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农药残留速测技术研究进展   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
本文综述了国内外农药快速检测技术的研究状况。在速测技术中,色-质联用分析法已发展得比较成熟,所得结果比较可靠,但该法的测定时间仍较长;免疫分析法具有简单、快速、价廉、特异性高、需样品量少等优点;生物传感器法更方便 、快捷。  相似文献   

采用分析法与综合法建立了工业园区末端水处理技术评估指标体系,将主观赋权法与客观赋权法相结合确定各指标权重,利用模糊综合评价法对工业园区末端水处理技术进行评估。以天津经济技术开发区西区末端水处理技术为实例进行研究,结果表明,该工业园区末端水处理技术最终得分为77.0,处理效果一般。  相似文献   

为挑选出除菌能力较强的园林植物,应用撞击平皿法进行样品采集与培养,通过多元素方差分析法对23种园林植物除菌的能力进行比较研究.结果表明,火炬树、树锦鸡儿、杜松和红皮云杉等的除菌率小于40%;新疆圆柏和榆叶梅等的除菌率大于40%.  相似文献   

针对中国现行的单因子评价法存在水体过保护问题,在系统分析765个国控河流断面水质状况的基础之上,提出利用主成分分析法(PCA)首先识别河流主要污染指标、再以单因子评价法对主要指标进行水质评价的联合应用方法。将单因子评价法、PCA-单因子评价法的评价结果进行比较,两种方法对河流主要污染指标的识别较一致;将PCA和单因子评价法联合应用于水质评价,能更真实、客观地反映河流水质状况,有利于作出科学管理决策。  相似文献   

通过层次分析法计算修复技术评价指标的权重,然后分别采用逼近理想解和灰色综合评价2种模型得到备选修复技术排序。基于该决策方法,开发了修复技术筛选决策支持系统,将该系统应用于某有机污染场地土壤修复技术的筛选。研究结果显示,结合层次分析方法的逼近理想解法和灰色评价均可实现对该场地的备选修复技术较好的排序,排序的结果一致且与场地实际应用情况相符:化学氧化土壤冲洗固化/稳定化。逼近理想解法实现简单,但对评分指标的要求比较严格,且需要借助模型的敏感性分析来加以验证,适合于备选修复技术评价结果先汇总后排序。灰色评价法引入了灰色理论用于处理数据的不确定性,适合于评价小组评价者各自评分然后在灰色评价模型中综合。将层次分析法与逼近理想解模型、灰色综合评价模型结合,应用于污染场地修复技术的筛选,既可以减少层次分析法的主观性,又可以削弱逼近理想解模型和灰色综合评价模型在应用过程中对权重的忽视。本研究为选择可行、经济、高效、环境友好的污染场地土壤修复技术提供方法依据和理论参考。  相似文献   

为了探索药用虎杖加工剩余物资源的合理化利用途径,以药用虎杖的秸秆、根和药渣为研究对象,利用热重分析法(TGA)研究了三者的热解特性及其动力学规律,利用Py-GC-MS技术研究了秸秆、根和药渣在快速裂解条件下的产物分布及热裂解机理。结果表明:虎杖秸秆、根和药渣的热解过程主要分为干燥、主失重和炭化3个阶段;采用Coats-Redfern法对三者的热解动力学进行了分析,获得了虎杖秸秆、根和药渣的热解动力学机理函数,热解动力学机理分别为三维扩散Jander机理、2级化学反应机理和二维扩散Valensi机理,其热解活化能分别为113.87、64.49和28.16 kJ·mol~(-1)。快速热裂解产物表明,中药加工剩余物在热裂解制备乙酸、糠醛及酚类化合物等精细化学品方面具有一定的开发前景。  相似文献   

捕集低浓度二氧化碳的化学吸收工艺及其综合比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前CO2捕集成为减缓全球变暖的重要技术,但是迄今为止没有一种技术能够大规模商业化运行。在现有技术中,化学吸收法最具前景,而化学吸收法中研究最集中的吸收剂为单乙醇胺、哌嗪碳酸钾溶液、离子液和氨水。为了了解各个化学吸收工艺的特点和应用情况,有必要对上述工艺进行综合比较。通过各种吸收剂的特性、工艺特点、研究进展和能耗等方面的比较,显示单乙醇胺工艺成熟度较高,联合氨法工艺前景非常好,而离子液和哌嗪碳酸钾工艺需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

水体中化学需氧量的快速测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种快速测定水体中COD的新方法,该法将近红外光谱分析技术中的化学计量学方法应用到紫外可见光区域,对水体进行COD测试,并将结果和标准试验方法进行比较,取得了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

制浆造纸中段水处理工艺优选属于多方案、多指标的综合评价问题,本研究在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合优选理论中贴近度的概念,建立了制浆造纸中段水处理工艺优选的欧氏贴近度模糊物元分析法(FMEA),并通过均方差法确定指标权重。通过建立评价指标体系,从技术性能、经济费用和管理效果3个方面对传统活性污泥法、完全混合活性污泥法、氧化沟法和序批式活性污泥法(SBR)进行评价,结果表明,SBR法技术性能和经济费用最优,氧化沟法管理效果和综合评价最优,为不同条件下优选制浆造纸中段水处理工艺提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

运用模糊层次分析法优选制浆造纸废水深度处理方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制浆造纸废水最适深度处理方案的选择是一个多准则决策问题,本文通过建立评价指标体系,从经济费用、技术性能、管理效果和社会效益4个方面,对混凝沉淀(气浮)+过滤、Fenton氧化和生态法3种深度处理方案进行分析;采用层次分析法确定指标体系权重,其中技术性能(0.5333)权重最高;结合模糊数学法开展综合评判,评估各方案的优缺点,最后通过方案总排序确定工程优选方案。同时,针对2个具有代表意义的制浆造纸企业废水深度处理工程案例,在方案隶属度的确定时增加了决策者的期望值和企业的实际情况,分别选取了最适的制浆造纸废水深度处理方案:混凝沉淀(气浮)+过滤法(A企业)和生态法(B企业),这样可以更客观地指导决策者选取最合适的制浆造纸废水深度处理方案。  相似文献   

Air emission inventories in North America: a critical assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although emission inventories are the foundation of air quality management and have supported substantial improvements in North American air quality, they have a number of shortcomings that can potentially lead to ineffective air quality management strategies. Major reductions in the largest emissions sources have made accurate inventories of previously minor sources much more important to the understanding and improvement of local air quality. Changes in manufacturing processes, industry types, vehicle technologies, and metropolitan infrastructure are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace, emphasizing the importance of inventories that reflect current conditions. New technologies for measuring source emissions and ambient pollutant concentrations, both at the point of emissions and from remote platforms, are providing novel approaches to collecting data for inventory developers. Advances in information technologies are allowing data to be shared more quickly, more easily, and processed and compared in novel ways that can speed the development of emission inventories. Approaches to improving quantitative measures of inventory uncertainty allow air quality management decisions to take into account the uncertainties associated with emissions estimates, providing more accurate projections of how well alternative strategies may work. This paper discusses applications of these technologies and techniques to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of emission inventories across North America and outlines a series of eight recommendations aimed at inventory developers and air quality management decision-makers to improve emission inventories and enable them to support effective air quality management decisions for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   


Although emission inventories are the foundation of air quality management and have supported substantial improvements in North American air quality, they have a number of shortcomings that can potentially lead to ineffective air quality management strategies. Major reductions in the largest emissions sources have made accurate inventories of previously minor sources much more important to the understanding and improvement of local air quality. Changes in manufacturing processes, industry types, vehicle technologies, and metropolitan infrastructure are occurring at an increasingly rapid pace, emphasizing the importance of inventories that reflect current conditions. New technologies for measuring source emissions and ambient pollutant concentrations, both at the point of emissions and from remote platforms, are providing novel approaches to collecting data for inventory developers. Advances in information technologies are allowing data to be shared more quickly, more easily, and processed and compared in novel ways that can speed the development of emission inventories. Approaches to improving quantitative measures of inventory uncertainty allow air quality management decisions to take into account the uncertainties associated with emissions estimates, providing more accurate projections of how well alternative strategies may work. This paper discusses applications of these technologies and techniques to improve the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of emission inventories across North America and outlines a series of eight recommendations aimed at inventory developers and air quality management decision-makers to improve emission inventories and enable them to support effective air quality management decisions for the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

This report reviews the current state of analytical methodology for sulfate in airborne particles. Methods for determination of total aerosol sulfate and total soluble sulfate are assessed. A more detailed review of the relatively new techniques for quantitative speciation of airborne sulfate then follows. Size distribution methodology and filter sampling difficulties relating to the collection of airborne sulfate-containing particles are enumerated. Experiments are suggested which use new, improved, and potentially applicable sulfate speciation techniques to obtain a better understanding of the generation, transport, transformation and removal processes that, in turn, determine the identity and concentrations of sulfate species in ambient air.  相似文献   

在反复实验的基础上建立了运用Bran+Luebbe AutoAnalyzer 3流动注射分析仪快速测定地表水中总氰化物的分析方法。结果表明,该方法与传统的分光光度法相比,具有自动进样、分析速度快、测定成本低等优点。与经典的分析方法相对照,结果无显著性差异,能够满足大批量地表水监测的要求。在测试系统中引入了恒温槽,进一步提高了测试的精密度和准确度。  相似文献   

穿透实验为液相吸附应用中预测实际活性炭床运行的必要测试.微型快速穿透(MCRB)实验技术采用粉碎筛分后的微小颗粒活性炭和微型穿透柱,可以加快实验速度、节省时间和资源,同时避免传统穿透实验中常遇到的问题.该实验技术操作较简单、用途广泛和设备要求较低,适合在国内大多数实验室中进行.MCRB实验技术弥补中国微型穿透实验的空白,与中小型、小型穿透柱实验方法构成完整活性炭穿透实验方法体系.  相似文献   

To improve phytoremediation processes, multiple techniques that comprise different aspects of contaminant removal from soils have been combined. Using creosote as a test contaminant, a multi-process phytoremediation system composed of physical (volatilization), photochemical (photooxidation) and microbial remediation, and phytoremediation (plant-assisted remediation) processes was developed. The techniques applied to realize these processes were land-farming (aeration and light exposure), introduction of contaminant degrading bacteria, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), and plant growth of contaminant-tolerant tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Over a 4-month period, the average efficiency of removal of 16 priority PAHs by the multi-process remediation system was twice that of land-farming, 50% more than bioremediation alone, and 45% more than phytoremediation by itself. Importantly, the multi-process system was capable of removing most of the highly hydrophobic, soil-bound PAHs from soil. The key elements for successful phytoremediation were the use of plant species that have the ability to proliferate in the presence of high levels of contaminants and strains of PGPR that increase plant tolerance to contaminants and accelerate plant growth in heavily contaminated soils. The synergistic use of these approaches resulted in rapid and massive biomass accumulation of plant tissue in contaminated soil, putatively providing more active metabolic processes, leading to more rapid and more complete removal of PAHs.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of homologous and heterologous formats in a nanocolloidal gold-based immunoassay for pesticide residue determination was investigated. Parathion, one of the most toxic organophosphorus pesticides, was used as the target analyte. One-step homologous and heterologous test strips based on a nanocolloidal gold-labeled monoclonal antibody were developed for the rapid detection of parathion residues. The results showed that the heterologous format was more effective than the homologous format, being more sensitive, more specific to parathion and more tolerant of matrix interferences. The best competitive hapten was found to have a moderate heterology and the opposite electronic distribution to the immunizing hapten. The detection limits for parathion using the preferred heterologous strip were 1 μg/L in water samples and 5 μg/kg in soil and food samples.  相似文献   

自配消解液分光光度法测定污水中的COD   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以自配消解液代替ThermoFisher公司AQ4001COD测定系统的专用消解液,比较了自配消解液分光光度法与国家标准重铬酸钾法(GB 11914-1989)测定化学需氧量(COD)的差异。对比试验表明,自配消解液分光光度法测定COD的结果精确度和准确度高,与国家标准方法无显著性差异。自配消解液分光光度法测定水样COD值的相对标准偏差;低量程(30~150 mg/L)为1.38%~2.53%,中量程(0~1 500 mg/L)为0.47%~3.63%,高量程(2 000~15 000 mg/L)为0.17%~3.53%,在国家标准方法测试水样COD值的允许误差范围内。除制革废水外,自配消解液可以代替AQ4001COD测定系统的专用消解液,适用不同量程范围内污水COD的测定。自配消解液分光光度法具有试剂使用量少、速度快、经济、二次污染小等优点,值得在环境科学领域及废水水质监测中推广应用。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of homologous and heterologous formats in a nanocolloidal gold-based immunoassay for pesticide residue determination was investigated. Parathion, one of the most toxic organophosphorus pesticides, was used as the target analyte. One-step homologous and heterologous test strips based on a nanocolloidal gold-labeled monoclonal antibody were developed for the rapid detection of parathion residues. The results showed that the heterologous format was more effective than the homologous format, being more sensitive, more specific to parathion and more tolerant of matrix interferences. The best competitive hapten was found to have a moderate heterology and the opposite electronic distribution to the immunizing hapten. The detection limits for parathion using the preferred heterologous strip were 1 μg/L in water samples and 5 μg/kg in soil and food samples.  相似文献   

本文对发展中高效液相色谱及其联用技术在有机锡形态测定的应用分两部分作了综述:第一部分,各类高效液相色谱分离有机锡:第二部分,从接口角度讨论高效液相色谱及其联用技术测定有机锡。共引36 篇文献。  相似文献   

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