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采用A/O MBBR工艺对垃圾焚烧渗沥液经厌氧生物处理后的出水进行脱氮处理,考察进水COD/N、pH、温度和回流比对脱氮系统中N_2O释放量的影响。结果表明,A/O MBBR系统中N_2O的释放量受进水COD/N、pH和回流比的影响较大,受温度的影响较小。降低进水COD/N、pH从8.5升高到9.5或降低到7.5、回流比从300%升高到400%,系统中N_2O的释放量均会升高。当进水COD/N为4.2,进水pH为8.5,温度为32℃,回流比为300%时,A/O MBBR系统中总N_2O的释放量最低,为2.03 mg·L~(-1),NH+4-N转化率和TN去除率分别为99.3%和80.6%。  相似文献   

采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响。控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L。结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%。DO为2 mg/L时,系统中N2O产生量最低,为0.423 mg/L,占氨氮去除量的1.4%;DO为3 mg/L时N2O的产生量最高,为2.01 mg/L,是DO为2 mg/L时的4.75倍。系统中亚硝酸盐的存在可能是高溶解氧条件下N2O产量增加的主要原因,同步过程中没有NOx-的积累即稳定的SND系统有利于降低生物脱氮过程中N2O的产生量。  相似文献   

接种普通活性污泥,以人工配制高氨废水为基质。在SBR中通过逐步提高进水氨氮浓度并控制低溶解氧的方法,经过58 d连续运行使出水NO-2-N/NH+4-N维持在0.88~1.25,成功实现了半亚硝化的启动。通过对典型周期内氮素转化及N2O释放特性的考察表明:周期内DO浓度基本维持在0.4 mg/L以下,NH+4-N浓度由410.46 mg/L下降至257.26mg/L。NO-2-N浓度由162.90 mg/L升高至295.80 mg/L,NO-3-N浓度由27.01 mg/L逐渐升高至50.16 mg/L。p H先由7.94升高到8.01后缓慢降至7.96,溶解性N2O浓度基本维持在0.07 mg/L。初期(0~20 min)气态N2O浓度由0.13 mg/L迅速升至1.13 mg/L后急剧下降到0.34 mg/L,随后缓慢升至0.54 mg/L。初期N2O的平均释放速率高达0.84 mg/min,这主要是上周期沉淀阶段产生并附着在污泥中的N2O受曝气吹脱所致。  相似文献   

DO浓度对间歇曝气单级自养脱氮系统N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以单级自养脱氮系统为研究对象,采用有效容积为15 L的SBBR反应器,系统进水NH+4-N浓度约为360 mg/L,控制温度为(30±2)℃,采用间歇曝气方式运行,曝气段DO浓度从2.4~2.6 mg/L逐渐下降到0.9~1.1 mg/L,研究了单级自养脱氮系统的脱氮性能与N2O排放情况。结果表明,反应器曝气段DO浓度从2.4~2.6 mg/L下降到0.9~1.1mg/L,系统TN去除率均达到80%,但在相同运行时间内的TN去除率依次降低,NH+4-N平均反应速率从0.19 mg/(L·min)降低至0.05 mg/(L·min),NO-3-N累计产生量稳定于14.9~16.5 mg/L,NO-2-N浓度在反应器内未产生明显的积累。随着曝气段DO浓度的下降,最大N2O释放速率逐渐降低,N2O累计释放量从73.8 mg下降到61.0 mg,N2O转化率介于2.4%~2.9%。  相似文献   

一种新型A2/O工艺处理特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高传统A2/O工艺在碳源不足情况下的脱氮除磷效率,发明了一种改良型的污水处理工艺,该工艺通过在好氧池中增设生物相选择器实现结构较好的颗粒污泥与松散絮体污泥的分离,在低污泥龄运行条件下获得了良好的同步脱氮除磷效果.当进水COD为900 mg/L,SRT分别为30 d和20 d时,新型和传统A2/O工艺其COD和TN去除率均可达到90%和70%以上,但TP去除率并不理想.当污泥龄为10 d时,新型工艺的COD,TN,TP去除率分别为(96.7±0.9)%、(83.2±2.0)%和(87.6±2.5)%,在提高除磷效率的同时保持了良好的脱氮效果.当进水COD为300 mg/L、SRT为10 d时,新型和传统A2/O工艺TN去除率分别为(77.6±1.1)%和(58.1±3.9)%,TP去除率分别为(85.4±1.2)%和(66.4±8.3)%,表明在进水基质浓度较低的条件下,新工艺优于传统工艺.另外,在SRT为10 d时,新型和传统A2/O好氧池中TN亏损比分别为22.8%和7.8%,表明新工艺TN去除率的提高得益于同步硝化反硝化,TP去除率的提高得益于低污泥龄.  相似文献   

进水氨氮负荷是污水生物脱氮过程中N2O释放的重要影响因素。在稳定运行的序列间歇式活性污泥反应器(SBR)内,考察了进水氨氮负荷对污水生物脱氮过程中N2O释放速率、累积释放量和转化率的影响。结果显示,相比于缺氧段,进水氨氮负荷的增加对好氧段N2O的释放有较大影响,且N2O的释放速率、累积释放量和转化率均随进水氨氮负荷的增加而增大。当进水氨氮负荷从45.6g/(m3·d)增加到78.6g/(m3·d)时,系统的总N2O累积释放量和总N2O转化率增加并不明显,仅增加3.95mg、0.99百分点;而当进水氨氮负荷从78.6g/(m3·d)增加到117.6g/(m3·d)时,系统的总N2O累积释放量和总N2O转化率分别增加了25.24mg、4.49百分点。因此,在实际污水处理过程中,当进水氨氮负荷偏高(117.6g/(m3·d))时,系统的N2O释放量可能大幅增加,需要采取减少进水氨氮负荷的方法来避免N2O释放。  相似文献   

针对昆明市某污水处理厂A2O和倒置A2O工艺二级出水NO3-N和TP较高的问题,利用沿程分析和批式实验相结合的方法,对2套工艺进出水水量水质和沿程污染物转化进行分析,探究2套系统出水NO3-N和TP较高的原因。结果表明,污水厂进水水量变化不大进水污染物波动较大;A2O和倒置A2O工艺对有机物和NH3-N的去除效果较好,对有机物去除率分别达到90%和89.4%,对NH3-N的去除率分别为99.3%和98.6%。A2O缺氧池内碳源不足导致反硝化反应受到限制,倒置A2O优先利用进水中的碳源反硝化效果高于A2O,但其受到回流溶解氧(DO)的影响较大。2套系统平均污泥龄(SRT)长达27.6 d,不利于驯化聚磷菌,因而在系统中几乎没有强化生物除磷。通过实际运行分析,SRT小于17 d时出水氮磷相对较好。  相似文献   

以北京某污水处理厂二期工程A2/O工艺为例,结合现场调查及小试试验,研究了A2/O工艺中降低供氧能耗的可行性.研究表明,已建污水厂A2/O工艺存在2种可操作的节能方法:一是严格控制曝气池中的DO,将DO控制在2-3 mg/L,避免过度曝气造成浪费;二是通过工艺调节,把好氧前段变成缺氧区,减少曝气段的长度,这种方式能节约17.1%的曝气量,同时增加约13.6%的TN去除率.  相似文献   

沸石生物联合吸附再生工艺参数优化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简述了沸石生物联合吸附再生工艺(ZCS工艺)的工艺原理,选取了影响沸石生物联合吸附再生工艺污水处理效果的影响因素,通过正交实验,优化了工艺的运行参数.在优化结果为泥龄(SRT)40 d、沸石投加量16.8 g/L、外回流比(R)1、内回流比(r)1、A池碳源投加比(m)0、吸附池溶解氧(DO吸)1 mh/L和O池溶解氧(DOO)2 mg/L的条件下稳定运行后,出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中一级B标准的要求.  相似文献   

同步硝化反硝化工艺中DO浓度对N2O产生量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响.控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L.结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%.DO为2 mg/L时,...  相似文献   

利用SBR,控制曝气量为60 L/h,利用在线pH曲线控制曝气时间,成功实现了短程生物脱氮过程,并考察了不同进水方式下SBR运行性能及N2O产量。结果表明,分段进水能够有效降低短程生物脱氮过程中外加碳源投加量。在原水进水碳氮比较低时,采用递增进水量的进水方式,能够有效降低生物脱氮过程中NO-2积累量,从而降低系统N2O产量。1次进水、2次等量进水和2次递增进水方式下,生物脱氮过程中N2O产量分别为11.1、8.86和5.04 mg/L。硝化过程中NO-2-N的积累是导致系统N2O产生的主要原因。部分氨氧化菌(AOB)在限氧条件下以NH+4-N作为电子供体,NO-2-N作为电子受体进行反硝化,最终产物是N2O。  相似文献   


The land disposal of waste and wastewater is a major source of N2O emission. This is due to the presence of high concentrations of nitrogen (N) and carbon in the waste. Abattoir wastewater contains 186 mg/L of N and 30.4 mg/L of P. The equivalent of 3 kg of abattoir wastewater-irrigated soil was sieved and taken in a 4-L plastic container. Abattoir wastewater was used for irrigating the plants at the rates of 50 and 100 % field capacity (FC). Four crop species were used with no crop serving as a control. Nitrous oxide emission was monitored using a closed chamber technique. The chamber was placed inside the plastic container, and N2O emission was measured for 7 days after the planting. A syringe and pre-evacuated vial were used for collecting the gas samples; a fresh and clean syringe was used each time to avoid cross-contamination. The collected gas samples were injected into a gas chromatography device immediately after each sampling to analyse the concentration of N2O from different treatments. The overall N2O emission was compared for all the crops under two different abattoir wastewater treatment rates (50 and 100 % FC). Under 100 % FC (wastewater irrigation), among the four species grown in the abattoir wastewater-irrigated soil, Medicago sativa (23 mg/pot), Sinapis alba (21 mg/pot), Zea mays (20 mg/pot) and Helianthus annuus (20 mg/pot) showed higher N2O emission compared to the 50 % treatments—M. sativa (17 mg/pot), S. alba (17 mg/pot), Z. mays (18 mg/pot) and H. annuus (18 mg/pot). Similarly, pots with plants have shown 15 % less emission than the pots without plants. Similar trends of N2O emission flux were observed between the irrigation period (4-week period) for 50 % FC and 100 % FC. Under the 100 % FC loading rate treatments, the highest N2O emission was in the following order: week 1 > week 4 > week 3 > week 2. On the other hand, under the 50 % FC loading rate treatments, the highest N2O emission was recorded in the first few weeks and in the following order: week 1 > week 2 > week 3 > week > 4. Since N2O is a greenhouse gas with high global warming potential, its emission from wastewater irrigation is likely to impact global climate change. Therefore, it is important to examine the effects of abattoir wastewater irrigation on soil for N2O emission potential.


A2O工艺中N2O的产生与逸散特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前污水处理过程中产生温室气体的问题已经引起普遍关注。本文通过实验室小试,研究了不同污水水质条件下A2O工艺中N2O的产生特征,以及氧化亚氮还原酶编码基因nosZ含量对N2O产生量的影响。结果表明,在A2O工艺中的各单元均有N2O产生,其中厌氧池产生量最大,约占总产生量的32%~85%;A2O工艺产生的N2O主要通过逸散进入大气,少量随二沉池出水进入到环境中。N2O的产生量与污泥中nosZ的含量成负相关,而碳源和DO对含有nosZ基因的反硝化细菌有明显的影响,低DO环境和充足的碳源能够极大的促进其含量的提高,从而显著减少N2O的产生量。  相似文献   

污水生物脱氮硝化阶段是温室气体一氧化二氮(N2O)的重要释放源。采用连续流反应器在2种进水氨氮(NH4-N,低氮反应器60 mg/L和高氮反应器180 mg/L)浓度条件下驯化硝化菌,并研究了不同初始NH4-N浓度和不同初始亚硝酸盐(NO2-N)浓度条件下所驯化硝化菌释放N2O的特征。结果表明在反应器运行过程中2个反应器释放N2O较少,均小于去除NH4-N浓度的0.01%;N2O的释放均随着初始NH4-N浓度或初始NO2-N浓度的升高而增加;不同初始NH4-N浓度条件下,低氮反应器驯化硝化菌的N2O释放率在0.51%~1.40%之间,高氮反应器驯化硝化菌在0.29%~1.27%之间;不同初始NO2-N浓度条件下,低氮反应器驯化硝化菌的N2O释放率在1.38%~3.78%之间,高氮反应器驯化硝化菌在1.16-5.81%之间。  相似文献   

夏凡  梅凯  陆曦  佘步存 《环境工程学报》2010,4(12):2819-2822
采用移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)和曝气生物滤池(BAF)结合工艺对有机腈类废水处理进行了小试研究,以考察有机物的降解规律。经过稳定运行2个月,在两级硝化液回流比R=200%,pH=7.5,HRT=3 d的情况下,进水COD、CN-、NH3-N、TN及BOD5浓度平均值分别为3 024、38、185、305和845 mg/L时,出水COD、CN-、NH3-N、TN及BOD5平均浓度为50、0.5、10、45和17 mg/L,去除率分别为98.2%、98.7%、94.2%、85.2%和98.0%,BOD/COD比值由0.29提高到0.34,达到了《江苏省化学工业主要水污染物排放标准》(DB32/939-2006)一级排放标准。  相似文献   


Ambient air measurements of N2O, NOx, CO, and HC based on grab sampling were conducted in a major traffic tunnel in Sweden, that carries up to 4,000 vehicles per hour, in order to estimate real-world emissions of N2O for road traffic. Two different methods—relative and mass balance—were used to calculate a N2O emission factor for the mixed vehicle fleet, which gave an average emission factor, at average speeds of 30-70 km/h, of approximately 25 mg N2O/ km, with a range of 7-56 mg/km.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment is an important source of nitrous oxide (N2O), which is a strong greenhouse gas and dominate ozone-depleting substance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of carbon source on N2O emission from anoxic/oxic biological nitrogen removal process. The mechanisms of N2O emission were also studied. Long-term experiments were operated to evaluate the effect of three different carbon sources (i.e., glucose, sodium acetate, and soluble starch) on N2O emission characteristics. And batch experiments, in the presence or absence of specific inhibitors, were carried out to identify the sources of N2O emission. The ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and denitrifiers community compositions under different circumstances were also analyzed based on which the underlying mechanisms of N2O emission were elucidated. The conversion ratios of N2O in reactors with glucose, sodium acetate, and soluble starch were 5.3 %, 8.8 %, and 2.8 %, respectively. The primary process responsible for N2O emission was nitrifier denitrification by Nitrosomonas-like AOB, while denitrification by heterotrophic denitrifiers acted as the sink. Reactor with sodium acetate showed the highest N2O emission, together with the highest nitrogen and phosphate removal ratios. Carbon source has a significant impact on N2O emission quantity and relatively minor effect on its production mechanism.  相似文献   

Various water management regimes, such as continuous flooding (F), flooding-midseason drainage-reflooding (F-D-F), and flooding-midseason drainage-reflooding-moist intermittent irrigation, but without water logging (F-D-F-M), are currently practiced in paddy rice production in mainland China. These water regimes have incurred a sensitive change in direct N2O emission from rice paddy fields. We compiled and statistically analyzed field data on N2O emission from paddy fields during the rice growing season (71 measurements from 17 field studies) that were published in peer-reviewed Chinese and English journals. Seasonal total N2O was, on average, equivalent to 0.02% of the nitrogen applied in the continuous flooding rice paddies. Under the water regime of F-D-F or the F-D-F-M, seasonal N2O emissions increased with N fertilizer applied in rice paddies. An ordinary least square (OLS) linear regression model produced the emission factor (EF) of nitrogen for N2O averaged 0.42%, but background N2O emission was not pronounced under the water regime of F-D-F. Under the F-D-F-M water regime, N2O EF and background emission were estimated to be 0.73% and 0.79 kg N2O-N ha−1, respectively, during the paddy rice growing season. Based on results of the present study and national rice production data, subsequently, direct N2O emissions during the rice growing season amounted to 29.0 Gg N2O-N with the uncertainty of 30.1%, which accounted for 7–11% of the reported estimates of annual total emission from croplands in mainland China. The results of this study suggest that paddy rice relative to upland crop production could have contributed to mitigating N2O emissions from agriculture in mainland China.  相似文献   

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