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基于2017—2019年江苏省380个省级考核断面(以下简称省考断面)的水质数据,以COD、氨氮和TP为研究因子,探讨了江苏省内太湖流域、长江流域中除太湖流域地区(以下简称长江流域)和淮河流域主汛期前后水质变化趋势,以期为主汛期河湖水质保障提供科学支撑.结果表明:380个省考断面中,约60% 的断面在主汛期水质指标浓度...  相似文献   

太湖蓝藻水华的遥感监测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着太湖蓝藻水华的日益严重,实现藻类的时空动态监测成为湖泊水质保护亟待解决的问题.利用遥感技术可以快速、直观地获取整个水域水质的时空变化情况,为实现藻类的动态监测提供了有效的途径.在太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测研究结果的基础上,总结分析了现有研究中所使用的遥感数据源、遥感监测方法以及遥感反演的水质参数,讨论了现有研究中存在的问题,并对将来的发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

基于2009—2015年太湖西岸10个监测断面的8个水质指标数据,采用季节性Kendall检验法对其指标的浓度变化趋势进行分析,并用主成分分析法结合相关分析评价历年水质状况,分析影响太湖西岸水质的主要驱动因子。结果表明:(1)2009—2015年太湖西岸COD下降趋势显著,DO非显著上升,电导率、高锰酸盐指数、BOD5、氨氮、TP和TN均表现为高度显著下降趋势。(2)主成分分析从原始信息中提取出两个主成分,共解释了73.645%的结果,分别代表水质氮磷营养盐和有机污染。综合得分表明,2009—2015年太湖西岸水质呈逐年改善趋势。水质污染在空间上表现为北部向南部递减的趋势。(3)相关分析表明,氨氮和COD是影响该区域水质的主要驱动因子。  相似文献   

基于FloodWorks程序构建水质预警系统,将水情遥测站、永质自动监测站的实时数据接人该水质预警系统并结合水动力学-水质一体化模型实现水质预警.该水质预警系统可在地理信息系统(GIS)图形界面下通过控制点、断面、连接等建模和模型管理工具完成工作,无需编写程序代码,方便易行.将构建的水质预警系统用于东台市泰东河饮用水源地水质监测预警,该水质预警系统对总磷、总氮、氨氮及高锰酸盐指教等污染指标的预测有较高的精度,其模拟确定性系数分别为0.72、0.76、0.83、0.86.  相似文献   

综合利用多源遥感数据完成1次太湖沉水植物与藻类水华预警。首先,利用时间分辨率较高的中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)数据(空间分辨率250m,每天过境4次)进行连续监测,发现太湖宜兴西部沿岸与竺山湖水域交界处有连续多日的稳定蓝藻聚集区域,然后利用空间分辨率较高的环境一号卫星电荷耦合元件传感器(CCD)数据(空间分辨率30m,每3天过境2次)结合实地观测对蓝藻聚集原因进行分析,得出此次蓝藻富集是由高密度沉水植物的阻隔作用导致,并对沉水植物区域进行了提取与面积统计。研究结果验证了利用多源遥感数据进行沉水植物与藻类水华预警的可行性和便捷性,所采用的技术方法可以为相关研究和监测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

湖库中蓝藻细胞一旦形成表层颗粒细胞团形式的水华,就会具有较强的漂移扩散能力,并能对水体景观形成明显影响,成为河湖环境管理的重点关注对象.如何快速高效监测蓝藻颗粒的迁移通量,已成为湖库连通河道水质管理的技术难点.为满足蓝藻水华较重湖泊连通河道蓝藻通量实时监控需求,以太湖梅梁湾连通河道—梁溪河为例,于2019年6-8月蓝藻水华季节,监测了景宜桥断面蓝藻空间分布且逐日监测叶绿素a浓度,并结合岸基式水质和蓝藻自动监测系统,构建了人工监测蓝藻通量与自动监测参数之间的换算关系,开发了梁溪河蓝藻通量的高频自动监测方法并分析了影响因素.结果表明,在U型断面的流通河道中,景宜桥断面的蓝藻在空间分布上呈表层高、底层低、滨岸带略高的特征,近岸表层采样的自动监测系统获得的水体叶绿素a浓度比整个河道断面平均值高出30%;通过建立的蓝藻通量监测方法对比,发现自动与人工监测蓝藻通量逐日变化整体上保持一致,且总量与人工相当,比值为1.07,精确反映了整个河道蓝藻通量的变化规律;2种监测方式的差异性分析表明,原位水质和蓝藻自动监测系统对梁溪河蓝藻通量的实时监控有良好的效果,此系统的应用实现了河道蓝藻通量的实时在线监测,为蓝藻水华应急处置管理提供了关键技术支撑.  相似文献   

结合2012年5—10月对上海市区2个典型城市人工水体藻华过程叶绿素、最大光能转化效率FV/FM变化,及其与水质指标的关系,研究FV/FM用作城市人工水体藻华监控预警指标的可行性。结果表明,曲阳公园、黄兴公园的FV/FM分别在0.57~0.71和0.58~0.63之间;人工模拟昼夜日照和温度变化培养曲阳公园藻华的水藻得到,藻类生长适应期FV/FM<0.60,对数期FV/FM>0.60,FV/FM与藻类生物量无显著相关性,仅反映藻类所处生长阶段。分析FV/FM和叶绿素a与浊度、COD、TN、TP的相关性得到,FV/FM能兼顾藻类在富营养化水体中的生理环境和生长特性,综合反映了藻华在城市人工水体形成相关的物理、化学、生长特性等因素,对研究水体FV/FM=0.63可作为预警水体藻华发生的阈值。研究成果为城市人工水体藻华暴发的监控、预警提供新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

根据松河矿水文条件对5个断面(W1~W5)水质进行监测,采用标准指数法对各断面水质的监测数据进行处理,并用熵权法确定各断面的指标权重,由各指标权重得出各断面的污染综合评分。结果表明,松河矿地表水水质中污染指数较高的是石油类,其次是SS、氨氮、BOD、COD,最后是硫化物。其中,影响各断面水质权重最大的是SS,其权重为0.2。综合污染指数和基于熵权法的断面评分排序一致,均为W1W2W3W4W5,表明基于熵权法的松河矿水环境质量评价结果准确可信。  相似文献   

主成分分析法在水节霉生长水体水质评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于SPSS主成分分析法对海浪河流域水节霉生长水体水质进行评价.在12月份,对海浪河流域10个断面的水质指标进行评价,结果表明,英雄桥和斗银河口断面污染较严重,主要污染物为氮和有机物,其余断面水质较好,基本满足功能需求;同时对水节霉惟一生长地河夹村大坝连续进行6个月的水质监测,结果表明,在冰封期的1~2月份,该断面污染...  相似文献   

太湖是我国的五大淡水湖之一。太湖流域是我国经济最发达、水污染最严重的地区之一,正面临着严重的环境问题。随着太湖流域社会经济的发展,太湖流域生态环境将承受更大的压力。因此,分析人类社会经济活动对太湖流域生态的影响,对研究太湖生态环境具有重要意义。采用系统分析的方法,围绕流域人类社会经济活动对湖泊生态安全的影响,建立湖泊生态安全的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法计算各指标因子的权重。在此基础上,以太湖流域2005年和2006年相关数据为依据,以MATLAB为工具,根据模糊数学的原理,利用多级模糊综合评价的方法对太湖进行生态综合评价,确定流域社会经济活动对整个湖泊生态系统的影响。研究结果表明,3个重要指数得分高低顺序依次为:水体环境状态指数>水体污染负荷指数>社会经济压力指数;除了点源污染以外,面源污染也是太湖流域生态环境问题的重要根源。  相似文献   

根据太湖水华爆发特点及文献资料检索,从气象、水动力、化学和生物等4个方面筛选出太湖水华爆发的17个要素,利用解释结构模型(ISM)分析了各要素之间的直接(因果)关系和间接关系,推导出太湖水华爆发要素整体关联层次结构图,从6个层次上直观反映了水华爆发过程,从系统角度分析了水华爆发原因,为水华预防及治理提供了若干参考依据.  相似文献   


The problem of algal bloom caused by eutrophication has attracted global attention. Many scholars have studied the problem associated with algae bloom, but few have carried out dynamic monitoring, instead focusing on the formation mechanism of cyanobacteria. For our study of the Taihu Lake in China, we used Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat remote sensing image data from 2017 to establish a prediction model. First, we used MODIS data to retrieve the concentration of N, P, and chlorophyll a in water. Then, we applied the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model to the inversion results to construct the diffusion potential index. Finally, we used C# to compile the cellular automata (CA) model. We found that the distribution of cyanobacteria predicted by our method was consistent with the algal bloom situation of Taihu Lake in 2017. The results showed that the method effectively predicts the dynamic transfer of cyanobacteria from outbreak to diffusion in a short period of time, which can help decision-makers monitor lake health.


巢湖蓝藻的机械清除工艺以及藻水分离实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对巢湖蓝藻进行机械清除以及藻水分离实验研究,实验采用的浮式围栏引导一机械清除.投加剥离液辅助机械清除工艺处理量大,除藻效率高,筛网过滤-浓缩-卧螺离心机脱水成藻泥的藻水分离工艺较为理想,藻泥含水率仅为89%。2011年5-10月在巢湖运用上述方法清除湖面水华蓝藻,共处理富藻水1.6万m3,得到藻泥970t,累计清除蓝藻106.7t(干重)。按照所清除蓝藻的总氮、总磷的平均含量计算,相当于从湖中移除了氮6.25t,磷2.1t。表明在富营养湖泊中水华蓝藻大量暴发时,采用上述方法除藻,对控制蓝藻水华污染,有效降低内源氮、磷等污染物负荷具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

巢湖蓝藻的机械清除工艺以及藻水分离实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对巢湖蓝藻进行机械清除以及藻水分离实验研究,实验采用的浮式围栏引导-机械清除-投加剥离液辅助机械清除工艺处理量大,除藻效率高,筛网过滤-浓缩-卧螺离心机脱水成藻泥的藻水分离工艺较为理想,藻泥含水率仅为89%。2011年5—10月在巢湖运用上述方法清除湖面水华蓝藻,共处理富藻水1.6万m3,得到藻泥970 t,累计清除蓝藻106.7 t(干重)。按照所清除蓝藻的总氮、总磷的平均含量计算,相当于从湖中移除了氮6.25 t,磷2.1 t。表明在富营养湖泊中水华蓝藻大量暴发时,采用上述方法除藻,对控制蓝藻水华污染,有效降低内源氮、磷等污染物负荷具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

长江下游湖泊中可溶性有机碳的时空分布   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2001年7月至2003年1月对长江下游的太湖、巢湖和龙感湖水体中可溶性有机碳(DOC)的时空分布进行了研究。结果显示.太湖水体中DOC的平均浓度最高.巢湖次之,龙感湖最低;秋季水体中的DOC浓度较冬季高;藻型湖泊水体中DOC浓度较草型湖泊高;下午水体中DOC的浓度较上午高。水体中DOC浓度的垂直分布无明显的规律性。从周年来看.DOC的浓度随温度的升高而升高。  相似文献   

Algal bloom could drastically influence the nutrient cycling in lakes. To understand how the internal nutrient release responds to algal bloom decay, water and sediment columns were sampled at 22 sites from four distinct regions of China’s eutrophic Lake Taihu and incubated in the laboratory to examine the influence of massive algal bloom decay on nutrient release from sediment. The column experiment involved three treatments: (1) water and sediment (WS); (2) water and algal bloom (WA); and (3) water, sediment, and algal bloom (WSA). Concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonium (NH 4 + -N), and orthophosphate (PO 4 3? -P) were recorded during incubation. The decay of algal material caused a more rapid decrease in DO than in the algae-free controls and led to significant increases in NH 4 + -N and PO 4 3? -P in the water. The presence of algae during the incubation had a regionally variable effect on sediment nutrient profiles. In the absence of decaying algae (treatment WS), sediment nutrient concentrations decreased during the incubation. In the presence of blooms (WSA), sediments from the river mouth released P to the overlying water, while sediments from other regions absorbed surplus P from the water. This experiment showed that large-scale algal decay will dramatically affect nutrient cycling at the sediment–water interface and would potentially transfer the function of sediment as “container” or “supplier” in Taihu, although oxygen exchange with atmosphere in lake water was stronger than in columns. The magnitude of the effect depends on the physical–chemical character of the sediments.  相似文献   


It remains unclear why the area of a cyanobacterial bloom increases in a shallow lake after a typhoon passes. In this study, the mechanisms of cyanobacterial bloom expansion were investigated by studying meteorological factors, water quality, algal biomass, and bloom area in Lake Taihu before and after typhoons (2007–2016). Our results showed that typhoon-induced sediment resuspension caused a short-term increase in nutrients, but nutrients returned to pre-typhoon levels after the typhoon passages. The short-term nutrient release during a typhoon did not result in an obvious increase in Microcystis cell density in two bays of Lake Taihu (Gonghu and Meiliang). Under strong winds, Microcystis aggregates were uniformly distributed in the water column downwind and then dispersed into different directions by wind-driven currents. In particular, Microcystis in the surface water were transported to the center of Lake Taihu. After a typhoon, dispersed Microcystis refloated and formed blooms. Thus, the bloom area was enlarged compared with before a typhoon. Several days after a typhoon, the bloom area gradually reduced as a result of a steady breeze on the horizontal accumulation of Microcystis.


在以农田.防护林.鱼塘为主的农业缓冲带一宜兴周铁太湖湖滨带内,比较和分析了不同降水时期和不同鱼塘排水时期湖滨带的缓冲效果。结果显示湖滨带的主要污染物是有机污染物、TN和Chla,尤其是有机污染物;TP污染相对较轻,NH4+-N和BOD5污染很少。太湖湖滨带对N、P、COD等指标均有一定的缓冲效果,但对不同指标的缓冲能力不同,其中对N的缓冲效果更为明显。除COD外,湖滨带出水口基本可以达到IV类水水平。同时,强降雨导致大量污染物进入水体,导致水体污染物输出浓度显著增高,最为突出的是TN、TP和有机污染物。在垂直于太湖段,除NO3--N和NO2--N浓度略微下降外,其他水质指标均呈上升趋势。因此,该湖滨带的缓冲能力不足以净化来自地表和鱼塘的污染物质。在平行于太湖段。除NO3--N和NO2--N浓度逐步增高外,其他水质指标均呈下降趋势,说明包括河流在内的整个湖滨带的缓冲能力较高,净化作用大于湖滨带纳入的污染物质,缓冲效果好。鱼塘排水对水体的影响非常明显,这种影响大概可以持续2周左右。通过对不同时期的采样结果进行显著性分析,发现COD差异性不显著,且含量高,即有机污染物在各时期都是主要污染物。在鱼塘放水时期(已进入冬季),各指标下的采样点之间均不显著,湖滨带的缓冲作用较低。  相似文献   

Zhou Q  Gibson CE  Zhu Y 《Chemosphere》2001,42(2):221-225
The bioavailability of phosphorus (P) in sediments from West Lake and Lake Tai (China) and Lough Erne (Northern Ireland) was evaluated using total P (TP), water soluble P (WSP), readily desorbable P (RDP), algal available P (AAP) and Olsen-P. The results indicated that the TP content, the amounts of phosphorus extracted by each method and their proportions to TP varied widely between sediments of the three lakes. TP and chemical extractable phosphorus in the sediments of Lough Erne were considerably higher than those of the two lakes in China. Although TP in the West Lake sediments was similar to that of Lake Tai, the extractable phosphorus data suggested that the bioavailability of P in West Lake sediments was higher than that in sediments from Lake Tai. Nevertheless, the rank order of extraction efficiency was the same in all lakes and the amount extracted was in the sequence AAP > Olsen-P > WSP > RDP. There was a good correlation between extracted and TP in all the methods examined.  相似文献   

Deterioration of the general ecosystem and specifically quality of the water in Tai Lake (Ch: Taihu), the third largest freshwater in China, is of great concern. However, knowledge on status and trends of dioxin-like compounds in Tai Lake was limited. This study investigated AhR-mediated potency and quantified potential aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists in sediments from four regions (Meiliang Bay, Zhushan Lake, Lake Center, Corner of Zhushan Lake, and Meiliang Bay) of Tai Lake by use of the in vitro H4IIE-luc, cell-based, transactivation, reporter gene assay, and instrumental analysis. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (Bio-TEQs) in sediments ranged from less than the limit of detection to 114.5 pg/g, dry weight, which indicated that organic extracts of sediments exhibited significant AhR-mediated potencies. Results of the potency balance analysis demonstrated that acid-labile, dioxin-like compounds represented a greater proportion of concentrations of Bio-TEQs in sediments from Tai Lake. Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents calculated as the sum of the product of concentrations of individual congeners and their respective relative potencies (Chem-TEQs) based on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and/or polychlorinated biphenyls represented no more than 10 % of the total concentrations of Bio-TEQs.  相似文献   

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