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为提高湿式除尘装置对炭黑颗粒物的去除效率,通过向吸收液中添加复配表面活性剂以提高吸收液对炭黑的润湿性,投加絮凝剂使进入吸收液的炭黑颗粒发生凝聚和沉降,从而使吸收液得以循环利用。其中表面活性剂的复配以非离子表面活性剂月桂醇聚氧乙烯(9)醚(AEO-9)为主,与十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)、十六烷基三甲基溴化胺(CTAB)和壬酚基聚氧乙烯醚(TX-10)分别复配,筛选出复配效果最好的一组复配液;然后投加絮凝剂,探讨絮凝剂的加入对吸收液中炭黑颗粒物絮凝沉降的影响。结果表明,在AEO-9浓度为0.05mmol/L,TX-10浓度为0.09mmol/L时,吸收液的表面张力最小,为36.75mN/m;投加无机絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)浓度为100mg/L时,经15min沉降,炭黑的沉降率可达88.1%,上清液中悬浮颗粒的平均粒径为6.36μm。  相似文献   

为了有效控制燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟的污染,根据理论和实验研究的结果,选择合适的润湿剂和助剂,研究了阴离子表面活性剂Y1、非离子表面活性剂F1与无机盐Z1复配后溶液表面张力的变化,筛选出了表面张力较小的配比。利用所选配比对燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟的润湿作用进行了W alker实验研究和理论分析。实验结果表明,0.5 mmol/L Y1+50mmol/L Z1+0.03 mmol/L F1的配比对黑烟的润湿作用较好。并对其润湿机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

复合表面活性剂对燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟润湿作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效控制燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟的污染,根据理论和实验研究的结果,选择合适的润湿剂和助剂,研究了阴离子表面活性剂Y1、非离子表面活性剂F1与无机盐Z1复配后溶液表面张力的变化,筛选出了表面张力较小的配比。利用所选配比对燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟的润湿作用进行了Walker实验研究和理论分析。实验结果表明,0.5mmol/L Y1+50mmol/L Z1+0.03mmol/L F1的配比对黑烟的润湿作用较好。并对其润湿机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为选择出适应于混凝好氧颗粒污泥培养的絮凝剂,通过絮凝剂添加量、污泥浓度、搅拌速度、搅拌时间等因子进行L9(3)4正交实验,以COD、浊度去除效果及絮凝颗粒结构为考察因子,研究聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)及壳聚糖的絮凝效果。结果表明,在不同絮凝剂的最佳混凝条件下,PAM的效果最好,壳聚糖次之,PAC最差,但壳聚糖COD随其添加浓度的增加而增加;絮凝颗粒结构中,以PAM的絮凝颗粒效果最好,其结构紧溱而颗粒中间的空隙相对较大,有利于吸附污染物和微生物的生长,适宜作为颗粒污泥培养的絮凝剂。  相似文献   

使用自制的酸改性蒙脱石絮凝剂(MTSF)对高浓度畜禽养殖废水进行处理,以传统絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC)作为参考,研究了絮凝剂投加量对废水处理絮凝效果的影响,探讨絮凝过程中絮体沉降特性。结果表明,MTSF对养殖废水的絮凝效果优于PAC,在最佳投加量12 000mg/L时,浊度、SS、COD、氨氮及TP的去除率分别达到85.7%、96.8%、60.7%、16.3%和97.7%;MTSF投加量虽远大于PAC,但MTSF的絮体沉降体积只占整个体积的12.0%,不到PAC絮体沉降体积的1/5,MTSF中的可溶态物质和颗粒态物质的相互协同效应加快了絮凝过程和沉降过程;MTSF处理后上清液中Cd、Cr、Ni、Cu、Pb均未检出,而As小于《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978—2002)中最高允许排放质量浓度(0.5mg/L)。  相似文献   

采用截留分子量(MWCO)为5000 Dalton、1000 Dalton的聚砜超滤膜,MWCO为1 kDa的再生纤维素超滤膜;采用十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)、曲拉通100(TritonX-100)、吐温80(Tween-80)、烷基多苷(APG)为表面活性剂,用胶团强化超滤工艺去除水中双酚A。研究了不同材质和截留分子量的超滤膜、表面活性剂浓度、膜操作压力、溶液pH和溶液中电解质等因素对该工艺的影响。结果表明,SDBS对双酚A有较好的去除效果,去除率在80%以上。在H+和Na+存在的条件下,双酚A的截留率增加,透过液中SDBS浓度降低。SDBS与非离子表面活性剂的复配可以提高双酚A截留率,降低透过液中SDBS的浓度,复配效果优劣顺序为Tween-80TritonX-100APG。  相似文献   

利用以生物絮凝剂(1 g/L MBF-28)与化学絮凝剂(5 g/L PAC)复配后的复合絮凝剂CBF28C处理景观水体,考虑了复配比、投加量、pH和投加顺序对处理景观水的影响。实验结果表明:对于反应体系为100 mL景观水体,当MBF-28与PAC溶液复配体积比为3∶1,反应体系pH为7.0,1 mL 1%CaCl2作助凝剂,1.5 mL CBF28C时,其絮凝效果最好,其COD,色度,TN,TP的去除率分别为90.7%,54.1%、46.6%和51.5%。最佳水力条件为:快速320 r/min,快搅时间45 s,慢速80 r/min,慢搅时间100 s。并且得出了前10 min内絮凝率的反应关系方程式。  相似文献   

采用响应面分析法对聚合氯化铝(PAC)与污泥生产的微生物絮凝剂复配处理涂料废水的过程进行了优化,设定的响应值为COD和色度去除率。实验分别拟合了关于COD去除率和色度去除率的二次模型,根据响应值的分布情况,确定涂料废水的最佳絮凝条件为微生物絮凝剂浓度47 mg/L,PAC浓度39 mg/L,pH为8.2,CaCl2浓度0.38 g/L,搅拌速度210 r/min。最佳絮凝条件下,微生物絮凝剂对涂料废水中COD和色度的去除率分别达到77.6%和68.9%。  相似文献   

采用壳聚糖三元接枝高分子絮凝剂(CAS)与聚合氯化铝(PAC)、磷酸镁铵沉淀法(MAP法)复配处理中山市老虎坑垃圾渗滤液生化处理出水.絮体粒径分布测试、絮体形态结构分析和Zata电位测定结果表明,CAS与PAC复配,可充分发挥CAS架桥和PAC电荷中和的协同作用,强化混凝过程,使细小的凝聚体形成体积庞大的絮状沉淀物,并在沉降过程中,网捕水体中的胶体颗粒,显著提高混凝效果.CAS和PAC的投加对NH4 -N脱氮的贡献甚微.采用MAP法与CAS、PAC复配,当投加量分别为50mg/LCAS、500 mg/LPAC、856 mg/LMgCl2·6H2O、1509 mg/LNa2HPO4·12H2O时,出水COD、色度分别小于300 mg/L、30倍,NH4 -N降至2 mg/L左右.  相似文献   

通过实验考查EM复壮液分别与无机高分子絮凝剂PAC、PFS复配使用处理高岭土悬浊液絮凝条件和絮凝效果。实验结果表明:EM复壮液与化学絮凝剂复配以后的适用条件为弱酸弱碱性环境。最佳复配比分别为VPAC∶VEM=0.6mL∶2 mL或VPFS∶VEM=1.0 mL∶3.0 mL,前者的絮凝率为91.2%,优于后者的87.6%。同时降低了处理后水中的金属残余量以及絮凝剂的总投加量,降低污水处理的成本,提高了水质。  相似文献   

混凝过程产生的絮体会对后续膜过滤性能产生一定的影响。实验中利用激光粒度仪研究2种混凝剂(AlCl3和PAC)在不同投加量下的絮体性质,混凝出水(不经过沉淀)直接进入纳滤膜(NF270)装置进行过滤实验。研究表明,投加量低(<0.20 mmol/L)的情况下,混凝出水反而使纳滤通量衰减发生恶化,随着投加量的增加,纳滤膜通量衰减得到有效的减缓。直接过滤腐殖酸(HA)的膜通量衰减(J/J0)为0.65,投加量为0.50 mmol/L时,AlCl3和PAC 2种混凝剂产生的通量衰减(J/J0)分别为0.78和0.75。滤饼层阻力受到絮体尺寸的影响较大,絮体尺寸越大,形成的滤饼层透水性更好。通过污染模型分析,混凝出水的纳滤膜污染机理主要是滤饼层阻力。  相似文献   

以制铝矿渣及铝土矿制备的无机复合絮凝剂进行污水深度除磷研究。在模拟废水条件下,确定了自制絮凝剂除磷的最佳pH为8、最佳投加量0.08 g/L及最佳水力条件(快速搅拌30 s、转速200 r/min;慢速搅拌15 min、转速20 r/min);然后将其用于处理生活污水站二级出水,TP、TN、COD、NH3-N和浊度去除率分别为94.69%、62.78%、78.93%、47.94%和89.30%,优于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级B标准,自制絮凝剂除磷效果优于常用市售絮凝剂PAC(TP去除率91.73%);自制絮凝剂的除磷机理主要以沉淀和电性中和作用为主,以吸附架桥和网捕卷扫作用为辅。  相似文献   

Sorption isotherms (pg-ng/L) were measured for 11 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of varying molecular planarity from aqueous solution to two carbonaceous geosorbents, anthracite coal and traffic soot. All isotherms were reasonably log-log-linear, but smooth for traffic soot and staircase-shaped for coal, to which sorption was stronger and more nonlinear. The isotherms were modeled using seven sorption models, including Freundlich, (dual) Langmuir, and Polanyi-Dubinin-Manes (PDM). PDM provided the best combination of reliability and mechanistically-interpretable parameters. The PDM normalizing factor Z appeared to correlate negatively with sorbate molecular volume, dependent on the degree of molecular planarity. The modeling results supported the hypothesis that maximum adsorption capacities (Qmax) correlate positively with the sorbent’s specific surface area. Qmax did not decrease with increasing sorbate molecular size, and adsorption affinities clearly differed between the sorbents. Sorption was consistently stronger but not less linear for planar than for nonplanar PCBs, suggesting surface rather than pore sorption.  相似文献   

Li J  Zhou B  Shao J  Yang Q  Liu Y  Cai W 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1298-1303
The effects of different heavy metals (Cd, Pb), cationic surfactants cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), anionic surfactant sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) and the chemistry of the solution (pH and ionic strength) on the sorption of bisphenol A (BPA) to sediment were studied. Results showed that the presence of Cd and Pb caused a significant increase on the sorption of BPA to sediment and the sorption isotherms were in good agreement with Freundlich equation. The effect of surfactants on the adsorption of BPA onto sediment was found to strongly depend on the type of the surfactants. The presence of CTAB promoted BPA sorption and the amount of BPA adsorbed onto sediment increased linearly with concentration of CTAB. In contrast, the presence of anionic surfactant (SDBS) caused a slight reduction on the sorption of BPA. It was also found that the sorption behavior of BPA was affected by solution pH and ionic strength. The larger amount of BPA was absorbed with higher ionic strength and lower pH. This study may provide important insights into the understanding of the transport and fate of BPA in the environment.  相似文献   

The significance of heterogeneous mechanisms in controlling gas-phase NOx (NO, NO2) mixing ratios in polluted urban air, especially during nighttime, is not well established. Several recent studies have suggested that carbon soot can provide an effective surface for mediating the inter conversion among several NOy members. However, a number of such reactions reported in the literature have widely varying reaction probabilities and often conflicting pathways. We evaluated several of these reactions and choose the NO2 conversion to HONO on the surface of soot particles for further analysis with a box photochemical model. These calculations show that the conversion of NO2 to HONO on particle surfaces produces a large, measurable signal (up to several parts per billion) in nighttime HONO mixing ratios. Inclusion of this reaction was also shown to have significant impacts on ozone, OH and HO2 in the polluted planetary boundary layer (PBL). The sensitivity of these results to the different reaction rate probabilities (γ) and particle surface areas was also examined. Results are then evaluated to find the combination of γ and surface areas that would mostly likely occur in the PBL within the limitations of the model.  相似文献   

A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized by precipitation polymerization using diclofenac (DFC) as a template. Binding characteristics of the MIP were evaluated using equilibrium binding experiments. Compared to the non-imprinted polymer (NIP), the MIP showed an outstanding affinity towards DFC in an aqueous solution with a binding site capacity (Qmax) of 324.8 mg/g and a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.99 mg/L. The feasibility of removing DFC from natural water by the MIP was demonstrated by using river water spiked with DFC. Effects of pH and humic acid on the selectivity and adsorption capacity of MIP were evaluated in detail. MIP had better selectivity and higher adsorption efficiency for DFC as compared to that of powdered activated carbon (PAC). In addition, MIP reusability was demonstrated for at least 12 repeated cycles without significant loss in performance, which is a definite advantage over single-use activated carbon.  相似文献   

Sorption and desorption of PFOS at water-sediment interfaces were investigated in the presence of a cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS). CTAB remarkably enhanced the sorption of PFOS on the sediment. In contrast, the influence of SDBS to the sorption of PFOS was concentration dependent. Two contrasting factors were responsible for the phenomenon. One was the sorption of the surfactant itself to the sediment, which enhanced the sorption of PFOS. The other was the increase in solubility of PFOS caused by the adding of surfactants, which decreased the sorption of PFOS. SDBS had a much lower sorption capacity, but rather strong ability to increase the solubility of PFOS. High levels of SDBS remarkably reduced the sorption of PFOS on the sediment. These results imply that cationic and anionic surfactants may have contrast impacts on the distribution and transport of PFOS in the environment.  相似文献   

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