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医疗废物安全处置是阻断疫情蔓延的重要环节。重大疫情期间,由于医疗废物产生量急剧增加,常态下的医疗废物收集、转运、处置能力无法满足需要。通过分析我国医疗废物管理现状、重大疫情期间医疗废物产生特点,讨论疫情期间医疗废物应急处置存在的问题及原因,提出构建新的医疗废物处置模式、建立医疗废物应急处置制度体系、组建国家级和省级医疗废物应急机构、做好医疗废物应急处置设施备用工作等建议,为提升医疗废物应急处置能力提供参考,保障重大疫情期间医疗废物得到及时、安全处置。  相似文献   

高温蒸汽、微波消毒、化学消毒3项医疗废物消毒集中处理工程技术规范发布实施以来,对引导和规范我国医疗废物消毒集中处理工程建设和运行发挥了有益作用.然而,随着行业发展和技术升级,尤其是新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情发生之后,医疗废物处置行业面临新的挑战和机遇,医疗废物消毒集中处理工程的建设和运行也亟需与之匹配.在此背景下,修订后的高...  相似文献   

医疗废物污染防治是环境保护工作的重要组成部分,若医疗废物处置不当,将对水体、大气和土壤造成污染,甚至严重威胁人民群众身心健康.在“十一五”期间,中国投入了大量资金用于医疗废物处置设施建设,但大部分医疗废物处置单位的运营存在问题.介绍了医疗废物处置的背景,综合分析了问题产生的原因,提出了完善医疗废物管理的建议.  相似文献   

日前 ,安徽省环保、卫生部门联合下发通知 ,要求各地针对医疗废水和医疗垃圾处理处置方面存在的问题 ,进一步加强医疗废弃物污染防治工作。通知要求 ,各级环保、卫生部门对医疗废弃物污染防治工作要加强领导 ,落实责任制 ,切实做好医疗废物的环境监督管理工作。进一步督促医疗卫生机构和医疗废物集中处置单位建立有效工作机制 ,严防因医疗废水和医疗废物处置不当造成二次污染或交叉感染。通知强调 ,各级环保部门要加强医疗废水和医疗废物处理处置设施的排放监测 ,严禁未经处理的或处理未达标的医疗废水和医疗废物排放。各医疗卫生机构直接从…  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对中国经济社会发展和生态环境保护都产生了深刻影响。为确保打赢污染防治攻坚战,切实保障生态环境安全,在全面分析疫情背景下生态环境问题新形势的基础上,根据疫情防控不同阶段的特点,提出生态环境监管对策:(1)疫情防控初期,加大对疫情防控行业的环保支持,加强医疗废物、医疗污水、城镇生活污水处理处置以及医疗机构辐射安全等监管;(2)疫情防控与复工复产叠加期,多措并举督促企业落实好相关污染防治主体责任,助力企业复工复产;(3)疫情结束后期,进一步健全环境健康风险应急管理决策机制、制度体系与能力建设。  相似文献   

以天津市医疗废物管理现状为研究对象,对处置方式进行深入探讨,分析目前分散处置和集中处置存在的缺陷,提出"区域集中处置"设想;并运用模糊决策模型理论,建立较完善的处置方式评价指标体系,应用模糊综合评价模型得出"区域集中处置"是最佳的医疗废物处置方式,同时提出了相应的区域集中处置策略.  相似文献   

以天津市医疗废物管理现状为研究对象,对处置方式进行深入探讨,分析目前分散处置和集中处置存在的缺陷,提出“区域集中处置”设想;并运用模糊决策模型理论,建立较完善的处置方式评价指标体系,应用模糊综合评价模型得出“区域集中处置”是最佳的医疗废物处置方式,同时提出了相应的区域集中处置策略。  相似文献   

PVC广泛应用于工业和日常生活中 ,PVC废物的产生量将会在将来一段时间内持续增长 ,对PVC废物处理处置问题研究成为固体废物处理处置的一个方向。目前 ,PVC废物还缺乏系统、完善的管理手段和处理技术。本文在分析PVC废物特点其环境潜在危害特性的基础上 ,比较分析各种PVC废物处理技术的优势和存在的问题 ,及国内外在PVC废物处理处置方面的具体实践 ,以期探讨PVC废物的处理对策并提出今后PVC废物处理的发展趋势和研究方向  相似文献   

通过调研全面论述了核电厂运行过程中产生的低中水平放射性废物的处置与管理,包括国内外低中放射性废物处置的法律、法规,审管部门的职责,废物处置过程中的质量保证和公众参与以及废物处置的资金负担等。  相似文献   

PVC废物及其处理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PVC广泛应用于工业和日常生活中,PVC废物的产生量将会在将来一段时间内持续增长,对PVC废物处理处置问题研究成为固体废物处理处置的一个方向,目前,PVC废物还缺乏系统、完善的管理手段和处理技术。本文在分析PVC废物特点其环境潜在危害特性的基础上,比较分析各种PVC废物处理技术的优势和存在的问题,及国内外在PVC废物处理处置方面的具体实践,以期探讨PVC废物的处理对策并提出今后PVC废物处理的发展趋势和研究方向。  相似文献   

Systematic management for industrial waste in Japan has been carried out based on the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Law which was enacted in 1970. The law and its ordinances designate 19 kinds of waste materials discharged from business activities as industrial waste and prescribe the generator's responsibility, requirements for treatment contractors, standards for consignment, specific personnel, etc. from the view of proper management. And they also, prescribe disposal standards, structure, and maintenance standards for treatment facilities, including final disposal sites, from the view of proper treatment and disposal. The Standard for Verification provides criteria to categorize as hazardous or nonhazardous industrial waste which is subjected to treatment and disposal in conformity with each standard. The fundamental policies to cope with industrial waste focus on reduction of generation, promotion of recycling, establishment of a comprehensive information management system and participation of the public which can contribute well to prevent environmental pollution caused by inappropriate management of industrial waste.  相似文献   

Medical (biomedical) wastes pose numerous potential health and safety hazards. In addition to their infectious and toxic characteristics, the highly variable and inconsistent nature of medical waste streams has increased public concern about storage, treatment, transportation, and ultimate disposal.

In recent years, techniques have been developed to reduce human exposure to the toxic and infectious components of medical wastes. The most commonly used techniques include internal segregation, containment, and incineration. Other common techniques include grinding, shredding, and disinfection, e.g., autoclaving and chemical treatment followed by landfilling.

Of all the available technologies for medical waste treatment and disposal, incineration has been found to be the most effective method overall for destroying infectious and toxic material, volume reduction, and weight reduction in the medical waste stream, incineration destroys the broadest variety of medical waste constituents and can recover energy from the medical waste stream. Incineration also is an appropriate alternative to burial of human pathological remains.  相似文献   

废弃电器电子产品具有较高的回收利用价值,同时处理不当会导致二次污染。介绍了江苏废弃电器电子产品回收、处理现状,并作预测分析,提出了管理对策和措施。  相似文献   

医疗废弃物焚烧挥发性氯含量与热值测试与估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过测定上海某医疗废弃物处置公司设定燃烧工况条件下某时间段内烟气中HC l的平均排放速率,估算出上海地区医疗垃圾废物中的可燃烧转化氯含量在2.33%~2.64%左右;通过测定各较小采样时间段(2 m in)的烟气HC l浓度测定发现批次进料造成烟气中HC l浓度近4倍的波动,通过初步的热平衡估算得到医疗废弃物的热值大致在21.8 M J/kg,得到的结果可为我国医疗废弃物的焚烧工艺设计提供基础依据。  相似文献   

通过对北京市医疗废物典型可燃组分的工业分析、元素分析及热值等物化特性的实验研究,得出了各可燃组分水分含量低、灰分少、挥发分含量高、热值高的结论;在物质组成上,医疗废物典型可燃组分可以分为高碳元素含量物质和低碳元素含量物质两大类.同时,提出了北京市医疗废物处理适宜采用热处理方法,特别是热解处理方法的建议.  相似文献   


This study investigated medical waste practices used by hospitals in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, which includes the majority of hospitals in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Region 10. During the fall of 1993, 225 hospitals were surveyed with a response rate of 72.5%. The results reported here focus on infectious waste segregation practices, medical waste treatment and disposal practices, and the operating status of hospital incinerators in these three states. Hospitals were provided a definition of medical waste in the survey, but were queried about how they define infectious waste. The results implied that there was no consensus about which agency or organization's definition of infectious waste should be used in their waste management programs. Confusion around the definition of infectious waste may also have contributed to the finding that almost half of the hospitals are not segregating infectious waste from other medical waste. The most frequently used practice of treating and disposing of medical waste was the use of private haulers that transport medical waste to treatment facilities (61.5%). The next most frequently reported techniques were pouring into municipal sewage (46.6%), depositing in landfills (41.6%), and autoclaving (32.3%). Other methods adopted by hospitals included Electro-Thermal-Deac-tivation (ETD), hydropulping, microwaving, and grinding before pouring into the municipal sewer. Hospitals were asked to identify all methods they used in the treatment and disposal of medical waste. Percentages, therefore, add up to greater than 100% because the majority chose more than one method. Hospitals in Oregon and Washington used microwaving and ETD methods to treat medical waste, while those in Idaho did not. No hospitals in any of the states reported using irradiation as a treatment technique. Most hospitals in Oregon and Washington no longer operate their incinerators due to more stringent regulations regarding air pollution emissions. Hospitals in Idaho, however, were still operating incinerators in the absence of state regulations specific to these types of facilities.  相似文献   

The disposal of hazardous waste is a very critical issue. It is associated with many risks. Efforts are made to minimise these by consistent legislation and by proper treatment of the waste. The goal of a hazardous waste disposal site, as described in this paper, is to ensure that hazardous waste is treated and disposed of in a way that does not harm human beings or the environment. To assure this it is necessary to observe the handling of the hazardous waste from its producer up to the disposal site, and to identify possible inherent risks.  相似文献   

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