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废弃油基钻井液热化学破乳-离心分离实验   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
废弃油基钻井液是一种含油量较高的油包水稳定体系,具有回收利用价值。采用热化学破乳-离心分离的方法,考察了破乳剂加量、破乳温度、离心机转速、破乳时间、离心时间和破乳剂浓度对废弃油基钻井液分离的影响。通过实验确定了破乳效果最好的破乳剂为巴斯夫L62,并对热化学破乳-离心分离废弃油基钻井液的影响因素进行了优化实验研究。实验结果表明,在破乳剂加量300 mg/L、离心机转速8 000 r/min、破乳温度80℃、破乳时间3 h、离心时间25 min和破乳剂质量浓度0.25%的条件下,热化学破乳-离心法处理废弃油基钻井液的脱水率达75%、脱油率达72.73%。热化学破乳-离心分离方法回收废弃油基钻井液中的油具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

废弃油基钻井液提取柴油剩余废弃物无害化处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对废弃油基钻井液中柴油回收过程产生的泥渣、废水、废白土和酸碱废渣具有高色度、高pH、高COD和高石油类的特点,通过优化实验得出了一步法无害化处理废弃混合物的最佳固化配方:水泥和粉煤灰加量分别为12.5%,激活剂SG加量1.5%,促凝剂LSL加量1.5%,石灰加量1%。在最佳固化配方下,固化体浸出液的各主要污染指标都符合《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)一级标准,固化成本约100元/m3,与分别处理废渣、废液相比,其处理成本可降低约20%。  相似文献   

为解决页岩气开采过程中产生的油基岩屑的资源化、无害化处理问题,采用逆流萃取+臭氧氧化联合的方法对其进行处理,并分别对逆流萃取、臭氧氧化环节的工艺参数进行了优化。结果表明,在最优条件下,经过处理后的油基岩屑的含油率可由原始的39.42%降低到0.18%,达到了GB 4284-2018中规定的处置要求,处理过程中回收的油分可重新用于配制钻井液。通过对油基岩屑固相的表征,发现其具备臭氧催化氧化催化剂的明显特征,是一种天然的臭氧催化氧化催化剂,并从反应动力学角度对臭氧氧化环节的反应特性进行了定量分析。结果表明,其满足一级反应动力学特征,反应活化能为6.194 kJ·mol~(-1)。以逆流萃取+臭氧氧化为核心的联合工艺为油基岩屑的资源化、无害化处理提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对油气田钻井过程中经多次循环导致基液老化变质而无法使用的废弃油基钻井液,采用响应面法优化废弃油基钻井液萃取实验。以石油醚(60~90℃)作为萃取剂,通过单因素实验确定了编码参数,考察了液料比(萃取剂与废弃油基钻井液加量质量比,g/g)、萃取温度、萃取时间3因素5水平的中心组合设计,建立数学模型并进行验证。结果表明,对于液料比1.5∶1,萃取时间25 min,萃取温度36.5℃的最佳萃取条件,萃取率的预测值为82.97%,实测值为82.18%,相对误差仅有0.95%。  相似文献   

油基钻井液在复杂井、深井的钻井作业中受到越来越多的使用和重视,但相应也产生了大量的废弃含油钻屑,带来了环境污染问题。针对含油钻屑的特点,研制了一种高效除油剂HBS-6,在阴离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂、溶剂和软水剂等组分的协同作用下,利用强化分离设备,实现了钻屑含油的去除与无害化处置,含油钻屑除油率达90%以上。同时,还采用红外光谱、气相色谱和液相色谱等分析手段,研究了除油剂HBS-6的作用机理。HBS-6含有HLB值高且能生物降解的阴离子表面活性剂,以保证除油剂的清洗能力和环保性,同时还采用HLB值低的非离子表面活性剂,以提高对油的乳化和除油能力,为含油钻屑的无害化处理拓展了一条新的技术途径。  相似文献   

在页岩气开采过程中,因油基钻井液具有稳定性强、润滑力强等优势得以广泛应用,但也带来了油基钻屑处理问题。目前油基钻屑处理技术较落后,存在成本高、效果不理想等问题,探索一种高效油基钻屑处理技术非常紧迫。探讨了真空热解的各个条件对油基钻屑真空热解效果的影响,研究了不同热解条件下的热解特性并回收分析了热解油。研究结果表明:1)热解终温是影响油基钻屑热解效果的主要因素,随着热解终温、终温时间及真空度的提高,油基钻屑的热解效果提高;随着升温速度的提高,热解效果降低;2)油基钻屑热解的最优条件为:终温500℃,终温时间60 min,升温速度30℃·min~(-1)和真空度80 k Pa,在此条件处理后残渣含油率0.135%,低于国内外最严格排放标准值(0.3%),因此,真空热解资源化处理油基钻屑是可行的。  相似文献   

探讨废弃线路板中溴化环氧树脂在超临界丙酮中的脱溴降解特性,重点考察了温度、反应时间和有机溶剂添加量对溴化环氧树脂降解特性的影响,确立的最佳实验条件为:温度260℃、保温时间1~2 h、丙酮添加量20~40 mL,系统压强3~6 MPa,此时溴化环氧树脂能够快速降解,脱溴率达到97.94%,降解产物主要为苯酚和异丙基苯酚,含量分别为60.99%和3.12%,降解产物中溴主要以HBr的形式存在于油相中,可以用碱液从油相中萃取脱除。线路板经超临界丙酮处理后,铜箔与玻璃纤维自动分层解离便于后续破碎回收,为废弃线路板的无害化处理和资源回收利用提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

探讨废弃线路板中溴化环氧树脂在超临界丙酮中的脱溴降解特性,重点考察了温度、反应时间和有机溶剂添加量对溴化环氧树脂降解特性的影响,确立的最佳实验条件为:温度260℃、保温时间1~2 h、丙酮添加量20~40 mL,系统压强3~6 MPa,此时溴化环氧树脂能够快速降解,脱溴率达到97.94%,降解产物主要为苯酚和异丙基苯酚,含量分别为60.99%和3.12%,降解产物中溴主要以HBr的形式存在于油相中,可以用碱液从油相中萃取脱除。线路板经超临界丙酮处理后,铜箔与玻璃纤维自动分层解离便于后续破碎回收,为废弃线路板的无害化处理和资源回收利用提供了一条新途径。  相似文献   

废弃荧光灯的回收处理方法及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
废弃荧光灯不加处理或处置不当,会对人类健康产生极大危害.同时其中的有价资源可回收再利用.综述了国内外对废弃荧光灯的回收处理现状,总结了国内外废弃荧光灯的资源回收与处理方法,重点介绍了废弃荧光灯中汞和稀土元素的回收处理研究进展,提出了废弃荧光灯回收处理的相应对策.  相似文献   

废弃泥浆的无害化处理对于油气田开发的可持续发展具有重要意义。针对废弃泥浆的特性,以浸出液重金属含量及COD等为考核指标,通过固化剂配方优选、微生物菌种优选与复配,对废弃泥浆进行了微生物-固化复合处理。结果表明,固化剂加量为20%、复合菌液4.0 m L,处理15 d后,废弃泥浆固化后的含水率为45%以下,浸出液的pH为7.2~9.0,Cu、Cd和Pb等重金属离子含量分别为17、0.28和8.7μg/L以下,COD低于100 mg/L,浸出液成分均符合GB 8978-1996Ⅰ级排放标准。  相似文献   

粪便是多种疾病的传染源。病人、潜伏期病原携带者、慢性病原携带者等,通过粪便排出病原体,使健康者受感染。医院是各类病人集中的地方,医院厕所粪便则是重要的疾病传染源。据有关报导,我国中小城镇排污处理设施不足,污水处理系统严重欠缺。乡、镇基层医院仍以旱厕为主,兼有少数水冲厕。贵州省现有县级及县级以下医院约2000所,一般为旱厕,其粪便均未经无害化处理,成为当地重要的疾病传染源。文章着重介绍以两级厌氧池(Anaerobictank)去除好氧病原菌为主,再由两级氧化池(Oxidationtank)去除厌氧病菌的双A双O法,处理贵阳市传染病院门诊旱厕粪便,使其达到粪便无害化卫生标准(GB7959-87),预防减少疾病传播;同时进行制取生物质能沼气的试验及研究。  相似文献   

随着当前的污泥处置技术的发展,在对污水处理厂污泥处置工艺经济可行性分析的基础上,按照因地制宜原则提出一种适宜于江阴市污水处理厂污泥无害化处置方案。即污泥经改性深度脱水至含水率50%以下,再送热电厂掺煤焚烧处置工艺路线。  相似文献   

电解锰渣无害化处理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电解锰渣是湿法电解金属锰工艺产生的废渣,环境危害性大、治理难度大。为消除锰渣的污染性,实验研究了锰渣浸出液中污染物种类,并分别采用生石灰和氢氧化钠作处理剂,从成本、处理效果方面进行比较,确定处理剂以及最佳运行条件。得出结论:锰渣中主要污染物为锰和氨氮(分别超过相关标准453倍和26倍),选取生石灰做处理剂,处理后的锰渣,浸出液中锰离子和氨氮的减排量分别达到99%和97%以上,水溶性锰离子浓度低于5 mg/L、氨氮浓度低于25 mg/L,均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的排放标准;反应时间30 h以上、避免雨淋、不通风、无日照为最佳反应条件。  相似文献   

城市垃圾焚烧飞灰重金属药剂配伍稳定化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以飞灰中富含的Pb和Zn为目标重金属,对飞灰中重金属药剂配伍稳定化效果了实验研究.选用EDTA、Na2S、NaH2PO4等稳定化药剂和pH值控制,首先将试剂单独投加飞灰中测定重金属浸出浓度,分析各试剂的稳定化效果;然后通过系列试验观察现象,确定试剂最优投加顺序;最后,按照试剂性质制定4个配伍方案,按照最优投加顺序投加试剂,测定分析各个配伍方案的稳定化效果.结果表明:pH值保持在弱碱性(10左右),重金属稳定化效果较好.EDTA二钠、NaH2PO4和Na2S重金属稳定化效果明显,而有机试剂EDTA二钠稳定化效果明显优于NaH2PO4和Na2S;稳定化药剂投加顺序以Na2S、EDTA二钠、NaH2PO4顺序投加处理效果为最佳;配伍方案4处理效果明显优于其他方案,可以实现稳定化药剂配伍相合,提高飞灰中重金属稳定化效果,同时减少有机螯合剂的使用量,从而降低处理成本.  相似文献   

We reported previously that trichodiene, a volatile trichothecene derivative, was produced by a Stachybotrys isolate, also known to produce highly cytotoxic, non-volatile, macrocyclic trichothecenes (satrotoxins). We investigated the relationship between the production of trichodiene and various non-volatile trichothecenes for several molds. Volatile metabolites were concentrated by adsorption on Tenax TA and analyzed by GC/MS, while non-volatile metabolites were separated by HPLC, derivatized and analyzed by GC/MS. Stachybotrys chartarum isolates producing macrocyclic trichothecenes secreted significantly larger amounts of trichodiene and other sesquiterpenes than isolates which only produced simple trichothecenes. The amounts of secreted trichodiene were relatively small in all cases. With the exception of Memnoniella, which excreted small amounts of sesquiterpenes, the other isolates produced varying amounts of sesquiterpenes, including trichodiene, as well as simple tricothecenes, no detectable trichodiene, but large amounts of griseofulvin derivatives. In Stachybotrys there is apparently a correlation between trichodiene and macrocyclic trichothecene production. In the remaining isolates, there was no simple relationship between trichodiene and non-volatile trichothecene synthesis. Trichodiene is produced in larger amounts by Stachybotrys isolates, which also produce satratoxins, but it will be difficult to utilize this metabolite to detect toxic isolates in buildings due to the relatively small amounts excreted.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine radionuclide and trace element concentrations in bottom‐feeding fish (catfish, carp, and suckers) collected from the confluences of some of the major canyons that cross Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) lands with the Rio Grande (RG) and the potential radiological doses from the ingestion of these fish. Samples of muscle and bone (and viscera in some cases) were analyzed for 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs, totU, 238Pu, 239,240Pu, and 241Am and Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Tl. Most radionuclides, with the exception of 90Sr, in the muscle plus bone portions of fish collected from LANL canyons/RG were not significantly (p<0.05) higher from fish collected upstream (San Ildefonso/background) of LANL. Strontium‐90 in fish muscle plus bone tissue significantly (p<0.05) increases in concentration starting from Los Alamos Canyon, the most upstream confluence (fish contained 3.4E‐02 pCi g‐1 [126E‐02 Bq kg‐1]), to Frijoles Canyon, the most downstream confluence (fish contained 14E‐02 pCi g‐1 [518E‐02 Bq kg‐1]). The differences in 90Sr concentrations in fish collected downstream and upstream (background) of LANL, however, were very small. Based on the average concentrations (±2SD) of radionuclides in fish tissue from the four LANL confluences, the committed effective dose equivalent from the ingestion of 46 lb (21 kg) (maximum ingestion rate per person per year) of fish muscle plus bone, after the subtraction of background, was 0.1 ± 0.1 mrem y‐1 (1.0 ± 1.0 μSv y‐1), and was far below the International Commission on Radiological Protection (all pathway) permissible dose limit of 100 mrem y‐1 (1000 μSv y‐1). Of the trace elements that were found above the limits of detection (Ba, Cu, and Hg) in fish muscle collected from the confluences of canyons that cross LANL and the RG, none were in significantly higher (p<0.05) concentrations than in muscle of fish collected from background locations.  相似文献   

Approximately 25, 000-35, 000 dry cleaning facilities currently operate in the U.S. The release of perchloroethylene and other solvents from these establishments represents a major source of soil and groundwater contamination. The manner in which dry cleaning solvents escape from dry cleaning plants is, for all practical purposes, identical for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon solvents and is related to one of the following events: the catastrophic failure of a component of the dry cleaning system, the improper installation, operation or maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment or a combination of all of these causes. Acceptable customs, codes and regulations can also dictate what is authorized for operation of a dry cleaning facility in a particular community, geographic area during a particular time frame. Environmental litigation dealing with the origin of a solvent release from dry cleaners tends to focus on the design and manufacture of dry cleaning industry machines such as washers, washer extractors, tumblers, solvent filters, water separators, stills and spotting boards. A thorough analysis of the daily operations of dry cleaners often reveals that poor maintenance, failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and the actions of the operator are the most likely causes of soil and groundwater pollution. In order to forensically evaluate the most probable origins of a solvent release and to examine issues regarding liability, a thorough understanding of the history of dry cleaning and a detailed analysis of the operation and maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment are necessary. The discovery of solvent plumes in the vicinity of dry cleaning plants may suggest that the solvent source is the dry cleaning plant; however, the presence of these plumes does not necessarily indicate that the dry cleaning equipment was defectively designed or manufactured. A thorough review of the type of equipment used over the life of the dry cleaning plant and verifiable solvent mileage records frequently indicates that operators of the plant have disposed of solvent and contaminated solids into the municipal sewer or on ground surfaces.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes radionuclide concentrations (3H, 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu, 241Am, and totU) in muscle and bone tissue of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) collected from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, New Mexico, lands from 1991 through 1998. Also, the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) and the risk of excess cancer fatalities (RECF) to people who ingest muscle and bone from deer and elk collected from LANL lands were estimated. Most radionuclide concentrations in muscle and bone from individual deer (n = 11) and elk (n = 22) collected from LANL lands were either at less than detectable quantities (where the analytical result was smaller than two counting uncertainties) and/or within upper (95%) level background (BG) concentrations. As a group, most radionuclides in muscle and bone of deer and elk from LANL lands were not significantly higher (p<0.10) than in similar tissues from deer (n = 3) and elk (n = 7) collected from BG locations. Also, elk that had been radio collared and tracked for two years and spent an average time of 50% on LANL lands were not significantly different in most radionuclides from road kill elk that have been collected as part of the environmental surveillance program. Overall, the upper (95%) level net CEDEs (the CEDE plus two sigma for each radioisotope minus background) at the most conservative ingestion rate (50 lbs of muscle and 13 lbs of bone) were as follows: deer muscle = 0.22 mrem y‐1 (2.2 μSv y‐1), deer bone = 3.8 mrem y‐1 (38 μSv y‐1), elk muscle = 0.12 mrem y‐1 (1.2 μSv y‐1), and elk bone = 1.7 mrem y‐1 (17 μSv y‐1). All CEDEs were far below the International Commission on Radiological Protection guideline of 100 mrem y‐1 (1000 μSv y‐1), and the highest muscle plus bone net CEDE corresponded to a RECF of 2E‐06, which is far below the Environmental Protection Agency upper level guideline of 1E‐04.  相似文献   

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