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表面流人工湿地硝化和反硝化强度研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对表面流人工湿地不同土壤层硝化反硝化强度的研究,探讨了表面流人工湿地脱氮过程中沿程硝化和反硝化作用的变化,以及不同C∶N对系统反硝化强度的影响.研究结果表明,系统可同时进行硝化和反硝化作用,硝化强度具有较明显的分层现象,表层土壤高于深层土壤.系统中沿程硝化强度呈递减趋势,硝化强度反映了氨氮去除率的大小,其去除率为68%.反硝化强度研究结果表明:深层土壤的反硝化强度略高于表层土壤;沿程1/3至1/2段最大;5倍碳源时反硝化强度最高,3倍碳源次之,不加碳源最低;但系统的反硝化强度普遍较高,保持了良好的脱氮效果.  相似文献   

人工湿地脱氮除磷特性研究   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
针对流域水体富营养化加剧和二级处理水氮磷指标较高的问题,提出以人工湿地对二级出水继续低耗、理想地脱氮除磷。研究中通过对照不同进水水质条件下,不同结构人工湿地的脱氮除磷效能,探讨了人工湿地内的主要脱氮除磷途径。研究表明,表面流湿地内植物对氨氮吸收/吸附和硝化过程为主要氮转化途径,潜流湿地内直接反硝化过程为主要脱氮途径,脱氮效率30%~40%;磷在人工湿地内主要依赖除磷填料床的物化吸附、共沉淀去除,除磷效率达80%以上。  相似文献   

碳源是人工湿地反硝化作用重要的限制因子,提供足够的碳源能够有效地提高湿地系统的反硝化作用,从而提高人工湿地的脱氮效果。考察了以污水碳源作为复合垂直流-水平流人工湿地水平流进水碳源,对系统去氮能力的影响。实验结果显示,添加碳源能使复合人工湿地对TN和氨氮的去除率分别由23.19%、39.57%提高到34.17%和50.4%。当碳源污水(化粪池污水)/硝化处理水(垂直流出水)体积比为1∶4(C/N=1.22∶1)时,系统对氨氮和总氮具有最好的去除效果,且在不同季节具有较强的脱氮稳定性。不同季节加碳源复合系统对氨氮和总氮去除效果差异显著,在夏季去除效果最高可到达66.79%和60.95%。在加污水碳源条件下,增加停留时间对TN去除效果无明显影响,但可以显著提高氨氮去除率;有植物系统比无植物系统去除NH+4-N和TN的效果要好,且夏季提升效果最明显。由此可见,以污水碳源作为复合垂直流-水平流人工湿地系统中水平流部分的碳源,是强化人工湿地脱氮效果的有效手段,但是添加碳源比例、保温措施及植物种植是人工湿地重要的设计参数。  相似文献   

曝气生物流化床处理高氨氮粪便污水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用好氧曝气生物流化床反应器处理动车集便器粪便污水,研究反应器同步硝化反硝化脱氮及去除COD效能,以及DO对处理效能的影响,通过镜检观察反应器内微生物特性,探究反应器同步硝化反硝化脱氮机理。结果表明,反应器维持DO在2.5 mg/L左右时,对粪便污水中氨氮、TN和COD的去除率分别达99.8%、84.1%和95.5%,在好氧曝气生物流化床反应器中,实现同步硝化反硝化脱氮并去除有机物。分析认为,反硝化脱氮主要发生在生物膜内的厌氧微环境,反硝化反应主要由厌氧反硝化菌完成,曝气生物流化床反应器同步硝化反硝化脱氮机理主要从微环境理论解释。  相似文献   

间歇曝气潜流人工湿地的污水脱氮效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用间歇曝气运行方式,提升潜流人工湿地生活污水处理系统中的溶解氧浓度,强化脱氮效果。结果表明,间歇曝气运行方式有效提高了湿地内部溶解氧水平,曝气时溶解氧浓度可达6~9 mg/L,停止曝气后,溶解氧浓度迅速下降至0.5 mg/L以下,在湿地内部营造了一种交替的好氧和缺氧环境,分别促进好氧硝化和缺氧反硝化作用。在水力停留时间为3 d的情况下,间歇曝气潜流人工湿地系统对氨氮、总氮和COD的去除率分别可达到98.0%、87.6%和96.3%,较常规潜流人工湿地系统分别提高了74.1%、56.4%和18.1%,实现了氨氮、总氮和COD的同步高效去除。  相似文献   

以聚乙烯醇(PVA)、海藻酸钠(SA)、玉米芯(Y)为原料制备了PVA-SA(基质Ⅰ)和PVA-SA-Y(基质Ⅱ),研究了缓释碳源净水基质的释碳性能、吸附性能、脱氮性能及机理。结果表明,基质Ⅰ、基质Ⅱ的释碳量分别为0.30~1.00、0.30~1.60mg/g,平衡吸附量分别为0.317 8、0.907 9mg/g,总氮平均去除率分别为10.90%、32.40%,Y疏松多孔的结构特征是提高基质Ⅱ吸附、脱氮性能的关键,高通量测序结果表明基质Ⅱ中脱氮单胞菌属(Denitratisoma)、食酸菌属(Acidovorax)等与反硝化顺利进行相关的菌种比例较高。基于脱氮过程中COD、氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮浓度的变化情况,提出了缺氧条件下基质的脱氮模型。根据模型计算,基质Ⅱ通过同化和反硝化削减的COD量与基质Ⅰ相似,通过吸附途径削减的氨氮比基质Ⅰ高11.2百分点,通过反硝化作用去除的硝酸盐氮比基质Ⅰ高43.0百分点。  相似文献   

研究了两套不同基质复合垂直流人工湿地小试装置在不同季节对富营养化景观水的净化效果,分析了温度变化对污染物去除效果的影响,考察了微生物的硝化强度和反硝化强度以及基质理化性质对植物生长状况的影响,并探讨了氮、磷的去除途径.结果表明:不同基质复合垂直流人工湿地随季节变化对浊度、COD和磷的去除效果差异不明显;温度降低对脱氮效果影响显著,对磷的去除影响不大.沸石-页岩湿地硝化强度和反硝化强度优于砾石湿地.采用沸石作为基质可以提高系统对氮的去除效率,促进湿地植物的生长.对氮、磷去除途径的分析表明:微生物的硝化反硝化作用以及基质对磷的吸附沉淀作用是复合垂直流人工湿地去除氮、磷的主要途径;植物吸收分别占湿地TN、TP去除量的16%和35%左右,也是个重要途径.  相似文献   

构建4个垂直流人工湿地(CWs)系统,其中系统Ⅰ、Ⅱ为陶粒CWs,系统Ⅲ、Ⅳ为河砂CWs,调节各CWs系统的间歇曝气速率,评价其对CWs系统长期运行下污染物去除效果的影响。结果表明,4个CWs系统对化学需氧量和氨氮的去除率分别能够稳定在96%、98%左右。陶粒CWs与河砂CWs相比具有更高的污染物去除能力和稳定性;硝态氮、总氮、磷酸盐去除效果受CWs系统曝气速率和基质组成的共同影响。微生物分析表明,norank Saccharimonadales是各CWs系统硝态氮去除的关键功能菌属。合适的曝气速率和基质类型对于垂直流CWs的长期稳定运行至关重要。  相似文献   

炭管膜曝气生物膜反应器SNAD脱氮研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以包裹无纺布的微孔炭管作为膜曝气生物膜反应器(MABR)的膜组件,进行了短程硝化,厌氧氨氧化和反硝化耦合脱氮(SNAD)研究。实验中,控制温度34±1℃,pH 7.5~8.5, HRT 8 h,通过逐步降低膜内压力使反应器中的溶解氧由8 mg/L逐步降低到0.5 mg/L以下。实验采用亚硝酸细菌挂膜,然后接种厌氧氨氧化细菌,实现在单一反应器中同时发生短程硝化、厌氧氨氧化和反硝化耦合脱氮功能。结果表明,经过180 d的连续稳定运行,氨氮去除率达到了93.4%,总氮去除率达到了92.5%,COD去除率达到97.2%, 氨氮去除负荷0.6 kg N/(m3 ·d)。适合SNAD工艺的最佳C/N比为0.2~0.6,当COD浓度过高时,会抑制厌氧氨氧化细菌,使SNAD工艺的处理效果明显下降。  相似文献   

混合固定化硝化菌和好氧反硝化菌处理焦化废水   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
蔡昌凤  梁磊 《环境工程学报》2009,3(8):1391-1394
对传统的聚乙烯醇(PVA)固定化方法进行了改进,试制了加入麦秸粉末的固定化球和以活性炭纤维膜为载体膜固定化细胞产品。混合固定化硝化细菌和好氧反硝化细菌对经过厌氧折流板反应器酸化后的焦化废水进行脱氮,焦化废水在厌氧折流板反应器中经过18 h的酸化后,pH在8.0左右,开始进入好氧槽进行脱氮。在有效容积为5 L好氧槽中经过12 h的曝气处理,加入麦秸粉末的固定化球对氨氮的去除率高达94.3%;纤维膜固定化细胞产品对氨氮的去除率为85%。整个脱氮过程无NO-2-N和NO-2-N的积累,实现了好氧条件下的同时硝化和反硝化。  相似文献   

We reported previously that trichodiene, a volatile trichothecene derivative, was produced by a Stachybotrys isolate, also known to produce highly cytotoxic, non-volatile, macrocyclic trichothecenes (satrotoxins). We investigated the relationship between the production of trichodiene and various non-volatile trichothecenes for several molds. Volatile metabolites were concentrated by adsorption on Tenax TA and analyzed by GC/MS, while non-volatile metabolites were separated by HPLC, derivatized and analyzed by GC/MS. Stachybotrys chartarum isolates producing macrocyclic trichothecenes secreted significantly larger amounts of trichodiene and other sesquiterpenes than isolates which only produced simple trichothecenes. The amounts of secreted trichodiene were relatively small in all cases. With the exception of Memnoniella, which excreted small amounts of sesquiterpenes, the other isolates produced varying amounts of sesquiterpenes, including trichodiene, as well as simple tricothecenes, no detectable trichodiene, but large amounts of griseofulvin derivatives. In Stachybotrys there is apparently a correlation between trichodiene and macrocyclic trichothecene production. In the remaining isolates, there was no simple relationship between trichodiene and non-volatile trichothecene synthesis. Trichodiene is produced in larger amounts by Stachybotrys isolates, which also produce satratoxins, but it will be difficult to utilize this metabolite to detect toxic isolates in buildings due to the relatively small amounts excreted.  相似文献   

Approximately 25, 000-35, 000 dry cleaning facilities currently operate in the U.S. The release of perchloroethylene and other solvents from these establishments represents a major source of soil and groundwater contamination. The manner in which dry cleaning solvents escape from dry cleaning plants is, for all practical purposes, identical for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon solvents and is related to one of the following events: the catastrophic failure of a component of the dry cleaning system, the improper installation, operation or maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment or a combination of all of these causes. Acceptable customs, codes and regulations can also dictate what is authorized for operation of a dry cleaning facility in a particular community, geographic area during a particular time frame. Environmental litigation dealing with the origin of a solvent release from dry cleaners tends to focus on the design and manufacture of dry cleaning industry machines such as washers, washer extractors, tumblers, solvent filters, water separators, stills and spotting boards. A thorough analysis of the daily operations of dry cleaners often reveals that poor maintenance, failure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and the actions of the operator are the most likely causes of soil and groundwater pollution. In order to forensically evaluate the most probable origins of a solvent release and to examine issues regarding liability, a thorough understanding of the history of dry cleaning and a detailed analysis of the operation and maintenance of the dry cleaning equipment are necessary. The discovery of solvent plumes in the vicinity of dry cleaning plants may suggest that the solvent source is the dry cleaning plant; however, the presence of these plumes does not necessarily indicate that the dry cleaning equipment was defectively designed or manufactured. A thorough review of the type of equipment used over the life of the dry cleaning plant and verifiable solvent mileage records frequently indicates that operators of the plant have disposed of solvent and contaminated solids into the municipal sewer or on ground surfaces.  相似文献   

The effect of malathion [diethyl(dimethoxythiophosphorylthio)succinate] at sublethal concentration (0.006 ppm) on intestinal parameters of cricket frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) was studied for 24 hrs to 240 hrs of exposure and remarkable histopathological alterations were observed. The study on intestinal parameters revealed acute pathological conditions in the intestinal wall. The toxic effect became evident as the cytoplasm of the cells disintegrated and the cells became empty and vacuolated. The cell membranes were also ruptured. Degenerative changes of the absorptive surface (villi) of the intestine in the different periods of exposure were pronounced. Severe atrophic nature (necrotic mucosa) of the intestine began from 48 hrs onwards to 96 hrs of exposure.  相似文献   

The role of nitrogen (N) in acidification of soil and water has become relatively more important as the deposition of sulphur has decreased. Starting in 1991, we have conducted a whole-catchment experiment with N addition at Gårdsjön, Sweden, to investigate the risk of N saturation. We have added 41 kg N ha−1 yr−1 as NH4NO3 to the ambient 9 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in fortnightly doses by means of sprinkling system. The fraction of input N lost to runoff has increased from 0% to 10%. Increased concentrations of NO3 in runoff partially offset the decreasing concentrations of SO4 and slowed ecosystem recovery from acid deposition. From 1990-2002, about 5% of the total N input went to runoff, 44% to biomass, and the remaining 51% to soil. The soil N pool increased by 5%. N deposition enhanced carbon (C) sequestration at a mean C/N ratio of 42-59 g g−1.  相似文献   


A method for the detection of pentachlorophenol (PCP) residues in chicken liver and fat is presented. A detection limit of 0.002 mg/kg was achieved. Recoveries from liver and fat were in the range 82–88% and 95–97%, respectively.

Low level residues of PCP were found in all 1072 liver and 723 fat samples. These levels were <0.010 mg/kg in 92.7% of the fat and 75.6% of the livers. Only 0.75% of the liver samples had PCP levels>0.1 mg/kg. None of the more toxic impurities of PCP were detected in the chicken tissues.  相似文献   

We aimed to verify whether hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation and cell death are detected early in three bioindicators of ozone (O3), Nicotiana tabacum ‘Bel-W3’, Ipomoea nil ‘Scarlet O’Hara’ and Psidium guajava ‘Paluma’, and whether environmental factors also affect those microscopic markers. The three species were exposed to chronic levels of O3 in a subtropical area and a histo-cytochemical technique that combines 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) with Evans blue staining was used in the assessments. The three species accumulated H2O2, but a positive correlation with O3 concentration was only observed in N. tabacum. A positive correlation between O3 and cellular death was also observed in N. tabacum. In I. nil and P. guajava, environmental factors were responsible for symptoms at the microscopic level, especially in P. guajava. We conclude that the most appropriate and least appropriate bioindicator plant for O3 monitoring in the subtropics are N. tabacum ‘Bel-W3’ and P. guajava ‘Paluma’, respectively.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

Catch decline of freshwater fish has been recorded in several countries. Among the possible causes, habitat change is discussed. This article focuses on potentially increased levels of fine sediments going to rivers and their effects on gravel-spawning brown trout. Indications of increased erosion rates are evident from land-use change in agriculture, changes in forest management practices, and from climate change. The latter induces an increase in air and river water temperatures, reduction in permafrost, changes in snow dynamics and an increase in heavy rain events. As a result, an increase in river sediment is likely. Suspended sediment may affect fish health and behaviour directly. Furthermore, sediment loads may clog gravel beds impeding fish such as brown trout from spawning and reducing recruitment rates. To assess the potential impact on fine sediments, knowledge of brown trout reproductive needs and the effects of sediment on brown trout health were evaluated.


We critically reviewed the literature and included results from ongoing studies to answer the following questions, focusing on recent decades and rivers in alpine countries.
  • Have climate change and land-use change increased erosion and sediment loads in rivers?
  • Do we have indications of an increase in riverbed clogging?
  • Are there indications of direct or indirect effects on brown trout from increased suspended sediment concentrations in rivers or from an increase in riverbed clogging?
  • Results

    Rising air temperatures have led to more intensive precipitation in winter months, earlier snow melt in spring, and rising snow lines and hence to increased erosion. Intensification of land use has supported erosion in lowland and pre-alpine areas in the second half of the twentieth century. In the Alps, however, reforestation of abandoned land at high altitudes might reduce the erosion risk while intensification on the lower, more easily accessible slopes increases erosion risk. Data from laboratory experiments show that suspended sediments affect the health and behaviour of fish when available in high amounts. Point measurements in large rivers indicate no common lethal threat and suspended sediment is rarely measured continuously in small rivers. However, effects on fish can be expected under environmentally relevant conditions. River bed clogging impairs the reproductive performance of gravel-spawning fish.


    Overall, higher erosion and increased levels of fine sediment going into rivers are expected in future. Additionally, sediment loads in rivers are suspected to have considerably impaired gravel bed structure and brown trout spawning is impeded. Timing of discharge is put forward and is now more likely to affect brown trout spawning than in previous decades.


    Reports on riverbed clogging from changes in erosion and fine sediment deposition patterns, caused by climate change and land-use change are rare. This review identifies both a risk of increases in climate erosive forces and fine sediment loads in rivers of alpine countries. Increased river discharge and sediment loads in winter and early spring could be especially harmful for brown trout reproduction and development of young life stages. Recently published studies indicate a decline in trout reproduction from riverbed clogging in many rivers in lowlands and alpine regions. However, the multitude of factors in natural complex ecosystems makes it difficult to address a single causative factor.

    Recommendations and perspectives

    Further investigations into the consequences of climate change and land-use change on river systems are needed. Small rivers, of high importance for the recruitment of gravel-spawning fish, are often neglected. Studies on river bed clogging are rare and the few existing studies are not comparable. Thus, there is a strong need for the development of methods to assess sediment input and river bed clogging. As well, studies on the effects to fish from suspended sediments and consequences of gravel beds clogging under natural conditions are urgently needed.  相似文献   


    Eels were exposed to a sublethal diazinon concentration of 0.042 mg/L for exposure times of 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. Biochemical analyses of blood composition, such as plasma glucose, total plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, plasma lactate, plasma urea and uric acid, showed significant differences between treated and control animals. Plasma glucose and lactate increased after 6 hours exposure to the insecticide. Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides content decreased during 96 hours treatment. Urea levels increased at 72 hours while uric acid content decreased significantly at 24, 72 and 96 hours exposure to the pesticide.

    The observed effects of diazinon on eel metabolism suggested that the treated fish was faced with a serious metabolic crisis, and the fish looked for alternative methods of metabolism to overcome the toxic stress.  相似文献   

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