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高邮市城区污染强度与北澄子河环境容量的相关性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王维来 《污染防治技术》2006,19(2):54-56,64
根据2004年度高邮市主要纳污河流北澄子河流经城区后,污染物增加量、城区段河流的自净量及河流剩余环境容量,计算出城区段河流的总环境容量,再通过各年度河流流经城区后污染物增加量及自净量,计算出各年度城区段河流的剩余环境容量,分析城区污染强度与北澄子河环境容量的相关性,得到线性公式,从而可以根据城区污染强度推算环境容量的变化,或根据环境容量的变化推算城区污染强度。  相似文献   

粉煤灰混凝剂用于造纸黑液处理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在常温下,用硫酸、盐酸或其混合酸搅拌浸取粉煤灰2h,制得粉煤灰混凝剂。经混合酸处理的3^#粉煤灰混凝剂对造纸黑液混凝效果好,COD去除率为80%,浊度去除率为88%,色度达到2^4。添加了部分硫铁矿渣的6^#混凝剂,COD去除率为86%,浊度去除率可达94%。3^#混凝剂与PY型混凝剂、A12(S04)3、浓H2S04相比,具有去除效率高、运行费用低和以废治废的特点。  相似文献   

基于MIKE11模型构建了北运河干流(北京段)一维河流水动力、水质模型。以2010年为基准年,综合考虑"十二五"期间人口增长、经济发展及农业规模和布局情况,设置3套减排方案。选择北京市榆林庄断面为主控监测断面,以氨氮低于5mg/L、COD低于40mg/L为水质控制目标,开展不同减排措施效果评估。结果表明,污水处理厂提标改造是改善北运河流域(北京段)水质的最有效手段,能使榆林庄断面COD和氨氮相比2010年分别下降27.2%、60.6%,COD达到水质控制目标。氨氮减排难度较大,除了实施污水处理厂提标改造外,应同步提高综合排放标准,使氨氮排放相对2010年下降73.5%,达到水质控制目标。同时,还应加强对城市暴雨径流污染的控制,以有效降低前汛期水体污染物峰值浓度。  相似文献   

江苏海岸湿地水质污染特征与海陆一体化调控   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2000年江苏海岸湿地人海河流河口淡水监测断面有30%的水质处于劣Ⅴ类,满足Ⅲ类水质的仅占10%;近岸海域海水监测断面有50%的水质处于Ⅳ标准。人类扰动的频率与强度的日益加大是水质污染的主要原因,而河流携带大量污染物是水质污染的主要途径。江苏海岸湿地水质污染防治的关键在于流域海陆水环境系统的一体化调控,侧重点是调控技术路线和水质污染控制层次的设计。环境管理控制区划的方案是:横向上由陆向海划分为上游流域、近岸陆域、海岸湿地和离岸海域4个环境控制带;纵向上自北向南以水系汇流特征、行政区划特征、海域特点划分为Ⅳ类环境功能区及若干亚区。  相似文献   

铁炭内电解—厌氧—好氧工艺处理阿维菌素废水的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
血清瓶毒性试验表明,AVM对厌氧消化产生强烈的抑制作用,AVM废水经铁炭内电解参处理后,COD和AVM的去除率分别达到19.5%和68.5%,可大大降低废水的毒性,预处理出水再经UASB+生物接触氧化反应器进一步处理,当生化系统进水COD为6000-6500mg/L时,出水COD为250-280mg/L,总COD去除率达到95.6%,出水达到生物制药行业排放标准。  相似文献   

印染生化尾水反渗透深度处理工艺膜污染成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明印染生化尾水反渗透膜处理时膜污染的成因,使用小试装置进行40h膜污染实验,研究膜污染速率、污染程度以及可逆性,同时应用扫描电子显微镜一EDS能谱仪、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪、总有机碳测定仪等仪器对进水水质、膜表面污染物的形态和组成等进行表征。结果表明,膜表面主要是碳酸钙无机污染和钙与有机物络合污染,无机污染占主导,且可逆性差,有机污染物主要含有--OH和~c-c官能团;单一去除废水中有机物污染物(TOC去除率达88%)对膜污染缓解不明显,但钙离子的去除可显著缓解膜污染,膜通量可增加72.6%;同时去除有机物和钙离子,膜通量可增加80.4%。  相似文献   

活性污泥1号模型废水特性的测定研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
废水的水质特性是活性污泥数学模型研究和应用的重要方面。采用呼吸计量法及常规化学分析法对污水处理厂的废水特性进行了测定,通过研究发现,污水处理厂的曝气沉砂池出水中SS占总COD的比例平均为10.49%;Xs占总COD的比例平均为14.24%;S1占总COD的比例平均为5.52%。初沉池出水中Ss占总COD的平均比例为9.62%;Xs占总COD的比例平均为16.97%;S1占总COD的比例平均为11.38%。  相似文献   

针对白龙江沿岸农业种植、畜禽养殖等产业发展影响河流水质的问题,以甘肃省南部白龙江流域为研究对象,采用改进输出系数模型计算丰、平、枯水年等典型水文情景下流域内工业、农村生活垃圾、农村生活污水、畜禽养殖、城镇生活污水、城镇径流和农田径流等污染源污染负荷,基于InfoWorks ICM构建了白龙江水动力水质模型,模拟分析COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP等污染负荷分布特征,评估了最不利水文条件下白龙江水质污染风险,验证了该模型在流域水质污染模拟评估的适用性。研究结果表明,不同水文情景下污染物入河负荷主要来源存在显著差异,如丰水年和平水年农田径流是COD污染的主要来源,污染负荷分别达到1 382.56、1 058.98 t,而枯水年污染源主要是城镇径流。污染物负荷存在明显空间差异,研究区内子流域污染负荷空间分布不均匀,高污染负荷主要出现在中下游子流域。白龙江水质在汛期和非汛期差异较大,非汛期水质更差。通过模拟最不利水文情景(枯水年非汛期)发现,研究区内白龙江NH4+-N浓度最大位置出现在中下游,最高可达1.4...  相似文献   

以浦阳江流域(浦江县段)为研究区,从流域面源污染空间特征入手,提出浦阳江流域岸边带建设的重点区域.采用DPeRS面源污染负荷估算模型,具体分析了2018年浦阳江流域面源污染负荷空间分布特征,并采用面向对象方法提取了岸线和河流生态缓冲带土地覆盖类型,以汇水区为单元,结合面源污染估算结果识别了浦阳江流域河流生态缓冲带重点区.结果 表明:浦阳江流域中部和中北部地区面源污染排放负荷较高,面源污染入河负荷高值区主要集中于中下游地区;该流域31个汇水区中,TN和NHt4+-N重点汇水区有17个,主要分布在流域的中部和东北部;TP和COD重点汇水区有12个,集中分布于流域中部;浦阳江流域河流生态缓冲带范围内,植被类型和非植被类型面积占比分别为65.49%和34.51%,其中耕地面积占比29.36%,建筑用地占比11.89%;综合浦阳江流域面源污染重点汇水区和河流生态缓冲带现状遥感提取结果,筛选出的重点区包括下游地区的7号汇水区和中游地区的18~25号汇水区所在的河流生态缓冲带.今后,可针对其重点区域设计生态防护工程,也应结合源头减量、过程拦截、末端消纳与资源循环利用的防控策略,综合削减面源污染物入河量.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器次临界通量运行的膜污染特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
膜生物反应器(MBR)是将膜分离与生物反应相结合的污水处理新工艺,近年来已引起广泛的关注,但不可避免的膜污染限制其更广泛的应用。临界通量在膜污染控制中是个非常重要的概念。本试验研究平板膜生物反应器在次临界通量运行下的膜污染状况,并结合膜污染模型进一步表征膜表面的污染特性。试验结果表明。该平板膜生物反应器在次临界通量运行的情况下,膜污染可分为膜污染缓慢发展阶段(第Ⅰ阶段)和膜污染迅速发展阶段(第Ⅱ阶段),可分别用膜孔堵塞模型和泥饼阻力模型表征膜阻力与时间的变化关系。同时,对运行后的膜阻力分布进行分析,表明泥饼阻力和孔道吸附堵塞阻力是膜污染的主要组成部分,分别占到总阻力的73%和24%,而膜本身阻力仅占3%。  相似文献   

The Tonle Sap is the largest wetland in Southeast Asia and one of the world’s most productive inland fisheries. The Mekong River inundates the Tonle Sap every year, shaping a mosaic of natural and agricultural habitats. Ongoing hydropower development, however, will dampen the flood pulse that maintains the Tonle Sap. This study established the current underlying relationship among hydrology, vegetation, and human use. We found that vegetation is strongly influenced by flood duration; however, this relationship was heavily distorted by fire, grazing, and rice cultivation. The expected flood pulse alteration will result in higher water levels during the dry season, permanently inundating existing forests. The reduction of the maximum flood extent will facilitate agricultural expansion into natural habitats. This study is the most comprehensive field survey of the Tonle Sap to date, and it provides fundamental knowledge needed to understand the underlying processes that maintain this important wetland.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency of extreme events in large rivers may affect not only their flow, but also their water quality. In the present study, spatial and temporal changes in fluvial physico-chemical variables were analyzed in a mega-river delta during two extreme hydrological years (La Niña-El Niño) and related to potential explanatory factors. Basic water variables were evaluated in situ at 13 points (distant 2–35 km from each other) in watercourses of the Delta Biosphere Reserve (890 km2) in the Lower Paraná River (Argentina) in nine surveys (October 2008–July 2010) without meteorological tides. Samples for laboratory analyses were collected from each main river. Multivariate tests by permutations were applied. The period studied was influenced by a drought, within a long period dominated by low flows combined with dry weather and wildfires, and a large (10 years of recurrence) and prolonged (7 months) flood. The hydrological phase, followed by the season and the hydrological year (according to the ENSO event) were the principal explanatory factors of the main water quality changes, whereas the drainage sub-basin and the fluvial environment (river or stream) were secondary explanatory factors. During the drought period, conductivity, turbidity, and associated variables (e.g., major ions, silicon, and iron concentrations) were maximal, whereas real color was minimal. In the overbanking flood phase, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration were minimal, whereas real color was maximal. Dissolved oxygen saturation was also low in the receding flood phase and total major ion load doubled after the arrival of the overbanking stage. The water quality of these watercourses may be affected by the combination of several influences, such as the Paraná River flow, the pulses with sediments and solutes from the Bermejo River, the export of the Delta floodplain properties mainly by the flood, the season, and the saline tributaries to the Lower Paraná River. The high influence of the hydrology of this large river on the Delta fluvial water quality emphasizes the relevance of changes in its flow regime in recent decades, such as the seasonality attenuation. Considering that the effects of extreme events differ among and within fluvial systems, specific ecohydrological evaluations and powerful appropriate statistics are key tools to gain knowledge on these systems and to provide bases for suitable management measures in a scenario of climate change and increasing human alterations and demands.  相似文献   

Quantifying source apportionments of nutrient load and their variations among seasons and hydrological years can provide useful information for watershed nutrient load reduction programs. There are large seasonal and inter-annual variations in nutrient loads and their sources in semi-arid watersheds that have a monsoon climate. The Generalized Watershed Loading Function model was used to simulate monthly nutrient loads from 2004 to 2011 in the Liu River watershed, Northern China. Model results were used to investigate nutrient load contributions from different sources, temporal variations of source apportionments and the differences in the behavior of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). Examination of source apportionments for different seasons showed that point sources were the main source of TN and TP in the non-flood season, whereas contributions from diffuse sources, such as rural runoff, soil erosion, and urban areas, were much higher in the flood season. Furthermore, results for three typical hydrological years showed that the contribution ratios of nutrient loads from point sources increased as streamflow decreased, while contribution ratios from rural runoff and urban area increased as streamflow increased. Further, there were significant differences between TN and TP sources on different time scales. Our findings suggest that priority actions and management measures should be changed for different time periods and hydrological conditions, and that different strategies should be used to reduce loads of nitrogen and phosphorus effectively.  相似文献   

西安市城市主干道路面径流初期冲刷效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以西安市城市主干道南二环太白路高架桥为路面径流采样区域,采用人工等时间间隔采样方法,在桥梁排水立管对2010年9—11月的3场径流事件进行全程采样,测试径流过程SS、COD、溶解性COD、NH3-N、Pb、溶解性Pb、Zn和溶解性Zn的浓度变化,研究路面径流的初期冲刷效应及其影响因素。结果表明,西安市城市主干道路面径流污染严重,降雨数小时后的末期径流仍具有较高的污染水平;径流过程污染物浓度变化规律与其赋存形态有关,SS、COD、Pb等以颗粒态为主的污染物的浓度随雨强变化剧烈波动,NH3-N、溶解态COD、溶解态Zn等以溶解态为主的污染物浓度变化受雨强影响较小,随径流过程呈逐渐减小趋势;路面径流初期冲刷现象并非普遍存在,与污染物的赋存状态和场次降雨特征密切相关,溶解态污染物易于出现初期冲刷现象,颗粒态污染物是否出现初期冲刷与场次降雨特征有关;测试的3场径流事件初期30%的径流携带的SS、COD、溶解性COD、NH3-N、Pb、Zn和溶解性Zn的负荷占场次径流总负荷的比例分别为21.8%~50.0%、25.5%~49.3%、36.3%~52.6%、52.6%~66.7%、26.8%~45.0%、27.2%~63.4%和36.2%~62.6%,表明仅对初期径流进行治理无法实现对西安市路面径流污染的有效控制。  相似文献   

以古运河镇江段为研究对象,研究了表层沉积物中碱性磷酸酶活性、硝酸还原酶活性和亚硝酸还原酶活性的时空变化以及3种酶活性与河流表层沉积物中氮磷阴离子浓度及上覆水水质的相关性。结果表明,镇江古运河表层沉积物中碱性磷酸酶活性、硝酸还原酶活性和亚硝酸还原酶活性具有显著的时间和区域性差异,枯水期(12月)各酶活性较高,分别介于0.29~0.32 mg/(g·24 h)、0.13~0.19 mg/(g·24 h)、3.05~5.21 mg/(g·24 h);丰水期(5月)各酶活性较低,变化范围分别为0.18~0.29 mg/(g·24 h)、0.08~0.14 mg/(g·24 h)、2.95~3.64 mg/(g·24 h)。冗余分析结果显示,古运河表层沉积物酶活性在枯水期差异较大,丰水期差异较小,各酶活性与其相关离子浓度呈显著正相关(P0.05),硝酸还原酶和亚硝酸还原酶与上覆水的水质呈正相关。3种酶活性可被作为判断古运河镇江段沉积物富营养化负荷的参考性指标,硝酸还原酶和亚硝酸还原酶还可作为评价古运河镇江段水质的参考性指标。  相似文献   

This study reports on the occurrence and behaviour of six pesticides and one metabolite in a small stream draining a vineyard catchment. Base flow and flood events were monitored in order to assess the variability of pesticide concentrations according to the season and to evaluate the role of sampling frequency on the evaluation of fluxes estimates. Results showed that dissolved pesticide concentrations displayed a strong temporal and spatial variability. A large mobilisation of pesticides was observed during floods, with total dissolved pesticide fluxes per event ranging from 5.7 × 10−3 g/Ha to 0.34 g/Ha. These results highlight the major role of floods in the transport of pesticides in this small stream which contributed to more than 89% of the total load of diuron during August 2007. The evaluation of pesticide loads using different sampling strategies and method calculation, showed that grab sampling largely underestimated pesticide concentrations and fluxes transiting through the stream.  相似文献   

以蜂窝陶瓷为载体进行生物挂膜,处理经化学预处理后的某农药厂有机磷和除虫菊酯类混合废水。对处理结果、蜂窝陶瓷载体及其生物挂膜法的特点进行了深入讨论。当废水的COD为1 600~1 700 mg/L,TP(总磷)为70~80mg/L,DMAC(二甲基乙酰胺)为0.8~1.2 mg/L,甲醇为8~12 mg/L,pH为6.8~7.2,水温为27~30℃,流量为0.1 m3/h,水力停留时间为15 h,进水容积负荷约为2.5 kg COD/(m3.d)时,发现15 d就完成生物挂膜,连续运行20 d COD去除率为73%~75%,TP去除率为53%~55%,DMAC去除率为54%~57%,甲醇去除率为91%~93%。与同样条件下的普通活性污泥处理相比,COD去除率提高85%,TP去除率提高83%,DMAC去除率提高119%,甲醇去除率提高27%,排出的剩余活性污泥量减少89%。测得的活性生物膜量为1.8 kg/m2,生物膜的厚度为1.5~2 mm,用偏光显微镜摄取了载体表面生物膜的图像。  相似文献   


The dynamics of total phosphorus (TP) in 18 strategic reservoirs of the high-density reservoir network of the Brazilian semiarid was evaluated during the wet and dry periods for the past 12 years. Seasonal overlying concentrations presented no significant differences for about 90% of the reservoirs (p>0.05). This was attributed to a trade-off between the hydrological/limnological processes occurring in the two seasons. Then, a transient complete-mix mass balance model was applied with particular adaptations for the tropical semiarid reservoirs to estimate the TP load for each season. Because of the relatively well-mixed conditions and high hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen concentrations during the wet season, the wet load was assumed to represent the external TP load. On the other hand, because of the absence of reservoir inflow during the dry season, phosphorus release under anoxic sediment conditions and wind-induced resuspension under shallow water depths, the dry load was assumed to reflect the internal TP load. The maximum external loads were related to peak inflows, notably after drought periods. Consistently, the largest internal loads were obtained during the drought periods, when the reservoirs were shallower and more prone to phosphorus release and resuspension. By comparing the impact of the two input load types, the wet period load was predominant in 72% of the reservoirs. The areal phosphorus loads ranged from 0.66 to 7.29 gP m2 year?1, which were consistent with the literature, despite the very high density of reservoirs. Finally, power-law curves including data for all studied reservoirs were adjusted between the dry period load and volume, dry and wet period loads, wet period load and inflow, and total load and catchment area, resulting in satisfactory R2 (0.84–0.98).


This study assesses the potential of the scallop Chlamys varia as a biomonitor of metal contamination in the field. Cd, Cu, and Zn concentrations were determined in the soft tissues and organs of individuals from the French Atlantic coast sampled over a 1 year period and covering a wide range of size. All metals were selectively distributed among the different body compartments considered, and their concentrations were influenced by the size of the specimens or the sampling-season. The present work shows the importance of considering the body compartment, the sampling period and the size in studies aiming at using this scallop as a biomonitor species. Among tissues, the digestive gland and kidneys exhibited the highest metal concentrations whatever the season or the size. The digestive gland contained 65 and 48% of the whole Cd and Cu body burdens, respectively, and kidneys accounted for 85% of the Zn load. Those tissues are therefore particularly recommended for use in biomonitoring programs.  相似文献   

采用内循环好氧生物流化床对中低浓度糖业废水进行生物降解,当进水COD、NH3-N浓度分别为400~600mg/L和7~11 mg/L时,其相应去除率达到80%~90%和70%~80%,处理效果良好;COD容积负荷可达到5.1 kg COD/(m3·d),反应器具有较强的抗负荷冲击能力.采用臭氧氧化工艺对COD浓度为28...  相似文献   

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