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膜电解法从模拟酸性蚀刻废液中回收铜粉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸性蚀刻废液是一种印制电路板制作过程中产生的强酸、高铜的工业废水,对其回收利用具有较高的经济价值。采用膜电解法处理模拟酸性蚀刻废液,在阴极区回收铜粉。研究了铜粉的形成条件,考察了阴极液铜浓度、温度和电流密度对阴极电流效率的影响。结果表明,阴极液的铜浓度在20~25 g/L,温度为45~50℃,电流密度在11~12 A/dm2,阴极的电流效率最高。随着阴极液酸度的增加,铜粉的纯度提高,但阴极电效会降低。为保证较高的铜粉纯度及阴极电效,阴极液的酸度在0.32~0.36 mol/L为宜。  相似文献   

膜电解工艺处理碱性含铜蚀刻废液   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验对碱性含铜蚀刻废液膜电解工艺处理的可行性开展相关研究,考察了槽电压、电解时间和阳极液pH值等因素对膜电解电流效率的影响,并确定了最佳工艺条件:槽电压3.10 V、电解时间2 h、阳极液初始pH值9.20。在上述最优工艺条件下,膜电解电流效率达91.5%。实验结果表明,该工艺操作方便、简单可行,是处理蚀刻废液、回收铜的有效方法,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

静态电渗析法回收酸洗废水中的酸和铁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了达到盐酸酸洗废水零排放的要求,采用单张阴离子交换膜静态电渗析技术,进行了回收酸洗废水中的酸和铁的实验研究.实验时,根据实际盐酸酸洗废水水质配制模拟废水,分别调整槽电压、电解时间、阴极液pH及Fe2+、阳极液pH进行条件筛选,定时分别自阴、阳极室取样,并分析样品的pH及Fe2+浓度,根据实验结果计算Fe回收率.研究表明,采用不锈钢阴极,钛基锡锑金属氧化物涂层阳极,选用DF120型均相阴离子交换膜,当槽电压为10 V,阴极液pH为2.50~3.00,Fe2+为1 000~1 300 mg/L,阳极液pH为3.00时,静态条件下电解反应240 min后,Fe的回收率可达到95%,阴极液出水pH为5.13,Fe2+小于60 mg/L,阳极液出水pH为1.43.  相似文献   

隔膜电解法回收利用电厂锅炉EDTA清洗废水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以涂Ir/Sn钛网板作阳极,以不锈钢网板作阴极,采用隔膜电解法处理电厂锅炉EDTA清洗废水.实验结果表明,电流、阴极电解液初始pH值和Fe/EDTA摩尔比对粉末铁析出速率影响较大,粉末铁电解析出的适宜条件是电解电流为1.0 A、阴极电解液初始pH值为5.6、阴极电解液Fe/EDTA摩尔比足够高.采用隔膜电解结合反渗透膜系统处理电厂锅炉EDTA清洗废水,可同时高效回收纳米级粉末铁和EDTA.  相似文献   

以亚硫酸钠和亚硫酸氢钠溶液模拟钠碱烟气脱硫吸收富液,应用二室中性膜电解装置,对铁离子在阴极板的沉积现象与沉积规律进行研究,确定了沉积物组成成分与铁离子沉积机理,明确了铁离子沉积与膜电解操作参数间的相互关系,结果表明阴极板沉积物中的铁离子主要为硫化亚铁,铁离子沉积量随膜电解电压和硫碱比r增大而明显增大;此外,膜电解过程中随着铁离子沉积于膜表面和阴极板表面的沉积量增加,阴极室压降由于阴极板结垢而降低,膜阻由于模孔堵塞而增大。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索用电解浮选进行活性污泥固液分离的可行性。研究通过小试试验确定电解浮选进行活性污泥固液分离的适宜工艺条件,在装有Ti/RuO2-IrO2-TiO2阳极、Ti阴极的电解浮选槽中进行了活性污泥固液分离的研究,针对影响电解气浮工艺的4个主要影响因素(水力停留时间、接触室电流密度、分离区电流密度和接触室极板间距)及3个合适的水平进行正交试验。结果表明,分离区电流密度是最主要影响因素。当进水SS浓度为1687 mg/L时,在停留时间为25 min,接触室电流密度为5 mA/cm2,分离区电流密度为4 mA/cm2,极板间距为3 mm的条件下进行电解浮选验证性试验,悬浮固体颗粒物去除率较高,去除率为98.9% ,能耗0.54 kWh/m3。  相似文献   

活性黑KN-B染料模拟废水电化学脱色   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
杨蕴哲 《环境工程学报》2009,3(9):1607-1610
为进一步明确活性染料在可溶性阳极电化学体系中的脱色机理,以铝为牺牲阳极,不锈钢为阴极,在恒电流操作模式下,针对活性黑KN-B模拟废水,考察了电流密度、初始pH值、电解质种类及浓度、温度、染料浓度因素对染料脱色过程的影响。结果表明:(1)电流密度、电解液初始pH值、氯化钠电解质浓度、温度、染料浓度对染料溶液脱色效率影响显著,在一定实验条件下,染料溶液脱色率可达到88%;(2) 在不同pH的范围内,活性黑KN-B表现的脱色机理不同,pH 4~9为混凝与阴极还原脱色共同作用;pH<4和>9则表现为阴极还原脱色为主; (3) 氯化钠的加入在增强染料脱色的同时,也有助于芳环类物质的后续混凝去除。  相似文献   

以钛基氧化物涂层材料(Ti/SnO2-Sb2O5-IrO2)为阳极,碳纳米管修饰的石墨(GE—CNT)为阴极构建电化学系统进行硝酸根(NO3-)去除研究,考察了阴极材料、阴极电位和pH值对电化学法去除水中NO[的影响,同时检测了铵离子(NH4+)和亚硝酸根(NO2-)的生成量。结果表明,利用碳纳米管修饰的石墨阴极可获得较好的硝态氮去除效果;随着阴极电位负移,NO3-去除率随之升高;酸性条件下NO3-去除率最高,NH;生成量也更多。对于由NO3-转化产生的NH4+,在氯离子存在条件下再次进行电化学处理120min,其去除率可达97.1%。  相似文献   

耦合光催化氧化和有机膜分离技术,设计了一种新型光催化氧化-有机膜分离三相流化床循环反应装置(循环反应装置);并对循环反应装置光催化降解酸性红B时的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,减小膜出水通量和降低酸性红B废水浓度均有利于膜出水降解率的提高;循环反应装置中废水降解率随光催化反应器底部曝气量的增加而先增加再降低,膜分离器中废水降解率的波动则随曝气量的增加而总是在增大,其最佳曝气量为1.00m^3/h;光催化反应器中多光源布置有利于循环反应装置的稳定运行;循环反应装置可有效地处理酸性红B废水。  相似文献   

污泥水解酸化过程中污染物的释出及其影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘爽  袁林江  王振 《环境工程学报》2009,3(7):1316-1320
为了回收利用污泥中的有机物、氮和磷,研究了将厌氧污泥接种到吸附了污染物质的剩余污泥中,对污泥水解酸化的促进以及污泥中微生物所摄取污染物质的释出规律;揭示了厌氧条件下发酵时间、污泥量、pH和热处理对污染物释出的影响。结果表明,接种24 h后污染物被大量释放出来;在发酵时间为24 h条件下,污染物释出量与污泥质量成正比;吸附了污染物的剩余污泥相对含量越高,释磷量越大;污泥厌氧发酵时,碱性条件下有机物和正磷酸盐的释出量大于酸性条件,加碱调高pH可有效促进氨氮的释出;对吸附了污染物的剩余污泥进行短时热处理可有效缩短其厌氧发酵时污染物的释出时间。结果表明,控制污泥厌氧水解发酵条件可以促进污染物的释出,有利于下一步的回收。  相似文献   

同时以活性炭纤维(ACF)为阳极和阴极,在隔膜电解槽中研究了不同电流密度下蒽醌染料活性艳蓝KN-R的电化学脱色.考察了ACF阳极和ACF阴极各自对染料的脱色性能.结果表明,当电流密度为1.0~1.5 mA/cm2时,电解槽中发生阳极电氧化和阴极电还原同时进行的成对电解脱色.在ACF电极上,活性艳蓝KN-R的电氧化脱色比电还原脱色容易进行,1.0 mA/cm2时,阴阳两极室脱色率分别为69%和93%,而1.5 mA/cm2时,阳极室脱色率保持在93%,阴极室脱色率达到79%.  相似文献   

印制电路板酸性蚀刻废液的膜电解再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高度精细化线路和高层数印制电路板产量的增加,导致酸性蚀刻废液的排放量越来越大,对环境的负荷也随之增大.介绍了酸性蚀刻废液膜电解再生的基本原理,进行了中试规模的应用研究,并与其他电解再生方法进行技术与经济比较分析.结果表明,在槽电压为5V、电解时间为2h的条件下,酸性蚀刻废液的氧化还原电位由480 mV升至540mV,所...  相似文献   

电化学脱硝过程参数的响应曲面优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Ti/IrO2-TiO2-RuO2为阳极,Cu/Zn合金电极为阴极,在无隔膜电解池中对这一新构造电极对的脱硝氮性能进行了研究。为了有效结合阴极硝氮还原能力和阳极氧化能力,采用响应曲面法中的Box-Behnken设计优化了对电化学脱硝过程有显著影响的4个重要因素:氯化钠含量、电流密度、pH和初始硝氮浓度。优化结果表明,相对于pH和初始硝氮浓度,氯化钠含量和电流密度对脱硝性能影响更大,而阴极硝氮还原性能主要受初始硝氮浓度、pH的影响。以6 h内电极对脱氮百分率为响应量,优化得最佳电化学脱硝过程参数为:氯化钠含量,1 g/L;电流密度,24.99 mA/cm2;pH,1.81;初始硝氮浓度100 mg/L。在此实验条件下,6 h内电极对脱氮百分率预测值为99.84%。通过3次重复验证实验,确认实际6 h内电极对脱氮百分率为91.34%。预测值与实测值两者相差不大,由此可知,Box-Behnken设计是一种优化电化学脱氮实验参数的有效方法,经过优化后的电极对具有较佳的脱氮效率。  相似文献   

The characteristics of municipal wastewater treatment by electrolysis, ozonation, and combination processes of electrolysis and aeration using three gaseous species (nitrogen [N2], oxygen [O2], and ozone [O3]) were discussed in this research using ruthenium oxide (RuO2)-coated titanium anodes and stainless-steel (SUS304) cathodes. Electrolysis and electrolysis with nitrogen aeration were characterized by a rapid decrease in 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BODs) and total nitrogen and a slow decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD). In contrast, ozonation, electrolysis with oxygen aeration, and electrolysis with ozone aeration were characterized by transformation of persistent organic matter to biodegradable matter and preservation of total nitrogen. The best energy efficiency in removing BOD5 and total nitrogen was demonstrated by electrolysis, as a result of direct anodic oxidation and indirect oxidation with free chlorine produced from the chloride ion (Cl-) at the anodes. However, electrolysis with ozone aeration was found to be superior to the other processes, in terms of its energy efficiency in removing COD and its ability to remove COD completely, as a result of hydroxyl radical (*OH) production via cathodic reduction of ozone.  相似文献   

The anodic degradation of 1,4-benzoquinone (BQ), one of the most toxic xenobiotic, was investigated by electrochemical oxidation at boron-doped diamond anode. The electrolyses have been performed in a single-compartment flow cell in galvanostatic conditions. The influence of applied current (0.5–2 A), BQ concentration (1–2 g dm?3), temperature (20–45 °C) and flow rate (100–300 dm3 h?1) has been studied. BQ decay kinetic, the evolution of its oxidation intermediates and the mineralization of the aqueous solutions were monitored during the electrolysis by high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) measurements. The results obtained show that the use of diamond anode leads to total mineralization of BQ in any experimental conditions due to the production of oxidant hydroxyl radicals electrogenerated from water discharge. The decay kinetics of BQ removal follows a pseudo-first-order reaction, and the rate constant increases with rising current density. The COD removal rate was favoured by increasing of applied current, recirculating flow rate and it is almost unaffected by solution temperature.  相似文献   

The anodic oxidation of 1.8l of solutions with mecoprop (2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)-propionic acid or MCPP) up to 0.64 g l(-1) in Na2SO4 as background electrolyte within the pH range 2.0-12.0 has been studied using a flow plant containing a one-compartment filter-press electrolytic reactor with a boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode and a stainless steel cathode, both of 20-cm2 area. Electrolyses carried out in batch under steady conditions and operating at constant current density between 50 and 150 mA cm(-2) always yield complete mineralization due to the great concentration of hydroxyl radical generated at the BDD anode. The degradation rate is practically independent of pH and Na2SO4 concentration, but it becomes faster with increasing MCPP concentration, current density, temperature and liquid flow rate. The effect of these parameters on current efficiency and energy cost has also been investigated. Generated weak oxidants such as H2O2 and peroxodisulfate ion have little influence on the mineralization process. The kinetics for the herbicide decay follows a pseudo first-order reaction with a higher rate constant when current density increases. Aromatic products such as 4-chloro-o-cresol, 2-methylhydroquinone and 2-methyl-p-benzoquinone, and generated carboxylic acids such as maleic, fumaric, lactic, pyruvic, tartronic, acetic and oxalic, have been identified as intermediates by chromatographic techniques. The initial chlorine is completely released in the form of chloride ion, which is slowly oxidized to Cl2 at the BDD anode. A reaction pathway for MCPP mineralization involving all products detected is proposed.  相似文献   

Acidic aqueous solutions of clofibric acid (2-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-methylpropionic acid), the bioactive metabolite of various lipid-regulating drugs, have been degraded by indirect electrooxidation methods such as electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton with Fe(2+) as catalyst using an undivided electrolytic cell with a Pt anode and an O(2)-diffusion cathode able to electrogenerate H(2)O(2). At pH 3.0 about 80% of mineralization is achieved with the electro-Fenton method due to the efficient production of oxidant hydroxyl radical from Fenton's reaction between Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2), but stable Fe(3+) complexes are formed. The photoelectro-Fenton method favors the photodecomposition of these species under UVA irradiation, reaching more than 96% of decontamination. The mineralization current efficiency increases with rising metabolite concentration up to saturation and with decreasing current density. The photoelectro-Fenton method is then viable for treating acidic wastewaters containing this pollutant. Comparative degradation by anodic oxidation (without Fe(2+)) yields poor decontamination. Chloride ion is released during all degradation processes. The decay kinetics of clofibric acid always follows a pseudo-first-order reaction, with a similar rate constant in electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton that increases with rising current density, but decreases at greater metabolite concentration. 4-Chlorophenol, 4-chlorocatechol, 4-chlororesorcinol, hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone and 1,2,4-benzenetriol, along with carboxylic acids such as 2-hydroxyisobutyric, tartronic, maleic, fumaric, formic and oxalic, are detected as intermediates. The ultimate product is oxalic acid, which forms very stable Fe(3+)-oxalato complexes under electro-Fenton conditions. These complexes are efficiently photodecarboxylated in photoelectro-Fenton under the action of UVA light.  相似文献   

悬浮电解法回收废旧电子印刷线路板中的铜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以废旧电子印刷线路板中的金属铜为处理对象,采用悬浮电解法制取纯铜粉。选择了4个影响铜粉的纯度、脱落率和电流效率的因素,每个因素3个水平进行正交实验。实验结果表明,硫酸铜的浓度、氯离子的浓度和电流密度对铜粉的纯度、脱落率和电流效率有较大的影响。通过对正交实验结果的分析得出最优的电解条件,在此电解条件下可得到铜粉的纯度99.8%、脱落率99.6%和电流效率99.7%。  相似文献   

Fenton氧化/高浓度泥浆法处理矿山废水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决某大型铜矿废水COD不达标问题,采用Fenton氧化对原有高浓度泥浆(HDS)工艺进行改进。探讨了Fenton氧化矿山废水各指标的去除效果以及H2O2浓度对出水COD去除效果的影响,结果表明,Fenton氧化-电石乳中和絮凝沉淀工艺处理矿山废水是可行的,最优实验条件为:pH稳定在3.0~4.5,H2O2投加量0.5 mL/L,电石乳投加量8.5 g/L,PAM投加量1.5 mg/L;系统对废水COD的去除机理是加入的H2O2和矿山酸性废水中的Fe2+离子在低pH下形成Fenton试剂;系统对TFe、Zn2+、Cu2+ 的去除效果比Mn2+的去除效果更稳定。  相似文献   

Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOPs) are environmentally friendly methods based on the destruction of organic pollutants in wastewaters with in situ electrogenerated hydroxyl radical. This species is formed in anodic oxidation (AO) from water oxidation at the anode and in indirect electro-oxidation methods like electro-Fenton (EF) and photoelectro-Fenton (PEF) also from reaction between catalytic Fe2+ and H2O2 continuously produced at the O2-diffusion cathode. The PEF method involves the irradiation of the treated solution with UVA light to enhance the photolysis of organics including Fe(III) complexes. In this work, the oxidation power of such EAOPs to decontaminate synthetic wastewaters of the biocide chloroxylenol (4-chloro-3,5-dimethylphenol) at pH 3.0 is comparatively examined with an undivided electrolytic cell containing a Pt or boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode and a stainless steel or O2-diffusion cathode. The initial chlorine is released as Cl(-) ion, which remains stable in the medium using Pt or is oxidized to Cl2 on BDD. The biocide solutions can be completely decontaminated using AO with a BDD anode, as well as PEF with a Pt or BDD anode. The PEF procedure with a BDD anode is the most powerful method leading to total mineralization in about 300 min, practically independent of current density. When current density rises, the degradation rate of processes increases, but they become less efficient due to the larger enhancement of waste reactions of oxidants. Chloroxylenol is much more rapidly removed in EF and PEF than in AO. 2,6-dimethylhydroquinone, 2,6-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone and 3,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-p-benzoquinone are identified as aromatic by-products, and maleic, malonic, pyruvic, acetic and oxalic acids are found as generated carboxylic acids. A general pathway for chloroxylenol mineralization by all EAOPs including the above by-products is proposed.  相似文献   

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