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针对土地资源商品化和传统燃煤供热方面的价值规律及其对大气环境的影响,综合环境影响分析、建筑方案,动态投资费用和动态成本等四方面因素,提出了对城市不同燃料供热方案的分析评价方法,为推广使用清洁燃料,改善城市大气环境质量,实现环境,经济,社会三个效益的统一提供了依据。  相似文献   

利用天津市某交通居民混合区(以下简称混合区)和某废旧机电拆解加工工业区(以下简称工业区)的大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)在线监测数据,分析了天津市不同功能区大气VOCs的浓度水平、组成特征、季节变化和污染来源。结果表明,混合区监测的烷烃、不饱和脂肪烃和芳香烃3类VOCs的质量浓度分别为48.26、15.34、34.45μg/m3,总VOCs质量浓度为98.05μg/m3;工业区监测的烷烃、不饱和脂肪烃、芳香烃、卤代烷烃、卤代烯烃和卤代芳香烃6类VOCs的质量浓度分别为18.79、10.76、9.41、43.24、12.86、2.16μg/m3,总VOCs质量浓度为97.22μg/m3。混合区和工业区的大气VOCs浓度均为夏季最高,但混合区秋季次高,冬季最低,而工业区冬季次高,春季最低。混合区VOCs主要来源于机动车尾气排放和化石燃料的燃烧;工业区VOCs主要来源于有机溶剂和氟利昂等制冷剂、发泡剂的挥发。  相似文献   

不同功能区空气负离子的监测分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
监测了西宁地区不同功能区空气负离子状况,以公园游览区空气负离子浓度最高,平均358个/cm^3;工业区最低,平均浓度259个/cm^3。各功能区空气负离子浓度明显不同,P〈0.01。用空气负离子浓度、空气离子单级系数和安培空气质量评价指数评价各功能区空气质量,从好到差依次为:公园游览区、生活居住区、商业交通繁忙区、工业区。3种评价指标结果相同,符合一般规律。  相似文献   

针对土地资源的商品化和传统燃煤供热方面的价值观及其对大气环境的影响,综合环境影响分析、建筑方案、动态投资费用和动态成本等四方面因素,提出了对城市不同燃料供热方案的分析评价方法,为推广使用清洁燃料,改善城市大气环境质量,实现环境、经济、社会三个效益的统一提供了依据.  相似文献   

<正>目前,在我国农村和城郊地区,至少有2亿人采用相对分散的低效高污染的燃煤供热方式。而天然气、太阳能和生物质能等各种供热技术很难在农村或城郊大面积推广:天然气价格逐渐与国际接轨,其成本将是燃煤成本的3~5倍;采用太阳能集热器供热一般需要利用电能补充供热,我国燃煤  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展,诸多工业区暴露出污染严重的问题,针对这一现象,选择上海的典型工业区,监测并分析总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)的浓度特征。设置6个点位,全年收集TSP样品112个和VOCs样品104个。TSP、VOCs年均值分别为0.174mg/m~3、223.8μg/m~3。通过分析污染物的浓度、时间变化特征、气候影响规律,并与其他城市研究进行比对,发现TSP和VOCs月均值呈现夏低冬高的趋势,且该工业区VOCs的主要来源为挥发性溶剂。研究结果为工业区的污染源整治指明方向。  相似文献   

从苕溪流域景观单元角度研究重金属污染特征,因人类活动是重金属污染的主要来源,所以在苕溪流域内选择采集典型工业区、农业区和城镇生活区附近河道的沉积物,分析各典型区域重金属Pb、Cd、Cr、As、Hg、Cu和Zn的含量特征,并用潜在生态危害指数法评价。结果表明,按照《土壤环境质量标准》,苕溪流域典型工业区主要是Hg、Cu和As的污染,典型农业区和城镇生活区主要是Hg的污染。各元素间的相关性分析表明,在工业区:Zn-As、Zn-Pb和As-Pb之间存在相关关系,说明它们的同源性很高。在农业区:Cu-As、Cu-Cd之间存在显著相关关系,其来源有可能相似。在城镇生活区Zn-As、Zn-Cd之间存在很高的相关性,说明它们有很高的同源性。由多种重金属潜在潜在生态风险评价结果可知:苕溪流域典型工业区、城镇区和农业区的沉积物处于低潜在生态风险。  相似文献   

为研究深圳大工业区初期雨水水质污染特征,分别选择深圳大工业区6个功能区作为监测点监测初期雨水中污染物浓度。结果表明:深圳大工业区居住区和商业区初期雨水COD污染最严重,COD最高分别达到1 467.00、1 333.00mg/L;出口加工区及高科技工业和现代物流业区域的初期雨水TN、TP浓度略低于其他区域。初期雨水中COD、氨氮、TP浓度与SS浓度存在线性相关关系,而TN浓度与SS浓度的线性相关性较差,不同区域随降雨历时变化规律波动各异。深圳大工业区附近河流SS、COD、TN、氨氮、TP浓度受初期雨水影响较大。  相似文献   

石化工业区的大气无组织排放是不容忽视的环境问题。以西固炼化基地为例,根据2014年特征污染物NMHC、H_2S、NH_3的区域质量浓度监测值,采用地面浓度反推法对西固炼化基地的特征污染物无组织源强进行估算,其中以炼油厂为最大,分别为NMHC 258.54 kg·h-1、H2S 4.76 kg·h-1、NH_337.18 kg·h-1。基于AERMOD模式预测特征污染物对区域敏感点的影响,根据污染物的相应环境质量标准反算出相应的管控方案,结果显示炼油厂的各项特征污染物削减量最大,分别为NMHC 1 086 t·a-1、H_2S 33 t·a-1、NH_3172 t·a-1,为主要管控对象。针对西固炼化基地特征污染物主要排放源,按近、中、长期提出相应的减排措施,为城区大型炼化基地大气无组织排放的治理工作提供一种思路。  相似文献   

污泥处理及其处置所面临的重要问题之一,就是如何对城市污水处理厂产生的污泥进行有效减容,尽量降低对外部能源的需求。文中在掌握国内外污泥干化主要工艺技术的基础上,针对某城市污水处理厂的污泥干化工程,拟对采用燃煤烟气干燥、污泥消化一干化一体化、太阳能热泵干燥等三种不同污泥干化工艺进行物料、能量工艺核算。并在此基础上,计算初期投资与15年的运行费用总和。通过对燃料价格、环保和安全等影响因素的研究,分析比较了五种供热系统,以太阳能热泵供热系统为最优,值得大力推广和应用。  相似文献   

论环境经济办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个好的经济政策应该是一个好的环境政策,反之亦然。这里所说的环境经济办法是一个全新的环境经济政策体系,它是由绿色税收、环境收费、绿色资本市场、生态补偿、排污权交易、绿色贸易、绿色保险等方面构成的。它们是市场经济的产物,与强制性环境政策相对应,两者共同构成一个比较完整的内在相通的政策体系。新的环境政策体系的理论基础是环境价值观、价值规律和价格形成机制。  相似文献   

以宝应县有机产业发展为主要研究对象,通过对宝应县的自然资源、经济发展基础以及社会、技术、政策等因素的分析,阐述了宝应县发展有机产业的优、劣势,并就如何开展有机食品基地县的创建工作,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Many energy conservation strategies for residences involve reducing house air exchange rates. Reducing the air exchange rate of a house can cause an increase in pollutant levels if there is an indoor pollution source and if the indoor pollutant source strength remains constant. However, if the indoor pollutant source strength can also be reduced, then it is possible to maintain or even improve indoor air quality. Increasing the insulation level of a house is a means of achieving energy conservation goals and, in addition, can reduce the need for space heating and thereby reduce the pollutant source strengths of combustion space heaters such as unvented kerosene space heaters, unvented gas space heaters, and wood stoves. In this paper, the indoor air quality trade-off between reduced infiltration and increased insulation in residences is investigated for combustion space heaters. Two similar residences were used for the experiment. One residence was used as a control and the other residence had infiltration and insulation levels modified. An unvented propane space heater was used as the source in this study. A model was developed to describe the dependence of both indoor air pollution levels and the appliance source strengths on house air exchange rates and house insulation levels. Model parameters were estimated by applying regression techniques to the data. Results show that indoor air pollution levels in houses with indoor combustion space heating pollution sources can be held constant (or lowered) by reducing the thermal conductance by an amount proportional to (or greater than) the reduction of the air exchange rate.  相似文献   


As the digital economy develops rapidly and the network information technology advances, new development models represented by the network economy have emerged, which have a crucial impact on green economic growth. However, the relevant previous studies lacked the role of analyzing the direct and indirect effects of internet development on green economic growth at the prefecture-level city level. For this purpose, this paper aims to examine the intrinsic mechanism of the impact of internet development on green economic growth and provide empirical support for cities and regions in China to increase internet construction. Furthermore, the mixed model (EBM), which includes both radial and non-radial distance functions, is applied to calculate the green economic growth index. Fixed effect model and mediation effect model are also employed to test influence mechanisms of the internet development on green economic growth using panel data of 269 prefecture-level cities in China from 2004 to 2019. The statistical results reveal that internet development has contributed significantly to green economic growth. When the internet development level increases by 1 unit, the green economic growth level increases by an average of 5.0372 units. However, regional heterogeneity is evident between internet development and green economic growth, that is, the promoting effect of internet development on green economic growth is gradually enhanced from the eastern region to the western region. We also find that internet development guides industrial structure upgrading improves environmental quality and accelerates enterprise innovation, which indirectly contributes to green economic growth. And internet development mainly achieves green economic growth through enterprise innovation. Based on the above findings, we concluded that policymakers should not only strengthen the guiding role of social actors to promote the stable development of the internet industry, but also foster the construction of the three models of “internet+industry integration,” “internet+environmental governance,” and “internet+enterprise innovation” to promote green economic growth.


A simple and rapid method for the extraction and cleanup of dioxins from house dust was developed using an accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) method and a multi-layer silica-gel cartridge. It was found that the WHO-TEQ levels of dioxins extracted from the house dust obtained by both a conventional soxhlet extraction and the ASE were almost equal, when the data obtained by both methods were compared. As for the cleanup method, a multi-layer silica-gel cartridge yielded higher dioxin recoveries than the alkaline digestion method. The average values of the dioxins in house dust from Kumagaya city and Sendai city in Japan (Sendai city is bigger than Kumagaya city with respect to the population and industry), were 15.6 pg TEQ/g (8.6-26.0 pg TEQ/g, n=5, Kumagaya city) and 16.0 pg TEQ/g (5.9-30.5 pg TEQ/g, n=5, Sendai city), respectively.  相似文献   

微电解工艺研究进展   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
本文探讨了微电解工艺的基本原理和反应机理 ,总结了该工艺的设计参数、优缺点 ,并概述了该工艺在电镀、染料、石油化工等工业废水治理中的应用现状。我国对微电解工艺从 2 0世纪 80年代研究至今 ,已在各个行业有了广泛的应用。从实际应用来看 ,该工艺具有适用范围广、处理效果好、使用寿命长、成本低廉等优点 ,具有良好的工业应用前景。但同时也出现了结块等问题。  相似文献   


Over the previous two decades, Chinese economic development presented a rapid growth. However, with continuous industrialization and urbanization, China is confronted with great challenges of energy security and environmental issues. These problems are closely related to the current accounting method of economic growth to a certain extent. In order to meet these challenges, it is imperative to establish a green accounting system of economic growth and measure China’s green GDP and its changing trend based on the industrial perspective. Using the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) and industry data, this paper estimates China’s green GDP and green value added by industry sectors in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2015, and 2017. The results reveal the following: First, the ratio of green GDP to traditional GDP gradually increases from 89.85 to 95.83% during 2005–2017, which means that the negative externalities of economic growth of the resource and environment are gradually weakened. Second, the difference between traditional GDP and green GDP during 2005–2017 is about 6.96%, with the carbon emissions accounting for 70.71% of environmental impact. Third, due to more than 80% of the environmental impact coming from three sectors: manufacturing (49.99%), electricity industry (22.63%), and other services (11.37%), these three sectors should be key sectors for energy conservation and emission reduction; fourth, the green GDP of the mining, electricity industries, and manufacturing accounts for the lowest proportion of GDP, which means that the development patterns of these three industries in recent years should be adjusted and optimized step by step.


Quantified air quality and meteorological information provided by an air pollution monitoring system must be geared to the legally prescribed functions of the control agency. The network must be treated as a vital component of the total integrated data system that supports agency activities in air resources management and control. It should be closely interphased with data systems for emission inventory, registration and permits, violations and complaints, fuel use, emission reduction plans, land use, demographic projections, and urban planning. Compatibility with neighboring and statewide or regionwide data systems is essential for coordination of effort, especially under episode conditions.

The network should be planned on three levels, static, semi-automatic, and fully automatic, to provide monthly, daily, and up-to-the-minute measurements, respectively. Optimization of network specifications requires a three-way balance of hardware, control objectives, and agency resources (capital facilities, manpower, funding, etc.), of which the first two are realistically governed by the third.

A monitoring network could serve a wide range of functions, and there are pressures and temptations to cater to all possible users. A number of functions are listed; an order of priority should be determined. Experience shows that far more data tend to be generated than can be analyzed, assimilated, and utilized. Rapid data acquisition and on-line processing capabilities of present-day automatic networks could, without effective planning, result in mountainous backlogs of unassimilated information.

A systems engineering approach to planning will ascertain that preliminary requirements are critically scrutinized, and only genuine requirements that meet the test of constraints (natural environment, economic, legal, social, political constraints, and manpower resources) will be translated into performance specifications. By means of this approach, design characteristics that are extraneous or peripheral to the principal network functions can be identified as low priority luxuries, whereas seemingly expensive items may be justified on the basis of data reliability or long-range savings in operation and maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

The selection of Hue gas treatment processes in the waste-to-energy industry has generally followed the trend of the coal-fired power industry. The highly favored process for both industries is the dry scrubber (spray absorber) followed by a fabric filter. As more attention is focused upon increasingly greater efficiencies, lower outlet concentrations, heavy metals emissions, and toxic organic pollutant emissions, the advantages of wet scrubbing become more pronounced. This paper provides an objective technical and economic evaluation of selected wet scrubbing and dry scrubbing systems for a generic waste-to-energy facility. The advantages and disadvantages of wet scrubbing are discussed and translated into cost benefits or penalties.  相似文献   

循环流化床烟气脱硫技术及其环境经济可行性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了循环流化床烟气脱硫技术的原理和国内外研发的现状,并与目前得到广泛应用和继续发展的其它3种烟气脱硫工艺进行比较,得出循环流化床烟气脱硫净化工艺具有投资相对较低、脱硫效率较高、运行可靠、操作维护方便等优点。再通过实例,从投资、技术、运行成本等方面论述其环境经济的可行性,得出循环流化床烟气脱硫技术符合江阴现阶段经济发展状况,能满足中、小型锅炉脱硫要求,是一种较为可行的大气污染控制技术。  相似文献   

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