from the road while the vehicle is in motion. When coupled with a Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument, TRAKER can be used to efficiently survey the changes in suspendable particles due to varying road conditions over a large spatial domain.In a recent study on paved roads in Las Vegas, the TRAKER system was compared with collocated silt loading measurements. The TRAKER system was also used to survey the relative amounts of suspendable road dust on approximately 300 miles of paved roads. The system provides a unique perspective on road dust sources and their spatial distribution.Results of this study indicated that the difference of the PM10 concentrations measured behind the tire and on the hood is exponentially related to vehicle speed. This was an interesting finding because current AP-42 road dust emissions estimation methods do not include vehicle speed as a factor in the emissions calculations. The experiment also demonstrated that the distribution of suspendable material on roadways is highly variable and that a large number of samples are needed to represent road dust emissions potential on an urban scale for a variety of road and activity conditions.  相似文献   

The white-rot fungi Panus tigrinus, Funalia trogii and Trametes versicolor have been tested in shake flasks for the reduction of olive washing wastewater (OWW) pollutants and production of oxidases on OWW-based media. P. tigrinus was rejected for its scarce performance. F. trogii showed best production of laccase (27 000 U g−1), while T. versicolor appeared a good pollutant degrader reducing colour, COD and phenols by 60, 72 and 87%, respectively. Only T. versicolor grew well in bubble-column bioreactor: its OWW depollution, in continuous process, led to colour, COD and phenols reduction by 65%, 73% and 89%, respectively. Optimal dilution rate was 0.225 d−1 (0.225 m3 of effluent treated daily per m3 of bioreactor). Thus, a small bioreactor (10 m3) could treat daily the amount of OWW produced by a standard olive washing machine (2 m3 d−1). For these reasons, this process could be proposed as a simple, efficient and low-cost OWW treatment.  相似文献   

Recent research interest has been focused on road dust resuspension as one of the major sources of atmospheric particulate matter in an urban environment. Given the dearth of studies on the variability of the PM10 fraction of road deposited sediments, our understanding of the main factors controlling this pollutant is incomplete. In the present study a new sampling methodology was devised and applied to collect PM10 deposited mass from 1 m2 of road pavement. PM10 road dust fraction was sampled directly from active traffic lanes at 23 sampling sites during a campaign in Barcelona (Spain) in June 2007. The aim of the study was to gain more insight into the variability of mass and chemistry of road dust in different urban environments, such as the city centre, ring roads, and locations nearby demolition/construction sites. The city centre showed values of PM10 road dust within a range of 3–23 mg m?2, whereas levels reached 24–80 mg m?2 in locations affected by transport of uncovered heavy trucks. The largest dust loads were measured in the proximity of demolition/construction sites and the harbor entry with values up to 328 mg m?2.The city centre road dust profiles (%) were enriched in OC, EC, Fe, S, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Sb, Sn, Mo, Zr, Hf, Ge, Ba, Pb, Bi, SO42?, NO3?, Cl? and NH4+, but several crustal components such as Ca, Ti, Na, and Mg were also considerably concentrated. Locations affected by construction and demolition activities had high levels of crustal components such as Ca, Li, Sc, Sr, Rb and also As whereas ring roads, characterized by a higher load of uncovered heavy trucks showed an intermediate composition.Levels of PM10 components per area were also evaluated to quantify the resuspendable amount of each element from 1 m2. In the inner city environment mean values of 1363 μg Ca m?2, 816 μg OC m?2, 239 μg EC m?2, 13 μg Cu m?2, 12 μg Zn m?2, 1.9 μg Sb m?2 and 2.0 μg Pb m?2, in PM10 in all cases, were registered.Moreover the deposited PM load at demolition/construction sites acts as a reservoir or trap for traffic-related particles, which gives rise to large amounts of hazardous pollutants, available for resuspension.  相似文献   

A sampling campaign of re-suspended road dust samples from 53 sites that could cover basically the entire Beijing, soil samples from the source regions of dust storm in August 2003, and aerosol samples from three representative sites in Beijing from December 2001 to September 2003, was carried out to investigate the characteristics of re-suspended road dust and its impact on the atmospheric environment. Ca, S, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cd were far higher than its crustal abundances and Ca2+, SO42−, Cl, K+, Na+, NO3 were major ions in re-suspended road dust. Al, Ti, Sc, Co, and Mg in re-suspended road dust were mainly originated from crustal source, while Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb were mainly derived from traffic emissions and coal burning, and Fe, Mn, and Cd were mainly from industrial emissions, coal combustion and oil burning. Ca2+ and SO42− mainly came from construction activities, construction materials and secondary gas-particle conversions, Cl and Na+ were derived from industrial wastewater disposal and chemical industrial emissions, and NO3 and K+ were from vehicle emissions, photochemical reactions of NOX, biomass and vegetable burning. The contribution of mineral aerosol from inside Beijing to the total mineral aerosols was ∼30% in spring of 2002, ∼70% in summer of 2002, ∼80% in autumn of 2003, ∼20% in PM10 and ∼50% in PM2.5, in winter of 2002. The pollution levels of the major pollution species, Ca, S, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Fe, Mn, and Cd in re-suspended road dust reached ∼76%, ∼87%, ∼75%, ∼80%, ∼82%, ∼90%, ∼45%, ∼51%, and ∼94%, respectively. Re-suspended road dust from the traffic and construction activities was one of the major sources of pollution aerosols in Beijing.  相似文献   

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