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农业管理实践对除草剂环境行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
除草剂的土壤环境行为与受人为控制的农业管理实践有密切的关系。本文通过文献调在开综合分析了农田灌溉、耕作制度、施肥、作物秸秆还田和除草剂施用量等农业管理实践对除草剂土壤环境行为的影响,并据此提出了减轻除草剂污染地下水的若干思路。  相似文献   

除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
除草剂在土壤上的吸附和解吸行为是支配该除草剂在环境中的生物有效性和持久性的重要因素之一 ,同时对于预测除草剂在土壤和潜层水中的运动也是有重要作用。本文从吸附机理、实验技术、动力学、影响因素、常数的计算方法等方面阐述了除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为及其环境学意义。  相似文献   

除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
除草剂在土壤上的吸附和解吸行为是支配该除草剂在环境中的生物有效性和持久性的重要因素之一,同时对于预测除草剂在土壤和潜层水中的运动也是有重要作用。本文从吸附机理、实验技术、动力学、影响因素、常数的计算方法等方面阐述了除草剂在土壤中的吸附行为及其环境学意义。  相似文献   

土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系是识别土壤环境污染、指导土壤环境管理及开发利用的有效工具。在土壤环境质量评价方法和国内外标准分析的基础上,提出了建立土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系的基本框架;结合"压力-状态-响应"模型(PSR模型),考虑不同工业区特征污染物,建立了包含通用指标和备选指标的土壤环境质量综合评价指标体系。以此评价指标体系为导向,为指导不同类型工业集聚区科学发展提出了工业区周边土壤环境质量分区管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

土壤中咪唑啉酮类除草剂的分析及归趋研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
咪唑啉酮类除草剂具有较长的残留活性,研究其在土壤中的环境行为具有重要的意义.介绍了咪唑啉酮类除草剂的特性,评述了咪唑啉酮类除草剂在土壤中的前处理方法和分析方法以及该类除草剂在土壤中的吸附、降解和迁移特性,并针对目前的状况和存在的问题提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

第 1期城市污水处理及污染防治技术政策 (1)………………………………………………………农业管理实践对除草剂环境行为的影响叶常明 (3)…………………………………………室内环境污染研究进展袁中山 张金昌 吴迪镛 王树东 (9)……………………………农药残留速测技术研究进展王 军 朱鲁生 林爱军 李文海 (17)……………………热排放对湘江大型底栖无脊椎动物的影响胡德良 杨华南 (2 5 )…………………………游泳池循环水抑藻方法研究铁 力 (2 8)……………………………………………………两性高分子絮凝剂对造纸混合污泥的絮凝脱…  相似文献   

农户是农业面源污染排放的主体,农户对农业面源污染认知与其环境友好型生产行为对农业面源污染防治具有重要影响。对江西省袁河流域263个农户进行问卷调查,考察了农户对农业面源污染的认知和及其施肥行为,采用双变量Probit模型对农户的农业面源污染认知与环境友好型生产行为的差异性进行检验。结果表明,农户对农业面源污染的认知程度较低,大部分农户在农业生产中并未考虑化肥施用行为对环境的影响。农户受教育程度、从事农业生产年限、农业收入在家庭收入中的比例等因素解释了农业面源污染认知与环境友好型生产行为的差异性。加强农业环境保护宣传和农业技术培训、促进土地的规模经营、实现规模化集约化管理,是加快环境友好型农业发展,从源头控制农业面源污染的重要举措。  相似文献   

中国一些城市正大力推动低效工业用地减量化复垦工作,部分地块复垦后实施农业利用,但针对工业用地复垦的相关环境监管体系尚未建立,存在一定农产品质量安全风险。为给国内低效工业用地复垦土地的污染风险管控工作提供有益借鉴,分析总结了北美地区废弃工业场地复垦土地土壤环境质量等级划分标准、复垦风险分级管控流程与方法,以及暴露途径安全阻控措施、低成本生态修复措施、选种低累积型农产品等最佳管理实践。结合中国低效工业用地减量化工作实际情况,提出制定本地化复垦土地土壤环境质量分级标准,研发轻、中度污染土壤生态修复技术,研究构建复垦土地全生命周期风险管控体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

本世纪以来,化学除草剂在英美日等资本主义国家中得到迅速发展。到七十年代初,美英等资本主义国家除草剂的生产量已经赶上和超过了其它农药,并且在今后一段时期内,在农药领域中,除草剂仍将以最快的速度发展。 可以预期,随着农业现代化的逐步实现,我国的化学除草剂也将会迅速发展。 自从“寂静的春天”(Silent Spning)一书于1962年发表以来,由于农药在环境中的归宿问题受到人们的高度重视,研究农药在环境中迁移、转化和降解的文献资料大量涌现。本文试图对有关除草剂的研究情况做一简单介绍。相信对其它农药的研究也会有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

随着农业现代化的实现,除草剂在我国将会得到普遍应用。本文仅就除草剂的降解、代谢、毒性、污染的现状与展望综述如下。一、在土壤中的残留动态除草剂使用后,一部分挥敞、蒸发到大气中,一部分被阳光照射发生光化学分解,而大部分被土壤粒子所吸附,呈水溶液、悬浊液或气态而扩散于土壤中。在此过程中,一部分被农作物、杂草根系吸收,一部分被溶脱到地下,而大部分残留干耕作层土壤中,逐渐分解而消失。 1、蒸发一般除草剂从土壤表面的蒸发量很少,但对于易于挥发或者土壤中难以分解的药剂,蒸发就成为消失的主要原因。例如,氯苯胺灵(CIPC)在高温条件下迅速失去活性,其原因在于其易挥发性;敌草腈(DBN)在室内试验半衰期平均为6个月,但在田  相似文献   

Atrazine and metolachlor are extensively used in Ontario, Canada for control of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in corn. Conservation tillage may alter the physical and biological environment of soil affecting herbicide dissipation. The rate of dissipation of these two herbicides in soil from conventional, ridge and no-tillage culture was followed. Herbicide dissipation was best described by first order reaction kinetics. Half life, the time for herbicide residues to dissipate to half their initial concentration, was unaffected by tillage. Half life for atrazine and metolachlor was similar and ranged from 31 to 66 d. The rate of dissipation decreased in dry years when soil moisture content was low. In a dry year, herbicide residues during the growing season were significantly greater on ridge tops than in the other tillage treatments. However, after harvest no differences in herbicide residues were detected among tillage treatments. Residues of atrazine (6 to 9% of applied) and metolachlor (4 to 6%) were detected in soil before planting a year after application. De-ethyl atrazine, the primary degradation product of atrazine, increased in concentration during the growing season with the greatest concentrations measured at harvest and in years when atrazine dissipated fastest. De-ethyl atrazine one year after application accounted for about 12% of the remaining triazine residue. These herbicide residues would not be phytotoxic to subsequent crops but are a potential source for leaching to ground and surface waters.  相似文献   

关中清灌区农田生态系统污染现状研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对陕西关中地区清灌区土壤、粮食、地下水及农田退水中的重金属、含氮化合物等污染物进行了分析研究,结果表明:灌区土壤重金属含量在陕西土壤背景值范围内,主要粮食作物尚未受到污染(除F外),但地下水已受到重金属、含氮化合物的污染。同时,灌区农田退水中三氮含量较高,直接排放渭河水体后,影响了渭河水质。另外还发现灌溉能减低土壤F污染。  相似文献   

Around 76% of the world's population lives in developing countries where more fertilizer-N is currently applied than in developed countries. Fertilizers are applied preferentially in regions where irrigation is available, and soil and climatic conditions are favorable for the growth of crop plants. Due to low N application rates during the last 3 or 4 decades, negative N balances in the soil are a characteristic feature of the crop production systems in developing countries. In the future, with increasing fertilizer-N application rates, the possibility of nitrate pollution of groundwater in developing countries will be strongly linked with fertilizer-N use efficiency. A limited number of investigations from developing countries suggest that, in irrigated soils of Asia or in humid tropics of Africa, the potential exists for nitrate pollution of groundwater, especially if fertilizer-N is inefficiently managed. In a large number of developing countries in West and Central Asia and North Africa, the small amount of fertilizer applied to soils (mostly Aridisols) that remain dry almost all the year, do not constitute a major threat for nitrate pollution of groundwater, except possibly when soils are irrigated. In Asia and the Pacific regions, where 70% of the fertilizers are used to grow wetland rice on soils with low percolation rates, leaching of nitrates is minimal. Climatic water balance and soil moisture conditions do not favor leaching of nitrates from the small amount of fertilizer-N applied to Oxisols and Ultisols in Latin America. In developing countries located in the humid tropics, attempts have not been made to correlate fertilizer-N use with nitrate level in groundwater; however, fertilizers are being increasingly used. Besides high rainfall, irrigation is becoming increasingly available to farmers in the humid tropics and substantial leaching of N may also increase.  相似文献   

The introduction of glyphosate-tolerant (GT) crops is expected to mitigate the environmental contamination by herbicides because glyphosate is less persistent and toxic than the herbicides used on non-GT crops. Here, we compared the environmental balances of herbicide applications for both crop types in three French field trials. The dynamic of herbicides and their metabolites in soil, groundwater and air was simulated with PRZM model and compared to field measurements. The associated impacts were aggregated with toxicity potentials calculated with the fate and exposure model USES for several environmental endpoints. The impacts of GT systems were lower than those of non-GT systems, but the accumulation in soils of one glyphosate metabolite (aminomethylphosphonic acid) questions the sustainability of GT systems. The magnitude of the impacts depends on the rates and frequency of glyphosate application being highest for GT maize monoculture and lowest for combination of GT oilseed rape and non-GT sugarbeet crops.  相似文献   

填闲作物防治菜田土壤硝酸盐污染的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了通过调整蔬菜生产的轮作结构 ,运用生物修复的原理 ,引入适宜的深根系填闲作物对深层土壤硝酸盐吸收利用 ,以避免硝酸盐进一步淋失 ,提高氮素的利用率的可行性。填闲作物应选择生长迅速、生物量大、氮素累积能力强的作物 ,在考虑填闲作物防治硝酸盐淋溶的同时 ,要兼顾其经济利用价值 ,并指出结合深根系的填闲作物进行合理轮作是蔬菜安全生产及可持续发展的途径之一  相似文献   

通过对水文地质条件和天然条件下水质相似的一处非污水灌溉区地下水与一处污水灌溉区地下水水质的对比研究 ,得出污水灌溉区地下水水质变差主要是由化肥和污水灌溉共同引起的 ,且非污灌区地下水水质要好于污灌区的水质。污水灌溉对地下水的影响程度与化肥对地下水的影响基本相同。同时本文也独立地给出了污水灌溉和化肥对地下水水质的影响规律。  相似文献   

Al Nasir F  Batarseh MI 《Chemosphere》2008,72(8):1203-1214
The residues of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated benzenes (CBs) and phenols were investigated for soil, wastewater, groundwater and plants. The uptake concentration of these compounds was comparatively determined using various plant types: Zea mays L., Helianthus annus L., Capsicum annum L., Abelmoschus esculentus L., Solanum melongena L. and Lycopersicon esculentum L. which were grown in a pilot site established at Mutah University wastewater treatment plant, Jordan. Soil, wastewater, groundwater and various plant parts (roots, leaves and fruits) samples were extracted in duplicate, cleaned up by open-column chromatography and analyzed by a multi-residue analytical methods using gas chromatography equipped with either mass selective detector (GC/MS), electron capture detector (GC/ECD), or flame ionization detector (FID). Environmentally relevant concentrations of targeted compounds were detected for wastewater much higher than for groundwater. The overall distribution profiles of PAHs and PCBs appeared similar for groundwater and wastewater indicating common potential pollution sources. The concentrations of PAHs, PCBs and phenols for different soils ranged from 169.34 to 673.20 microg kg(-1), 0.04 to 73.86 microg kg(-1) and 73.83 to 8724.42 microg kg(-1), respectively. However, much lower concentrations were detected for reference soil. CBs were detected in very low concentrations. Furthermore, it was found that different plants have different uptake and translocation behavior. As a consequence, there are some difficulties in evaluating the translocation of PAHs, CBs, PCBs and phenols from soil-roots-plant system. The uptake concentrations of various compounds from soil, in which plants grown, were dependent on plant variety and plant part, and they showed different uptake concentrations. Among the different plant parts, roots were found to be the most contaminated and fruits the least contaminated.  相似文献   

The herbicides chloridazon and metribuzin, identified as groundwater pollutants, were incorporated in lignin-based granules with different sizes to obtain controlled release formulations (CRFs) and reduce water pollution risk. Kinetics release tests in water and soil showed that the release rate of both from CRFs diminished in comparison to technical products. A linear correlation was obtained between the time taken for 50% of the active ingredient to be released (T50) into water and granule size of the CRFs. Besides, a linear correlation was reached between T50 values in water and soil. Mobility experiments carried out in calcareous soil show that the use of lignin-based CRFs reduces the presence of both herbicides in the leachate compared to the technical grade products. The set of experiments developed in this research can be useful to design, prepare and evaluate formulations with CR properties which can reduce the pollution derived from the use of herbicides.  相似文献   

Agricultural management affects the movement of atrazine in soil and leaching to groundwater. The objective of this study was to determine atrazine adsorption in a soil after 20 years of atrazine application under agronomic management practices differing in tillage practice (conventional and zero tillage), residue management (with and without residue retention) and crop rotation (wheat-maize rotation and maize monoculture). Atrazine sorption was determined using batch and column experiments. In the batch experiment, the highest distribution coefficient Kd (1.1 L kg?1) at 0–10 cm soil depth was observed under zero tillage, crop rotation and residue retention (conservation agriculture). The key factor in adsorption was soil organic matter content and type. This was confirmed in the column experiment, in which the highest Kd values were observed in treatments with residue retention, under either zero or conventional tillage (0.81 and 0.68 L kg?1, respectively). Under zero tillage, the fact that there was no soil movement helped to increase the Kd. The increased soil organic matter content with conservation agriculture may be more important than preferential flow due to higher pore connectivity in the same system. The soil's capacity to adsorb 2-hydroxyatrazine (HA), an important atrazine metabolite, was more important than its capacity to adsorb atrazine, and was similar under all four management practices (Kd ranged from 30 to 40 L kg?1). The HA adsorption was attributed to the type and amount of clay in the soil, which is unaffected by agronomic management. Soils under conservation agriculture had higher atrazine retention potential than soils under conventional tillage, the system that predominates in the study area.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of weeds in successive maize and bean crops were evaluated in two soil management systems (conventional and no-tillage), for two maize applications (grain and silage), and in four consecutive growing seasons. Every year, conventional tillage consisted in plowing and harrowing before sowing. In no-tillage, chemical weed desiccation was made with the mixture glyphosate + 2.4-D. To control weeds, the mixture fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen was applied on the bean crop in all the planting seasons, and the herbicides nicosulfuron + atrazine on maize after crop emergence (1998--1999, 1999--2000, 2001--2002) and atrazine + metolachlor before emergence (2000--2001). Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) was the most important species under conventional soil tillage; while in no-tillage the dicotyledonous weed species (Amaranthus deflexus, Bidens pilosa, Euphorbia heterophylla, Galinsoga parviflora Ipomoea grandifolia) were the most relevant. Regardless of the maize use, the C. rotundus population and tuber bank, with prevailingly dormant tubers, was considerably reduced in no-tillage compared with the conventional system.  相似文献   

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