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空气净化器检测用环境试验舱研制及性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制一种大型环境试验舱,该舱整体构造主要由内舱、外舱、空气净化系统、污染源发生装置和空气采样系统组成。其中,内舱为测试舱主体部分,体积为30 m3。对舱的性能进行评价测试,结果表明:温度和相对湿度的偏差分别为δT≤2.5℃和δRH≤5%;环境舱内外压差在0~5 Pa时,舱体泄漏量为0.03~1.02 m3/h;清洗后,舱内单项污染物本底浓度小于20μg/m3,总挥发性有机物(TVOC)小于90μg/m3;以质量分数为37%的甲醛溶液作代表性污染物,4种投放量下回收率分别为86.6%、83.4%、82.9%和81.5%;舱内温度为21℃,相对湿度为40%时,甲醛、苯、甲苯等3种污染物自衰减分别为6.7%、8.9%和4.7%。实验结果表明该试验舱应用性能良好,可用于检测空气净化器性能及净化效率。  相似文献   

新型环境测试舱研制、性能评价及释放模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研制了一种新型环境测试舱,此舱系统可用于研究室内材料中挥发性有机物(VOCs)释放特征和释放机理。详细介绍舱的设计,讨论舱系统的优缺点,并对舱的性能进行评价测试。结果表明,温度和相对湿度的准确性分别为≤0.5℃和≤ 3.1%,空气混合水平达到92.9%,回收率达到85.2%。根据回收率实验结果,用经验模型和VB模型模拟对二氯苯(p-DCB)释放,模拟结果与实测值吻合很好。  相似文献   

环境测试舱自吸附甲醛重释放规律与影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
广泛用于板材污染物释放量测试、空气净化产品净化效果测试等实验中的环境测试舱,往往由于其内壁黏附性杂质而对目标测试物产生不可忽视的自吸附作用,自吸附污染物将作为二次释放源出现重释放,研究目标测试物的自吸附消耗量及重释放规律,探索有效控制措施,有利于对环境测试舱实验应用及室内污染控制提出指导性实际意义。分别选取0.2%甲醛溶液、大芯板作为同一自制玻璃环境测试舱2期实验(I期、Ⅱ期)的不同甲醛释放源,通过近90 d追踪测试,经不同释放源、不同控制条件下舱内壁自吸附甲醛的多次重释放实验,结合非线性拟合分析方法,总结出舱内壁自吸附甲醛重释放甲醛浓度变化符合一阶递增指数函数:y=A1×exp(-x/t1)+y0,(A1<0、t1>0)。曲线参数y0值可用于评价实验条件下测试舱内自吸附甲醛残余量;y0值与环境舱舱体材质、环境温湿度、舱外甲醛浓度及空气交换手段有关,而与释放源及其释放平衡浓度高低无明显关系。大开舱门短时间抽气式空气交换对舱内自吸附甲醛残余有适度清除效果,使y0值降低,同时有利于再次平衡状态的快速建立;而长时间的无动力空气交换,或者自来水洗及去离子水洗等处理手段对舱内壁自吸附甲醛残余无明显清除作用。  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧过程的不稳定会导致大量有害物质的生成,为确保垃圾的清洁燃烧需要将炉膛温度控制在850℃以上,为此测试了焚烧炉运行的主要可控参数对炉膛温度的影响。结果表明,垃圾堆放位置在垃圾池深3~8 m处,并经过6 d以上发酵脱水后适合焚烧;炉膛温度随给料量、一次风率和一次风温增加而增大,随过量空气系数增加而降低,其中给料量宜控制在95%~110%之间;当过量空气系数为1.6、一次风率为90%、一次风温为260℃、给料量为100%时炉膛温度达901℃。  相似文献   

利用干燥空气替换亚临界水作为蒸发壁流体,对传统蒸发壁超临界水氧化反应器进行了改进,即将干燥空气用作污染物超临界水氧化反应氧化剂的同时,又作为该超临界水氧化反应体系的密封介质,避免其与反应器内壁的直接接触,以改善超临界水氧化反应器的耐腐蚀性能。通过对采用城市活性污泥和异丙醇配制的高浓度难降解污染物悬浮液进行超临界水氧化处理后,发现反应器内衬陶瓷管在实验前后无论是外观形貌,还是结构组成均未发生明显变化;处理后液体COD降至80 mg/L以下,去除率达到99.6%以上,固体残渣量约为污染物总量的1%,且体系运行过程中压力和温度控制准确,可操作性强。进一步验证了将干燥空气作为超临界水氧化体系的密封介质具有可行性,同时表明,该气封壁超临界水氧化反应系统可用于高浓度难降解有机污染物的环境处理。  相似文献   

以东北地区某350 MW火电机组为研究对象,对其超低排放改造后的脱硝系统择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)反应器进行性能测试,利用所获数据绘制等高线图和折线图,研究并分析了SCR反应器出、入口烟气流场和NO_x浓度场的分布特性。结果显示,脱硝系统平均效率为97.37%,SCR反应器出口NO_x平均浓度为13.31 mg·m~(-3),均达设计要求(脱硝效率≥91.1%,出口浓度≤40mg·m~(-3)),总体脱硝性能表现良好。结果表明:入口NO_x均匀度较好;甲、乙侧反应器出口烟道NO_x浓度的离散度分别为31.49%、56.90%,高于设计值(≤15%),出口NO_x分布不均匀。技术改造使得该机组SCR反应器出口NO_x浓度满足了超低排放限值的要求(≤50 mg·m~(-3)),却在喷氨优化调整、喷氨格栅清理以及催化剂压差控制等方面存在不足。在增加新催化剂层的基础上,对于催化剂层结构疏通、喷氨自动控制、烟气流场的校核与改造等方面仍有提升的空间。  相似文献   

为探明空调房间气流形式与通风量对室内微生物气溶胶的影响规律,在一个标准气流实验室,使用Andersen六级撞击式空气采样器对空气中的细菌与真菌气溶胶进行采样,分析了其浓度变化特点,及其与大气细颗粒物PM_(2.5)的相关关系。结果表明,晴朗天气下,气流室内不同气流形式和通风量对微生物气溶胶浓度的影响不同。总体来说,不管是哪种气流形式,通风量的增加均在一定范围内降低了室内微生物气溶胶及大气细颗粒物浓度,其中细菌气溶胶和PM_(2.5)在通风方式为侧面送风侧面排风时的去除效果最好,且分别在换气次数为3次/h和4次/h时其浓度达到最低,其去除效率分别为88.5%和42%,而真菌气溶胶在侧面送风顶面排风时的去除效果最好,在4次/h浓度最低,去除效率为6%。研究结果可以为探究室内环境空气质量及控制室内微生物污染提供基础数据。  相似文献   

为了探究进气流量和相对湿度对活性炭吸附法和光催化转化法动态净化室内空气中总挥发性有机物(TVOC)的影响,设计了一套包含活性炭吸附器和光催化反应器的多功能空气动态净化实验装置,并利用该装置进行了室内空气净化实验。通过设置不同进气条件(进气流量和相对湿度)对室内空气进行净化实验,采用气相色谱仪对样品TVOC浓度进行检测,并与未经净化处理的空气样品进行对比,计算TVOC去除率。结果表明:该实验装置能够实现连续进气且能对进气流量和相对湿度进行精准调节;随着进气流量增大,活性炭和光催化对TVOC去除率减小;随着进气相对湿度增大,活性炭对TVOC去除率减小,光催化对TVOC的去除率呈现先增大后减小的趋势。以上实验结果为气候舱空气净化系统、家用空气净化器及室内新风过滤系统等动态空气净化系统的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

组合工艺处理猪场废水中试实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用改良UASB-MAP氮磷回收-动态膜好氧-水平潜流人工湿地组合工艺对某猪场废水进行了中试实验研究,重点研究了改进UASB和MAP工艺启动条件参数,并考察了组合工艺稳定运行条件下对猪场废水的COD、N和P等污染物的去除效果。结果表明,该集成工艺启动速度快,污染物去除效果稳定(COD、氨氮和TP的去除率分别为99%、90%和97%)。中试实验结果可为进一步的工程推广应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

根据相似理论建立了针对某燃煤电厂新建袋式除尘器工程的气流分布物理模型实验装置,并对其在典型工况下的气流分布情况进行了实验和分析.在此基础上,通过增加导流板和改变气流分布板的组合方式等措施,调整优化系统的气流分布情况,得出了适用于该项工程的气流分布设计和优化方案.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop and test a dynamic gas generator for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOC). A single compound, naphthalene, is used as a surrogate PAH to test the system. The dynamic generation of PAH is based on the permeation technique [Analyst 106 (1981) 817; Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 38 (1977) 712]. Monitoring the temperature and measuring the mass of PAH present in the permeation chamber every 48 h gives a direct measurement of the sublimation rate of the PAH. Knowing the flow rate, gives an accurate value of the concentration of PAH from the generator. It was found stable over a period of time under constant operating conditions. This concentration is diluted down to between 0.3 and 30 ppbv by a controlled flow of pure air. The diluting airflow is a mixture of dry and wet air, making it possible to control the relative humidity of the flow from the generator as well as its concentration in PAH. We used this generator to calibrate an annular denuder tube, based on the study by Gundel et al. [Atmos. Environ. 29 (1995) 1719]. Although this technique has been shown to be artefact-free for sampling gaseous PAH [Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 9 (1996) 67; Atmos. Environ. 28 (1994) 3083], its trapping efficiency still depends on environmental parameters (temperature, relative humidity and sampling duration). Accordingly, we used our generator to calibrate a single annular denuder under controlled conditions (T degrees C, HR%, CPAH, sampling duration). The trapping efficiency of the denuder was calculated by two independent methods. Firstly, by comparing the amount trapped on a denuder with the measured mass sublimated in the generator. Secondly, by putting two denuders in series and comparing the mass collected on the first and the second tube. These two methods gave similar results, within the 10% relative uncertainties of both methods. The first results obtained show that, in environmental conditions, the efficiency ranges between 90 and 100%.  相似文献   


A large chamber test method for measuring indoor air emissions from office equipment was developed, evaluated, and revised based on the initial testing of four dry-process photocopiers. Because all chambers may not necessarily produce similar results (e.g., due to differences in sink effects, temperature and humidity control, air exchange, pollutant monitoring, and measurement biases), a preliminary four-laboratory evaluation of the revised test method was conducted. To minimize variability, the evaluation used a single dry-process photocopier that was shipped to each of the four laboratories along with supplies (i.e., toner and paper).

The results of this preliminary four-laboratory evaluation demonstrate that the test method was used successfully in the different chambers to measure emissions from dry-process photocopiers. Differences in chamber design and construction appeared to have had minimal effect on the results for the volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Perhaps more important than the chamber itself is the sample analysis as identified by duplicate samples that were analyzed by a different laboratory. Percent relative standard deviation (%RSD) was used to provide a simplistic view of interlaboratory precision for this evaluation. Excluding problems with suspected analytical bias observed from one of the laboratories, the precision was excellent for the VOCs with RSDs of less than 10% in most cases. Less precision was observed among the laboratories for aldehydes/ketones (RSD of 23.2% for formaldehyde). The precision for ozone emission rates among three of the laboratories was excellent (RSD of 7.9%), but emission rates measured at the fourth laboratory were much higher.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Quality Assurance (QA) Guidance Document 2.12: Monitoring PM2.5 in Ambient Air Using Designated Reference or Class I Equivalent Methods (Document 2.12) requires conditioning of PM2.5 filters at 20-23 degrees C and 30-40% relative humidity (RH) for 24 hr prior to gravimetric analysis. Variability of temperature and humidity may not exceed +/-2 degrees C and +/-5% RH during the conditioning period. The quality assurance team at EPA Region 2's regional laboratory designed a PM2.5 weighing facility that operates well within these strict performance requirements. The traditional approach to meeting the performance requirements of Document 2.12 for PM2.5 filter analysis is to build a walk-in room, with costs typically exceeding $100,000. The initial one-time capital cost for the laboratory at EPA's Edison, NJ, facility was approximately $24,000. Annual costs [e.g., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recertifications and nitrogen replacement cylinders used for humidity control] are approximately $500. The average 24-hr variabilities in temperature and RH in the Region 2 weighing chamber are small, +/-0.2 degrees C and +/-0.8% RH, respectively. The mass detection limit for the PM2.5 weighing system of 47-mm stretched Teflon (lab blank) filters is 6.3 microg. This facility demonstrates an effective and economical example for states and other organizations planning PM2.5 weighing facilities.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and humidity on formaldehyde emissions from samples collected from temporary housing units (THUs) was studied. The THUs were supplied by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) to families that lost their homes in Louisiana and Mississippi during the Hurricane Katrina and Rita disasters. On the basis of a previous study, four of the composite wood surface materials that dominated contributions to indoor formaldehyde were selected to analyze the effects of temperature and humidity on the emission factors. Humidity equilibration experiments were carried out on two of the samples to determine how long the samples take to equilibrate with the surrounding environmental conditions. Small chamber experiments were then conducted to measure emission factors for the four surface materials at various temperature and humidity conditions. The samples were analyzed for formaldehyde via high-performance liquid chromatography. The experiments showed that increases in temperature or humidity contributed to an increase in emission factors. A linear regression model was built using the natural log of the percent relative humidity (RH) and inverse of temperature (in K) as independent variables and the natural log of emission factors as the dependent variable. The coefficients for the inverse of temperature and log RH with log emission factor were found to be statistically significant for all of the samples at the 95% confidence level. This study should assist in retrospectively estimating indoor formaldehyde exposure of occupants of THUs.  相似文献   

The controlled atmosphere aspects of the environmental chambers at the University of Utah are described. Control of wind velocity, CO2, concentration, temperature, relative humidity, and pollutant concentration are discussed. Requirements of our research program dictating the chamber design include: (1) ability to expose plants to air pollutants under the same environmental conditions at different times; (2) ability to simulate field environmental conditions within acceptable limits; (3) ability to study the effects of temperature, light, relative humidity, and wind velocity on response of plants to air pollutants; (4) ability to measure growth suppression, respiration, and transpiration; and (5) ability to measure the pollutant uptake rate of the plants.  相似文献   

Reduction of viable airborne Staphylococcus epidermidis and Aspergillus niger spore concentrations using two types of photocatalytic fluorescent lamps under controlled environmental conditions (25 vs. 35 °C and 55 vs. 75% relative humidity) were investigated. Visible white-light and UVA black light were in-house spray-coated with TiO2 and then compared with a commercially coated visible white-light for microbial concentration reduction. The white-light photocatalytic lamps reduced the concentration of culturable S. epidermidis up to 92% independent of temperature or humidity change, while the black light photocatalytic lamps completely inactivated the culturable bacteria at 25 °C, 55% relative humidity. Humidity seemed to alleviate UVA damage since better bacteria survival was found. For A. niger spores, rising humidity or temperature could lower their concentration or drop their culturabilities so that a difference between the natural decay and photocatalytic disinfection could not be distinguished. Reductions of total bacteria and total fungi concentrations using these lamps were also examined under uncontrolled environmental conditions in an office and a waste-storage room. It was found that photocatalytic lamps could reduce total culturable bacteria concentration from 9 to 97% and total culturable fungi concentration from 3 to 95% within irradiation time of 30-480 min, respectively. Insignificant difference in concentration reduction among these photocatalytic lamps was pronounced.  相似文献   

A new analytical method was developed for the determination of formaldehyde in ambient air based on the use of a modified configuration of the Analyst® passive sampler. It consists of a polyethylene cylinder filled with appropriate reactive adsorbent and a special anti-turbulence net which works as an ozone scrubber.The performance of a diffusive sampler depends critically on the selection and use of a suitable adsorbent and on environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity and the interference of oxidant species. In this study two adsorbent types were investigated: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) coated silica gel and Florisil® particles. Interference of ozone was removed by using a silver net upstream as an anti-turbulence device. The performance of this net was then compared with that of stainless steel. Furthermore, the aim of the work was the optimization of the adsorbent type and the study of the interference of ozone with particular attention placed on the effect of relative humidity and temperature.A dynamic system for generating a known concentration of the test gas (formaldehyde) in an appropriate exposure chamber was used to evaluate the performance of the passive sampler and to allow the calibration of the methodology. Inter-comparisons with a reference method, active sampling using 2,4-DNPH-silica gel coated cartridges, were also carried out. Results were in accordance with each other.Tests were planned using a statistical method based on Design of Experiment methodology. The operating conditions were chosen in order to obtain the best configuration of the passive device by evaluating the statistical significance of the different factors and their interactions by analysis of variance.Results showed that the best configuration was achieved using 2,4-DNPH Florisil® coated particles as an adsorbent and a silver anti-turbulence net as an ozone scrubber.With the aim of achieving further results in realistic conditions, some field experiments were also carried out.  相似文献   


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Quality Assurance (QA) Guidance Document 2.12: Monitoring PM2.5 in Ambient Air Using Designated Reference or Class I Equivalent Methods1 (Document 2.12) requires conditioning of PM2.5 filters at 20-23 °C and 30-40% relative humidity (RH) for 24 hr prior to gravimetric analysis. Variability of temperature and humidity may not exceed ±2 °C and ±5% RH during the conditioning period. The quality assurance team at EPA Region 2’s regional laboratory designed a PM2.5 weighing facility that operates well within these strict performance requirements.

The traditional approach to meeting the performance requirements of Document 2.12 for PM2.5 filter analysis is to build a walk-in room, with costs typically exceeding $100,000. The initial one-time capital cost for the laboratory at EPA’s Edison, NJ, facility was approximately $24,000. Annual costs [e.g., National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recertifications and nitrogen replacement cylinders used for humidity control] are approximately $500. The average 24-hr variabilities in temperature and RH in the Region 2 weighing chamber are small, ±0.2 °C and ±0.8% RH, respectively. The mass detection limit for the PM2.5 weighing system of 47-mm stretched Teflon (lab blank) filters is 6.3 μg. This facility demonstrates an effective and economical example for states and other organizations planning PM2.5 weighing facilities.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system has been an important facility for maintaining indoor air quality. However, the primary function of typical HVAC systems is to control the temperature and humidity of the supply air. Most indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), cannot be removed by typical HVAC systems. Thus, some air handling units for removing VOCs should be added in typical HVAC systems. Among all of the air cleaning techniques used to remove indoor VOCs, photocatalytic oxidation is an attractive alternative technique for indoor air purification and deodorization. The objective of this research is to investigate the VOC removal efficiency of the photocatalytic filter in a HVAC system. Toluene and formaldehyde were chosen as the target pollutants. The experiments were conducted in a stainless steel chamber equipped with a simplified HVAC system. A mechanical filter coated with Degussa P25 titania photocatalyst and two commercial photocatalytic filters were used as the photocatalytic filters in this simplified HVAC system. The total air change rates were controlled at 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, and 1.5 hr(-1), and the relative humidity (RH) was controlled at 30%, 50%, and 70%. The ultraviolet lamp used was a 4-W, ultraviolet-C (central wavelength at 254 nm) strip light bulb. The first-order decay constant of toluene and formaldehyde found in this study ranged from 0.381 to 1.01 hr(-1) under different total air change rates, from 0.34 to 0.433 hr(-1) under different RH, and from 0.381 to 0.433 hr(-1) for different photocatalytic filters.  相似文献   

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