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砷是一种有毒元素,无论是有机砷还是无机砷都具有毒性,特别是三价砷的毒性更大。砷的污染来源于含砷矿石的开采及冶  相似文献   

金矿开采后的尾矿中含有大量的砷,纳米零价铁可以有效稳定尾矿中的砷,但是在尾矿的后期复垦过程中,表层植被分泌的小分子有机酸,会使土壤中稳定的砷重新释放,造成二次污染。以植物根系分泌的常见小分子有机酸中的乙酸作为研究对象,在纳米零价铁(NZVI)去除砷的动力学基础上,利用批实验方法研究乙酸对稳定砷的影响过程。结果表明,纳米铁可以在几分钟内去除尾矿浸出液中的砷,反应符合准二级动力学模型,铁砷质量比约500∶1时,砷去除率可以达到94%以上。NZVI快速去除As(Ⅴ)主要是在NZVI表面的氧化铁上发生吸附、共沉淀作用。有氧条件下的NZVI对As(Ⅴ)去除效果优于无氧条件下的效果,长期有氧腐蚀NZVI对浮选尾矿和生物氧化尾矿的砷去除率比未腐蚀的分别增加了18.03%和15.21%。乙酸盐对长期有氧腐蚀NZVI稳定的浮选尾矿和生物氧化尾矿砷的解吸率比未腐蚀的分别减少了7.56%和20.01%。当乙酸(以三水合乙酸钠计)与纳米铁的质量比达到2.72∶1时,由于乙酸的羧基与砷酸根有相似的电荷类型,可以与砷竞争吸附铁氧化物表面的吸附位点,又可以与三价铁离子形成稳定的配合物,会使稳定的砷重新释放。但当铁砷质量比逐渐增大(大于5 000∶1),较多的吸附位点会有效抑制乙酸盐对砷的释放。  相似文献   

砷污染土壤微生物修复机制及其研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤砷污染是一个全球性问题。越来越多的研究表明,自然界中的微生物在砷的迁移转化过程中发挥了重要作用。微生物修复是目前研究的热点,也是治理砷污染土壤的主要手段之一。综述了土壤中砷污染现状及其赋存形式,重点分析讨论了砷污染土壤的微生物修复机制以及提高微生物修复效率的方法。土壤砷污染修复是一项复杂的系统工程,单一的修复技术很难实现显著的效果。只有建立在以微生物修复为主的基础上,辅之以物理化学、植物及农业生态等措施,才能大大提高微生物修复效率。总结了近年来国内外微生物修复砷污染土壤技术的研究进展,以期为深入研究微生物代谢砷的机制及其在砷污染治理中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

利用静态和动态土柱实验初步研究了好氧砷还原菌Bacillus sp.SXB在砷迁移转化过程中的作用。结果表明,在静态实验中,菌株SXB可以有效还原吸附在针铁矿上的五价砷;在动态土柱实验中,由于原土中砷是以三价砷形式存在,因此,不论是空白对照还是菌株SXB加入处理,出水中砷均为三价砷;当孔隙体积大于100时,铁的溶出开始增加。菌株SXB的加入,轻微地促进了土壤中砷的释放,而对铁的释放并没有明显影响。  相似文献   

孟加拉国是"一带一路"重要节点国家,经济社会快速发展,正从"最不发达国家"进入到"发展中国家"行列。同时,孟加拉国是全世界砷污染最严重的国家之一,其地下水砷污染形成过程与环境地球化学机制、人群砷暴露途径与风险水平、砷中毒机制与控制原理等在全球范围内具有重要研究价值。此外,孟加拉国政府和国际社会为控制饮用水砷污染开展了大量工作,已取得很好的成效。以饮用水砷污染及其健康风险控制为目标,制定科学、合理、有效的砷污染控制策略,对于孟加拉国在全国范围内从根本解决饮用水安全问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

土壤固相吸附砷的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
砷是一种常见的有毒元素,土壤砷污染与修复问题已引起世界范围的广泛关注。土壤原位修复是消除土壤砷污染的有效方法,其中砷在土壤固相上的吸附也是近年来的研究热点。土壤固相广泛存在于土壤中,并具有表面积大和表面电荷等理化性质,它可通过与砷酸根阴离子发生表面配位反应,形成内外层配位体等方式来固定土壤中的砷,以降低金属离子的迁移能力和有效性,是一种有效的原位减轻砷污染的方法。文中简单介绍了砷污染的现状、危害和赋存状态,重点介绍了铁铝锰的氧化物和氢氧化物、粘土矿物、有机质等土壤固相对砷的吸附机理及其影响因素,旨在更好地掌握砷的吸附行为。  相似文献   

砷污染土壤柠檬酸萃取修复技术研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
伴随着砷工业的发展,含砷化学品引发的重大环境污染事故时有发生。一般砷污染事件发生后,土壤是其最直接的受害者,有必要寻找一种快速且行之有效的方法对砷污染土壤进行控制修复。针对此问题,通过实验探讨了柠檬酸萃取修复砷污染土壤的效果,研究了柠檬酸浓度、液土比、萃取时间及土壤共存离子对柠檬酸萃取砷的效果的影响,为砷污染土壤的治理提供依据。结果表明,柠檬酸是一种高效的砷萃取剂;随着柠檬酸浓度、液土比、萃取时间的增加,砷的萃取率均有所升高;当柠檬酸摩尔浓度为0.25 mol/L、液土比为20 mL/g、萃取时间为21 h时,柠檬酸对砷的萃取率达到最高值(70.58%);土壤中共存的PO43-、Zn2+、Fe2+,由于其竞争作用,能使柠檬酸对砷的萃取率降低。  相似文献   

砷矿尾砂污染及其治理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
调查了广东省连南瑶族自治县寨岗铁屎坪土法炼砷废墟及其周边砷污染状况.发现渗流水含砷高达43.72 mg/L,渗流水随雨水沿山坡、溪流流入下游,对周边的水体、土壤、农作物等造成严重污染.同时发现全缘凤尾蕨、龙船蕨、野苎麻、白芒草和接骨草是耐砷植物.模拟试验证实在炼砷废墟和高砷尾砂上种植这些植物可减少砷的迁移,且不致引起二次污染.1998年对铁屎坪土法炼砷废墟进行治理,经一年多跟踪观察,周边水体中砷含量从原来的约0.048 mg/L下降到0.001 06 mg/L.结果表明用植被治理尾砂的砷污染是一种价廉、有效的方法.  相似文献   

环境中的砷可以通过食物、水等进入人体。砷能在人体内取代必需元素磷的功能而造成危害。为了研究环境中砷污染对人体健康的影响,了解人体内砷的水平是必要的。以头发作为砷的活体检查材料,具有稳定、容易采样和保存、携带方便等优点。测定头发中的砷含量,在临床和流行病学上都有重要意义,并为砷在环境中的污染程度提供评价指标。  相似文献   

复合污染土壤中砷和镉的原位固定效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用人工模拟的砷和镉复合污染土壤研究了不同修复剂对砷和镉固定能力的差异.结果表明,经MgO、CaO这2种碱性药剂处理后4种不同污染浓度的土样中砷和镉的浸出浓度均有所降低,在一定程度上能使2种污染元素达到共同稳定,但土壤pH会随着两者加入量的增加而升高,因此使用时要仔细考虑两者的用量;Al2O3对土样中的砷和镉也有一定的...  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to find out if bacteria present in ancient gold mine could transform immobilized arsenic into its mobile form and increase its dissemination in the environment. Twenty-two arsenic-hypertolerant cultivable bacterial strains were isolated. No chemolithoautotrophs, which could use arsenite as an electron donor as well as arsenate as an electron acceptor, were identified. Five isolates exhibited hypertolerance to arsenic: up to 500 mM of arsenate. A correlation between the presence of siderophores and high resistance to arsenic was found. The results of this study show that detoxification processes based on arsenate reductase activity might be significant in dissemination of arsenic pollution. It was concluded that the activity of the described heterotrophic bacteria contributes to the mobilization of arsenic in the more toxic As(III) form and a new mechanism of arsenic mobilization from a scorodite was proposed.  相似文献   

Arsenic speciation in marine fish and shellfish from American Samoa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We speciated arsenic compounds in marine fish and shellfish from two islands of the United States Territory of American Samoa in the South Pacific, and found that inorganic arsenic occurred as a minor fraction. The proportion of inorganic arsenic was generally far below the levels of prevailing assumptions typically used in human health risk assessments when only total arsenic is analysed. Fish and shellfish were collected from Tutuila and Ofu between May 2001 and March 2002 (n=383 individual specimens, with 117 composites); sites were selected based on habitat type and were representative of those frequented by local fishers. These islands have moderately developed reef fish fisheries among artisanal fishers, are far removed from any industrial or mining sources of arsenic, and presented an opportunity to study arsenic variations in marine biota from un-impacted environments. Target species were from various trophic levels and are among those frequently harvested for human consumption. We found evidence that arsenic concentrated in some marine species, but did not tend to follow classic trophic patterns for biomagnification or bioaccumulation. For the majority of samples, inorganic arsenic was less than 0.5% of total arsenic, with only a few samples in the range of 1-5%, the latter being mollusks which are recognized to have unusually high arsenic levels in general. This work supports the importance of speciation analysis for arsenic, because of the ubiquitous occurrence of arsenic in the environment, and its variable toxicity depending on chemical form.  相似文献   

The field of arsenic pollution research has grown rapidly in recent years. Arsenic constitutes a broad range of elements from the Earth’s crust and is released into the environment from both anthropogenic and natural sources due to its relative mobility under different redox conditions. The toxicity of arsenic is described in its inorganic form, as inorganic arsenic compounds can leach into different environments. Sampling was carried out in the Bestari Jaya catchment while using a land use map to locate the site, and experiments were conducted via sequential extraction and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy to quantify proportions of arsenic in the sediment samples. The results show that metals in sediments of nonresidual fractions, which are more likely to be likely released into aquatic environments, are more plentiful than the residual sediment fractions. These findings support the mobility of heavy metals and especially arsenic through sediment layers, which can facilitate remediation in environments heavily polluted with heavy metals.  相似文献   

The impacts of arsenic co-contamination on the natural breakdown of 1,1,l1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) in soil are investigated in a study of 12 former cattle dip sites located in northeastern NSW, Australia. This study examines the relationship between the intrinsic breakdown of DDT to 1,1 -dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD) and 1,l-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE), and the impacts of arsenic co-contamination on this breakdown. Between-site analysis demonstrated that arsenic at 2000 mg/kg gave a 50% reduction in the concentration of DDD compared to background arsenic of 5 mg/kg.Within-site analysis also showed the ratio of DDT:DDD increased in soils as arsenic concentrations increased. This within-site trend was also apparent with the DDT:DDE ratio, suggesting inhibition of DDT breakdown by arsenic co-contamination. Microbial activity was inhibited as residues of total DDTs and arsenic increased. Hence arsenic co-contamination and high concentrations of DDT in soil may result in an increased persistence of DDT in the environment studied.  相似文献   

Xu W  Wang H  Wu K  Liu R  Gong W  Qu J 《Water environment research》2012,84(6):521-528
Ferric and manganese binary oxide (FMBO) has been used to remediate an arsenic (As)-polluted river in China, but insufficient data was available to (1) evaluate its effects on the environment and (2) propose a feasible strategy of addressing the arsenic-bearing FMBO. The desorption behavior of arsenic in the presence of four competitive anions (i.e., phosphate, silicate, sulfate, and bicarbonate) at different concentrations was investigated with pH ranging from 3 to 11. The presence of these anions promoted the desorption of arsenic from arsenic-bearing FMBO and followed the sequence of phosphate > silicate > sulfate approximately equal to bicarbonate across a wide pH range. Desorption of arsenate (As[V]) was more significant than that of arsenite (As[III]). Sequence dissolution of arsenic-bearing FMBO particles by NH4-oxalate/oxalic acid and hydrochloric acid were performed. The laboratory results indicated that As(III) was primarily occluded in the crystalline parts of the FMBO. The desorption behavior of arsenic could be described by kinetic models using the Elovich and power function equations under different pH conditions and was related to the adsorption of phosphate and silicate. pH played an important role in the desorption of arsenic, because of its effects on the species distribution of anions, surface charge of the arsenic-bearing FMBO, and subsequent electrostatic forces between anions and FMBO.  相似文献   

Arsenic occurs as a persistent constituent in many of the chemical weapons dumped into the Baltic Sea; it can be used as an indicator of leakage and dispersal of released munitions to the marine environment. Total arsenic was analysed in sediment samples taken from the Lithuanian economic zone in the Baltic Sea, which included samples from the chemical munitions dumpsite in the Gotland Basin and national monitoring stations in the southeastern Baltic Sea. Arsenic concentrations in sediments ranged from 1.1 to 19.0 mg kg(-1), with an average of 3.4 mg kg(-1). Although there was evidence of slightly elevated arsenic content in sediments near the weapons dumpsite, arsenic concentrations were nevertheless quite low relative to other investigations in the Baltic and North Seas.  相似文献   

Wang S  Mulligan CN 《Chemosphere》2009,74(2):274-279
Arsenic and heavy metal mobilization from mine tailings is an issue of concern as it might pose potential groundwater or ecological risks. Increasing attention recently has been focused on the effects of natural organic matter on the mobility behavior of the toxicants in the environment. Column experiments were carried out in this research study to evaluate the feasibility of using humic acid (HA) to mobilize arsenic and heavy metals (i.e., Cu, Pb and Zn) from an oxidized Pb-Zn mine tailings sample collected from Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada. Capillary electrophoresis analyses indicated that arsenate [As(V)] was the only extractable arsenic species in the mine tailings and the addition of HA at pH 11 did not incur the oxidation-reduction or methylation reactions of arsenic. A 0.1% HA solution with an initial pH adjusted to 11 was selected as the flushing solution, while distilled water (initial pH adjusted to 11) was used as the control to account for the mobilization of arsenic and the heavy metals by physical mixing and the effect of pH. It was found that the HA could significantly enhance the mobilization of arsenic and heavy metals simultaneously from the mine tailings. After a 70-pore-volume-flushing, the mobilization of arsenic, copper, lead and zinc reached 97, 35, 838 and 224 mg kg(-1), respectively. The mobilization of arsenic and the heavy metals was found to be positively correlated with the mobilization of Fe in the presence of the HA. Moreover, the mobilization of arsenic was also correlated well with that of the heavy metals. The mobilization of co-existing metals to some extent might enhance arsenic mobilization in the presence of the HA by helping incorporate it into soluble aqueous organic complexes through metal-bridging mechanisms. Use of HA in arsenic and heavy metal remediation may be developed as an environmentally benign and possible effective remedial option to reduce and avoid further contamination.  相似文献   

Acid washing and stabilization of an artificial arsenic-contaminated soil.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
An acid-washing process was studied on a laboratory scale to extract the bulk of arsenic(V) from a highly contaminated Kuroboku soil (Andosol) so as to minimize the risk of arsenic to human health and the environment. The sorption and desorption behavior of arsenic in the soil suggested the possibility of arsenic leaching under acidic conditions. Artificially contaminated Kuroboku soil (2830 mg As/kg soil) was washed with different concentrations of hydrogen fluoride, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrogen chloride, nitric acid, perchloric acid, hydrogen bromide, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, 3:1 hydrogen chloride-nitric acid, or 2:1 nitric acid-perchloric acid. Phosphoric acid proved to be most promising as an extractant, attaining 99.9% arsenic extraction at 9.4% acid concentration in 6 h. Sulfuric acid also attained high percentage extraction. The arsenic extraction by these acids reached equilibrium within 2 h. Elovich-type equation best described most of the kinetic data for dissolution of soil components as well as for extraction of arsenic. Dissolution of the soil components could be minimized by ceasing acid washing in 2 h. The acid-washed soil was further stabilized by the addition of lanthanum, cerium, and iron(III) salts or their oxides or hydroxides which form insoluble complex with arsenic. Both salts and oxides of lanthanum and cerium were effective in immobilizing arsenic in the soil attaining less than 0.01 mg/l As in the leaching test.  相似文献   

It is well known that microorganisms can dissolve different minerals and use them as sources of nutrients and energy. The majority of rock minerals are rich in vital elements (e.g., P, Fe, S, Mg and Mo), but some may also contain toxic metals or metalloids, like arsenic. The toxicity of arsenic is disclosed after the dissolution of the mineral, which raises two important questions: (1) why do microorganisms dissolve arsenic-bearing minerals and release this metal into the environment in a toxic (also for themselves) form, and (2) How do these microorganisms cope with this toxic element? In this review, we summarize current knowledge about arsenic-transforming microbes and their role in biomining processes. Special consideration is given to studies that have increased our understanding of how microbial activities are linked to the biogeochemistry of arsenic, by examining (1) where and in which forms arsenic occurs in the mining environment, (2) microbial activity in the context of arsenic mineral dissolution and the mechanisms of arsenic resistance, (3) the minerals used and technologies applied in the biomining of arsenic, and (4) how microbes can be used to clean up post-mining environments.  相似文献   

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