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水解酸化-缺氧法对采油废水有较好的处理效果,采用GC/MS技术对水解酸化-缺氧法处理采油废水过程中污染物的迁移降解进行的研究表明:水解酸化段和缺氧段对采油废水中碳原子为C6~C9、分子量为100~140的有机物均有较好的降解能力.其中,在水解酸化段中酮类、芳烃得到较好的降解,缺氧段中酚类和醚类化合物降解明显.水解酸化-缺氧工艺对于采油废水中的甲苯和二甲苯具有较好的降解能力.  相似文献   

采用2种生物法/人工湿地工艺(水解酸化/好氧/人工湿地工艺和水解酸化/人工湿地(进水区强化曝气)工艺)处理胜利油田某联合处理站经隔油、混凝处理的采油废水,并运用发光细菌技术研究采油废水在处理过程中的生态毒性削减规律.研究结果表明,在水解酸化段水力停留时间(HRT)为20 h,好氧段HRT为10 h,人工湿地HRT为2 d的工况下,水解酸化/好氧/人工湿地工艺与水解酸化/人工湿地(进水区强化曝气)工艺的出水水质均能满足COD≤80 mg/L、NH_4~+-N≤15 mg/L的处理要求.发光细菌法试验结果表明,经隔油、混凝处理后的采油废水属高毒性废水,再经水解酸化/人工湿地(进水区强化曝气)工艺处理后生态毒性大幅削减,出水生态毒性降至低毒.  相似文献   

不同温度条件水解酸化-好氧工艺处理高矿化度采油废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同温度组合的水解酸化-好氧工艺对胜利油田某联合处理站经过"隔油-混凝-过滤"处理的高矿化度采油废水进行处理.结果表明:水解酸化反应器内的微生物能够适应高温(55℃)的环境,而好氧反应器中微生物的活性会受到高温较大的抑制;"高温水解酸化-中温好氧工艺"和"中温水解酸化-中温好氧工艺"可以使出水COD达到低于80 mg/L的外排要求,停留时间分别为15 h和7.5 h.采用水解酸化-好氧工艺处理高矿化度油田采油废水足可行的.  相似文献   

印染废水处理过程中污染物及毒性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用水解酸化-A/O(生物活性炭法(PACT))-混凝沉淀组合工艺处理印染废水,深入研究该组合工艺各反应段对印染废水污染物的处理情况,分别用电感耦合等离子光谱(AES/ICP)、气相色谱/质谱联用(GC/MS)以及发光细菌法对各反应段出水所含金属元素、有机物以及毒性进行检测.结果表明,水解酸化-A/O(PACT)-混凝沉淀组合工艺可以有效降解印染废水所含污染物,降低其毒性.  相似文献   

印染行业排放的碱减量废水是一股水量少、浓度高、碱性大、污染十分严重的有机废水,针对该股废水难以降解,提出酸析预处理-兼氧(两段水解酸化)-生物接触氧化法相结合的处理工艺.试验表明经酸析预处理的碱减量废水与印染废水混合进行水解酸化、好氧处理,废水中的特征污染物对苯二甲酸(TA)是可生化的.并且,当进水中的CODcr为0.6~1.0g/L、BOD5为0.22~0.35g/L、TA为0.13~0.28g/L、色度为300~400倍时,系统的CODcr、BOD5、TA、色度的去除率分别为92%、95%、96%和90%,最终出水水质均能达标排放.同时,把二沉池排出的污泥回流至水解酸化池进行污泥减容化,还可以降低污泥的处理成本.  相似文献   

水解酸化工艺处理印染废水的机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了研究水解酸化工艺处理印染废水机理及其必要性,尝试用分子量及其分布和聚乙烯醇(PVA)降解程度作为论证指标,并综合后续好氧生物处理。提出以VFA产生和p H显著下降作为印染废水水解酸化的评判标准是不适用的;印染废水水解酸化的作用主要在水解阶段,COD虽没有明显降低,但分子量和PVA随着反应过程有显著下降;印染废水水解酸化可以大大降低好氧生物处理的难度,经过水解酸化的印染废水比未经水解酸化的印染废水好氧生物处理后COD去除率高40.2%,分子量下降率高66.2%。  相似文献   

采用混凝-催化氧化-水解酸化-生物接触氧化法处理高浓度难降解分散染料废水.比较分析了O_3、UV/TiO_2/O_3,UV/O_3/H_2O_23种高级氧化法的处理效果.结果表明,UV/TiO_2/O_3对废水COD和色度有较高的去除率.可明显改善废水的可生化性,废水的BOD_5/COD由0.05~0.07升高至0.42~0.46.在混凝沉淀单元HRT为1.5 h.催化氧化单元(UV/TiO_2/O_3)HRT为3.0 h,水解酸化HRT为10.0 h,生物接触氧化HRT为10.0 h的最佳条件下,该组合工艺对废水COD和色度总的去除率分别可达95.0%、99.5%.  相似文献   

采用水解酸化-磷酸铵镁(MAP)法-EGSB组合工艺对大豆蛋白废水进行处理,考察了水解酸化系统运行效果,并对其运行参数进行优化;提出MAP法对高浓度氨氮废水的处理方法,并评选其处理高浓度氨氮废水的适宜条件。结果表明,水解酸化系统运行稳定,最适pH为7.0,最佳水力停留时间为12h,氨氮转化率高达95.8%;MAP法处理高浓度氨氮废水的优选条件为n(Mg):n(N):n(P)=1:1:0.8,此条件下氨氮去除率为88.3%,磷酸去除率为76.7%;EGSB反应器经过三个月的启动后可稳定运行,有机负荷高达到9.88 kg·(m~3·d)~(-1),COD去除率达到90.0%左右。水解酸化-MAPEGSB组合工艺在处理大豆蛋白废水时可获得连续稳定的处理效果,为大豆蛋白废水处理的工程化提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

采用AOAB(水解酸化A1+生物接触氧化O+深度水解酸化A2+曝气生物滤池BAF)工艺处理难降解混合化工污水,重点研究工艺挂膜方式和生物膜的驯化。结果表明,采用分段连续式挂膜法进行反应器挂膜,20 d即可完成快速挂膜启动;采用分阶段同步培养驯化法驯化生物膜,30 d内可完成高浓度多组分混合化工污水进水的驯化,最终进水COD 1 456 mg/L,出水COD 324 mg/L,总去除率76.85%,驯化效果显著;整个工艺对COD的降解主要集中在生物接触氧化池和曝气生物滤池,驯化期间生物接触氧化池去除率稳定在40%左右,曝气生物滤池去除率稳定在50%以上。同时,通过对比一段水解酸化和深度水解酸化的VFA(挥发性脂肪酸)产出,表明在高有机负荷进水时,一段水解酸化降解大分子有机物的能力有限,但这些有机物可通过二段水解酸化再次降解,由此体现了AOAB工艺在处理多组分混合型的难降解化工污水的优势。  相似文献   

分别采用水解 -二段生物接触氧化以及二段生物接触氧化两种工艺 ,通过接种高效蔗糖降解菌对蔗糖厂洗布水的生化处理进行试验研究 ,结果表明 :填料采用煤渣较好 ;加适量的氮源和磷源能提高生化处理效果 ;两种工艺处理都能使废水达标排放 ,但从经济角度考虑认为水解 -二段接触氧化工艺较优。  相似文献   

Diverse advanced oxidation process (AOP) techniques applying UV, TiO2/UV, O3 and O3/UV were used to degrade pollutants contained in tannery wastewater. The total mineralization of these pollutants is desirable, but it is quite energy consuming and sometimes impossible. Therefore the objective was to achieve an enhancement of biodegradability, preferentially with a decrease in toxicity in parallel. This work demonstrates that the dominant pollutants were chemically degraded by oxidation, while changes in carbon content were only marginal. These results were obtained monitoring the total organic carbon content (TOC), chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD), and substance-specific pollutant content by application of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Daphnia magna toxicity testing performed in parallel proved a decrease in toxicity after AOP treatment of the tannery wastewater.  相似文献   

Fenton法及其在废水处理中的应用研究   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Fenton法在处理难降解有机污染物时具有独特的优势.是一种很有应用前景的废水处理技术。文章介绍了该技术的发展过程、主要类型及应用状况,并对其在废水处理中的优势.存在问题和发展趋势作出评述。  相似文献   

根据理论分析提出生物吸附-沉淀-再生的城市污水处理工艺,即高负荷生物吸附再生法。该工艺对污染物去除的作用主要包括污泥的絮凝作用、吸附作用和生物代谢作用,而以前两者的作用为主。对城市污水的生产性试验研究结果表明,该工艺能够较大程度地提高SS、COD、SCOD和BOD等污染物的去除率,具有明显的处理效果,对于西北干旱缺水地区实现污水资源化是切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

针对焦化废水中的有毒污染物会对敏感易受干扰的硝化细菌产生不利影响从而破坏硝化过程稳定性的现象,采用A/O1/H/O2工艺处理焦化废水的实际工程为研究对象,根据工程运行的水质监测数据分析,发现几种主要污染物的浓度变化会对二级好氧段的硝化过程产生抑制影响。序批式毒性抑制实验结果表明,苯酚、硫氰化物和喹啉对硝化过程具有毒性抑制作用,半抑制浓度EC50分别为34.26、278.5和73.24 mg/L。当二级好氧工艺段运行正常时(C/N约4.3/1,pH8~8.5,DO 4~4.5 mg/L),出水氨氮浓度可低于5 mg/L,是由于焦化废水经厌氧/好氧/水解工艺后毒物浓度大幅下降,毒性得到削减,表明焦化废水生物处理A/O1/H/O2组合流化床工艺具有较强抵抗毒物抑制并实现高效的硝化作用。  相似文献   

人工湿地系统微生物去除污染物的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
人工湿地污水处理系统具有净化效果显著、建设和运行费用低廉、管理简便等优点,近年来越来越受到人们的重视。人工湿地是利用介质、植物和微生物构成的复合系统来处理污水。微生物在人工湿地系统净化污水过程中发挥着重要作用。介绍了人工湿地系统中微生物去除污染物的研究进展,重点讨论了人工湿地对污染物和特殊有机污染物的去除以及系统基质中微生物的种群和活性等内容,并结合我国研究现状展望了该领域的研究前景。人工湿地系统微生物对污染物去除将成为人工湿地生态系统服务功能评价、人工湿地生态系统健康与稳定的诊断的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

超声萃取法处理含油污泥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用超声强化技术,对以汽油为萃取剂的超声萃取法处理含油污泥的工艺进行了研究,筛选了调整剂、絮凝剂、破乳剂,探讨了萃取温度、萃取时间、超声频率、超声功率等对处理效果的影响。结果表明:在调整剂为采油废水、物料配比为v(萃取剂)∶v(调整剂)∶v(油污泥)=4∶4∶1的条件下,萃取工艺为萃取温度40℃、萃取时间15 min、超声频率40kHz、超声功率150 W时,可回收含油污泥中83.7%的油品。  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) constitutes a parameter of organic pollution for waters and wastewaters, which is not so often studied, and it is not yet regulated by directives. The term ‘DOC’ is used for the fraction of organics that pass through a 0.45 μm pores’ size membrane. The type of wastewater plays an important role in the quality of DOC and it has been shown that DOC may contain aquatic humic substances, hydrophobic bases, hydrophobic neutrals, hydrophilic acids, hydrophilic bases and hydrophilic neutrals. The quality of the DOC is expected to affect its fate in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), since a considerable fraction of DOC is not biodegradable, and it may be released in the aquatic environment together with the treated effluent. In the present study, the occurrence of DOC during the wastewater treatment process is investigated and its removal rates during primary, secondary and overall treatment are being estimated. Furthermore, a correlation is being attempted between DOC and the concentrations of selected Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Heavy Metals (HMs) in the dissolved phase of wastewaters, to examine whether there are common sources for these pollution parameters in WWTPs. Also, DOC is being correlated with the partition coefficients of the above-mentioned pollutants in wastewater, in order to examine the effect of ‘solubility enhancement’ in WWTPs and to evaluate the result of this phenomenon in the efficiency of a WWTP to remove organic pollutants. Methods For the purposes of this study, 24-h composite wastewater samples were collected from the influent (raw wastewater, RW), the effluent of primary sedimentation tank (primary sedimentation effluent, PSE) and the effluent of secondary sedimentation tank (secondary sedimentation effluent, SSE). Samples were analyzed for the presence of 26 POPs (7 PCBs and 19 organochlorine pesticides), 8 HMs and DOC. Results and Discussion Mean concentrations of DOC in RW and PSE were at similar levels (∼ 70 mg l−1), suggesting that primary treatment has a minor effect on the DOC content of wastewater. DOC concentrations in SSE were significantly lower (∼ 19 mg l−1) as a result of the degradation of organic compounds in the biological reactor. Calculated removals of DOC were 0.8% in the primary treatment, 63% in the secondary treatment, and 69% in the overall treatment, exhibiting large differences from other organic pollution parameters, such as BOD and COD. The overall DOC removal was found to be independent from the DOC concentration in raw wastewater. Poor correlation was also observed between the DOC content and the concentrations of wastewater contaminants, such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals (HMs), probably suggesting that their occurrence in WWTPs is due to different sources. A good negative linear relationship was revealed between DOC concentrations and the logarithms of the distribution coefficients (K d) of various POPs and HMs between the solid and the liquid phases of wastewater. This relationship suggests that DOC facilitates hydrophobic pollutants to remain in the dissolved phase thus causing lower removal percentages during the treatment process. Conclusion DOC was measured at three stages of a municipal WWTP that receives mainly domestic wastewater and urban runoff. DOC concentrations in untreated and primarily treated wastewater were almost equal, and only after the secondary sedimentation there was a decrease. Concentrations and removal rates of DOC were in the same levels as in other WWTPs that receive municipal wastewater. The origin of DOC was found to be different to the one of POPs and of HMs, as no correlation was observed between the concentrations of DOC and the concentrations of these pollutants. On the contrary, DOC was found to have significant negative correlation with the K d of all pollutants examined, suggesting that it plays an important role in the partitioning of those pollutants between the dissolved and the sorbed phase of wastewaters. This effect of DOC on partitioning can affect the ability of WWTPs to remove toxic pollutants, and that way it facilitates the discharge of those chemicals in the aquatic ecosystems together with the treated effluent. Recommendation By the results of this work it is shown that the presence of DOC in wastewaters can significantly affect the partition of hazardous pollutants between the dissolved and the sorbed phase. It is therefore of importance that this parameter is controlled more in wastewaters, since it can cause a decrease in the efficiency of WWTPs to remove quantitatively persistent pollutants.  相似文献   

焦化废水泡沫分离液的Fenton催化氧化预处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以焦化废水处理过程产生的泡沫分离液为研究对象,对其进行Fenton催化氧化处理实验,考察H2O2用量、Fe2+浓度、pH和反应时间4个因素对处理效果的影响,并结合GC/MS方法比较处理前后泡沫分离液中有机物的种类及其生物降解性的变化。结果表明,采用[H2O2]=100 mmol/L、[Fe2+]=100 mg/L、pH=3、反应时间为30 min的Fenton催化氧化反应条件,可以使分离液的COD去除率达到68%以上;经Fenton处理后,分离液的B/C值由0.12提高至0.38,生物降解性明显改善;通过GC/MS的分析,基本明确分离液中含有的有机物主要为酚、胺、腈、酯类有机物及喹啉、吡啶等杂环化合物,大多数属于难降解且生物毒性较强的有机物。针对这些复杂组分共存的泡沫分离液,利用Fenton试剂较强的氧化能力能够将其含有的有毒/难降解有机物转化为低毒或无毒的小分子有机物,为其后续的生物处理创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

采用一种新的工艺技术方法即水解酸化-改良UASB工艺处理玉米酒精废水。结果表明,在改良UASB运行60 d顺利启动完成后,进水COD在5 470~7 910 mg/L之间,TN在70~107 mg/L之间,TP在115~187 mg/L之间,SS在864~1 490 mg/L之间的条件下,水解酸化对COD和SS的去除率分别达50%和51%,NH3-N经过水解酸化后升高。改良UASB对COD的去除率达80%,对NH3-N、TN和TP也有一定去除,去除率分别为12%、17%和20%,经过水解酸化及改良UASB处理利于后续好氧处理。  相似文献   

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