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为了阐述有机酸对土壤中重金属生物有效性的影响,通过盆栽实验,研究了Cu、Cd复合污染下柠檬酸对褐土中二乙基三胺五乙酸(DTPA)提取态铜和镉含量的影响,并探讨了柠檬酸对植物吸收铜、镉的影响。结果表明,土壤中DT-PA-Cu含量随柠檬酸添加量的增加而减小,添加高浓度铜(Cu 1 000)处理中,DTPA-Cu含量减小更明显。在添加低铜浓度(Cu600)处理下,柠檬酸添加量为2和12 mmol/kg时,土壤DTPA-Cu含量随土壤镉含量的增加而增加,而柠檬酸含量为5mmol/kg时,DTPA-Cu含量在低镉处理(Cd 1)时含量最低。紫花苜蓿中铜含量随柠檬酸添加量的增加明显降低。土壤中DTPA-Cd含量随柠檬酸添加量的增加而减小,且随铜添加量的增加而降低。紫花苜蓿中的镉含量随柠檬酸添加量的增加先增加后减小;在相同柠檬酸添加量处理时,紫花苜蓿中镉的含量随镉含量的增加而增加;在低镉处理下,铜的加入对较低柠檬酸浓度时紫花苜蓿镉含量影响不明显,但柠檬酸浓度为12 mmol/kg时,紫花苜蓿中镉含量随铜添加量的增加而明显增加。  相似文献   

重金属钝化剂可以改变土壤中重金属的形态,降低其在土壤中的有效浓度、植物毒性及生物有效性,影响污染土壤中植物的生长及其对重金属的吸收。在温室盆栽条件下研究了施加羟基磷灰石(HA)、纳米羟基磷灰石(nHA)、纳米零价铁(nFe0)和纳米TiO2nTiO2)对烟草植物修复铅镉污染土壤的作用。结果表明,HA降低土壤中Pb、Cd的有效性、促进烟草生长、增加了烟草叶、茎、根中Cd的吸收量和根系中Pb的吸收量,有利于Pb、Cd的钝化和植物修复。nHA也可以降低土壤中Pb、Cd的有效性,增加了烟草叶中Cd的吸收量,有利于Pb、Cd的钝化和Cd的植物提取。nFe0nTiO2对于土壤Pb和Cd的钝化作用和植物修复均没有显著影响。综合来看,HA最适合应用于烟草植物修复铅镉污染土壤。  相似文献   

污泥生物炭对土壤中Pb和Cd的生物有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以污泥为原料,在500℃缺氧条件下制备污泥生物炭,结合X射线能谱(EDS)、环境扫描电镜(SEM)和红外光谱(FTIR)等表征手段,分析添加污泥生物炭后污染土壤pH和Pb与Cd化学形态的变化来探究污泥生物炭对土壤中Pb、Cd的固定效果,并用盆栽方式评估添加污泥生物炭对小青菜生物量及体内重金属含量的影响。结果表明:添加污泥生物炭后,污染土壤的pH随平衡时间的延长显著升高;对于单一污染土壤和复合污染土壤,污泥生物炭对Pb和Cd均有较强的固定作用,而污泥生物炭在复合污染土壤中对Pb的固定效果优于在单一污染土壤中;添加污泥生物炭能提高小青菜的生物量,且能有效降低小青菜对污染土壤中Pb和Cd的吸收。  相似文献   

中国存在着较大面积受重金属污染土壤,尤其是Pb、Cd两种重金属的复合污染较常见。利用磷改性生物炭对Pb、Cd复合污染土壤展开修复研究。结果表明:(1)磷改性生物炭可使土壤中Pb、Cd由弱酸提取态向可氧化态、残渣态转变,Pb的可氧化态和残渣态分别增加了19.4、16.9百分点,Cd的可氧化态、残渣态分别增加了17.4、9.9百分点;(2)磷改性生物炭可提高土壤有效磷,有效磷最终稳定在39 mg/kg左右;(3)磷改性生物炭能显著增加土壤阳离子交换量至19.3 cmol/kg。磷改性生物炭不仅能有效钝化重金属,还能有效改善土壤质量。  相似文献   

碳酸钙和海泡石组配对水稻中Pb和Cd迁移转运的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究组配改良剂LS(碳酸钙+海泡石)对农田土壤重金属Pb和Cd的固化效果以及水稻各部位吸收累积Pb和Cd的影响,在湘南2个矿区(矿区A和矿区B)附近污染稻田中施用了不同添加量的LS(0、2、4和8 g/kg),并进行了水稻种植的田间实验。结果表明,(1)施用2~8 g/kg的LS能使矿区A和矿区B土壤pH值分别增加1.11~1.95和1.61~2.31个单位,能使矿区A和矿区B土壤中Pb和Cd的TCLP提取态含量分别降低18.6%~62.7%、15.7%~37.1%和38.6%~66.7%、0~76.6%。(2)LS能不同程度地降低水稻各部位重金属含量。矿区A糙米中Pb和Cd含量降低9.4%~35.6%、56.1%~66.8%;矿区B糙米中Pb含量降低14.4%~36.6%,而Cd含量变化不明显。(3)LS对水稻中Pb和Cd在各部位之间的转运系数均有不同程度的影响,其中Pb和Cd从茎叶到谷壳的转运系数最大,说明水稻茎叶对重金属的转运能力最强。(4)LS添加量为8 g/kg时,Pb和Cd从谷壳到糙米的转运系数最小,且糙米中Pb和Cd含量最低。  相似文献   

EDTA/纳米羟基磷灰石联合修复重金属污染土壤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤淋洗可能导致残留重金属活化,采用淋洗/钝化联合修复重金属污染土壤可在一定程度上减少这一影响。研究了EDTA淋洗、纳米羟基磷灰石钝化及两者联合修复对土壤重金属洗脱率、TCLP浸出浓度、化学形态分布的影响,构建了涵盖土壤重金属残留量、生物有效性和生理毒性的环境风险评价方法,对淋洗、钝化及其联合修复进行了评价。结果发现,EDTA淋洗对Pb和Cu的洗脱效果较好,对Zn浸出浓度的削减率较高。当EDTA投加量为2 g·L~(-1)时,Zn的浸出浓度降低了70.40%。纳米羟基磷灰石对Pb和Zn具有较好的钝化效果,对Cu和Cd的钝化作用相对较弱。当纳米羟基磷灰石投加量为2%时,Pb浸出浓度削减率高达89.65%。淋洗/钝化联合修复大幅度降低了Pb和Cd的浸出浓度,降低了可还原态Cu残留量、可还原态和残渣态Cd残留量,以及弱酸提取态和可还原态Zn、Pb残留量。当EDTA和纳米羟基磷灰石投加量分别为1 g·L~(-1)和1%时,土壤重金属总环境风险削减率达到74.12%。EDTA对土壤中Cu和Cd的洗脱效果较好,后续钝化修复作用有限,Pb和Zn则可通过淋洗/钝化联合修复大幅度提高削减环境风险削减率。  相似文献   

钝化剂在烟草植物修复铅镉污染土壤中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重金属钝化剂可以改变土壤中重金属的形态,降低其在土壤中的有效浓度、植物毒性及生物有效性,影响污染土壤中植物的生长及其对重金属的吸收。在温室盆栽条件下研究了施加羟基磷灰石(HA)、纳米羟基磷灰石(nHA)、纳米零价铁(nFe0)和纳米TiO2(nTiO2)对烟草植物修复铅镉污染土壤的作用。结果表明,HA降低土壤中Ph、cd的有效性、促进烟草生长、增加了烟草叶、茎、根中cd的吸收量和根系中Pb的吸收量,有利于Ph、cd的钝化和植物修复。nHA也可以降低土壤中Pb、cd的有效性,增加了烟草叶中cd的吸收量,有利于Pb、cd的钝化和cd的植物提取。nFe0和nTiO2:对于土壤Pb和cd的钝化作用和植物修复均没有显著影响。综合来看,HA最适合应用于烟草植物修复铅镉污染土壤。  相似文献   

重金属-多氯联苯复合污染土壤同步洗脱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子垃圾拆解区土壤具有重金属与有机物复合污染的特性,尤其以Cu、Pb、Cd和多氯联苯(PCBs)的复合污染较为突出。为了同步脱除土壤中重金属与PCBs,选用增溶物质:Tween 80、TX-100、SDBS、β-环糊精与螯合剂柠檬酸依次组合进行复合污染土壤淋洗实验,应用批量平衡震荡法研究它们对重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd)与PCBs(Aroclor 1254)的洗脱效果。通过比较洗脱效果、环境友好性等方面,得出非离子表面活性剂Tween 80与天然螯合剂柠檬酸2种淋洗剂复合最佳;进一步研究两者的淋洗先后顺序、浓度配比、洗脱时间及淋洗剂p H对污染土壤洗脱效果的影响,结果表明,在Tween 80和柠檬酸均为10 g/L、p H=6、淋洗时间12 h时淋洗效果达到最佳,对Cu、Pb、Cd及PCBs的洗脱率分别达到98.77%、55.92%、66.82%和58.01%。因此,利用Tween80和柠檬酸组合可同时有效去除土壤重金属和PCBs,是复合污染土壤淋洗修复的有效淋洗剂。  相似文献   

大田条件下施加组配改良剂对蔬菜吸收重金属的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过向湘南某矿区周边重金属污染的农田施加不同添加量(0、2、4和8 g/kg)的组配改良剂HS(海泡石+石灰石),分析农田土壤理化性质变化和土壤重金属及其交换态含量的影响、空心菜和辣椒可食部位和根部位重金属含量的影响。结果表明,施用2~8 g/kg组配改良剂HS能使2种蔬菜土壤p H值和CEC含量显著增加,使交换态重金属含量大幅降低,且不同程度地降低了空心菜和辣椒可食部位及根部位的重金属含量。与对照相比,空心菜和辣椒可食部位重金属Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn的降幅分别为:21.1%~47.5%、6.5%~31.0%、57.7%~80.0%、65.3%~92.0%和27.3%~74.5%、29.8%~62.0%、55.4%~76%、37.8%~77.1%;根部位的重金属含量也有明显降低。当添加量为8 g/kg时,2种蔬菜可食部位和根部位重金属含量降低幅度最大。由此可知,组配改良剂HS的施用对2种蔬菜吸收土壤重金属起到有效的抑制作用。  相似文献   

小分子有机酸诱导野苋菜修复Pb污染土壤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过土培实验,研究小分子有机酸对野苋菜吸收重金属Pb的影响。结果表明,添加小分子有机酸处理能有效促进野苋菜的生长,显著提高野苋菜地上/下部Pb含量,柠檬酸、乙酸在15 mmol·kg~(-1),草酸在10 mmol·kg~(-1)时,植物Pb积累量达到最大值,分别为15.625、18.732和9.072 mg·kg~(-1),高于对照166%、219%和54%;高浓度(20 mmol·kg~(-1))有机酸处理,对植株产生一定的毒害作用,影响植株富集Pb能力。3种有机酸均能促进植株地上部对Pb的吸收,作用表现为乙酸柠檬酸草酸,说明适当浓度的有机酸能增强土壤中重金属Pb的活性,提高植株修复Pb污染土壤的能力。  相似文献   

以广东省大宝山尾矿区植物根际土壤为分离样品,人工制备镉污染LB培养基,从中分离筛选出2株具有较强镉耐受能力的细菌,分别为TL3和DBS2,最高镉耐受浓度达300mg/L。结合其形态学特征、生理生化特性及16SrDNA序列分析,初步确定2株菌均为奇异变形杆菌(Proteusmirabilis)。随后以龙葵为实验植株,分别接种TL3、DBS2及TL3与DBS2混菌的培养液,通过盆栽实验检验2株菌对龙葵吸收土壤中镉的强化作用。结果显示,2株菌对龙葵吸收镉具有显著的提升作用,且能够促进植株的生长,3个实验组龙葵根部镉含量分别比对照组(122.7mg/kg)增加了17.2%、85.6%和130.1%。  相似文献   

In a pot experiment the effects of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) and citric acid applications on Cd extractibility from soil as well as on its uptake and accumulation by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) were investigated. Plants were grown in a sandy soil with added CdS at four levels ranging from 50 to 200 mg Cd kg(-1) soil. After 30 days of growth, pots were amended with NTA or citric acid at 10 and 20 mmol kg(-1). Control pots were not treated with chelates. Harvest of plants was performed immediately before and one week after chelate addition. Soil water-, NH(4)NO(3)- and EDTA-extractable Cd fractions increased constantly with both increasing soil metal application and chelate concentration. Shoot dry weights did not suffer significant reductions with increasing Cd addition to the soil except for both NTA treatments in which at 200 mg Cd kg(-1) a 30% decrease in dry matter was observed. Generally, following NTA and citric acid amendments, Cd concentration in shoots increased with soil Cd level. However, due to Cd toxicity, at the highest metal application rate both NTA treatments lowered Cd concentration in the above-ground parts. Compared to the control, at 10 mmol kg(-1) citric acid did not change Cd concentration in shoots, whereas NTA-treated plants showed an about 2-fold increase. The addition of chelates at 20 mmol kg(-1) further enhanced Cd concentration in shoots up to 718 and 560 microg g(-1) dry weight in the NTA and citrate treatments, respectively.  相似文献   

Chen YX  Lin Q  Luo YM  He YF  Zhen SJ  Yu YL  Tian GM  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,50(6):807-811
Adsorption and hydroponics experiments were conducted to study the role of citric acid on the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. The results show that addition of citric acid decreased the adsorption of both lead and cadmium, such an effect was bigger for cadmium than for lead. The decrease in the adsorption of Pb and Cd was mainly due to a decrease of pH in the presence of citric acid. The presence of citric acid could alleviate the toxicity of Pb and Cd to radish, and stimulate their transportation from root to shoot. The studies of heavy metal forms using sequential extraction demonstrated that lead was mainly existed as FHAC (a lower bioavailable form) in the root, while F(HCl) was the dominant form in the leaf. The addition of citric acid to the soil changed the concentration and relative abundance of all the forms. The detoxifying effect of citric acid to Pb in shoots might result from the transformation of higher toxic forms into lower toxic forms. Cadmium was mainly present as F(NaCl), therefore, it had higher toxicity than lead. The addition of citric acid increased the abundance of F(H2O) + F(NaCl), indicating that citric acid treatment could transform cadmium into more transportable forms.  相似文献   

Some plants have high ability to absorb heavy metals in high concentrations. In this study, Halimione portulacoides was tested in conjunction with citric acid, in order to evaluate the possible use of this plant in phytoremediation processes in salt marshes. Two different concentrations of chelator were used combined with two heavy metal concentrations. When 25microM of citric acid was applied, Cd uptake and translocation was enhanced while for Ni these processes were almost inhibited. Increasing citric acid concentration to 50microM, Ni absorption decreased by the roots while for Cd there was still an increase in root uptake. Analysing translocation with this concentration of chelator, a decreased metal content in the upper organs for both metals was observed. While for Cd an optimal concentration of 25microM of citric acid was observed for phytoremediative processes, for nickel neither concentrations of chelator showed advantages for application in this remediative method.  相似文献   

Irtelli B  Navari-Izzo F 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1348-1354
Brassica juncea cv. 426308 was grown in soils containing 150 mg Cd(2+)kg(-1) soil. After 38 days, the soil was amended with two rates of citric acid or NTA (10 and 20 mmol kg(-1) soil). Control soil was not amended with chelates. Plants were harvested during growth, immediately before and seven days after chelate addition. Shoot composition of organic and phenolic acids and shoot Cd(2+) concentration were determined. Cadmium concentration remained constant during the growth and increased following NTA and citric acid amendments depending on chelate type and concentration. The highest increments in Cd(2+) were measured after the addition of NTA. Compared to the control, 10 and 20 NTA-treated plants showed two- and three-fold increases, respectively. At 150 mg Cd(2+)kg(-1) soil the amount of organic and phenolic acids in the leaves of B. juncea was always higher than that detected in the control. A direct correlation between organic acid concentration and cadmium content was detected both during growth and after chelate addition. On the contrary, the amount of phenols seemed to be correlated with the metal content only in non-amended and NTA-treated plants. The 10 and 20 citric acid additions caused 45% and 90% increases in shoot phenolic acids although cadmium content rose to a smaller extent. The inhibition of citrate synthase and the entrance of phosphoenolpyruvate in shikimate pathway leading to the formation of aromatic compounds might come into play. The increase in phenylalanine ammonialyase activity following citric acid amendments suggested this metabolic response.  相似文献   

Wu LH  Luo YM  Christie P  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,50(6):819-822
A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of EDTA and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) on the pH, total organic carbon (TOC) and heavy metals in the soil solution in the rhizosphere of Brassica juncea grown in a paddy soil contaminated with Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd. The results show that EDTA and LMWOA have no effect on the soil solution pH. EDTA addition significantly increased the TOC concentrations in the soil solution. The TOC concentrations in treatments with EDTA were significantly higher than those in treatments with LMWOA. Adding 3 mmol kg(-1) EDTA to the soil markedly increased the total concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the soil solution. Compared to EDTA, LMWOA had a very small effect on the metal concentrations. Total concentrations in the soil solution followed the sequence: EDTA > citric acid (CA) approximately oxalic acid (OA) approximately malic acid (MA) for Cu and Pb; EDTA > MA > CA approximately OA for Zn; and EDTA > MA > CA > OA for Cd. The labile concentrations of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd showed similar trends to the total concentrations.  相似文献   

Enhanced phytoextraction of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd with EDTA and EDDS   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Luo C  Shen Z  Li X 《Chemosphere》2005,59(1):1-11
Chemically enhanced phytoextraction has been proposed as an effective approach to removing heavy metals from contaminated soil through the use of high biomass plants. Using pot experiments, the effects of the application of EDTA, EDDS and citric acid on the uptake of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd by corn (Zea mays L. cv. Nongda 108) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. white bean) plants were studied. The results showed that EDDS was more effective than EDTA at increasing the concentration of Cu in corn and beans. The application of 5 mmol kg-1 soil EDDS to soil significantly increased concentrations of Cu in shoots, with maximum levels of 2060 and 5130 mg kg-1 DW in corn and beans, respectively, which were 45- and 135-fold higher than that in the corresponding control plants to which chelate had not been applied. Concentrations of Zn in shoots were also higher in the plants treated with EDDS than in those treated with EDTA. For Pb and Cd, EDDS was less effective than EDTA. The maximum Cu phytoextraction was found with the EDDS treatment. The application of EDTA and EDDS also significantly increased the shoot-to-root ratios of the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in both plant species. The results of metal extraction with chelates showed that EDDS was more efficient at solubilizing Cu and Zn than EDTA, and that EDTA was better at solubilizing Pb and Cd than EDDS.  相似文献   

The effect of two different chelating agents [EDTA and EDDS (S,S-ethylenediaminedissucinic acid)] on Zn tissue accumulation in Solanum nigrum L. grown in a naturally contaminated soil was assessed. Under those conditions, the response of the plant to the inoculation with two different isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)--Glomus claroideum and Glomus intraradices--was also studied. Plants grown in the local contaminated soil (Zn levels of 433mg kg(-1)) accumulated up to 1191mg kg(-1) of Zn in the roots, 3747mg kg(-1) in the stems and 3409mg kg(-1) in the leaves. S. nigrum plants grown in the same soil spiked with extra Zn (Zn levels of 964mg kg(-1)) accumulated up to 4735, 8267 and 7948mg Zn kg(-1) in the leaves, stems and roots, respectively. The addition of EDTA promoted an increase in the concentration of Zn accumulated by S. nigrum of up to 231% in the leaves, 93% in the stems and 81% in the roots, while EDDS application enhanced the accumulation in leaves, stems and roots up to 140, 124 and 104%, respectively. In the stems, the presence of Zn was predominantly detected in the cortex collenchyma cells, the starch sheath and the internal phloem and xylem parenchyma, and the addition of chelating agents did not seem to have an effect on the localisation of accumulation sites. The devise of a chelate-enhanced phytoextraction strategy, using chelating agents and AMF, is discussed.  相似文献   

Potentials and drawbacks of chelate-enhanced phytoremediation of soils.   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Chelate-enhanced phytoremediation has been proposed as an effective tool for the extraction of heavy metals from soils by plants. However, side-effects related to the addition of chelates, e.g. metal leaching and effects on soil micro-organisms, were usually neglected. Therefore, greenhouse and lysimeter studies were conducted to study the phytoremedation potential of EDGA and citric acid and to evaluate its effects on microbial activity and leaching of Cd, Zn Cu and Pb. Grass, lupine and yellow mustard were grown on a moderately polluted acid (pH 4.5) sandy soil that contained 2 mg kg(-1) Cd and 200 mg kg(-1) Zn. Citric acid appeared to be degraded microbially within a few days after addition which limited its potential for long-lasting remediation studies. EDGA enhanced metal solubility but plant uptake did not increase accordingly. The metal shoot:root ratio increased upon addition of EDGA but it also reduced the net shoot and root biomass production of both lupine and yellow mustard. Bacterial biomass was higher in both the citric and EDGA treated pots but bacterial activity remained unaffected. The number of microbivorous nematodes was greatly reduced upon addition of EDGA which was most likely related to the reduced biomass production and, to a smaller extent, to the changes in the composition of the available food. Furthermore, EDGA enhanced metal leaching in the lysimeter study which could lead to groundwater pollution. To prevent these unwanted side-effects, careful management of phytoremediation methods, therefore, seems necessary.  相似文献   

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