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采用生物接触氧化法对北京某水库的微污染水源水中消毒副产物前体物的去除进行了研究。结果表明,水源水和生物接触氧化柱(简称生化柱)出水中的消毒副产物前体物氯化后形成的消毒副产物三卤甲烷(THMs)以CHCl3,CHCl2Br和CHBr2Cl为主,其中CHCl3含量最高,约占THMs的70%。水温对THMs前体物的去除有很大的影响,水温15.8℃时,生化柱对THMs前体物的去除率为65.2%;当水温由15.8℃降至12.8℃时,THMs前体物的去除率由65.2%降至18.8%。2002年11月至2003年1月间,生化柱UV254吸收值的平均去除率为11%。  相似文献   

为了保障再生水水质生物稳定性,控制再生水在储存、输配和利用过程中微生物生长,对再生水臭氧氧化处理工艺水质生物稳定性进行了研究。研究发现,臭氧氧化对再生水厂二级出水的溶解性有机碳(DOC)去除效果有限,对UV254和荧光强度有较好的去除效果,但可导致水样AOC水平升高,水质生物稳定性降低。分析臭氧氧化后不同有机物组分的变化情况,发现臭氧氧化对分子量为0.5~20 k Da有机物有较好的去除效果,而分子量小于0.5 k Da有机物没有明显变化。  相似文献   

针对内蒙古农村地区高腐殖酸地下水的处理问题,分别对(pH调节)-PAC强化混凝、高锰酸钾预氧化/混凝、活性炭吸附/混凝、Fenton氧化等技术处理的可行性进行了研究,同时利用三维荧光和高效体积排阻色谱分析处理前后水中有机物的组成变化特征。有机分析结果显示,水中的有机物为腐殖酸类物质,分子量分别为1600和3500,腐殖酸类物质为水中色度的主要贡献者。原水PAC强化混凝、高锰酸钾预氧化/PAC混凝对有机物的去除效果不佳,处理前后水样DOC浓度无明显变化,而pH调节.PAC强化混凝、微米活性炭吸附和Fenton氧化均能有效去除有机物。将原水pH调节至6.5,经300mg/LPAC混凝后出水DOC降至5.99mg/L。活性炭投加量为0.6g/L时,DOC降至7.6mg/L,然后采用60mg/LPAC混凝出去高度分散而不易沉降的小颗粒活性炭。此外,当反应初始pH值为3,过氧化氢投加量为0.5%(v/v),亚铁和双氧水摩尔比为0.05时,出水DOC降至5.6mg/L,氧化后有小分子有机物生成。  相似文献   

采用臭氧-BAF组合工艺处理西北地区微污染窖水,使用比紫外吸收值(SUVA)、有机物分子量分布和三维荧光光谱等指标分析了臭氧预氧化对微污染窖水有机物特性的影响,研究了组合工艺对不同污染物的去除效果。结果表明:原水经臭氧预氧化后类腐殖质、类色氨酸物质含量分别下降65%、18%;水中小分子有机物含量增加,进水可生化性提高;经臭氧预氧化后BAF反应器出水类色氨酸物质含量低于未经臭氧预氧化的BAF反应器出水,臭氧预氧化起到了强化后续生物处理的作用。反应器出水CODMn、NH_3-N浓度分别为2.97 mg·L~(-1)、0.12 mg·L~(-1),满足生活饮用水卫生标准的要求;TOC、UV254和TN去除率分别为55%、53%和45%,水中污染物质得到有效去除。  相似文献   

以化工园区废水厂二级出水作为实验废水,采用臭氧氧化工艺对其进行处理,采用分子量分级、亲疏水性分离和傅里叶红外等手段对臭氧氧化前后水质进行了系统分析。结果表明,在进水COD为126 mg/L,臭氧氧化60 min的条件下,COD和UV254的去除率分别为37.9%和55%;臭氧氧化对水中疏水性物质去除效率高于亲水性物质,部分疏水性物质氧化成亲水性小分子有机物。臭氧氧化可以改变废水中有机物的分子结构,使水中分子量小于1×103k Da的有机物比例从56.3%提高至71.2%,分子量大于1×105k Da的有机物比例由原来的24.2%下降至9.6%。红外光谱分析表明,臭氧氧化具有一定的选择性,可显著去除水中含不饱和键、酚类、醇类等有机物,但对饱和烷烃基本无降解效果。  相似文献   

天然色素生产废水是一种色度大、难处理的高浓度有机废水,为了寻找该废水的有效处理方法,本文作者采用由升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)、生物接触氧化、混凝吸附组成的废水处理工艺,对该废水进行了处理试验,结果表明,对稀释4倍的原水,当进水COD为14900mg/L左右时,UASB经过36h的水力停留时间,COD的去除率为58.2%~60.2%、出水色度为180~270倍,SS为119~126mg/L,pH值为6.5~6.8;UASB出水经过24h好氧生物接触氧化反应,COD的去除率超过90%,SS〈70mg/L;最终经过Ca(CIO)2氧化和煤渣吸附深度处理,脱色可至无色,出水COD为200mg/L以下。UASB-生物接触氧化-氧化吸附组合处理工艺处理该类天然色素生产废水是可行的。  相似文献   

采用膜生物反应器(MBR)-反渗透(RO)工艺对印染废水进行了深度处理实验。原水经MBR系统处理后,COD去除率、ss去除率和色度去除率分别达89.9%、100%和87.5%。MBR系统处理出水进入反渗透(RO)系统进行处理,硬度去除率和除盐率分别达99.62%和99.64%,同时可进一步除去剩余的COD、色度。系统出水水质满足生产回用的要求。  相似文献   

铁炭内电解—厌氧—好氧工艺处理阿维菌素废水的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
血清瓶毒性试验表明,AVM对厌氧消化产生强烈的抑制作用,AVM废水经铁炭内电解参处理后,COD和AVM的去除率分别达到19.5%和68.5%,可大大降低废水的毒性,预处理出水再经UASB+生物接触氧化反应器进一步处理,当生化系统进水COD为6000-6500mg/L时,出水COD为250-280mg/L,总COD去除率达到95.6%,出水达到生物制药行业排放标准。  相似文献   

对某典型石化企业综合污水处理厂"水解酸化+A/O"处理工艺各单元出水不同分子量区间的有机物含量及光谱特性进行了表征。研究表明,石化企业综合污水处理厂各处理单元出水DOC以分子量1 kDa的有机物为主;处理工艺对废水COD、DOC和UV254的总去除率分别为84.58%、86.22%和72.92%,分子量1 kDa、3~5 kDa、10~30 kDa、30~100 kDa的DOC去除率达90%左右,分子量5~10 kDa和100 kDa的DOC增加了28.57%和43.90%;分子量1 kDa的UV254的去除率为76.27%;水解酸化池对分子量30~100 kDa的有机物去除率达90.87%,缺氧段对分子量1~3 kDa的DOC去除率达92.86%,缺氧出水分子量3~10 kDa和30~100 kDa的DOC浓度较水解酸化出水有较大增加,好氧段对缺氧段出水中分子量30~100 kDa、5~10 kDa和3~5 kDa的有机物有很好的去除作用,去除率分别为80.85%、43.46%和72.32%,而分子量1~3 kDa的DOC浓度有所增加。各出水在260~270 nm有紫外吸收峰。各分子量区间DOC的SUVA值随处理工艺沿程增大,废水有机物芳香度提高,UV253/UV203呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

竹制填料生物接触氧化工艺处理污染河水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对受污染的湖溪河水质特征,以传统弹性塑料填料做对比,研究以竹球和竹丝为填料的生物接触氧化工艺,考察填料的挂膜时间、生物量和污水处理效果;确定连续曝气和间歇曝气时反应器的最优运行工况:连续曝气时为HRT:7.5h,DO=3mg/L;间歇曝气时为厌氧1.2h、好氧6.3h交替运行。实验结果表明,与弹性塑料填料相比,竹制填料挂膜速度快,竹球填料的水处理效果最好;连续曝气最优工况下竹球填料反应器中COD、TN、NH3-N和TP的平均去除率分别为66.7%、47.9%、57.1%和30.6%;间歇曝气最优工况下竹球填料反应器中COD、TN、NH3-N和TP的平均去除率分别64.08%、39.95%、60.7%和54.68%;竹制填料可替代传统的塑料填料作为生物接触氧化工艺的载体填料。  相似文献   

Fahmi  Nishijima W  Okada M 《Chemosphere》2003,50(8):1043-1048
The single and multi-stages advanced oxidation process (AOP)-biological treatments were evaluated to apply for drinking water treatment, especially for the water containing less susceptible dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to ozone, comparing with the ozonation-biological treatment. Minaga reservoir water and the secondary effluent from a Municipal wastewater treatment plant were used as dissolved organic matter (DOM) solutions. DOC removals after 60 min AOP-biological treatment were 62% and 41% in the Minaga reservoir water and the secondary effluent, respectively, whereas those in the ozonation-biological treatment only 40% and 15% of DOC were removed, respectively. The result indicated that the single-stage AOP-biological treatment could improve DOC removal in comparison with the single-stage ozonation-biological treatment. This is because the AOP mineralized both biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) produced in the early stage of oxidation and non-biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (NBDOC), whereas only BDOC was mineralized by further ozonation and NBDOC was not oxidized in the ozonation-biological treatment. The multi-stage treatment could not improve DOC removal in comparison with the single-stage treatment in the ozonation-biological treatment for the secondary effluent containing less susceptible DOC to ozone. However, the multi-stage AOP-biological treatment significantly reduced DOC and achieved 71% of DOC removal by 4 times repetition of 15 min oxidation, whereas DOC removal was 41% in the single-stage AOP-biological treatment for the same oxidation time. The improvement of DOC removal by the multi-stage AOP-biological treatment was due to BDOC removal as a radical scavenger by subsequent biological treatment in the early stage of oxidation and direct mineralization in the latter stage of oxidation.  相似文献   

Dwyer J  Kavanagh L  Lant P 《Chemosphere》2008,71(9):1745-1753
The aim of this study was to examine the simultaneous degradation of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and associated colour from wastewater containing melanoidins by an advanced oxidation process (AOP). UV irradiation of H2O2 was used as the mechanism to create the hydroxyl radical for oxidation. Melanoidins are large nitrogenous organic compounds that are refractory during biological wastewater treatment processes. The simultaneous degradation of DON and colour, present as a result of these compounds, was investigated using an AOP. The oxidation process was much more capable of removing colour (99% degradation), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (50% degradation) and DON (25% degradation) at the optimal applied dose of hydrogen peroxide for the system (3300 mg l(-1)). This indicated that colour and DON removal were decoupled problems for the purpose of treating melanoidin by an AOP and thus colour removal can not be used as an indication of DON removal Colour was caused by organic molecules with molecular weight greater than 10 kDa. Oxidation caused a partial reduction of the DON (41-15% of the total dissolved nitrogen) and DOC (29-14% of the DOC) associated with the large molecular weight fraction (>10 kDa) and almost complete colour removal (87-3% of the total colour). The degraded DON was mostly accounted for by the formation of ammonia (31% of the nitrogen removed from the large fraction) and small molecular weight compounds (66% of the nitrogen removed from the large fraction). The degraded DOC appeared to be mostly mineralised (to CO2) with only 20% of the degraded compounds appearing as small molecular weight DOC.  相似文献   

The molecular-weight distribution (MWD) of wastewater dissolved-organic carbon (DOC) was determined in samples from seven full-scale wastewater-treatment plants (WWTPs) that use different biological treatments (air activated sludge [air-AS], pure-oxygen AS [O2-AS], and trickling filters). The research objective was to determine how different biological treatments influenced the MWD of wastewater DOC. Primary sedimentation effluent DOC from most of the WWTPs exhibited a skewed distribution toward the low-molecular-weight fraction (MWF) (40 to 50%, < 0.5 K Daltons [KDa]). The Air-AS effluent DOC exhibited a centrally clustered distribution, with the majority of DOC in the intermediate MWF (0.5 to 3 KDa). The O2-AS effluent DOC exhibited a skewed distribution toward the high MWF (> 3 KDa). The removal of DOC by air- and O2-AS bacteria followed trends predicted by a macromolecule degradation model. Trickling-filter effluent DOC exhibited a skewed distribution toward the high MWF (50% DOC, > 3 KDa).  相似文献   

Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) analyses and abiotic adsorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from different wastewater effluent were conducted to evaluate biotic and abiotic removal mechanisms as a function of the initial DOC concentration and source of DOC using soil batch reactors. To obtain high DOC concentrations, a laboratory-scale reverse osmosis unit was used. It was found that BDOC fraction was independent of the initial DOC concentration and was dependent on the source of wastewater and/or the types of wastewater treatment. The BDOC fractions varied from 9 to 73%. Trickling filter effluent (Tucson, Arizona) showed the highest BDOC, ranging from 65 to 73% biodegradable, while wastewater treated by the soil aquifer treatment (SAT) (NW-4) was found to be most refractory, with DOC removals of 9 to 14%. For nitrified/denitrified tertiary effluent (Mesa, Arizona) and secondary effluent (Scottsdale, Arizona), 36 to 42% removal of DOC was observed during the BDOC test. The amount of BDOC in the wastewater depended not on the concentration of DOC, but on the effectiveness of pretreatment. Abiotic adsorption capacity of wastewater effluent varied from 6 to 18%. Molecular weight distribution analyses showed that more than 50% of DOC in the Scottsdale concentrate had a molecular weight of less than 1000 Da, and no significant change in distribution profiles occurred after approximately 12% abiotic adsorption with both soils with acclimated microorganisms (SAT soil) and soils without acclimated microorganisms (non-SAT soils). Hence, preferential adsorption was not observed and the presence of acclimated microbes did not influence adsorption.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) constitutes a parameter of organic pollution for waters and wastewaters, which is not so often studied, and it is not yet regulated by directives. The term ‘DOC’ is used for the fraction of organics that pass through a 0.45 μm pores’ size membrane. The type of wastewater plays an important role in the quality of DOC and it has been shown that DOC may contain aquatic humic substances, hydrophobic bases, hydrophobic neutrals, hydrophilic acids, hydrophilic bases and hydrophilic neutrals. The quality of the DOC is expected to affect its fate in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), since a considerable fraction of DOC is not biodegradable, and it may be released in the aquatic environment together with the treated effluent. In the present study, the occurrence of DOC during the wastewater treatment process is investigated and its removal rates during primary, secondary and overall treatment are being estimated. Furthermore, a correlation is being attempted between DOC and the concentrations of selected Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Heavy Metals (HMs) in the dissolved phase of wastewaters, to examine whether there are common sources for these pollution parameters in WWTPs. Also, DOC is being correlated with the partition coefficients of the above-mentioned pollutants in wastewater, in order to examine the effect of ‘solubility enhancement’ in WWTPs and to evaluate the result of this phenomenon in the efficiency of a WWTP to remove organic pollutants. Methods For the purposes of this study, 24-h composite wastewater samples were collected from the influent (raw wastewater, RW), the effluent of primary sedimentation tank (primary sedimentation effluent, PSE) and the effluent of secondary sedimentation tank (secondary sedimentation effluent, SSE). Samples were analyzed for the presence of 26 POPs (7 PCBs and 19 organochlorine pesticides), 8 HMs and DOC. Results and Discussion Mean concentrations of DOC in RW and PSE were at similar levels (∼ 70 mg l−1), suggesting that primary treatment has a minor effect on the DOC content of wastewater. DOC concentrations in SSE were significantly lower (∼ 19 mg l−1) as a result of the degradation of organic compounds in the biological reactor. Calculated removals of DOC were 0.8% in the primary treatment, 63% in the secondary treatment, and 69% in the overall treatment, exhibiting large differences from other organic pollution parameters, such as BOD and COD. The overall DOC removal was found to be independent from the DOC concentration in raw wastewater. Poor correlation was also observed between the DOC content and the concentrations of wastewater contaminants, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals (HMs), probably suggesting that their occurrence in WWTPs is due to different sources. A good negative linear relationship was revealed between DOC concentrations and the logarithms of the distribution coefficients (K d) of various POPs and HMs between the solid and the liquid phases of wastewater. This relationship suggests that DOC facilitates hydrophobic pollutants to remain in the dissolved phase thus causing lower removal percentages during the treatment process. Conclusion DOC was measured at three stages of a municipal WWTP that receives mainly domestic wastewater and urban runoff. DOC concentrations in untreated and primarily treated wastewater were almost equal, and only after the secondary sedimentation there was a decrease. Concentrations and removal rates of DOC were in the same levels as in other WWTPs that receive municipal wastewater. The origin of DOC was found to be different to the one of POPs and of HMs, as no correlation was observed between the concentrations of DOC and the concentrations of these pollutants. On the contrary, DOC was found to have significant negative correlation with the K d of all pollutants examined, suggesting that it plays an important role in the partitioning of those pollutants between the dissolved and the sorbed phase of wastewaters. This effect of DOC on partitioning can affect the ability of WWTPs to remove toxic pollutants, and that way it facilitates the discharge of those chemicals in the aquatic ecosystems together with the treated effluent. Recommendation By the results of this work it is shown that the presence of DOC in wastewaters can significantly affect the partition of hazardous pollutants between the dissolved and the sorbed phase. It is therefore of importance that this parameter is controlled more in wastewaters, since it can cause a decrease in the efficiency of WWTPs to remove quantitatively persistent pollutants.  相似文献   

Cheng WP  Chi FH 《Chemosphere》2003,53(7):773-778
Water from the three reservoirs, Min-ter, Li-yu-ten and Yun-ho-shen, was examined for concentration of chlorophyll a, ultraviolet absorption (UV(254)), fluorescence intensity (FI), concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and fractionation of dissolved molecules by molecular weight. The water samples were collected over the change from spring to summer (May to July but before the typhoon season) when the water temperature and extent of eutrophication increase. Analytical results indicate that the concentration of DOC is proportional to the concentration of chlorophyll a, but not to the values of UV(254) and FI. Therefore, eutrophication, extraneous contaminants of small molecules, and the extracellular products of algae cause an increase in DOC, but a decrease in the proportion of large organic molecules such as of humic substances. The fraction of DOC with a molecular weight of less than 5000 Da increases with the concentration of chlorophyll a. All these data suggest that changes in the quality of water after eutrophication make the treatment of drinking water more difficult. The method of enhanced coagulation was recently developed for removing DOC. However, the results of this paper demonstrate that the efficiency of DOC removal falls as the degree of eutrophication increases. When the percentage of DOC with small molecules excreted by algae increased by 1%, the efficiency of DOC removal decreased by approximately 1%, implying that enhanced coagulation are not able to remove the DOC excreted by the algae during eutrophication, and resulting an increased concentration of trihalomethanes formation in water disinfections process.  相似文献   

Decolorizing of lignin wastewater using the photochemical UV/TiO2 process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chang CN  Ma YS  Fang GC  Chao AC  Tsai MC  Sung HF 《Chemosphere》2004,56(10):1011-1017
Studies on applying the photochemical UV/TiO2 oxidation process to treat the lignin-containing wastewater for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), color and reducing A254 (the absorption at the wavelength of 254 nm) have been carried out. The data obtained in this study demonstrate that the UV/TiO2 process is effective in oxidizing the lignin thus reducing the color and DOC of the wastewater treated. The combined UV/TiO2 treatment can achieve better removal of DOC and color than the UV treatment alone. Color removal, based on American Dye Manufacture Index (ADMI) measurement, is greater than 99% if the pH is maintained at 3.0 with the addition of 1 g l(-1) TiO2. When 10 g l(-1) TiO2 is applied, the oxidation reduction potential (ORP) value is reached to result in an 88% removal of both DOC and color. A model was developed based on the variation of ORP during the photochemical reaction to simulate the decoloring process. The proposed model can be used to predict the color removal efficiency of the UV/TiO2 process.  相似文献   

Li L  Zhu W  Zhang P  Zhang Z  Wu H  Han W 《Chemosphere》2006,62(9):1514-1522
AC (activated carbon)/O3-BAC (biological activated carbon) process was employed to treat secondary effluent and compared to O3-BAC process. The effects of ozone dosages and empty bed contact time (EBCT) in BAC on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal were investigated. The results showed that the presence of AC improved ozone utilization and biodegradability of the effluent. DOC removal increased with ozone dosage and EBCT in BAC, however, 3 mg l(-1) ozone dosage with 15 min oxidation time and 15 min EBCT in BAC were more economical and efficient. For DOC removal, AC/O3-BAC was more efficient than O3-BAC and its synergetic effect was more than that in O3-BAC process. The biomass of the subsequent BAC unit in AC/O3-BAC process was more than that in O3-BAC process and much more than that in BAC alone. Except for organic pollutants with molecular weight (MW) >10 kDa, those of other MW range were decomposed much more by AC/O3 process than by O3 process. GC/MS analysis showed that dibutyl phthalate, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, 4-bromo-3-chloroaniline, 2-propanone-ethylhydrazone and phenol derivatives were prevalent organic compounds in the secondary effluent. Some aromatic compounds, such as 4-bromo-3-chloroaniline and 2,4-dichloro-benzenamine disappeared after AC/O3 treatment. However, some small molecules were generated, after further biological treatment by BAC, the kinds and concentration of organic compounds were greatly reduced.  相似文献   

In this study, several factors important for the design of a water supply treatment system for the removal of trace amounts of organic contaminants by microorganisms in a fixed-film were assessed. This entailed evaluating the effect of seeding with adapted microorganisms on the acclimation time, determining what depth of support material was required for removal of contaminants and observing the effect of hydraulic loading rate on the contaminant removal efficiency by the microorganisms. The study was conducted in the laboratory using sand columns as fixed-film biological reactors. Pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4,6 trichlorophenol and 2,4 dichlorophenol were used as the test contaminants. Dechlorinated Philadelphia tap water, which contained concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOC) in the range of 1 to 4 mg/l, was used as the source water. The DOC of the source water served as a primary substrate for microbial growth in the sand columns. The total concentration of the contaminants added to the source water ranged between 200 and 800 μg/l, making them available as secondary carbon sources for the attached microorganisms. The columns were operated in a downflow mode and the hydraulic loading rates through the columns were varied from 0.5 gpm/ft² to 3 gpm/ft² (1.2 m/hr to 7.3 m/hr). It was observed that each cycle of operation of the treatment system could be divided into three different stages: acclimation; equilibrium removal; and clogging. Acclimation is the period of time between initial startup and equilibrium removal of the contaminants. Equilibrium removal was defined as the consistent removal of the contaminants for at least four days. Clogging of the sand with biological growth was found to occur after long term operation in shallow depths of sand. The acclimation time and the establishment of an adapted population were not shortened by seeding the sand columns with laboratory acclimated cultures. During the second stage, equilibrium removal, the removal of DOC decreased with depth as a first order relationship. However, the removal of the contaminants was observed to be zero order. Removal of the contaminants decreased with increasing hydraulic loading rate. Reductions of 80% or more of μg/l amounts of the chlorophenolic contaminants was achieved in a one inch depth of sand.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate applicability of ion exchange process for organics removal from Douro River surface water at the intake of Lever water treatment plant using magnetized ion exchange resin MIEX®. Qualitative analysis of the natural organic matter present in the surface water and prediction of its amenability to removal in conventional coagulation process were assessed. Results obtained in MIEX®DOC process kinetic batch experiments allowed determination of ion exchange efficiency in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV absorbing organics, and true color removal. The data were compared with the efficiencies of the conventional unit processes for organics removal at Lever WTP. MIEX®DOC process revealed to be more efficient in DOC removal than conventional treatment achieving the efficiencies in the range of 61–91 %, lowering disinfection by-products formation potential of the water. DOC removal efficiency at Lever WTP depends largely on the raw water quality and ranges from 28 % for water of moderated quality to 89 % of significantly deteriorated quality. In this work, MIEX®DOC process was also used as a reference method for the determination of contribution of anionic fraction to dissolved organic matter and selectivity of the unit processes at Lever WTP for its removal.  相似文献   

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