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无机—有机柱撑膨润土的制备及其在水处理中的应用进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
无机-有机柱撑膨润土是一种新型的吸附剂,对水中污染物有很好的吸附去除能力。本文介绍了无机-有机柱撑膨润土的制备及其在水处理中的研究进展。综述了各种柱撑膨润土制备方法、对不同类型的水中污染物的吸附行为及机理。  相似文献   

针对水中微量铅离子和氯乙酸的脱除,考察了成型膨润土及成型钛柱撑膨润土的吸附性能,得出对铅离子的吸附,成型膨润土、成型钛柱撑膨润土与粉末状活性炭性能相当,而对氯乙酸的吸附前两者要比粉末状活性炭低好多。确定了成型膨润土吸附氯乙酸后可用沸水煮沸30 min的方法再生,成型钛柱撑膨润土吸附氯乙酸后,可用500℃焙烧3 h的方法再生,再生的膨润土循环使用3次后性能降低明显。此外,还测得了成型的膨润土及成型的钛柱撑膨润土吸附铅离子和氯乙酸的等温线,计算出其对铅的最大吸附量分别为24.33 mg/g和15.47 mg/g。  相似文献   

针对水中微量铅离子和氯乙酸的脱除,考察了成型膨润土及成型钛柱撑膨润土的吸附性能,得出对铅离子的吸附,成型膨润土、成型钛柱撑膨润土与粉末状活性炭性能相当,而对氯乙酸的吸附前两者要比粉末状活性炭低好多.确定了成型膨润土吸附氯乙酸后可用沸水煮沸30 min的方法再生,成型钛柱撑膨润土吸附氯乙酸后,可用500℃焙烧3 h的方法再生,再生的膨润土循环使用3次后性能降低明显.此外,还测得了成型的膨润土及成型的钛柱撑膨润土吸附铅离子和氯乙酸的等温线,计算出其对铅的最大吸附量分别为24.33 mg/g和15.47 mg/g.  相似文献   

考察了钙基膨润土钠化过程中改性剂的用量,矿浆浓度,改性时间等对改性效果的影响,并测试了不同超声反应时间、陈化时间等条件下制备的钠化膨润土的性能,如:膨胀容,膨润值和阳离子交换容量CEC,然后分别以Al13-Cl和Al13-SO4方式嵌入矿物层间域中制备柱撑膨润土,考察和比较了不同陈化时间下2种柱撑膨润土煅烧前后的微观结构,及其对污水中锌离子的吸附去除效果,结果表明,Al13-Cl改性方法制备的柱撑膨润土对锌离子的吸附性能明显优于Al13-SO4柱撑效果。  相似文献   

利用天然膨润土、羟基铁和羟基铁铝柱撑膨润土进行了吸附有机锡废水中总锡的实验.研究了膨润土投加量、pH、吸附时间和吸附等温线的变化规律.结果表明,达到吸附平衡的时间为1 h;总锡的吸附去除率最佳吸附pH在6.0~9.0;膨润土的投加量大于10 g/L时,总锡吸附去除率可达到最大值;总锡在天然膨润土上的吸附符合Freundlich吸附等温方程,而总锡在柱撑膨润土上的吸附同时符合Freundlich和Langmuir吸附等温方程;柱撑膨润土吸附活性位的数量是决定吸附性能的关键因素.在对总锡的吸附过程中,膨润土吸附容量的大小和吸附作用强弱的顺序为:羟基铁铝柱撑膨润土>羟基铁柱撑膨润土>天然膨润土.  相似文献   

羟基金属柱撑膨润土吸附氟的性能研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
将膨润土进行改性制得4种羟基金属柱撑膨润土,用XRD考察了层间结构,并将它们应用于含氟废水的吸附处理中,研究了各种吸附剂的吸附速率、介质的pH、吸附剂用量、饱和吸附曲线和吸附剂的重复使用性.结果表明,改性得到的羟基金属柱撑膨润土的层间距都明显变大,在实验条件下对氟离子的吸附性能为羟基铁铝复合柱撑膨润土>羟基铁柱撑膨润土>羟基铝柱撑膨润土.该类吸附剂对氟离子还具有较好的重复使用性.  相似文献   

EDTA络合铜在无机柱撑膨润土上的吸附研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用天然膨润土、羟基铁和羟基铁铝柱撑膨润土,进行吸附EDTA络合铜离子(EDTA-Cu)的实验.研究了溶液中EDTA与Cu2 摩尔比、pH值、吸附时间对吸附过程的影响和吸附等温线的变化规律.结果表明,达到吸附平衡的时间为1 h;pH值对天然膨润土的吸附影响甚小,柱撑膨润土的最佳吸附pH在6~8之间;膨润土的分配系数随着溶液中EDTA与Cu2 的摩尔比的增加而减少,当摩尔比>2后,分配系数趋于稳定;柱撑膨润土羟基吸附位的活性是决定吸附性能的关键因素;吸附过程符合Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附模型,吸附容量的大小和吸附作用强弱的顺序为:羟基铁铝膨润土>羟基铁膨润土>天然膨润土.  相似文献   

羟基金属柱撑粘土矿物表面带有大量强反应活性的羟基金属基团,因而对重金属阳离子和和含氧酸根阴离子都具有很好的吸附能力,相关研究特征也有大量研究报道。但实际环境中重金属阳离子和和含氧酸根阴离子往往共存,而它们在柱撑粘土上同时吸附的特征则鲜有研究报道。以铝柱撑膨润土(Al-Bent)为柱撑粘土代表,研究了重金属阳离子Cd2+和含氧酸根阴离子磷酸根(H2PO-4)共存条件下2种污染物在Al-Bent上的吸附特征。研究结果显示,Cd2+和H2PO-4在Al-Bent上具有协同吸附效应,即共存离子可以促进Al-Bent对另一污染物的吸附性能。吸附过程的p H变化特征表明,Cd2+主要通过与铝羟基上的H交换被吸附,H2PO-4则与铝羟基上的羟基交换被吸附;而两者共同吸附时,则可形成AlPO4-Cd三元络合物。XPS研究结果进一步证实了在Al-Bent上生成了三元络合物。因此,羟基金属柱撑粘土作为多功能吸附剂可用于含重金属阳离子和含氧酸根阴离子的复杂废水的处理。  相似文献   

当前,环境污染已成为人类面临的最为严重的问题,对于其中之一的水污染治理受到了世界各国的广泛重视,各种处理方法、环境修复和净化材料应运而生.柱撑粘土作为一种具有优异性能的催化吸附材料,对其在环境保护中的应用开展了广泛的研究.简要介绍了柱撑粘土的制备方法,结合水中不同类型的污染物,如重金属离子、有机污染物和磷酸根离子在柱撑粘土中的吸附行为和机理,综述了其在水污染治理方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

煅烧有机膨润土制备出的多孔黏土异质结构材料(PCH-C)是一种良好的挥发性有机化合物的吸附剂。探讨了PCH-C制备过程中的表面活性剂、柱撑剂及其配比对PCH-C吸附环己酮的影响,并通过BET和X光电子能谱(XPS)等手段探索其影响机制。结果表明:有机膨润土的比表面积仅为73.6m~2/g,微孔孔容为0cm~3/g,中孔孔容为0.014cm~3/g,而PCH-C的比表面积为608.3m~2/g,微孔孔容达到0.392cm~3/g,中孔孔容高达0.804cm~3/g;O摩尔分数从55.13%上升至66.44%,其中C—OR、C=OR和O=C—OR等表面碳官能团含量显著增加;十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)所制备的PCH-C对环己酮的吸附量最大;当表面活性剂与膨润土原土的质量比为1.0∶1.0、柱撑剂与有机膨润土前驱体的质量比为120∶1时,PCH-C对环己酮的吸附最佳,最高吸附量达到129mg/g。  相似文献   

A trend analysis of the sulphate concentration in Europe in the summer half-year was performed. Data from various measuring networks were analysed, but only stations with quality assured sampling methods and a record of more than 10 years were included in the study. 1978 served as the reference year for the trend, because in that year most stations started operation. The relatively dense network in Belgium provided the most valuable data, as evidenced by the fact that two sites at a distance of only 10 km apart correlated better than 95% over a month. The two sites also show a correlation of better than 90% over a season with two other stations at distances of 45 and 95 km. The relative decrease in summer-sulphate at the four stations in Belgium, as analysed by linear regression, was 3.3% per year which corresponds to an absolute decrease of 0.42 μgm−3 per year. In the Netherlands the average yearly decrease in summer-sulphate at two stations was 3.5% (−0.34 μgm−3). In other countries stations were further apart or only a single site wits in use, which limits the representativeness of the data. In northwestern Germany, a region with several monitoring stations, a yearly averaged decrease of 3.0% occurred. The lower absolute decrease (0.25 μgm−3) per year compared to that in the two neighbouring countries reflects the lower summer-time sulphate concentrations. In the remainder of Germany the average decrease was 1.6%. In South-Scandinavia the yearly relative decrease at two sites was 2.6% (0.13 μgm−3 absolute). There was no significant trend in the U.K. Al the Polish station the levels increased, it decreased at the Hungarian and Austrian station and remained constant at the Czechoslovakian site. Reasons for omission of the data from France from the trend analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate copper (Cu) accumulation efficiency in whole-fruiting bodies of 18 edible and non-edible wild growing mushrooms collected from 27 places in the Wielkopolska Voivodeship. Mushrooms were collected each time from the same places to estimate the diversity in Cu accumulation between tested mushroom species within 3 consecutive years of study (2011–2013). The study results revealed various accumulation of Cu in the whole-tested mushroom fruiting bodies. The highest mean accumulation of Cu was observed in Macrolepiota procera (119.4 ± 20.0 mg kg?1 dm), while the lowest was in Suillus luteus and Russula fellea fruiting bodies (16.1 ± 3.0 and 18.8 ± 4.6 mg kg?1 dm, respectively). Significant differences in Cu accumulation between mushroom species collected in 2011 and in the two following years (2012 and 2013) were observed. The results indicated that sporadic consumption of these mushrooms was not related to excessive intake of Cu for the human body (no toxic influence on health).  相似文献   

二(口/恶)(口/英)是世界公认的强致癌物质,对人体健康危害极大.近年来,大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)的研究已成为各国环境化学家研究的热点.本文总结了近年来国际上有关大气中二(口/恶)(口/英)研究的进展情况,以及所取得的主要研究成果,并在此基础上指出了我国目前研究中存在的问题及以后所应开展的工作.  相似文献   

Pesticides in rainfall in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Papers and published reports investigating the presence of pesticides in rainfall in Europe were reviewed. Approximately half of the compounds that were analysed for were detected. For those detected, most concentrations were below about 100 ng/l, but larger concentrations, up to a few thousand nanograms per litre, were detected occasionally at most monitoring sites. The most frequently detected compounds were lindane (gamma-HCH) and its isomer (alpha-HCH), which were detected on 90-100% of sampling occasions at most of the sites where they were monitored. For compounds developed more recently, detection was usually limited to the spraying season. A classification of pesticides according to their deposition pattern is proposed.  相似文献   

Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), a high production volume chemical used in personal care products, enters the environment both via air and sewage treatment plant (STP) recipients. It has been found in fish, and there is concern that it may be a bioaccumulative substance. In this work D5 was analyzed in perch from six Swedish lakes that did not receive STP effluent, and in perch and sediment from six lakes that received STP effluent. In the lakes receiving the STP effluent, the D5 concentrations in sediment varied over three orders of magnitude and were correlated with the number of persons connected to the STP normalized to the surface area of the receiving body. In the lakes not receiving effluent, the D5 levels in perch were all below the LOQ, while D5 was above the LOQ in almost all perch from lakes that received effluent. The D5 concentrations in perch and sediment from the lakes receiving STP effluent were correlated. This shows that STP effluent is a much more important source of D5 to aquatic ecosystems than atmospheric deposition, and that the risk of adverse effects of D5 on aquatic life will be greatest in small recipients receiving large amounts of STP effluent. The bioaccumulation of D5 was compared to that of PCB 180 on the basis of multimedia bioaccumulation factors (mmBAFs), which describe the fraction of the contaminant present in the whole aquatic environment (i.e. water and surface sediment) that is transferred to the fish. In four of the six lakes the mmBAF of D5 was >0.3 of the mmBAF of PCB 180. Given that PCB 180 is a known highly bioaccumulative chemical, this indicates that the bioaccumulation of D5 in perch is considerable.  相似文献   

An assessment of the off-site migration of pesticides from agricultural activity into the environment in the Neuquen River Valley was performed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of pesticides in several compartments of a small agricultural sub-catchment. Soil, surface water, shallow groundwater and drift deposition were analyzed for pesticide residues. Results showed the presence of some pesticide residues in soil, surface water and shallow groundwater compartments. The highest detection frequencies in water (surface and subsurface) were found for azinphos-methyl and chlorpyrifos (>70%). In terms of concentration, the highest levels were observed in shallow groundwater for azinphos methyl (22.5 μg/L) and carbaryl (45.7 μg/L). In the soil, even before the application period had started, accumulation of residues was present. These residues increased during the period studied. Spray drift during pesticide application was found to be a significant pathway for the migration of pesticide residues in surface water, while leaching and preferential flows were the main transport routes contributing to subsurface contamination.  相似文献   


Cotton‐producing areas of the Centrol Sudan, bordered by the Blue and the White Nile, have been subjected to repeated applications of pesticides. This region is irrigated by a series of canals, the Gezira canals, which hold large amounts of fresh water. Lake Nubia at the Sudan‐Egypt border is another important fresh water reservoir and fisheries ground. Fish from both the Gezira and Lake Nubia showed elevated concentrations of pesticides, suggesting that continued pesticides application would endanger the equatic fauna of this region and the proposed fresh water fishery.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a highly toxic environmental contaminant and man-made emissions account for between a quarter and a third of total atmospheric levels. Point discharges, particularly coal-burning power stations, are major sources of atmospheric Hg and can result in marked spatial variation in mercury deposition and subsequent uptake by biota. The aims of this study were to quantify the extent to which major point and diffuse sources of atmospheric Hg emissions affected accumulation of Hg by biota throughout Galicia and Asturias, two of the major regions in northwest Spain. We did this by relating renal Hg concentrations in locally reared cattle (n=284) to the proximity of animals to point and diffuse sources of Hg emissions. Mercury residues in calf kidneys ranged between non-detected and 89.4 g/kg wet weight. Point discharges from coal-fired power plants in Galicia had the most dominant impact on Hg accumulation by calves in Galicia, affecting animals throughout the region and explaining some two-thirds of the variation in renal residues between animals located directly downwind from the plants. The effects of more diffuse emission sources on Hg accumulation in calves were not distinguishable in Galicia but were detected in cattle from neighbouring Asturias. The impact of both point and diffuse sources in elevating environmental levels of bioavailable Hg and subsequent accumulation by cattle extended to approximately 140-200 km downwind from source.  相似文献   

基因芯片可以将大量的DNA信息集成到 1cm2 左右的芯片上 ,对生命信息具有大规模平行处理的能力 ,为环境毒理学研究提供了一个理想的平台。基因芯片可以精确地完成污染物对人类基因表达影响的分析 ,并对污染物进行分类与分级 ,筛选毒物靶标和确定毒性机理。本文描述了基因芯片技术、毒理学应用研究现状及应用前景。引用文献 2 9篇。  相似文献   

Mercury in fish in Swedish lakes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this work has been to try to obtain a picture of the past, present and future mercury situation in fish in Swedish lakes, to make an estimate of the number of lakes threatened by 'blacklisting', and to see if the data can be used to reveal anything about the impact of liming on the Hg content in pike. The register contains a broad set of data from 1456 lakes. The main results are as follows. Trend analyses indicate that the Hg content in 1-kg pike seems to increase with time. This is interesting since there has been a significant decrease in mercury emissions from Swedish industries during the last two decades. High Hg contents in 1-kg pike appear in a very characteristic pattern, linked to specific sources of Hg emission. The data indicate that old Swedish 'sins' are still causing a lot of problems. The factors governing the leakage of Hg from soils to water ought to be a very important topic for further studies. The Hg content in pike shows the highest correlation with the following parameters: Hg in surficial sediments, pH, distance from point source and water hardness, lake water alkalinity and conductivity, water retention time, size of drainage area and lake surface. A formula which provides the best possible degree of explanation (r2 = 0.78) has been derived. At present there are about 250 lakes 'blacklisted' in Sweden due to high Hg content in fish. Our data show that there are at least 9400 lakes that ought to be 'blacklisted' today. A successful liming operation will alter the chemical conditions in lakes and also decrease the Hg content in fish.  相似文献   

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