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采用蒸发浓缩法处理早期、中期和晚期垃圾渗滤液,研究渗滤液的COD和TOC的蒸发规律,并对不同填埋龄渗滤液及蒸发分离出的冷凝液进行三维荧光特性分析。结果显示,垃圾渗滤液中蒸发前段COD和TOC的蒸发量较大、蒸发中段大幅度降低、蒸发后段又略有升高,冷凝液中COD和TOC呈一定的正相关性(相关系数R=0.999 9);渗滤液DOM组分随填埋时间的推移发生显著变化,易生物降解的色氨酸类物质和与微生物代谢有关的溶解性微生物副产物逐渐转化为大分子、难降解的富里酸类和胡敏酸类物质;随着蒸发过程的进行,色氨酸类物质与溶解性微生物副产物逐渐进入冷凝液,而富里酸类和胡敏酸类物质均不会进入冷凝液,起到明显的分离作用。由此可见,早期垃圾渗滤液主要为小分子类有机物,不适合用蒸发法处理,对主要为大分子、难降解类物质的中晚期垃圾渗滤液较适合采用蒸发法处理。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾降解率分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对城市生活垃圾降解率研究不足的现状,结合室内物理模拟实验,对垃圾温度和垃圾降解率的变化规律进行分析研究。研究结果表明,填埋初期垃圾填埋体温度升高较快,服从三次曲线变化规律;温度对垃圾降解率有重要的影响,单一温度下垃圾降解率随时间变化近似符合微生物生长曲线;不同温度下,温度高,垃圾降解率快,试验证明41.00、45.00℃垃圾降解率最快,垃圾降解率相差不大,可以认为温度高于41.00℃时垃圾降解率可以按照41.00℃时垃圾降解率计算。  相似文献   

不同垃圾渗滤液组合处理工艺中DOM的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了快速表征垃圾渗滤液处理过程中有机物的特性变化,分别采用紫外光谱和三维荧光光谱对2种垃圾渗滤液处理工艺不同单元溶解性有机物(DOM)的变化进行了系统分析。结果表明,二级RO和厌氧+好氧+MBR+NF+RO工艺对渗滤液COD和NH3-N的去除率分别为98.7%、99.0%和98.8%、98.6%。随着处理过程的进行,2个处理工艺中DOM的SUVA254、E253/E203分别由0.74、0.33和0.46、0.12下降至0.015、0.014和0.010、0.012,有机物的芳香性和不饱和性下降,脂肪链芳香烃化合物开始增加。不同处理阶段渗透液DOM三维荧光光谱表明,随着处理过程的进行,类富里酸和类蛋白物质的含量逐渐下降,芳构化程度开始降低。其中二级RO系统对渗滤液中类富里酸物质的去除效果较好,而厌氧-好氧-MBR-NF-RO工艺中,类酪氨酸物质主要通过微生物降解去除,NF和RO膜对类富里酸和类腐殖酸物质的截留效果较好。  相似文献   

模拟成藏地质填埋及诱导填埋有机质生气的理论初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
填埋处理和垃圾生物气的开发利用是实现城市生活垃圾资源化、无害化、减量化处理的有效途径,引入模拟生物气成藏和含气系统的思路,开展地质填埋与诱导填埋有机质生气研究是对能源地质学和填埋设计理念的新探索.通过对比研究地质填埋结构与地质学中生物气藏系统的异同点、生气机理和影响因素的共性与差异,初步论证了将模拟生物气藏理论引入地质填埋设计、优化地质填埋结构、提高填埋有机质生物气化效率和抽排利用效率的可行性;探讨了生物气藏理论在构建地质填埋结构中的可能应用和启示.研究表明:模拟生物气藏地质填埋设计和非常规生物气开发理念具有理论依据和现实基础;生物气藏生、储、盖要素和运、圈、保过程的模拟可应用于垃圾地质填埋场的构建,微生物地球化学理论有助于对诱导填埋有机质生气条件优化的认识.  相似文献   

间歇式生物反应器填埋结构对渗滤液水质的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过2套间歇式生物反应器填埋模拟装置开展实验,对不同填埋结构下垃圾降解前期渗滤液pH值、COD、NH 4+-N、VFA以及渗滤液产生量的变化规律进行了对比研究。实验结果表明:间歇式生物反应器填埋方式能够有效抑制填埋初期渗滤液pH值的快速下降,渗滤液采取部分回灌能有效降低NH4+-N浓度的积累,新鲜垃圾与半腐熟垃圾分层并...  相似文献   

以重庆某非规范填埋场为例,针对西南地区已封场非规范垃圾填埋场的稳定化进程进行了分析。按照场地布局选取4个采样点,在垃圾体上进行钻孔取样,分析不同深度的垃圾样pH值、有机质、含水率、生物可降解度以及垃圾样浸出液和填埋气组成以及各个指标随着填埋深度的变化规律,确定不同深度垃圾体的稳定化程度。结果表明,场内垃圾已呈现矿化垃圾特征;有机质、BDM、浸出液COD以及填埋气CH4含量等4个指标与填埋深度均较好地符合一级降解反应,可以预测垃圾体稳定化临界填埋深度。根据有机质、BDM、浸出液COD以及填埋气CH4含量等4个指标与填埋深度一级降解反应函数预测临界稳定化深度为15 m,与实测值判定的稳定化填埋深度相一致性。在对非规范垃圾填埋场场地利用过程中,需要先对未稳定的上层垃圾进行清理,并在已稳定的底层垃圾体上充填其他稳定介质后利用该地块。  相似文献   

模拟成藏填埋垃圾有机质稳定化与产气的阶段性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过人工构建模拟生物气藏的大型模拟生物反应器,研究模拟成藏填埋城市生活垃圾有机质厌氧降解及生物气化规律及其机理。结果表明,自然温度条件下,模拟填埋垃圾有机质降解和生物气化具有明显阶段性,与pH、ORP、温度等指标的阶段性变化存在相关性。产气阶段最佳条件包括:最适温度范围为31.0~36.0℃;最适pH范围为5.47~6.75,pH中性条件下产甲烷速率最高;ORP最适范围为-428~-541 mV,产甲烷高峰期ORP值为-519 mV,低于前人关于甲烷菌最适ORP的界定范围。每千克挥发性固体总生物气和甲烷产量分别为128.5 L和77.7 L,生物气和甲烷最大产气量分别为118.0 L/d和82.0 L/d,甲烷最大浓度为70.4%,产气高峰期与甲烷浓度高峰期同时出现。模拟成藏填埋垃圾有机质的稳定化过程具有明显的可诱导特征,关键因子的优化对有机质的降解及生物气化产生明显促进作用。  相似文献   

为了考察黑水/灰水中溶解性有机物(DOM)光谱特征在污水处理过程中的变化规律以及生物处理前后黑水/灰水中DOM特性上的异同,对污水处理过程中黑水/灰水DOM的紫外光谱及荧光光谱特征进行了测定分析。结果表明,黑水原水中DOM的含量远高于灰水,且含有较多难降解有机物。生物处理可实现对黑水与灰水中易降解DOM的有效去除,MBR系统中的膜分离过程也可以起到截留溶解性有机物的作用。经MBR处理后,同黑水出水相比,灰水出水中的DOM含量更低,且主要为饱和有机物,苯环C骨架的聚合程度较高,THMs生成活性更低。生物处理过程可有效去除黑水/灰水中蛋白质类物质与易降解腐殖质类物质。生物处理后,黑水与灰水的蛋白峰均消失,黑水出水类腐殖酸峰F荧光强度高于灰水出水。与黑水出水相比,灰水出水更适用作再生水加以回收利用。  相似文献   

为加速好氧填埋场的稳定化进程,提出利用生物强化技术加速好氧填埋垃圾的生物降解,通过模拟实验,研究了微生物菌剂对填埋垃圾稳定过程的影响。结果表明:微生物菌剂降低了好氧填埋场的有机污染负荷,使渗滤液COD下降更加明显,整个填埋周期所产渗滤液的COD总量较对照组少20.20%;加速了含氮物质的生物转化,氨氮峰值出现较对照组提前6 d,经历峰值以后,氨氮快速下降,较对照组提前22 d达到国家生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准(GB 16889-2008)所规定的渗滤液氨氮排放标准25 mg/L,并使整个填埋周期氨氮总量减少9.15%;微生物菌剂降低了渗滤液的产量,使整个填埋周期渗滤液累计产量减少8.29%;使垃圾中有机质降解加快并使其降解更加彻底,至实验结束时总有机质含量较对照组低8.82%,干重较对照组减少35.95%;沉降性能优于对照组,至填埋结束时较对照组沉降量提高6.35%。  相似文献   

研究了垃圾单组分(蛋白类和糖类)厌氧降解初期的产气动态规律和恶臭特征。结果表明,糖类物料厌氧降解的累积产气量大于蛋白类物料,各物料的气体排放动态曲线不同,酪蛋白和淀粉物料呈现Monod型曲线,而纤维素物料呈现2次Monod型曲线;蛋白类物料降解产生的恶臭气体成分更丰富,且动态变化曲线有多种形式:硫化氢、磷化氢和硫8的浓度变化曲线呈单峰型,聚硫醚浓度曲线呈S型,挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)呈Monod型曲线;臭气强度分析结果表明,蛋白类物料产生的臭气强度高于糖类物料。单组分垃圾产气规律和恶臭特征的研究结果为开发高效恶臭原位控制技术提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Landfilling is a dominant municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal method in most developing countries. In China, approximately 85% of the generated MSW is being disposed of in the landfills. The amount of MSW is growing rapidly with the rate of approximately 8-10% annually, which contains a high quantity of moisture and organic matters. The problems of leachate treatment and landfill gas (LFG) emissions are increasing gradually. Reducing the hazard before emplacement, pretreatment of MSW before landfilling has become very important for the conventional landfill. In this study, aerobic pretreatment of mixed MSW was used, and much attention has been given to the natural convection of air in the mixed and unshredded MSW for bioconversion of organic matter (OM). This study is an attempt to investigate aerobic pretreatment suitability for the mixed and unshredded MSW at Beijing. A pilot-scale aerobic pretreatment simulator (APS) was developed at Beishen Shu Landfill in Beijing. To work out the biodegradation of the OM in the APS, fresh and pretreated MSW samples were collected and analyzed for OM, moisture content, temperature, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, lignocelluloses, and biochemical methane potential at various stages of the pretreatment. Furthermore, results of the fresh and pretreated MSW are compared. Significant reduction in the observed parameters of the pretreated waste samples is observed. This work demonstrates that pretreatment is significantly effective in reducing the landfill emissions that is leachate and LFG.  相似文献   

Ham SY  Kim YJ  Lee DH 《Chemosphere》2008,70(9):1685-1693
To investigate the leaching characteristic of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as non-ortho and mono-ortho substituted chlorobiphebyls (dioxin-like PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/DFs), in leachate from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites containing incineration residues, raw leachate samples were collected twice from 12 selected MSW landfill sites. The samples were divided into their liquid and solid phases using GF/B (pore size 1.0 microm), and the concentrations of POPs then determined. The concentrations of PCDDs/DFs ranged from 0.65 to 5.88 pg-TEQ/l (average 2.86 pg-TEQ/l), and those of dioxin-like PCBs from 0.05 to 0.32 pg-TEQ/l (average 0.18 pg-TEQ/l). The major congeners of leached PCDDs/DFs and dioxin-like PCBs in liquid and solid phases were OCDD (about 60%), 2,3',4,4',5-PeCBs (about 30%), and 2,3,4,4',5-PeCBs (about 54%). The relationship between landfill age and the leaching concentration of PCDDs/DFs, and effects of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the leaching of PCDDs/DFs are also discussed. Finally, a leaching prediction model of PCDDs/DFs from MSW landfills has been suggested using parameters, such as hydrophobic neutral organic carbons, total dissolved solid, and the ratio of non-biodegradable wastes in landfill sites.  相似文献   

For the purpose of investigating the effect of landfill leachate on the characteristics of organic matter in groundwater, groundwater samples were collected near and in a landfill site, and dissolved organic matter (DOM) was extracted from the groundwater samples and characterized by excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra combined with fluorescence regional integration (FRI) and self-organizing map (SOM). The results showed that the groundwater DOM comprised humic-, fulvic-, and protein-like substances. The concentration of humic-like matter showed no obvious variation for all groundwater except the sample collected in the landfill site. Fulvic-like substance content decreased when the groundwater was polluted by landfill leachates. There were two kinds of protein-like matter in the groundwater. One kind was bound to humic-like substances, and its content did not change along with groundwater pollution. However, the other kind was present as “free” molecules or else bound in proteins, and its concentration increased significantly when the groundwater was polluted by landfill leachates. The FRI and SOM methods both can characterize the composition and evolution of DOM in the groundwater. However, the SOM analysis can identify whether protein-like moieties was bound to humic-like matter.  相似文献   

In Europe, the European Union Landfill Directive aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of landfilling. This is mainly to be achieved by reducing the quantity of organic matter deposited, through measures such as the separate collection and recycling of the organic waste stream or pretreatment of residual wastes before landfilling. Other than incineration or other thermal processes, mechanical biological treatment is playing an increasingly important role. This study was conducted to seek the benefits of municipal solid waste (MSW) pretreatment, as well as the differences in methane production from the landfilling of untreated and mechanically/biologically treated (MBT) MSW using GasSim simulation. Results demonstrated that methane production rates vary significantly among waste fractions. Those that contribute most to methane generation (organic material and potentially reusable or recyclable material) could be targeted and treated before landfilling. The statistic relationship from the first phase of the study indicated that to match the increasingly stringent landfill waste organic content allowance, local councils should prioritize the reduction/sorting of certain targeted fractions, such as paper, card, green waste, and other putrescibles from MSW. Moreover, mechanical treatment alone produces organic-rich waste called mechanically sorted organic residues (MSORs), which can be viewed as an organic content concentration process. Mechanically and biologically pretreated waste, on the other hand, differs significantly from untreated MSW and MSORs. This work demonstrated that if efficient mechanical-biological treatment is used, considerable reductions in biological activity, landfill gas production, and energy content/total organic carbon could be achieved. Using GasSim, reductions in methane production of >74% have been simulated if a 90% organic content reduction can be achieved during biological treatment on MSORs. A 50-60% organic content reduction by following biological treatment can turn MSOR properties only into normal MSW equivalent though considerably less volume.  相似文献   

根据垃圾土颗粒大、纤维质多等性质,自行研发了适合垃圾土的反复直剪仪,进行了垃圾土的反复剪切实验。通过对比3组不同深度垃圾土样的反复剪切实验数据,总结出垃圾土的反复剪切性质,得出反复剪切的破环强度、峰值强度和残余强度,并根据破环强度值得出垃圾土的c、φ参数。对比国外填埋场失稳反演得出的垃圾土强度,得出以剪切应变ε=10%作为垃圾土强度的取值。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter and estrogenic potential of landfill leachate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lü F  Zhang H  Chang CH  Lee DJ  He PJ  Shao LM  Su A 《Chemosphere》2008,72(9):1381-1386
The estrogenic potentials of leachate samples collected at Laogang Sanitary Landfill in Shanghai, China were measured together with the associated dissolved organic matter (DOM) in leachate samples. Over 99% of the DOM in fresh leachate was removed upon 3-7 years of landfill, leaving only DOM with strong fluorescent activity. Anoxic or aerobic treatment of landfill leachate can further degrade DOM of MW<300 Da and transform those with fluorescent activity of MW>10(5) Da to those of 2000-10(5) Da. Neither landfilling nor storage in anoxic pond effectively removed estrogenic potential of leachate. Fractionation test revealed that residual organic matters of MW 3000-14000 Da and of <600 Da with high UV254 contributed most of the estrogenic activities in leachate. Aerobic SBR treatment considerably reduced the estrogenic potential of these organic matters in leachate.  相似文献   

有机物降解产气率模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据重庆市生活垃圾的组成特点,自配垃圾试样进行有机物降解实验,根据实验期间试样的质量变化,结合降解反应方程式,计算试样的产气量,并建立产气率模型.实验结果表明,试样质量随时间逐渐降低,呈指数型衰减规律.试样在实验初期产气率增加较快,达到产气高峰后逐渐降低.用建立的产气率模型进行计算,计算结果与实测数据比较接近,说明该产...  相似文献   

If a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill is used as the foundation for a construction site, the change in the loading conditions may cause considerable compression of the landfill. Therefore, reinforcement to compensate for the loose compression nature of a MSW landfill is a very important design factor for geotechnical engineers when considering the end-use of the landfill. In this study, we discuss a possible technique for stabilizing MSW landfills through the codisposal of municipal solid waste and fly ash. To estimate the stabilization based on the compression characteristics of the codisposed landfill, we performed tests using a large compression set and experimental cells. According to the test results, if the proportion of fly ash is increased, initial and long-term compression could be reduced.  相似文献   

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