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发改委能源研究所可再生能源发展中心人士透露,目前国家能源局正在制定有关推进新能源产业振兴的规划,主要是加快推进新能源产业的发展.  相似文献   

当前我国环境污染严重状况,主要是工业“三废”造成的,而且与能源的浪费密切相关。我们过去在治理工业“三废”时,只考虑“废”物的无害化处理,后来,又考虑改革生产工艺以压缩“三废”排放量,从“三废”中回收有用物料。近几年来,才从合理布局出发,进行全面考虑,由点的分别解决发展到面的综合治理,最近又重视了环境保护的科学管理问题。这说明,工业“三废”治理的发展过程是由消极处理到控制污染来源、回收利用、科学管理的过程。  相似文献   

农业废弃物的资源化利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的农业资源浪费和破坏现象十分严重,解决这一问题的根本途径是开展农业废弃物的资源化利用,它是农业可持续发展的重要方面。本文在分析了农业废弃物资源化利用的理论基础后,讨论了农业废弃物的主要资源化利用途径和支持与保障体系。  相似文献   

循环经济是一种以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以"减量化、再利用、资源化"为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特性,符合可持续发展理念的经济增长模式.在工业方面,循环经济主要体现在"节能降耗减本治污、再生利用发展增效".在这种思维的主导下,浙江富春江集团富春江环保热电股份有限公司以科技进步为先导,大搞废弃物的资源利用,开掘出"新的经济增长点",拉长了产业化链条,推动经济、社会和生态的和谐发展.  相似文献   

积极发展农村沼气工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼气是一种清洁卫生的能源。通过沼气这个中心环节,使农业废弃物得到充分利用。本工程以较小的投入获得了较多的产出,既提高了经济效益,又有利于改善生态环境,保护农业生态平衡。鄞县甲村乡上李家村沼气工程的建设,不仅改变了农村燃料结构,为农村提供了清洁卫生的新能源,还减轻了农业废弃物对环境的污染,促进农业废弃物的资源化利用,为发展生态农业创造了条件。  相似文献   

浙江省乡镇企业发展极为迅速,但总体来说,技术水平低,生产管理落后,设备简陋,资源浪费严重,职工文化和业务素质偏低,因而资源利用率不高,单位产品“三废”产生量和排放量远高于国营大中型企业。笔者认为,解决乡镇企业环境污染的最根本手段是依靠科技进步,通过降低能耗和物耗的途径,把生产过程中产生的废水、废气和废渣通过一定工艺的处理,重新利用,实现资源再生。这样既不影响经济的发展,又不浪费原材料,最大限度地控制了废物排放,保护了环境。温州鹿城农药厂在循环利用和综合利用废物方面,有很多值得推广和借鉴的经验和技…  相似文献   

大量的原油挥发气一直都被排放到大气中 ,既浪费了能源 ,也污染了环境。本文在分析了排空的巨大危害之后 ,对回收方法进行了探讨 ,提出了利用匹配式多级喷射器进行回收的有效方法。  相似文献   

采用基于时间序列的对数平均分解指数(LMDI)法分析了南京市工业35个行业在2000—2010年的碳排放变化。研究表明,影响工业碳排放的驱动因素有工业经济发展、工业部门内部结构、能源强度、能源消费结构和碳排放系数。鉴于此,建议南京市控制能源密集型行业的经济增长速度,提高能源利用效率,推动能源强度接近国家先进水平,开发新能源,促进能源消费结构多元化,共同建设资源节约型社会,从而减少工业碳排放。  相似文献   

环境保护作为我国的一项基本国策,已提到党和国家的议事日程上。现在人们越来越认识到,在发展经济的同时,必须注意环境保护和环境管理,保护生态平衡,这是现代化建设的一项重要而迫切的任务。我国的环境保护工作虽然取得了很大成绩,但是,环境污染和生态破坏仍然十分严重。据调查,我国环境污染物的70%左右来自工业排放的“三废”,而其中的60%以上是由大、中型企业排放的。由于管理不善造成的资源、能源浪费,约占企业排放“三废”总量的25—50%。因此,强化企业内部的环境管理工作十分重要。  相似文献   

一、我国固体废物处理、利用现状我国以原煤为主要能源,由于技术落后,设备陈旧,矿物资源利用率仅50—60%,能源利用率仅30%,每年大约有四亿吨工业废渣、尾矿等。这些固体废物,全国历年堆渣就占  相似文献   

随着社会的发展 ,人们对物质的要求日益增大 ,而自然资源和能源却日趋匮乏 ;另一方面 ,可再生利用的高分子材料的消耗所产生的废弃物也造成了严重的污染 ,威胁到人类的生存。有人提出废旧塑料的资源化是 2 1世纪全人类的重要课题。本文综述了国内外废旧塑料资源化新技术及其进展。  相似文献   

废物乙醇发酵是废物资源化的途径之一,包括废物的预处理,乙醇发酵菌株的选育,乙醇发酵新技术,新工艺的采用等重要内容。同酵母发酵乙醇相比,利用细菌发酵产乙醇具有产率和转化率高,平均发酵速度快等优点,是研究的热点之一,特别是热纤核菌和热糖核菌能直接发酵纤维类废物为乙醇,它们的发现使纤维类废弃物的资源化向前迈进了一大步。同时,人们利用基因工程的手段,改变原菌株的遗传物质,构建“超级菌”,来满足乙醇发酵的要求,同一般发酵技术相比,细胞固定化拄术具有使发酵过程连续运行又具有细胞浓度大,产乙醇效率高等优点。有效的乙醇分离技术包括分离膜、萃取、真空等,它们能降低发酵液中乙醇的浓度,保证酵母的发酵活性,从而提高乙醇的产量。因此,废物乙醇化技术是一个具有巨大潜力的处理废物的新领域。  相似文献   

Prof. Ulgiati stresses that we should always use an ecosystem view when transforming energy from one form to another. Sustainable growth and development of both environmental and human-dominated systems require optimum use of available resources for maximum power output. We have to adapt to the laws of nature because nature has to take care of all the waste products we produce. The presentation addresses a much needed shift away from linear production and consumption pattern, toward reorganization of economies and lifestyle that takes complexity—of resources, of the environment and of the economy—into proper account. The best way to reach maximum yield from the different kinds of biomass is to use biorefineries. Biorefinery is defined as the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products like heat, power, fuels, chemicals, food, feed, and materials. However, biomass from agricultural land must be used for the production of food and not fuel. Prof. Voss focuses on the sustainability of energy supply chains and energy systems. Life cycle analyses (LCA) provides the conceptual framework for a comprehensive comparative evaluation of energy supply options with regard to their resource requirements as well as the health and environmental impact. Full scope LCA considers not only the emissions from plant operation, construction, and decommissioning but also the environmental burdens and resource requirements associated with the entire lifetime of all relevant upstream and downstream processes within the energy chain. This article describes the results of LCA analyses for state-of-the-art heating and electricity systems as well as of advanced future systems. Total costs are used as a measure for the overall resource consumption.  相似文献   

Widespread pollution prevention will turn on creative use of incentives, since prevention means decentralized changes in raw materials, products, production processes and disposal practices—in short, new ways of doing business—that are difficult to achieve through information transfer or regulatory mandates alone. But past experience with incentives and the context in which these approaches are used will shape both regulators’ attitudes and industry willingness to respond. Thus the choice of incentive mechanism (s) may well determine the extent to which “prevention” is implemented—as well as the extent to which implementation yields environmentally-sound rather than perverse results. Approaches now being debated could produce such perverse effects by treating recyclables as pollution and assuming all reductions towards zero are equally desirable, regardless of net risks reduced or costs incurred by waste generators. Another alternative— tradeable permits progressively reducing the amount of waste received by disposal facilities—could help agencies think through such consequences, force needed decisions on how much “prevention” of which “pollution” is appropriate, and encourage investment to reduce commercial as well as municipal waste. This alternative implies that the criteria for “appropriate prevention” are reduction in waste needing disposal and in overall environmental impact; that recycling should be equated with source reduction in waste management hierarchies, not placed on a lower rung; and that Air Toxics provisions of the pending Clean Air Act may require some adjustments if prevention is not to be aborted by the threat that voluntary reduction steps will become national requirements, for existing sources as well as new ones.  相似文献   


The increasing production of ethanol has been established as an important contributor to future energy independence. Although ethanol demand is increasing, a growing economic trend in decreased profitability and resource conflicts have called into question the future of grain-based ethanol production. Growing emphasis is being placed on utilizing cellulosic feedstocks to produce ethanol, and the need for renewable resources has made the development of cellulosic ethanol a national priority. Cellulosic ethanol production plants are being built in many areas of the United States to evaluate various feed-stocks and processes. The waste streams from many varying processes that are being developed contain a variety of components. Differences in ethanol generation processes and feedstocks are producing waste streams unique to biofuel production, which could be potentially harmful to the environment if adequate care is not taken to manage those risks. Waste stream management and utilization of the cellulosic ethanol process are equally important components of the development of this industry.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the green energy potential generated from biogas and solar power, using agricultural manure waste and a photovoltaic (PV) system, was conducted in a large geographical area of a rural county with low population density and low pollution. The studied area, Shoufeng Township in Hualien County, is located in eastern Taiwan, where a large amount of manure waste is generated from pig farms that are scattered throughout the county. The objective of the study is to assess the possibility of establishing an integrated manure waste treatment plant by using the generated biogas incorporated with the PV system to produce renewable energy and then feed it back to the incorporated farms. A filed investigation, geographic information system (GIS) application, empirical equations development, and RETScreen modeling were conducted in the study. The results indicate that Shoufeng Township has the highest priority in setting up an integrated treatment and renewable energy plant by using GIS mapping within a 10-km radius of the transportation range. Two scenarios were plotted in assessing the renewable energy plant and the estimated electricity generation, plus the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction was evaluated. Under the current governmental green energy scheme and from a long-term perspective, the assessment shows great potential in establishing the plant, especially in reducing environmental pollution problems, waste treatment, and developing suitable renewable energy.  相似文献   


Water is necessary for the survival of life on Earth. A wide range of pollutants has contaminated water resources in the last few decades. The presence of contaminants incredibly different dyes in waste, potable, and surface water is hazardous to environmental and human health. Different types of dyes are the principal contaminants in water that need sudden attention because of their widespread domestic and industrial use. The toxic effects of these dyes and their ability to resist traditional water treatment procedures have inspired the researcher to develop an eco-friendly method that could effectively and efficiently degrade these toxic contaminants. Here, in this review, we explored the effective and economical methods of metal-based nanomaterials photocatalytic degradation for successfully removing dyes from wastewater. This study provides a tool for protecting the environment and human health. In addition, the insights into the transformation of solar energy for photocatalytic reduction of toxic metal ions and photocatalytic degradation of dyes contaminated wastewater will open a gate for water treatment research. The mechanism of photocatalytic degradation and the parameters that affect the photocatalytic activities of various photocatalysts have also been reported.


With the increasing adoption of EVs (electric vehicles), a large number of waste EV LIBs (electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries) were generated in China. Statistics showed generation of waste EV LIBs in 2016 reached approximately 10,000 tons, and the amount of them would be growing rapidly in the future. In view of the deleterious effects of waste EV LIBs on the environment and the valuable energy storage capacity or materials that can be reused in them, China has started emphasizing the management, reuse, and recycling of them. This paper presented the generation trend of waste EV LIBs and focused on interrelated management development and experience in China. Based on the situation of waste EV LIBs management in China, existing problems were analyzed and summarized. Some recommendations were made for decision-making organs to use as valuable references to improve the management of waste EV LIBs and promote the sustainable development of EVs.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Aquaculture activities are well known to be the major contributor to the increasing level of organic waste and toxic compound in the aquaculture industry. Along with the development of intensive aquaculture in China, concerns are evoked about the possible effects of ever-increasing aquaculture waste both on productivity inside the aquaculture system and on the ambient aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, it is apparent that appropriate waste treatment processes are needed for sustaining aquaculture development. This review aims at identifying the current status of aquaculture and aquaculture waste production in China. MAIN FEATURES: China is the world's largest fishery nation in terms of total seafood production volume, a position it has maintained continuously since 1990. Freshwater aquaculture is a major part of the Chinese fishery industry. Marine aquaculture in China consists of both land-based and offshore aquaculture, with the latter mostly operated in shallow seas, mud flats and protected bays. The environmental impacts of aquaculture are also striking. RESULTS: Case studies on pollution hot spots caused by aquaculture have been introduced. The quality and quantity of waste from aquaculture depends mainly on culture system characteristics and the choice of species, but also on feed quality and management. Wastewater without treatment, if continuously discharged into the aquatic environment, could result in remarkable elevation of the total organic matter contents and cause considerable economy lost. Waste treatments can be mainly classified into three categories: physical, chemical and biological methods. DISCUSSION: The environmental impacts of different aquaculture species are not the same. New waste treatments are introduced as references for the potential development of the waste treatment system in China. The most appropriate waste treatment system for each site should be selected according to the sites' conditions and financial status as well as by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Strategies and perspectives for sustainable aquaculture development are proposed, with the emphasis on environmental protection. CONCLUSIONS: Negative effects of waste from aquaculture to aquatic environment are increasingly recognized, though they were just a small proportion to land-based pollutants. Properly planned use of aquaculture waste alleviates water pollution problems and not only conserves valuable water resources but also takes advantage of the nutrients contained in effluent. It is highly demanding to develop sustainable aquaculture which keeps stocking density and pollution loadings under environmental capacity. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: The traditional procedures for aquaculture waste treatment, mainly based on physical and chemical means, should be overcome by more site-specific approaches, taking into account the characteristics and resistibility of the aquatic environment. Further research needs to improve or optimize the current methods of wastewater treatment and reuse. Proposed new treatment technology should evaluate their feasibility at a larger scale for practical application.  相似文献   

This article describes the “nuts and bolts” of implementing a waste minimization program at an industrial facility which has made a commitment to carry out such a program for waste reduction and/or elimination. Under EPA sponsorship, a waste minimization assessment methodology has been developed and applied in a total often such assessments at industrial and DOD facilities. The article reviews the eleven distinct steps that represent the preferred procedure for carrying out a waste minimization assessment at an industrial site. This procedure is presented in detail in the recently published “The EPA Manual for Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments.” Two case studies are presented which have employed this methodology to develop waste reduction options in the areas of source reduction and recycle/reuse. Lessons learned during the development and application of this methodology are also presented.  相似文献   

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