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烟草下脚料发酵制取乙醇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过单因素实验考察了硫酸浓度、固液比和水解时间对硫酸水解的影响。结果显示最优条件为:硫酸浓度为50%(w/w),固液比为10%(w/v),时间为100 min。烟草下脚料在最佳硫酸水解条件下,经5倍稀释,中和pH值至5~6。取经过滤后的水解液(FH)用酿酒酵母(Sacchharomyces cerevisiae)发酵产生乙醇,最大的乙醇浓度和乙醇产量分别为1.09g/L和54.5 g/kg。未过滤水解液(UFH,包括水解残渣)加入纤维素酶(70 U/100 mL)和酿酒酵母(Sacchharomyces cerevisiae)进行发酵,最大的乙醇浓度和乙醇产量分别为1.23 g/L和61.5 g/kg。  相似文献   

温度对热水解预处理高含固污泥特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以含固率为10%的污泥为对象,研究不同温度和时间条件下热水解过程中有机物转化规律对污泥特性的影响。结果表明:随着热水解时间的延长和温度的升高,污泥中挥发性悬浮固体(VSS)的水解率逐渐升高。在热水解时间为20 min时,温度由150℃升高到180℃,VSS水解率由22.9%增至38.4%,污泥中VSS由46.28 g/L降低到40.63 g/L。水解液组分分析表明,溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)主要组成为蛋白质(50%)、碳水化合物(15%~20%)、可挥发性脂肪酸(15%~20%)。水解液中氮主要以有机氮的形式存在。在热水解条件达到165℃、50 min时,氨氮浓度为1.16 g/L,之后,随着温度的升高和时间的延长,氨氮浓度基本不变。  相似文献   

以实际垃圾渗滤液作为厌氧发酵基质,研究了初始pH为7.0、中温(37℃)条件下的发酵产氢、产甲烷特性。结果表明,利用垃圾渗滤液作为基质发酵产氢或甲烷时,氢气的最大累积产量为24.33mL(以每克COD计,下同),甲烷的最大累积产量为91.59mL,产氢发酵在初期存在明显的迟滞期,但是产甲烷发酵不存在明显迟滞期;产氢发酵的液相末端产物中含有大量的挥发性有机酸和乙醇,乙醇、乙酸、丁酸质量浓度分别为487.23、1 175.21、1 225.78mg/L,相比产氢发酵,产甲烷发酵的液相末端产物中乙醇、乙酸、丁酸质量浓度均较低,分别为256.38、106.73、107.42mg/L;产甲烷发酵的最终pH是6.32,接近中性,而产氢发酵的最终pH为4.21,呈明显酸性;产甲烷发酵对COD的去除率(41.78%)高于产氢发酵对COD的去除率(32.14%),可能是产氢发酵液相末端产物中的乙酸能被产甲烷菌利用,而被进一步降解。  相似文献   

为研究底物浓度对玉米秸秆乙醇发酵过程中乙醇产率和乙醇发酵剩余残渣厌氧发酵产气特性的影响,在中温(37±0.2)℃条件下,利用实验室自制小型厌氧发酵装置,在底物浓度为2%、3%、4%和5%下开展周期为50 d的序批式厌氧发酵实验,探索不同底物浓度下玉米秸秆发酵乙醇产率和乙醇发酵剩余残渣厌氧发酵产气特性。结果表明:底物浓度对玉米秸秆乙醇发酵影响显著,当底物浓度为3%时,玉米秸秆厌氧发酵乙醇产量最大,达到39.04 g;底物浓度过低或过高均不适合后期厌氧发酵产甲烷的进行,当底物浓度为3%时,玉米秸秆乙醇发酵残渣表面纤维结构被破坏最明显,残渣厌氧发酵产甲烷实验最早在3 d出现产气峰值,挥发性固体单位甲烷产量为26.82 mL·g~(-1),并且累积产气量最高,挥发性固体单位累积甲烷产量达到270.01 mL·g~(-1),玉米秸秆乙醇发酵残渣还有较高的产气潜能;通过质量平衡分析得到,底物浓度为3%时,玉米秸秆生物转化过程中TS和VS去除率最高,分别为59.12%和79.07%。该研究可为玉米秸秆乙醇发酵工程提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究谷氨酸发酵废菌体水解液用作培养基氮源的可行性,以蛋白质水解度和溶解度为衡量指标,采用化学、生物、物理以及这几种方法的联合处理,通过正交优化实验,得出了菌体蛋白水解的最佳工艺条件为化学-生物联合处理,在盐酸浓度3 mol·L~(-1)、温度110℃、料液比1:0.5、水解12 h后使用酸性蛋白酶酶解,调节料液pH为4、酶底比2.5%、温度55℃、酶解8 h,水解完成后蛋白质水解度达到47.18%,溶解度达到94.09%。在总氮相等的情况下,将水解液和酵母膏以不同的比例组合,替代正常发酵产γ-聚谷氨酸过程的氮源。结果表明谷氨酸发酵废菌体经过最佳工艺水解后,其水解液可以用作发酵产γ-聚谷氨酸的氮源。  相似文献   

为了回收高浓度发酵废水中的有用资源,以近平滑假丝酵母(C.parapsilosis)、热带假丝酵母(C.tropicalis)、产朊假丝酵母(C.utilis)、汉逊德巴利酵母(D.hansenli)、酿酒酵母(S.cerevisiae)、皮状丝孢酵母(T.cutaneum)、白地霉(G.candidum)和黑曲霉(A.niger)8种常见工业菌种为研究对象,通过摇瓶发酵,考察了不同菌种利用高浓度发酵废水生产单细胞蛋白(SCP)的能力,同时比较废水灭菌和不灭菌两种条件对SCP产量的影响。结果表明,在废水COD浓度69 600 mg·L~(~(-1))、TN浓度4 048 mg·L~(~(-1))、初始pH 6.5、28℃、150 r·min~(-1)、灭菌条件下发酵40 h,C.parapsilosis的菌体生物量和粗蛋白含量最高,可达7.04 g·L~(-1)和1.87 g·L~(-1),对废水中COD和TN的去除率分别为33.5%和20.1%;C.parapsilosis和G.candidum可作为废水生产SCP并高效回收氮素和有机质的优势菌种。在不灭菌条件下,各菌种生产SCP的能力明显高于灭菌条件,且不同菌种产量差异不大,生物量和粗蛋白含量平均高达8.0 g·L~(-1)和4.0 g·L~(-1),废水COD和TN的去除率分别为47%和33%。  相似文献   

污泥水解蛋白液对食用菌生长的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将污泥(食品工厂污泥)经过酸碱水解制备水解蛋白液(肽类和氨基酸复合物,属于微生物蛋白)、并与豆粕(植物蛋白)、屠宰厂动物羽毛(动物蛋白)水解蛋白液、以及常规食用菌氮源麸皮、大米制糖厂米渣作为平菇栽培氮源或营养添加剂,测试对平菇的菌丝生长、产量和生物转化率的影响。结果表明,几种水解蛋白液对平菇的菌丝生长、产量、生物转化率影响明显,污泥水解蛋白液对菌丝的生长效果最好,其余2种水解蛋白液也有促进作用。添加污泥水解蛋白液最高产量可达806 g/袋,添加豆粕水解蛋白液的最高产量为532 g/袋,添加屠宰厂动物羽毛水解蛋白液的产最高量为525 g/袋;对照为480 g/袋(常规棉籽壳)。生物转化率分别为161.2%、106.4%和105.0%,而对照生物转化率为96%;增产率分别为67.92%、10.83%和9.38%。因此,污泥、豆粕、屠宰厂动物羽毛蛋白水解液可提高平菇产量,该研究也为污泥资源化利用建立了基础。  相似文献   

蛋白酶和EDTA-2Na协同作用对剩余污泥水解的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用投加蛋白酶和螯合剂乙二胺四乙酸二钠(EDTA-2Na)联合预处理剩余污泥,研究了蛋白酶浓度、温度和EDTA-2Na浓度对污泥酶法水解释碳效果的影响.结果表明,蛋白酶浓度、温度和EDTA-2Na浓度对剩余污泥水解的影响具有协同效应.在最佳蛋白酶浓度20 mg/g TS条件下,剩余污泥释放的SCOD为1 318.82 mg/L.同时,在最佳螯合剂ED-TA-2Na浓度0.20 g/g TS下,SCOD为9 014 mg/L.在20 mg/g TS的蛋白酶和0.20 g/g TS的EDTA-2Na的联合作用下,SCOD达到12 628.98 mg/L.在20 mg/g TS的蛋白酶、0.2 g/g TS的EDTA-2Na和55℃条件联合作用下,SCOD达到最大值16 878 mg/L,多糖浓度达到最大值2 695.3 mg/L,NH4+-N的浓度达到最大值156.73 mg/L.此外,在不同蛋白酶和EDTA-2Na浓度条件下,剩余污泥水解释放的SCOD符合一级动力学.  相似文献   

通过模拟煅烧试验制取水泥熟料,参照JGJ 55-2000(《普通混凝土配比设计规程》)制取混凝土样品,参考SR003.1和NEN 7375浸出试验,分别研究液固比对粒状及块状混凝土样品中重金属(Cr、Ni和As)释放的影响。结果表明,在不同液固比条件下粒状混凝土中的重金属浸出浓度为Cr>Ni>As,Cr、As浸出浓度基本保持不变,分别为2 500 μg/L左右和5~6 μg/L,Ni在液固比(L∶S)<6时,浸出浓度随着液固比的增加而降低,在L∶S>6时,浸出浓度较稳定,为35.7~41.5 μg/L;浸出量均随着液固比的增加而增大。液固比(L∶S)<10时,块状混凝土中重金属累积释放量及扩散系数均随液固比的增加而增大,当L∶S>10时两者基本保持不变。  相似文献   

采用上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)反应器,研究了反应器在不同的水力停留时间(HRT)和不同进水容积负荷(VLR)下,高浓度有机废水发酵时产酸产乙醇特性。结果表明,在厌氧反应初期,随着反应器水力停留时间的减少和进水容积负荷的增加,反应器内的p H值降低后稳定在3.81~4.55之间,氧化还原电位(ORP)一直处于波动状态。反应器发酵液中主要成分浓度随进水容积负荷的提高而变化,且乙醇的浓度一直很低。当VLR为9 kg COD/(m3·d)时,乙酸浓度最高,且最高值为961.40 mg/L,当VLR为48 kg COD/(m3·d),乙醇平均浓度升高,最大值为142.98 mg/L。在乙醇平均浓度最大时,反应器稳定的平均产氢速率为887 m L/d。反应器运行前后颗粒污表面泥都有杆状微生物存在,但具有产酸特性的污泥表面胞外聚合物含量相对较少。  相似文献   

The microbial production of fumaric acid by Rhizopus arrhizus NRRL 2582 has been evaluated using soybean cake from biodiesel production processes and very high polarity (VHP) sugar from sugarcane mills. Soybean cake was converted into a nutrient-rich hydrolysate via a two-stage bioprocess involving crude enzyme production via solid state fermentations (SSF) of either Aspergillus oryzae or R. arrhizus cultivated on soybean cake followed by enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean cake. The soybean cake hydrolysate produced using crude enzymes derived via SSF of R. arrhizus was supplemented with VHP sugar and evaluated using different initial free amino nitrogen (FAN) concentrations (100, 200, and 400 mg/L) in fed-batch cultures for fumaric acid production. The highest fumaric acid concentration (27.3 g/L) and yield (0.7 g/g of total consumed sugars) were achieved when the initial FAN concentration was 200 mg/L. The combination of VHP sugar with soybean cake hydrolysate derived from crude enzymes produced by SSF of A. oryzae at 200 mg/L initial FAN concentration led to the production of 40 g/L fumaric acid with a yield of 0.86 g/g of total consumed sugars. The utilization of sugarcane molasses led to low fumaric acid production by R. arrhizus, probably due to the presence of various minerals and phenolic compounds. The promising results achieved through the valorization of VHP sugar and soybean cake suggest that a focused study on molasses pretreatment could lead to enhanced fumaric acid production.  相似文献   

Biomass from a prototype reactor was used to investigate the kinetics of chemoheterotrophic reduction of solutions of ferric ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and solutions containing the nitrosyl adduct of ferrous EDTA using ethanol as the primary electron donor and carbon source. A series of batch experiments were conducted using biomass extracted from the scrubber solution treatment and regeneration stage of a prototype iron EDTA-based unit process for the absorption of nitric oxide with subsequent biological treatment. Using a linear-sweep voltammetric method for analysis of the ferric EDTA concentration, iron-reducing bacteria were found to behave according to the Monod kinetic model, at initial concentrations up to 2.16 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) as ethanol per liter, with a half-velocity constant of 0.532 g COD as ethanol/L and a maximum specific utilization rate of 0.127 mol/L of ferric ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid [Fe(III)EDTA]*(g volatile suspended solids [VSS]/L)d(-1). Based on batch analyses, biomass yield and endogenous decay values of iron-reducing bacteria were estimated to be 0.055 g VSS/g COD and 0.017 L/d, respectively. An average of 1.64 times the theoretical (stoichiometric) demand of ethanol was used to complete reduction reactions. Kinetics of the reduction of the nitrosyl adduct of ferrous EDTA are summarized by the following kinetic constants: half-velocity constant (Ks) of 0.39 g COD/L, maximum specific utilization rate (k) of 0.2 mol/L [NO x Fe(II)EDTA(2-)](g VSS/L)d(-1), and inhibition constant (K(I)) of 0.33 g COD/L, as applied to the modified Monod kinetic expression described herein. Based on batch analyses, the biomass yield of nitrosyl-adduct-reducing bacteria was estimated to be 0.259 g VSS/g COD, endogenous decay was experimentally determined to be 0.0569 L/d, and an average of 1.26 times the stoichiometric demand of ethanol was used to complete reduction reactions.  相似文献   

Static bioassays were made in the laboratory to determine lethal concentration of the pyrethroid pesticide fenvalerate [(RS)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl (RS)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrate] for the freshwater catfish Clarias gariepinus and effects of sublethal concentrations of the pesticide on some biochemical parameters of the fish. For exposure periods of 24 to 96 h, LC50 values of fenvalerate ranged from 5.83–4.76 μ g/L and 4.24–2.94 μ g/L, respectively for water and acetone soluble fenvalerate. Two sublethal concentrations of fenvalerate were used in the bioassays for biochemical parameters: 2.1 μ g/L for 24 h and 1.4 μ g/L for 96 h exposure, both concentrations representing 50% of LC50 value of acetone soluble fenvalerate for the respective exposure period. Hepatosomatic index, liver glycogen, alkaline phosphatase of liver and ascorbic acid of blood, liver, and kidney decreased while haemoglobin (Hb) %, plasma glucose levels and acid phosphatase level of liver increased after 24 h exposure to 2.1 μ g/L fenvalerate. Longer exposure (96 h) to even a lower concentration (1.4 μ g/L) of fenvalerate resulted in reduction of all the parameters (except Hb %) tested as compared with control. Fish previously fed for 60 days with a diet supplemented by a high level of ascorbic acid (100 mg/100 g diet) could reverse most of the effects caused by 24 h exposure to 2.1 μ g/L fenvalerate. A lower level of ascorbic acid (50 mg/ 100 g diet) supplement could not influence these effects of fenvalerate. Even the higher dose of ascorbic acid supplementation (100 mg/100 g diet) could not relieve the stress parameters, except for Hb% and HSI, when the pesticide was applied at 1.4 μ g/L for a longer time period (96 h).  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of corn ethanol thin stillage was tested at thermophilic temperature (55 degrees C) with two completely stirred tank reactors. The thin stillage wastestream was organically concentrated with 100 g/L total chemical oxygen demand and 60 g/L volatiles solids and a low pH of approximately 4.0. Steady-state was achieved at 30-, 20-, and 15-day hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and digester failure at a 12-day HRT. Significant reduction of volatile solids was achieved, with a maximum reduction (89.8%) at the 20-day HRT. Methane yield ranged from 0.6 to 0.7 L methane/g volatile solids removed during steady-state operation. Effluent volatile fatty acids below 200 mg/L as acetic acid were achieved at 20- and 30-day HRTs. Ultrasonic pretreatment was used for one digester, although no significant improvement was observed. Ethanol plant natural gas consumption could be reduced 43 to 59% with the methane produced, while saving an estimated $7 to $17 million ($10 million likely) for a facility producing 360 million L ethanol/y.  相似文献   

为了利用廉价材料规模化生产微生物絮凝剂,以味精废水作为廉价培养基质,对酱油曲霉的摇瓶连续培养和发酵罐连续培养进行了研究。摇瓶中以5%的接种量进行连续培养,最适温度在30~33℃之间,每6h替换一次新鲜废水培养基,5次替换新鲜废水培养基后最大絮凝率仍达到97.8%。在发酵罐扩大连续培养中以5%的接种量接种后经过9h预培养达到稳定生产絮凝剂后,以4mL/min的补料流量进行连续培养,生产的絮凝剂产量达到2.392g/L,且最大絮凝率为98.1%。生产36h后对发酵系统中菌体进行稀释,使菌体量保持在50—200g/L之间可持续进行生产。  相似文献   

以TiO2为催化剂、紫外灯为光源对乳酸进行光催化降解实验,考察了乳酸初始浓度、TiO2用量、反应时间、曝气方式等因素对乳酸降解率的影响,并在此基础上应用正交实验对降解条件进行优化,同时对乳酸的降解机理进行了探索研究。实验结果表明:以300 W紫外汞灯为光源,在乳酸初始浓度为0.5 g/L、TiO2量为0.20 g/L、反应时间120 min、持续通入空气鼓泡的条件下,乳酸降解效果最佳,乳酸降解率为99.9%;降解12 h总有机碳去除率达91.2%。乳酸光催化降解的反应途径为:乳酸脱羧生成乙醇,乙醇被氧化生成乙醛,进而氧化为乙酸,所有的中间产物被继续降解,最终矿化为CO2和H2O等小分子物质。  相似文献   

改良型A2/O-MBR工艺的反硝化除磷性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点考察了一种改良型膜生物反应器(A2/O-MBR)的脱氮除磷性能。该工艺主要特点在于对膜池硝化回流液进行了固液分离,并将上清液和浓缩污泥分别回流至缺氧池和厌氧池,这种改进提高了系统对氮、磷的同步去除效率。实验结果表明,在水力停留时间(HRT)为12 h,污泥龄(SRT)为30 d,混合液回流比为200%的运行条件下,进水COD、NH4+-N、TN和TP平均浓度分别为(225±38)、(24.8±3.9)、(26.7±2.9)和(2.90±0.53)mg/L时,增加膜池硝化回流液固液分离装置前后,系统对COD和NH4+-N的去除都维持在较高水平,而系统对TN和TP的去除效果显著提高,出水TN和TP平均浓度分别由(14.9±3.3)mg/L和(1.95±0.72)mg/L下降到(9.4± 1.9)mg/L和(0.91±0.38)mg/L,表明增加膜池硝化回流液固液分离装置显著改善了A2/O-MBR系统的脱氮除磷效果。反硝化除磷活性实验结果进一步表明,改进后系统中反硝化除磷活性占总除磷活性的比例由51.5%上升至61.7%,说明增加膜池硝化回流液固液分离装置强化了系统的反硝化除磷性能。  相似文献   


Microbial metal leaching from sewage sludge (2-9% w/v) was carried out with the iron-oxidizing bacterium Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. Measurements of pH, oxidation-reduction potential, and concentration of Fe2+ indicated that T. ferrooxidans was effective in removing metals from an incubation bath containing less than 5% sludge solids concentration. Specifically, Cu leaching was completely suppressed at a high solids concentration of 9% (w/v). Results indicated that the deactivation of T. ferrooxidans at a high sludge content was mainly due to the presence of inhibiting materials such as organic matter. A mixed culture of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was obtained by enrichment from anaerobically digested sewage sludge to enhance the efficiency of the microbial leaching process. These bacteria were much more effective in metal leaching than was iron-oxidizing T. ferrooxidans. At 9% (w/v) solids concentration, the leaching efficiencies of Zn and Cu were 78% (2.66 g/kg dry sludge) and 59% (1.36 g/kg dry sludge), respectively. Therefore, when removing heavy metals from the anaerobically digested sewage sludge, the indigenous sulfur-oxidizing bacteria isolated in the current study were more efficient than T. ferrooxidans, especially at high sludge solids concentrations.  相似文献   

Particulate emission factors for two wood stove models have been determined for two types of fuel and a range of operating conditions. The emission factors range from 1 g/kg (fuel) to 24 g/kg. A model is presented which represents the emission factor as a simple function of the ratio of fuel load to combustion rate, or the length of time between refueling. This model is felt to be appropriate for evaluating the impact of wood-based residential space heating on ambient air concentrations of particulate matter If certain assumptions can be made about stove operating conditions. An application of the emission factor model to a typical community suggests that the contribution of wood stoves to ambient particulate levels might reach 100 μg/m3 if the entire heating load were carried by wood.

Preliminary analyses of the particulate matter Indicate that benzene extractables range from 42% of the total particulate mass at short refuel times to 67% at longer refuel times. About 45% of the mass of benzene extractables appeared in the neutral fraction of acid base extractions. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are expected to be included in this neutral fraction.  相似文献   

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