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为加速好氧填埋场的稳定化进程,提出利用生物强化技术加速好氧填埋垃圾的生物降解,通过模拟实验,研究了微生物菌剂对填埋垃圾稳定过程的影响。结果表明:微生物菌剂降低了好氧填埋场的有机污染负荷,使渗滤液COD下降更加明显,整个填埋周期所产渗滤液的COD总量较对照组少20.20%;加速了含氮物质的生物转化,氨氮峰值出现较对照组提前6 d,经历峰值以后,氨氮快速下降,较对照组提前22 d达到国家生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准(GB 16889-2008)所规定的渗滤液氨氮排放标准25 mg/L,并使整个填埋周期氨氮总量减少9.15%;微生物菌剂降低了渗滤液的产量,使整个填埋周期渗滤液累计产量减少8.29%;使垃圾中有机质降解加快并使其降解更加彻底,至实验结束时总有机质含量较对照组低8.82%,干重较对照组减少35.95%;沉降性能优于对照组,至填埋结束时较对照组沉降量提高6.35%。  相似文献   

通过土柱实验研究垃圾渗滤液污染地下氧化还原环境的分带现象与污染物的衰减规律.实验结果表明:垃圾渗滤液污染晕中出现了3个顺序氧化还原带,依次为铁还原带、硝酸盐还原带和氧还原带,各带标志性物质Fe3 、NO-2和O2的最高质量浓度分别为14.81、1.41、5.8 mg/L;COD与NH 4-N在监测区间内呈现出相似的衰减规律,随距离的增加浓度降低,随时间的推移浓度升高,COD初期最高去除率达76.8%,后期降到50.0%;NH 4-N初期最高去除率达98.1%,后期降到90.2%.  相似文献   

以稳定渗滤液为处理对象,通过对其在山谷型填埋场覆盖层进行亚表面灌溉,研究了不同植被条件下植物的适应性、渗滤液水量削减负荷、COD和氨氮的去除率,以及灌溉对大气环境的影响。研究表明:夹竹桃是最适合进行渗滤液灌溉处理的植被;高羊茅作为草本植物,可作为夹竹桃的替代,也可与夹竹桃复种,形成双层植被;在渗滤液灌溉水力负荷为6mm/d、COD平均值为890mg/L、氨氮平均值为240mg/L的情况下,各灌溉区灌溉水量可削减50%~80%,COD平均去除率在90%以上,氨氮平均去除率在96%以上。  相似文献   

研究了垃圾卫生填埋场渗滤液的年产量、夏季产量及其与填埋场规模、运行年限之间的关系。分析了填埋场夏季渗滤液的COD、BOD5、氨氮、p H值和BOD5/COD规律。研究结果表明,渗滤液年产量与填埋场规模、运行年限有关。渗滤液夏季产量变化规律与其相应的年产量并不一致。规模M≤100 t/d、100M≤200 t/d、200M≤500 t/d和M500 t/d的填埋场夏季渗滤液产量呈现出不同的变化特征。各填埋场的夏季渗滤液水质差别较大,COD值总体偏小,处于35.5~3 029.8 mg/L之间;BOD5值处于6.5~1 120.7 mg/L之间;64.2%的填埋场夏季渗滤液的BOD5/COD值≥0.30,可生化性较好;氨氮为21~1 273 mg/L。研究结果可为国内城市垃圾卫生填埋场渗滤液处理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

分析了武汉金口垃圾填埋场中不同填埋时间的垃圾渗滤液特性和周边地下水水质,并结合场地条件分析垃圾渗滤液对地下水环境的影响机制。结果表明:(1)所有垃圾渗滤液(均超过7年)中COD、氨氮、Cl-均分别低于500、1 000、1 000mg/L;重金属含量较低。垃圾渗滤液中COD、氨氮和Cl-均随填埋时间延长而降低。(2)填埋场周围50m内的上层滞水均受到垃圾渗滤液水平渗透的影响,主要表现为高锰酸盐指数和氨氮均不能满足《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848—93)中Ⅲ类标准,其中氨氮超标严重,平均超标89.3倍,高锰酸盐指数平均超标1.0倍。相比场区地下水的下游方向,上游方向的上层滞水受污染程度较轻。(3)由于厚层黏土的阻隔,距地表约25m的上更新统承压水的水质相对较好,除武汉市上更新统承压水普遍存在的超标组分(氨氮和Mn)外,其他指标基本满足GB/T 14848—93中Ⅲ类标准,其受垃圾填埋场渗滤液垂直渗透影响较小。这为简易填埋场关闭后的场地维护和开发利用以及新建填埋场的选址提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了系统研究氮在深型地下土壤渗滤系统中的去除途径,本次实验采用直径30cm,高200cm的有机玻璃柱模拟地下土壤渗滤系统;柱内分层装填取自北京顺义的土壤。在水力负荷为8cm/d的条件下,取得了较好的脱氮效果;氨氮去除率为99.80%;TN去除率为83.68%。通过观察氮沿土柱深度的变化规律发现,在1.30m以上的区域随着氨氮浓度的降低硝氮浓度逐渐增大,同时总氮浓度也在不断降低,约有30.55%在此区域被去除;通过氮元素质量平衡证明这部分氮是通过厌氧氨氧化反应去除的。在1.30m以下反硝化反应是脱氮的主要途径,在此过程中难降解有机物被利用。  相似文献   

伏牛溪水污染治理效果的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为评估河流治污措施对河道水质改善的效果,用MIKE11模型对伏牛溪河道主要污染物氨氮和CODMn进行了数值模拟。结果表明:河道沿程点源全部截污后,可降低43%的氨氮和65%的CODMn,水质基本达到Ⅴ类水标准;补充20 000 m3/d污水厂尾水(仅深度处理其中6 000 m3/d),河道氨氮浓度将升高12%、CODMn浓度可降低17%,水质不能满足Ⅴ类水标准;补充20 000 m3/d全部深度处理的污水厂尾水,可以降低39%的氨氮和42%的CODMn,水质基本可达到Ⅴ类水标准;采取组合措施后,氨氮可降低12%~37%,CODMn可降低7%~30%。组合措施优于单一措施。  相似文献   

两种填埋结构中氨氮的空间变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据准好氧填埋和厌氧填埋的原理,构建了准好氧和厌氧填埋的实验室模拟装置,研究了2种填埋结构渗滤液中氨氮的空间分布规律。结果表明,准好氧填埋结构3层渗滤液中氨氮浓度都呈不断稳定下降的趋势,29周时上层、中层和下层渗滤液中氨氮浓度分别从填埋初的931.8、1796和3019 mg/L下降到25.6、328.9和820.1 mg/L;厌氧填埋结构3层渗滤液中氨氮浓度下降趋势不明显且波动性较大。准好氧填埋与厌氧填埋结构渗滤液中氨氮浓度表现出明显的空间层次效应,为下层>中层>上层。  相似文献   

AS-SMBR工艺处理垃圾渗滤液实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用AS-SMBR工艺处理城市生活垃圾填埋场渗滤液,选择DO 2~4 mg/L、HRT50~60 h,在常温环境下运行结果表明:AS-SMBR工艺对垃圾渗滤液中COD和氨氮具有高效的去除效果,COD总去除率在50%~60%,NH3-N去除效率在95%以上;COD和NH3-N运行负荷分别为0.2~0.3 kg COD/(kg MLSS.d)和0.06~0.18 g NH3-N/(g MLSS.d);垃圾渗滤液生化系统对大分子物质的降解程度对膜去除效率有重要影响,两者对COD去除效率呈现波浪式交替变化。  相似文献   

磷酸铵镁(MAP)沉淀法是处理高浓度氨氮废水的一种有效方法,采用絮凝强化MAP沉淀法,以期提高垃圾渗滤液处理的脱氮效果。考察了不同絮凝剂种类、投加方式及投加量对脱氮效果的影响。结果表明:在进行MAP沉淀前投加絮凝剂聚合氯化铝(PAC),投加量为40mg/L时,总有机碳(TOC)和氨氮的去除率分别达到91.55%和86.94%。同时,为了探究PAC对MAP沉淀法处理垃圾渗滤液的强化作用,对不同处理前后的垃圾渗滤液进行了三维荧光分析,发现MAP沉淀处理对垃圾渗滤液的类腐殖酸物质去除效果更好。通过实验发现,随着腐殖酸浓度逐渐增加,MAP沉淀法氨氮去除率会逐步降低。当腐殖酸投加量为1.0g/L时,氨氮去除率为20.44%,Mg~(2+)升高到262.32mg/L。通过傅立叶红外分析,发现垃圾渗滤液中的有机物官能团种类繁多,而经絮凝(投加PAC)强化MAP沉淀法处理后含羧基、苯环=CH和芳环=CH官能团的有机物减少。因此,垃圾渗滤液中类腐殖酸物质影响了MAP沉淀法的处理效果,而絮凝可以通过降低渗滤液中类腐殖酸物质浓度而提高MAP沉淀法处理氨氮的效果。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine radionuclide and trace element concentrations in bottom‐feeding fish (catfish, carp, and suckers) collected from the confluences of some of the major canyons that cross Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) lands with the Rio Grande (RG) and the potential radiological doses from the ingestion of these fish. Samples of muscle and bone (and viscera in some cases) were analyzed for 3H, 90Sr, 137Cs, totU, 238Pu, 239,240Pu, and 241Am and Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cr, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Tl. Most radionuclides, with the exception of 90Sr, in the muscle plus bone portions of fish collected from LANL canyons/RG were not significantly (p<0.05) higher from fish collected upstream (San Ildefonso/background) of LANL. Strontium‐90 in fish muscle plus bone tissue significantly (p<0.05) increases in concentration starting from Los Alamos Canyon, the most upstream confluence (fish contained 3.4E‐02 pCi g‐1 [126E‐02 Bq kg‐1]), to Frijoles Canyon, the most downstream confluence (fish contained 14E‐02 pCi g‐1 [518E‐02 Bq kg‐1]). The differences in 90Sr concentrations in fish collected downstream and upstream (background) of LANL, however, were very small. Based on the average concentrations (±2SD) of radionuclides in fish tissue from the four LANL confluences, the committed effective dose equivalent from the ingestion of 46 lb (21 kg) (maximum ingestion rate per person per year) of fish muscle plus bone, after the subtraction of background, was 0.1 ± 0.1 mrem y‐1 (1.0 ± 1.0 μSv y‐1), and was far below the International Commission on Radiological Protection (all pathway) permissible dose limit of 100 mrem y‐1 (1000 μSv y‐1). Of the trace elements that were found above the limits of detection (Ba, Cu, and Hg) in fish muscle collected from the confluences of canyons that cross LANL and the RG, none were in significantly higher (p<0.05) concentrations than in muscle of fish collected from background locations.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes radionuclide concentrations (3H, 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu, 241Am, and totU) in muscle and bone tissue of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) collected from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, New Mexico, lands from 1991 through 1998. Also, the committed effective dose equivalent (CEDE) and the risk of excess cancer fatalities (RECF) to people who ingest muscle and bone from deer and elk collected from LANL lands were estimated. Most radionuclide concentrations in muscle and bone from individual deer (n = 11) and elk (n = 22) collected from LANL lands were either at less than detectable quantities (where the analytical result was smaller than two counting uncertainties) and/or within upper (95%) level background (BG) concentrations. As a group, most radionuclides in muscle and bone of deer and elk from LANL lands were not significantly higher (p<0.10) than in similar tissues from deer (n = 3) and elk (n = 7) collected from BG locations. Also, elk that had been radio collared and tracked for two years and spent an average time of 50% on LANL lands were not significantly different in most radionuclides from road kill elk that have been collected as part of the environmental surveillance program. Overall, the upper (95%) level net CEDEs (the CEDE plus two sigma for each radioisotope minus background) at the most conservative ingestion rate (50 lbs of muscle and 13 lbs of bone) were as follows: deer muscle = 0.22 mrem y‐1 (2.2 μSv y‐1), deer bone = 3.8 mrem y‐1 (38 μSv y‐1), elk muscle = 0.12 mrem y‐1 (1.2 μSv y‐1), and elk bone = 1.7 mrem y‐1 (17 μSv y‐1). All CEDEs were far below the International Commission on Radiological Protection guideline of 100 mrem y‐1 (1000 μSv y‐1), and the highest muscle plus bone net CEDE corresponded to a RECF of 2E‐06, which is far below the Environmental Protection Agency upper level guideline of 1E‐04.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the leaching of pesticides and the applicability of the Attenuation Factor (AF) Model to predict their leaching. The leaching of carbofuran, carbendazim, diuron, metolachlor, α and β endosulfan and chlorpyrifos was studied in an Oxisol using a field experiment lysimeter located in Dom Aquino – Mato Grosso. The samples of percolated water were collected by rain event and analyzed. Chemical and physical soil attributes were determined before pesticide application to the plots. The results showed that carbofuran was the pesticide that presented a higher leaching rate in the studied soil, so was the one representing the highest contamination potential. From the total carbofuran applied in the soil surface, around 6 % leached below 50 cm. The other pesticides showed lower mobility in the studied soil. The calculated values to AF were 7.06E-12 (carbendazim), 5.08E-03 (carbofuran), 3.12E-17 (diuron), 6.66E-345 (α-endosulfan), 1.47E-162 (β-endosulfan), 1.50E-06 (metolachlor), 3.51E-155 (chlorpyrifos). AF Model was useful to classify the pesticides' potential for contamination; however, that model underestimated pesticide leaching.  相似文献   

Endosulfan in China 2—emissions and residues   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background, aim, and scope  Endosulfan is one of the organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and also a candidate to be included in a group of new persistent organic pollutants (UNEP 2007). The first national endosulfan usage inventories in China with 1/4° longitude by 1/6° latitude resolution has been reported in an accompanying paper. In the second part of the paper, we compiled the gridded historical emissions and soil residues of endosulfan in China from the usage inventories. Based on the residue/emission data, gridded concentrations of endosulfan in Chinese soil and air have been calculated. These inventories will provide valuable data for the further study of endosulfan. Methods  Emission and residue of endosulfan were calculated from endosulfan usage by using a simplified gridded pesticide emission and residue model—SGPERM, which is an integrated modeling system combining mathematical model, database management system, and geographic information system. By using the emission and residue inventories, annual air and soil concentrations of endosulfan in each cell were determined. Results and discussion  Historical gridded emission and residue inventories of α- and β-endosulfan in agricultural soil in China with 1/4° longitude by 1/6° latitude resolution have been created. Total emissions were around 10,800 t, with α-endosulfan at 7,400 t and β-endosulfan at 3,400 t from 1994 to 2004. The highest residues were 140 t for α-endosulfan and 390 t for β-endosulfan, and the lowest residues were 0.7 t for α-endosulfan and 170 t for β-endosulfan in 2004 in Chinese agricultural soil where endosulfan was applied. Based on the emission and residue inventories, concentrations of α- and β-endosulfan in Chinese air and agricultural surface soil were also calculated for each grid cell. We have estimated annual averaged air concentrations and the annual minimum and maximum soil concentrations across China. The real concentrations will be different from season to season. Although our model does not consider the transport of the insecticide in the atmosphere, which could be very important in some areas during some special time, the estimated concentrations of endosulfan in Chinese air and soil derived from the endosulfan emission and residue inventories are in general consistent with the published monitoring data. Conclusions  To our knowledge, this work is the first inventory of this kind for endosulfan published on a national scale. Concentrations of the chemical in Chinese air and agricultural surface soil were calculated for each grid cell. Results show that the estimated concentrations of endosulfan in Chinese air and soil agree reasonably well with the monitoring data in general. Recommendations and perspectives  The gridded endosulfan emission/residue inventories and also the air and soil concentration inventories created in this study will be updated upon availability of new information, including usage and monitoring data. The establishment of these inventories for the OCP is important for both scientific communities and policy makers.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at investigating the impact of water quality on the uptake and distribution of three non-essential and toxic elements, namely, As, Cd and Pb in the watercress plant to assess for metal toxicity. The plant was hydroponically cultivated under greenhouse conditions, with the growth medium being spiked with varying concentrations of As, Cd and Pb. Plants that were harvested weekly for elemental analysis showed physiological and morphological symptoms of toxicity on exposure to high concentrations of Cd and Pb. Plants exposed to high concentrations of As did not survive and the threshold for As uptake in watercress was established at 5 ppm. Translocation factors were low in all cases as the toxic elements accumulated more in the roots of the plant than the edible leaves. The impact of Zn on the uptake of toxic elements was also evaluated and Zn was found to have an antagonistic effect on uptake of both Cd and Pb with no notable effect on uptake of As. The findings indicate that phytotoxicity or death of the watercress plant would prevent it from being a route of human exposure to high concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in the environment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of mono- (MBT), di- (DBT), and tri-(TBT) butyltin compounds were measured in eggs, liver, and muscle of nine species of fish from four regions of the Baltic Sea - the Firth of Vistula, the Gulf of Gdańsk, Puck Bay, and the mouth of the Vistula River. The overall concentration ranges among all the fish sampled from the four sites were: < 7 to 79 ng/g for MBT, 6 to 1100 ng/g for DBT, 7 to 3600 ng/g for TBT, and 16 to 4800 ng/g for total BTs, on a wet wt basis. The highest concentration of total BTs was found in herring liver from the Firth of Vistula (4800 ng/g, wet wt) and in roach muscle from Puck Bay (3300 ng/g, wet wt), while the least concentration was found in burbot eggs and liver from the Vistula River (39 and 32 ng/g, wet wt, respectively). TBT was the major form of BTs present in most samples analyzed. Sediment samples collected from shipyards in the Gulf of Gdańsk contained butyltin concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 46 μg/g (dry wt) for MBT, 2.0 to 42 μg/g for DBT, and 2.6 to 40 μg/g for TBT. As with the fish, the majority of the BTs in sediment were present as TBT, which suggested recent exposure of the aquatic environment of the region to TBT.  相似文献   

The effect of malathion [diethyl(dimethoxythiophosphorylthio)succinate] at sublethal concentration (0.006 ppm) on hematological parameters of the cricket frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) was studied for 24 hrs to 240 hrs of exposure and remarkable hematological alterations were observed. The study on hematological parameters revealed a highly significant decrease (P < 0.01) in the total erythrocytes count in malathion-exposed animals from 24 hours to 96 hrs of exposure as compared to control. Significant decreases (P < 0.01) of hemoglobin and packed cell volume were also observed from 48 hrs to 240 hrs. A significant increase (P < 0.01) in leucocytes count was noted throughout the exposure period. Elevated numbers of lymphocytes and eosinophils as found in the present study revealed lymphocytosis as well as eosinophilia, suggesting that this was a result of direct stimulation of the immunological defense due to the presence of a toxic substance or may be associated with tissue damage. The cytomorphological and cytopathological study of erythrocytes and leucocytes in malathion-exposed frogs at 0.006 ppm concentration revealed various cytotoxic effects at different exposure times. It was noted that the size and the shape of the erythrocytes were subjected to variation in different blood disorders.  相似文献   

Several monitoring programs have been set up to assess effects of atmospheric deposition on forest ecosystems. The aim of the present study was to evaluate effects on the understorey vegetation, based on the first round of a regional (the Netherlands) and a European forest monitoring program. A multivariate statistical analysis showed surprisingly similar results for both data sets; the vegetation appeared to be largely determined by the ‘traditional’ factors soil, climate, and tree species, but there was a small but statistically significant effect of atmospheric deposition. The effects of deposition include a slight shift towards nitrophytic species at high N deposition in the European network, and towards acidophytic species at high S-deposition in the Dutch network. The relatively small effect of atmospheric deposition is understandable in view of the very large natural variation in environmental conditions. Time series of both vegetation and environment are needed to assess deposition effects in detail.  相似文献   

Trifluralin is typically applied onto crop residues (trash, stubble) at the soil surface, or onto the bare soil surface after the incorporation of crop residues into the soil. The objective of this study was to quantify the effect of the type and amount of crop residues in soil on trifluralin mineralization in a Wellwood silty clay loam soil. Leaves and stubble of Potato (Solanum tuberosum) (P); Canola (Brassica napus) (C), Wheat (Triticum aestivum) (W), Oats (Avena sativa), (O), and Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) (A) were added to soil microcosms at rates of 2%, 4%, 8% and 16% of the total soil weight (25 g). The type and amount of crop residues in soil had little influence on the trifluralin first-order mineralization rate constant, which ranged from 3.57E-03 day?1 in soil with 16% A to 2.89E-02 day?1 in soil with 8% W. The cumulative trifluralin mineralization at 113 days ranged from 1.15% in soil with 16% P to 3.21% in soil with 4% C, again demonstrating that the observed differences across the treatments are not of agronomic or environmental importance.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of phenols (5, 60, 600 mg l−1) under anaerobic conditions (nitrate enriched and unamended) was studied in laboratory microcosms with sandstone material and groundwater from within an anaerobic ammonium plume in an aquifer. The aqueous phase was sampled and analyzed for phenols and selected redox sensitive parameters on a regular basis. An experiment with sandstone material from specific depth intervals from a vertical profile across the ammonium plume was also conducted. The miniature microcosms used in this experiment were sacrificed for sampling for phenols and selected redox sensitive parameters at the end of the experiment. The sandstone material was characterized with respect to oxidation and reduction potential and Fe(II) and Fe(III) speciation prior to use for all microcosms and at the end of the experiments for selected microcosms.The redox conditions in the anaerobic microcosms were mixed nitrate and Fe(III) reducing. Nitrate and Fe(III) were apparently the dominant electron acceptors at high and low nitrate concentrations, respectively. When biomass growth is taken into account, nitrate and Fe(III) reduction constituted sufficient electron acceptor capacity for the mineralization of the phenols observed to be degraded even at an initial phenols concentration of 60 mg l−1 (high) in an unamended microcosm, whereas nitrate reduction alone is unlikely to have provided sufficient electron acceptor capacity for the observed degradation of the phenols in the unamended microcosm.For microcosm systems, with solid aquifer materials, dissolution of organic substances from the solid material may occur. A quantitative determination of the speciation (mineral types and quantity) of electron acceptors associated with the solids, at levels relevant for degradation of specific organic compounds in aquifers, cannot always be obtained. Hence, complete mass balances of electron acceptor consumption for specific organic compounds degradation are difficult to confine. For aquifer materials with low initial Fe(II) content, Fe(II) determinations on solids and in aqueous phase samples may provide valuable information on Fe(III) reduction. However, in microcosms with natural sediments and where electron acceptors are associated with the sediments, complete mass-balances for substrates and electron acceptors are not likely to be obtained.  相似文献   

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