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硝酸氧化和负载铁氧化物改性活性炭催化臭氧化性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用硝酸氧化与硝酸铁负载对颗粒活性炭进行改性处理,研究了活性炭样品表面官能团的变化,分析了活性炭样品对酸性大红3R吸附和催化臭氧化能力,探讨了p H值与·OH捕获剂对催化臭氧化效果的影响。结果表明,硝酸改性后活性炭表面羧基、内酯基、酚羟基以及总官能团的含量均明显增加,其中羧基增幅最大;负载铁氧化物后,活性炭表面官能团数量有所降低。活性炭样品化学吸附性能随官能团含量的增加而增强。催化臭氧化对酸性大红3R的氧化降解效果明显优于单独臭氧化。增加表面官能团含量可以加速催化臭氧化反应,但反应速率随着表面官能团消耗而降低;负载金属组分具有更为稳定和有效的催化臭氧化活性。活性炭催化臭氧化性能在碱性条件下明显优于酸性条件,且随着p H值升高而提高。投加·OH捕获剂(Na2CO3)后,其对·OH的消耗使得催化臭氧化效果显著下降。  相似文献   

考察了改性活性炭吸附-催化臭氧氧化对炼化RO浓水中有机污染物的降解效果。结果表明,花生壳经H_3PO_4活化后具有较好的比表面积及孔径结构,再经Cu~(2+)、Mn~(2+)、Fe~(3+)溶液负载改性,得到花生壳活性炭催化剂,其中Cu~(2+)改性后的活性炭具有最大的比表面积。将不同的改性活性炭与臭氧组合处理RO浓水,COD去除率显著提高,表现为CuAC≥Mn-ACFe-ACH_3PO_4-AC,偏碱性条件和提高活性炭投加量均利于活性炭吸附-催化臭氧氧化反应,且在30 min后COD去除率趋于平稳。当利用金属离子负载改性活性炭时,臭氧消耗率显著提高。其中,Cu-AC和Mn-AC吸附-催化臭氧氧化时臭氧的消耗率较高,COD去除率≥80%,出水COD60 mg·L~(-1),达到国家一级排放标准。  相似文献   

酵母发酵废水经过厌氧膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)-好氧膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺处理后,仍含有较高浓度的COD,不能满足排放要求。以发酵废水处理过程中MBR处理单元的出水为研究对象,选择活性炭催化臭氧氧化作为其深度处理工艺,以活性炭吸附和单独臭氧氧化工艺作为对比,重点考察了活性炭催化臭氧氧化深度处理工艺对发酵废水中有机物的去除效能,并借助红外光谱、三维荧光光谱和气相色谱-质谱联用等方法,详细分析了发酵废水深度处理过程中有机物的变化规律。研究结果表明,活性炭催化臭氧氧化深度处理工艺对发酵废水中的芳香族化合物、具有共轭双键的有机物及色度具有良好的去除效果;并且对废水中酸类、醇类和醛类等有机物有较好的降解、转化和去除效果。此外,活性炭催化臭氧氧化工艺还可以使以烷烃、卤代烃、醇类、酯类和酮类为主的大分子有机物的含量大幅度减少。  相似文献   

通过HNO_3、H_2O_2、NaOH对活性炭进行浸渍改性,采用BET、SEM、Boehm、FT-IR对改性前后的活性炭进行表征,研究了改性前后的活性炭在不同反应体系对DMP的降解效果和动力学,探讨了微波诱导改性前后的活性炭催化降解DMP的机理。结果表明,3种改性活性炭的BET比表面积、总孔容、微孔孔容和平均孔径均有所增加。HNO_3、H_2O_2改性后表面酸性基团增加、碱性基团减少,而NaOH改性呈现相反的理化特征变化。活性炭理化特征的变化可能与化学改性剂溶液的酸碱性、氧化还原性有关。微波诱导改性前后的活性炭催化体系对DMP的降解率大于单独吸附或单纯微波辐射体系,且均符合一级反应动力学。在微波诱导改性前后的活性炭催化体系中,改性前后的活性炭通过表面吸附-微波诱导氧化协同作用极大地提高了对DMP的降解率。  相似文献   

为了提高有机物的臭氧化降解效率,工作中利用浸渍法制备了一种新型的三组分催化剂(记为V2O5-TiO2-AlF3/Al2O3)。催化臭氧化降解2,4-滴丙酸的实验结果表明,该催化剂能有效提高臭氧化的效率,体系可能遵循羟基自由基的作用机理。利用相对法计算结果表明,与单独臭氧化相比,V2O5-TiO2-AlF3/Al2O3催化臭氧化体系具有更大的Rct值。重复实验结果表明,该催化剂具有相对较好的稳定性。以上研究结果对推广催化臭氧化技术在实际废水处理中的应用具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

催化臭氧化由于能产生无选择性的羟基自由基(·OH),克服了传统单独臭氧对有机污染物具有选择性的局限。典型非均相催化臭氧化体系常利用金属氧化物作为催化剂,其中铈氧化物由于具有良好的催化臭氧化效果而被广泛研究。整理了铈类催化剂在催化臭氧化中的研究进展,介绍了常规铈类催化剂的制备方法,总结了铈类催化剂的催化臭氧化机理,包括吸附理论、自由基理论和臭氧直接氧化。根据催化剂的复合物形式,可将铈类催化剂分为活性炭负载型、介孔材料负载型和金属氧化物复合型3种。对各种铈类催化剂的应用现状及催化效果进行介绍,并对其发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

以天然锰矿为金属催化剂,研究了锰矿催化臭氧氧化水中4-氯酚的降解效果。采用毛细管电泳方法及色质联用技术.分别对反应的中间产物和终产物进行了分析。推测了锰矿催化臭氧氧化水中4-氯酚的降解反应机理可能为:锰矿的吸附氧化与锰矿生成的Mn^2 催化臭氧分解.产生更多高活性的羟基自由基.从而提高了臭氧的氧化能力。  相似文献   

针对全氟化合物难降解问题通过碳纳米管(CNT)诱导臭氧高级氧化路径研究非均相催化体系对高稳性全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的降解效能与机制。结果表明:CNT介质可催化臭氧通过C-F断键对PFOS强制氧化分解,其准一级降解常数(A=0.O_37 min~(-1),5 mg·L~(-1)CNT)均高于碱式臭氧处理(A:=0.009 min~(-1),pH=11)以及高负荷活性炭颗粒(A:=0.013 min~(-1)3 g·L~(-1)GAC);溶液pH是控制催化过程的重要因素酸性或碱性环境由于PFOS吸附阻隔均不利于CNT表面与溶解O_3的接触催化反应;结合羟基自由基淬灭实验,推测CNT通过表面石墨层促成·OH大量生成并在固/液界面原位降解PFOS。研究结果可为开发利用CNT介质强化臭氧水处理过程提供科学依据。  相似文献   

考察了重碳酸根离子(HCO_3~-)、磷酸根离子(PO_4~(3-))、硫酸根离子(SO_4~(2-))和硝酸根离子(NO_3~-)等自然水体中常见的无机阴离子对非均相催化臭氧氧化邻苯二甲酸(PA)的影响。结果表明,能够捕获羟基自由基(HO·)的HCO_3~-对羟基氧化铁催化臭氧氧化体系影响很大,会明显抑制该体系对PA的降解,而对氧化铈催化臭氧氧化体系基本没有影响。PO_4~(3-)和SO_4~(2-)对2个体系中PA的降解均有很大的抑制效果,而NO_3~-对此影响甚少。从这些无机阴离子的影响可以侧面证明羟基氧化铁催化臭氧氧化遵循羟基自由基机理,而氧化铈催化臭氧氧化PA主要依靠络合作用。  相似文献   

为提高臭氧氧化法对难降解有机污染物的降解效率,采用在催化臭氧氧化体系中引入H_2O_2的方法,建立催化O_3-H_2O_2联合氧化体系,使O_3与H_2O_2在体系中起协同作用。采用等体积浸渍法筛选制备了具有高催化性能的Fe-Mn/γ-Al_2O_3催化剂,应用于O_3/Fe-Mn/γ-Al_2O_3/H_2O_2复合体系协同催化臭氧氧化处理间甲酚模型废水。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、物理吸附、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、X射线光电子波谱(XPS)对催化剂的物理化学性质进行表征。考察了O_3投加量、H_2O_2投加量、初始pH、空速等因素对Fe-Mn/γ-Al_2O_3催化O_3-H_2O_2氧化间甲酚处理效果的影响,并采用GC-MS和LC-OCD,对Fe-Mn/γ-Al_2O_3催化O_3-H_2O_2氧化间甲酚的中间产物的类型及相对分子质量进行分析。结果表明,当以Fe-Mn/γ-Al_2O_3为催化剂时,协同催化氧化体系的最优处理参数为:间甲酚浓度100 mg·L~(-1),O_3投加量481 mg·L~(-1),反应时间10 min,空速6 h~(-1),H_2O_2投加量211 mg·L~(-1),进水pH 6.7。在此条件下,TOC去除率可达68.37%,间甲酚转化率可达100%。以上研究结果可为2种技术联用降解煤化工废水提供参考。  相似文献   

Ozonation of aniline promoted by activated carbon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The removal of aniline from aqueous solutions by simultaneous use of ozone and activated carbon was investigated at different solution pH. For comparative purposes, single ozonation and adsorption on activated carbon were carried out in the same experimental set-up. In order to evaluate the role of the activated carbon surface chemistry during ozonation, a commercial activated carbon, Norit GAC 1240 PLUS, was submitted to oxidation in the liquid phase with HNO(3). The texture and surface chemistry of the activated carbon samples were characterized. During ozonation, complete conversion of aniline was achieved after approximately 20 min, regardless of the presence of activated carbon. In all cases, several by-products were formed during ozonation. Nitrobenzene, o- and p-aminophenol were the primary aromatic oxidation by-products identified. In terms of TOC removal, best results were achieved by the simultaneous use of ozone and activated carbon. Though there is a strong contribution of adsorption, a considerable synergetic effect between ozone and activated carbon is observed. In general, activated carbon promotes the reaction of ozonation enhancing the efficiency of this treatment process. The basic activated carbon presented greater activity in this process leading to higher mineralization rates.  相似文献   

Using a laboratory-scale mixed reactor, the performance of alumina in degrading 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid with ozone in the presence of tert-butyl alcohol radical scavenger was studied. The operating variables investigated were the dose of alumina catalyst and solution pH. Results showed that using ozone and alumina leads to a significant increase in 2,4-D removal in comparison to non-catalytic ozonation and adsorption processes. The observed reaction rate constants (kobs ) for 2,4-D during ozonation were found to increase linearly with increasing catalyst dose. At pH 5, the kobs value increased from 19.3 to 26 M?1 s?1 and 67 M?1 s?1 when varying the alumina dose from 1 to 2 and 4 g L?1, respectively. As pH was increased, higher reaction rates were observed for both non-catalytic ozonation and catalytic ozonation processes. Thus, at pH 3 and using a catalyst dose of 8 g L?1, the kobs values for non-catalytic ozonation and catalytic ozonation processes were 3.4 and 58.9 M?1 s?1, respectively, whereas at pH 5 reaction rate constants of 6.5 and 128.5 M?1 s?1 were observed, respectively. Analysis of total organic carbon suggested that catalytic ozonation with alumina achieved a considerable level of mineralization of 2,4-D. Adsorption of 2,4-D on alumina was found to play an important role in the catalytic ozonation process.  相似文献   

Ozonation as an advanced oxidant in treatment of bamboo industry wastewater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wu D  Yang Z  Wang W  Tian G  Xu S  Sims A 《Chemosphere》2012,88(9):1108-1113
The present study employed ozonation process to treat the bamboo industry wastewater (BIWW). The impact of ozone dosage and initial organic concentration on color, COD and TOC removal rates were studied along with characterization of the major organics in raw and treated wastewater. The results suggested the ozone dosage of 3.15 g h−1 (concentration 52.5 mg L−1) was suitable for the treatment. After 25 min ozonation of 1 L raw wastewater, the color, COD and TOC removal efficiencies were 95%, 56% and 40%, respectively, with an influent COD concentration of 835 mg L−1. The ratio of kg O3 kg−1 COD at 3.15 g h−1 was 2.8 (<3), revealing that ozonation was a cost effective process for tertiary treatment of BIWW. Longer oxidization time was required to achieve similar results for raw wastewater with higher COD concentration. The chromatogram from gel permeation chromatography revealed that ozonation resulted in the breakdown of high molecular weight compounds into lower molecular weight components but could not completely mineralize the organic matter. The majority of these compounds were identified in both raw and ozonated samples via GC-MS analysis. In addition to ester derivatives as the main intermediates of ozonation, 1-chloroctadecane, methyl stearate, benzophenone and α-cyperone were identified as the by-products of ozonation.  相似文献   

Valdés H  Zaror CA 《Chemosphere》2006,65(7):1131-1136
Ozone oxidation combined with activated carbon adsorption (O(3)/AC) has recently started to be developed as a single process for water and wastewater treatment. While a number of aspects of aqueous ozone decomposition are well understood, the importance and relationship between aqueous ozone decomposition and organic contaminant degradation in the presence of activated carbon is still not clear. This study focuses on determining the contribution of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions to organic contaminants removal in O(3)/AC system. Benzothiazole (BT) was selected as a target organic pollutant due to its environmental concern. A reactor system based on a differential circular flow reactor composed by a 19 cm(3) activated carbon fixed bed column and 1 dm(3) storage tank was used. Ozone was produced from pure and dry oxygen using an Ozocav ozone generator rated at 5 g O(3)h(-1). Experimental results show that BT removal rate was proportional to activated carbon dosage. Activated carbon surface contribution to BT oxidation reactions with ozone, increased with pH in absence of radical scavengers. The radical reaction contribution within the pH range 2-11 accounted for 67-83% for BT removal in O(3)/AC simultaneous treatment. Results suggest that at pH higher than the pH of the point of zero charge of the activated carbon dissociated acid groups such as carboxylic acid anhydrides and carboxylic acids present on activated carbon surface could be responsible for the observed increase in the ozone decomposition reaction rate. A simplified mechanism and a kinetic scheme representing the contribution of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions on BT ozonation in the presence of activated carbon is proposed.  相似文献   

以市售活性炭、硅藻土和氧化铝小球为载体,考察了负载铁基活性组分对催化臭氧化过程中溴酸盐的控制情况,其中,铁基复合氧化铝小球体现出更好的溴酸盐还原特性和催化剂稳定性,证实催化剂中铁氧化物是溴酸盐得到有效控制的主要活性组分。进一步考察了铁基复合氧化铝小球催化臭氧化处理实际原水过程中对溴酸盐的生成控制,以及反应过程中溶解性有机碳(DOC)的去除情况。结果表明,与单独臭氧化相比,该催化剂既能有效去除水中的溶解性有机物,又能明显抑制溴酸盐的生成,反应50 h,其活性并没有明显下降。催化剂失活主要归因于吸附位点数量的下降,可以通过负载铁氧化物来实现催化剂的再生。  相似文献   

With dimethyl phthalate as the model pollutant and Ru/Al(2)O(3) as catalyst, this paper systemically investigates the removal of total organic carbon (TOC) of system. Our results have confirmed that Ru/Al(2)O(3) can significantly increase the effect of ozonation. TOC removal in 120 min can reach 72% while only 24% with ozone alone. The optimal catalyst preparing condition was 0.1 wt% Ru content, 600 degrees C calcination temperature, 0.5-1.0mm particle diameter, which is characterized by a high surface area and a large population of surface active sites. The contrasting experiments of ozone alone, catalyst adsorption after ozonation, and catalytic ozonation confirmed that catalytic reaction was the most important process to TOC removal in system with Ru/Al(2)O(3) as catalyst.  相似文献   

采用臭氧/活性炭联合工艺对焦化废水A2/O出水进行深度处理。考察了溶液初始pH值、臭氧投加量、活性炭投加量及使用次数、反应时间对焦化废水处理效果的影响。实验结果表明,活性炭的使用可显著提高臭氧对焦化废水COD的去除率,在溶液初始pH值为10.25、臭氧投加量为7.5 mg/min、活性炭投加量50 g/L、反应时间为30 min条件下,COD去除率达到73.51%。同时,在活性炭重复使用10次时,COD去除率为70.85%,仅降低了2.66%。  相似文献   

Xiao H  Liu R  Zhao X  Qu J 《Chemosphere》2008,72(7):1006-1012
Mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) was studied by ozone with Mn(2+) as an ozonation catalyst. Laboratory scale semi-batch ozonation experiments were conducted at room temperature. The results showed that trace amount of Mn(2+) accelerated the mineralization of DCP. Total organic carbon removal rate was independent on Mn(2+) dosage at its range of 0.1-0.5 mgL(-1). Dissolved ozone concentration in the solution remained low level in the catalytic ozonation process, which indicated that Mn(2+) catalyzed decomposition of ozone. DCP mineralization was inhibited in catalytic ozonation by the addition of carbonate. Electron spin resonance/spin-trapping technique was used to determine hydroxyl radicals, and the results showed that larger amounts of hydroxyl radicals were produced in catalytic ozonation system than those of single ozonation. Intermediates mainly including aliphatic carboxylic acids were determined qualitatively and semi-quantitatively by GC-MS. And, a general pathway for mineralization of DCP was proposed.  相似文献   

Chiang HL  Chiang PC  Huang CP 《Chemosphere》2002,47(3):267-275
Ozonation can modify the surface property of an activated carbon such as specific surface area, pore volume, and functional group. Results indicate that ozonation can increase the specific surface area of an activated carbon from 783+/-51 to 851+/-25 m2/g due in part to increasing micropores (those below 15 A). However, there is no change in macropore and mesopore upon ozonation. The amount of oxygen functional group (OFG) increases from 197+/-4 to 240+/-4 microeq/g, mostly in hydroxyl and carboxyl groups upon ozone treatment. These oxygen-containing functional groups are stable in the temperature range 30-250 degrees C, but begin to decompose when temperature increases beyond 300 and 350 degrees C. When the temperature reaches 1200 degrees C, all OFGs virtually disappear. The effect of ozone treatment on the adsorption of volatile organic carbon (VOC) was exemplified by methylethylketone (MEK) and benzene. The adsorption density of MEK and benzene by ozone treated activated carbon (AC(O3)) are greater than that by the untreated (AC), with MEK being more adsorbable than benzene. Results of factorial analysis indicate that physical characteristics, namely, micropore, BET surface area, pore diameter (PD), micropore volume (MV) play an important role on benzene and MEK adsorption.  相似文献   

Hammad Khan M  Jung JY 《Chemosphere》2008,72(4):690-696
Di-(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP), a recalcitrant and an endocrine disrupting chemical, was studied for its removal from wastewater by advanced oxidation process. The effects of pH, transition metal ions, and granular activated carbon (GAC) were investigated. Removal of DEHP increased with increase in pH and among metal ions Cr(III) was found to be the most active catalyst to remove DEHP. In the case of GAC, original carbon (G0) and GAC pre-ozonated in gas phase for 10 min (G10) were tested as catalysts in catalytic ozonation and found G0 to be more active than G10. This is because, during pre-ozonation, basic groups like chromene, pyrones and also graphene layers were oxidized to acidic surface oxygen groups. These basic surface groups are reported to be active catalytic centres for ozone decomposition into .OH which is a strong oxidant. According to kinetic manipulations, DEHP degradation rate constant due to .OH was affected by the catalyst while that due to direct ozonation is same in all cases with or without catalyst. G0 was doped with chromia gels (G0/CrA) to combine the benefits of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. G0/CrA showed lower catalytic efficiency than that of only G0. This might be because of changes in surface structure of GAC caused by doping of chromia gel and changes in chemical nature of Cr(III) during formation of gel. A good correlation was found between the rate constants of ozone decay and DEHP degradation (R2=0.96). This correlation confirms that ozone decomposition into .OH is a critical factor for the activity of a catalyst during ozonation.  相似文献   

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