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介绍了西安市户县污水处理厂西厂及同用水工程的设计水质、工艺流程、设计参数、工程设计特点及工程建设运营模式.其中污水处理生化段采用改良型氧化沟工艺.回用水处理采用曝气生物滤池为主体的工艺,污泥处理采用机械浓缩脱水一体机,采用二氧化氯消毒.  相似文献   

浓缩脱水污泥水混凝预处理效果及混凝剂的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以白龙港污水处理厂浓缩脱水污泥水为处理对象,考察了聚合氯化铝(PAC)对污泥水颗粒物沉降特性和污染物去除效果的影响,比较了PAC、聚合氯化铁(PFC)、阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺(cPAM)和阴离子型聚丙烯酰胺(aPAM)对浓缩脱水污泥水的预处理效果。实验结果表明,PAC的投加可以去除颗粒态污染物和溶解态的磷,但其形成絮体粒径随PAC投加量增大而减小,导致污泥沉降性能恶化。因此,PAC不适合浓缩脱水污泥水的混凝预处理。与PAC相比,投加PFC、cPAM和aPAM均能有效去除颗粒态污染物,并改善污泥水沉降性能,其中cPAM的预处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

复合式生物除臭反应器处理城市污水处理厂恶臭气体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用复合式生物除臭反应器处理北京某城市污水处理厂污泥浓缩池和脱水间散发的恶臭气体,研究了反应器对恶臭气体的净化效果和微生物悬浮生长区与附着生长区内的生物特性及对恶臭污染物的去除能力。该污水处理厂的恶臭气体中主要发臭物质为硫化氢和氨,除臭反应器的运行结果表明,在设备稳定运行期间,进气中硫化氢和氨的浓度分别为0.21~22.61 mg/m3和0.1~0.5 mg/m3,而出气中硫化氢浓度在0~0.06 mg/m3,氨浓度为0~0.02 mg/m3。对反应器内部测试表明,微生物悬浮生长区和附着生长区对硫化氢和氨都有一定的去除,但去除机理不同。硫化氢主要被附着生长区的嗜酸性硫细菌生物氧化,少量硫化氢在悬浮区溶于水被中性硫细菌氧化;氨主要在悬浮区靠生物硝化作用去除,少部分氨在附着区被去除,且多因化学中和作用转移到填料所含的水中。  相似文献   

石岩  单威  陈明飞  郑凯凯  王燕  李激 《环境工程学报》2019,13(12):2845-2852
用中试规模生物絮凝工艺处理含化学絮凝剂的生活污水,分别研究了HRT和进水SS对生物絮凝系统污染物去除特性、剩余污泥产量、污泥特性和温室气体排放的影响。结果表明:生物絮凝系统对COD、TN和TP有较好的去除效果,且污染物去除效果受进水SS影响较大;生物絮凝系统平均污泥产量和平均有机物产量最高可达53.63 kg·d~(-1)和21.14 kg·d~(-1);污泥胞外聚合物EPS浓度和PN/PS均与有机负荷呈反比;化学絮凝剂通过影响PN/PS和EPS浓度,可间接影响污泥的沉降性能;生物絮凝系统与AAO工艺相结合,可降低50.12 g·m~(-3)温室气体的排放。因此,生物絮凝工艺可为污水处理厂节能降耗运行奠定基础,有望得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

以北京市某城市污水处理厂的格栅间、曝气池、污泥浓缩池和污泥脱水间为对象,研究不同功能区的空气微生物浓度、粒径分布及微生物组成.结果表明:(1)该污水处理厂4个功能区空气异养细菌浓度平均值为3.3×104cfu/m3,范围为1.0×102~4.3×105cfu/m3;真菌浓度平均值为6.1×103cfu/m3,范围为7.5×10~7.6×104cfu/m3.异养细菌和真菌浓度存在显著性差异,尤以曝气池上空最高,其次是污泥脱水间,浓度最低的区域为格栅间和污泥浓缩池.各功能区均存在不同程度的异养细菌和真菌污染.(2)该污水处理厂不同功能区逸散出的异养细菌分布比例最高的为第2~5级,真菌主要分布在第3~5级.4个功能区空气中粒径为2.10~4.70μm(第3、4级)的异养细菌和真菌粒子分别占到了总数的37%~40%和46%~56%,而粒径为0.65~2.10μm(第5、6级)的异养细菌和真菌粒子则分别占到了总数的30%~33%和31%~37%,说明该污水处理厂不同功能区内的空气微生物存在一定的健康风险,可能对人呼吸道构成感染威胁.(3)假单孢菌(Pseudomonas)为该污水处理厂不同功能区均检出的优势异养细菌,而优势真菌种属为毛霉(Mucor)和曲霉(Aspergillus).  相似文献   

对污水生物处理产生的剩余污泥分别采用碱提取法和Adani法(有机溶剂加酸水解)提取腐殖酸,通过元素分析、红外光谱和三维荧光光谱比较,确定Adani法提取的腐殖酸非腐殖质成分含量较低,可以较好地表征剩余污泥中腐殖酸特性。进而采用Adani法提取蚯蚓生物滤池处理剩余污泥的原泥和出泥中的腐殖酸,研究蚯蚓与微生物协同处理对剩余污泥腐殖化特征的影响。元素分析、E4/E6及三维荧光光谱分析结果表明:与原泥腐殖酸相比,出泥腐殖酸中蛋白质等有机物得到有效降解,腐殖物质明显增多,其腐殖酸分子量、芳香化和缩聚程度均较高;蚯蚓生物滤池出泥腐殖化程度明显提高。  相似文献   

针对单独应用Fenton氧化技术处理污泥的不足以及人工湿地在处理污水污泥方面的优势,以污水处理厂污泥浓缩池中含重金属污泥为对象,研究其依次经过Fenton氧化和人工湿地处理后重金属的去除效果及形态变化,以及污泥pH、TN和TP的变化情况。结果表明,Fenton氧化提高了污泥重金属的生物有效性,并促进了人工湿地对重金属的去除。Fenton氧化污泥经人工湿地处理后,Cu、Zn、Ni和Mn的去除率分别为67.2%、79.7%、37.0%和17.0%,与对照相比重金属的平均去除率提高了27.5%。经人工湿地处理后Fenton氧化污泥和原污泥重金属的生物有效性均降低。Fenton氧化污泥pH为4.4~4.6,经人工湿地处理后为6.2~7.1。人工湿地对Fenton氧化污泥和原污泥中TN的影响较小,而对TP表现出较高的去除率,2系统TP的去除率分别为51.1%和45.5%。  相似文献   

实验研究了填充新型无剩余污泥悬浮型生物滤料的曝气生物滤池处理养殖废水的挂膜情况及水力停留时间(HRT)变化对曝气生物滤池处理效果及运行特性的影响。结果表明,含氨氮和亚硝酸氮浓度较高的模拟养殖污水用活性污泥挂膜,大约1个月就能使生物滤池启动。当模拟养殖污水氨氮起始浓度在2 mg/L左右时最佳水力停留时间(HRT)为0.6 h循环6 d能使氨氮浓度降到0.03 mg/L左右,亚硝酸氮有短期积累问题,但最终都能被降到0.05 mg/L以下。水力停留时间影响氨氮的去除时间,从而影响亚硝酸氮的积累。水力停留时间(HRT)对有机物(CODMn)去除影响不大,且该种滤料对有机物(CODMn)去除效果较差,去除率在28%左右。  相似文献   

缺氧-好氧生物滤池中高效菌对活性红KN-3B的降解特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究高效脱色菌在缺氧好氧生物滤池(A/O biofilter)中对偶氮染料的降解特性,以活性红KN-3B(C.I. reactive red 180)为降解对象,缺氧生物滤池以火山碎石为填料,接种高效脱色菌CK3柯氏柠檬酸杆菌启动,好氧生物滤池以牡蛎壳为填料,接种污水处理厂活性污泥启动。试验考察了不同工况下缺氧-好氧生物滤池对色度和COD的去除效果,结果表明:生物滤池中微生物对偶氮染料活性红KN-3B的脱色和对COD降解的最适pH条件为弱酸性;缺氧滤池中高效菌对色度的去除需要外加碳源,且增加外加碳源有助于脱色率的提高;该高效菌为耐盐菌,当进水NaCl浓度达30 g/L时,色度去除率仍可达93%以上;当染料负荷达500 mg/L时,脱色率仍可达95%。通过紫外-可见扫描图谱分析初步推断CK-3柯氏柠檬酸杆菌对偶氮染料活性红KN-3B的脱色主要是生物降解作用。  相似文献   

基于西安市污水处理厂出水一级A达标排放的要求,对西安市某污水处理厂A2/O工艺运行效果进行监测分析,结果表明,该污水处理厂出水总磷一级A达标率仅为31.61%,出水总磷浓度偏高成为该污水处理厂一级A达标的限制因素。通过对污水处理厂现场调研与水质沿程监测分析发现,该污水处理厂污泥水中含有大量SS和TP,此部分污泥水回流至系统前端导致生物池进水总磷浓度急剧升高,生物池超负荷运行导致出水总磷偏高。同时由于生物池碳源不足,厌氧池释磷作用微弱,影响了系统的除磷效果。针对以上问题,进行了初沉池运行方式调整、强化污泥处理、出水增设滤池等一系列改造措施。改造后系统除磷效果明显提高,出水TP降低至(0.39±0.08)mg·L~(-1),基本可以达到一级A排放标准。  相似文献   

The effect of 2,4,5- and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol on the microbiota from a polluted and a pristine site of a river was studied. Bacterial metabolic activity measurements by epifluorescence microscopy showed that the polluted site contained more metabolically active cells than the pristine site. Total culturable bacterial counts and tolerant bacterial counts from both sites were not affected by incubation (for up to 5 days) with 200 ppm of chlorophenols. However, the incubation with 500 ppm of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol prevented detection of total and tolerant bacterial counts in the pristine site, and inhibited tolerants in the polluted site. None of 250 bacterial colonies directly isolated from these samples was able to grow on chlorophenols. However, bacteria able to grow on 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, were obtained by enrichment of water and sediments samples.  相似文献   

Techniques were developed to sample and analyze the Cr content of participate samples with emphasis on determining the concentration of the carcinogen Cr+6. Cr+6 is extracted to alkaline solution and analyzed colorimetrically. Residual particles are extracted with acid solution to remove soluble Cr+3, which is determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. This methodology was tested on samples from three diverse types of sources: a ferrochrome smelter, a chemical plant, and a refractory brick plant. Identical quadruplicate samples were collected to determine accuracy and precision of the collection and analysis procedures, and extraction of Cr+6 and Cr+3. A statistical analysis revealed that the precision of Cr+6 analysis is comparable to that of the particulate mass determination. The stability of Cr+6 In particulate form and in solution was determined. Size resolved particulate samples were collected to determine the particle size versus the Cr+6 content. At the ferrochrome smelter and the chemical plant the majority of the Cr+6 was contained in the respirable particles. The accuracy and completeness of the chemical methods employed were verified by neutron activation analysis, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopyenergy dispersive x-ray analysis.  相似文献   

A suspended-growth bioreactor (SGB) was operated for the treatment of a gaseous stream mimicking emissions generated at a leather industrial company. The main volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in the gaseous stream consisted of 1-methoxy-2-propanol, 2,6-dimethyl-4-heptanone, 2-butoxyethanol, toluene and butylacetate. A microbial consortium able to degrade these VOCs was successfully enriched. A laboratory-scale SGB was established and operated for 210-d with an 8h cycle period and with shutdowns at weekends. Along this period, the SGB was exposed to organic loads (OL) between 6.5 and 2.3 x 10(2) g h(-1) m(-3). Most of the compounds were not detected at the outlet of the SGB. The highest total VOC removal efficiency (RE) (ca 99%) was observed when an OL of 1.6 x 10(2) g h(-1) m(-3) was fed to the SGB. The maximum total VOC elimination capacity (1.8 x 10(2) g h(-1) m(-3)) was achieved when the OL applied to the SGB was 2.3 x 10(2) g h(-1) m(-3). For all the operating conditions, the SGB showed high levels of degradation of toluene and butylacetate (RE approximately equal to 100%). This study also revealed that recirculation of the gaseous effluent improved the performance of the SGB. Overall, the SGB was shown to be robust, showing high performance after night and weekend shutdown periods.  相似文献   

The facility with which hydrocarbons can be removed from soils varies inversely with aging of soil samples as a result of weathering. Weathering refers to the result of biological, chemical and physical processes that can affect the type of hydrocarbons that remain in a soil. These processes enhance the sorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) to the soil matrix, decreasing the rate and extent of biodegradation. Additionally, pollutant compounds in high concentrations can more easily affect the microbial population of a recently contaminated soil than in a weathered one, leading to inhibition of the biodegradation process. The present work aimed at comparing the biodegradation efficiencies obtained in a recently oil-contaminated soil (spiked one) from Brazil and an weathered one, contaminated for four years, after the application of bioaugmentation and biostimulation techniques. Both soils were contaminated with 5.4% of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) and the highest biodegradation efficiency (7.4%) was reached for the weathered contaminated soil. It could be concluded that the low biodegradation efficiencies reached for all conditions tested reflect the treatment difficulty of a weathered soil contaminated with a high crude oil concentration. Moreover, both soils (weathered and recently contaminated) submitted to bioaugmentation and biostimulation techniques presented biodegradation efficiencies approximately twice as higher as the ones without the aforementioned treatment (natural attenuation).  相似文献   

Due to the higher stability of the spent nuclear fuel (mainly composed of UO2) under reducing conditions, and in order to enhance the retention/retardation of some key radionuclides, the olivine rock from the Lovasj?rvi intrusion has been proposed as a potential redox-active backfill-additive in deep high-level nuclear waste (HLNW) repositories. In this work, two different approaches have been undertaken in order to establish the redox buffer capacity of olivine rock: (1) The capacity of the rock to respond to changes in pH or pe has been demonstrated and the final (pH, pe) coordinates agree with the control exerted by the system Fe(II)/Fe(III). (2) The rate of consumption of oxygen has been determined at different pH values. These rates are higher than the ones reported in the literature for other solids, what would point to the possibility of using this rock as an additive to the backfill material in a HLNW.  相似文献   

This study investigated the presence of organochlorine pollutants in abiotic and biotic samples from Lake Como (Italy). DDTs and PCBs were found to be the major contaminants, ranging from 0.04 to 4.25 and from 0.25 to 40.8 μg/g lipid respectively. Evidence of biomagnification according to the trophic role of the investigated organisms was highlighted by means of Stable Isotope Analysis. A Trophic Magnification Factor (TMF) was calculated for the chemicals of interest and the applicability of the method for global use was confirmed. Statistically significant correlation has been found between the calculated trophic level and the concentrations of more lipophilic compounds, while for the less lipophilic (e.g., HCH, 3CBs) the relationship is no statistically significant and the TMF is close to 1.The role of the foraging area in affecting PCB and DDT concentrations within aquatic ecosystems has been highlighted by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA).  相似文献   

In this study, an environmental assessment on a soil washing process for the remediation of a Pb-contaminated shooting range site was conducted, using a green and sustainable remediation tool, i.e., SiteWise ver. 2, based on data relating specifically to the actual remediation project. The entire soil washing process was classified into four major stages, consisting of soil excavation (stage I), physical separation (stage II), acid-based (0.2 N HCl) chemical extraction (stage III), and wastewater treatment (stage IV). Environmental footprints, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, and critical air pollutant productions such as PM10, NO x , and SO x , were calculated, and the relative contribution of each stage was analyzed in the environmental assessment. In stage I, the relative contribution of the PM10 emissions was 55.3 % because the soil excavation emitted the fine particles. In stage II, the relative contribution of NO x and SO x emissions was 42.5 and 52.5 %, respectively, which resulted from electricity consumption for the operation of the separator. Stage III was the main contributing factor to 63.1 % of the GHG emissions, 67.5 % of total energy used, and 37.4 % of water consumptions. The relatively high contribution of stage III comes from use of consumable chemicals such as HCl and water-based extraction processes. In stage IV, the relative contributions of GHG emissions, total energy used, and NO x and SO x emissions were 23.2, 19.4, 19.5, and 25.3 %, respectively, which were caused by chemical and electricity demands for system operation. In conclusion, consumable chemicals such as HCl and NaOH, electric energy consumption for system operation, and equipment use for soil excavation were determined to be the major sources of environmental pollution to occur during the soil washing process. Especially, the acid-based chemical extraction process should be avoided in order to improve the sustainability of soil washing processes.  相似文献   

污水厂生物除臭设施运行及影响因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在污水处理过程中会有大量的恶臭气体产生,主要含硫化氢和氨等发臭物质.这些臭味物质逸散到空气中,对污水处理厂及其周边的空气环境造成危害.针对清河污水处理厂原有生物除臭设施除臭效率难以提高的问题,对气体收集系统和生物除臭滤池内的喷淋管路进行了改造,并更换了新型生物填料.本研究对改造前后的除臭效果进行了考察,结果显示,硫化氢的平均去除率从改造前的36.5%提高到62.9%,最大去除率可以达到96.2%;氨的去除率从28.2%提高到接近100%.臭味气体的处理效果随除臭滤池的温度、气体的相对湿度的升高而提高.为此,对臭味气体的负荷、流量、温度以及湿度等因素进行了研究,在温度>20℃、相对湿度>80%的条件下,生物除臭滤池能够有比较理想的处理效果.  相似文献   

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