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采用湿式流量计累积计量,以高温玻璃纤维滤筒采样。重量法、HPLC法——荧光紫外串联,检测了改型沥青炉中有害物——有机物总量、多环芳烃总量(PAH)、苯并(a)芘(Bap)的浓度及净化效率。其平均净化效率为98.7%~99.8%.  相似文献   

特殊植物类群空气凤梨对大气污染物甲醛的净化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空气凤梨是一类生长在空气中、不需要土壤、生长所需的水分和营养可以全部来自空气的特殊植物。它们常被用来指示与修复大气重金属污染物和有机污染物,但尚未应用于甲醛净化研究。为了探讨空气凤梨对甲醛的净化效果,我们以2种空气凤梨为实验材料,吊兰为对照材料,通过密封箱内甲醛熏蒸及在封闭的实际环境中进行了实验。结果表明,松萝铁兰、硬叶空凤和吊兰3种植物在甲醛胁迫下,外部形态和生理指标有一定的变化,但未受到明显的伤害。更重要的是,3种植物对甲醛均有相当强的净化作用。6~8 h后,2种空气凤梨对甲醛的净化可达到与吊兰相近的效果。而在2 h内,空气凤梨净化甲醛的速度远远大于吊兰,这可能是与空气凤梨叶片表面覆盖有亲水性的鳞片层有关。上述结果表明,空气凤梨是比吊兰更快速有效地净化甲醛的植物类群,可选择应用于室内甲醛污染去除。  相似文献   

水力停留时间变化对2种人工湿地净化效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依托建立在新沂河河漫滩的人工湿地中试工程开展现场实验,研究分析水力停留时间变化对2种人工湿地污染物净化效果的影响。结果表明:水力停留时间的变化显著影响潜流和垂直流湿地污染物净化的效果,2种湿地高锰酸盐指数和氨氮(NH4+-N)去除效果随水力停留时间的变化均呈现先上升后下降的趋势。垂直流人工湿地显示出比潜流湿地更好、更稳定的污染物净化效果,其高锰酸盐指数和NH4+-N去除效果的最佳停留时间均出现在2 d左右,2种污染物的去除率分别达到93.1%和87.7%;而潜流湿地在水力停留时间为2 d左右时高锰酸盐指数去除率最高,达到92.3%,在2.5 d左右的时候NH4+-N去除率最高,达到81.5%。潜流和垂直流湿地都适合应用于新沂河污染河水的处理,在设计和实践应用中,两者的水力停留时间参数均可设定为2 d。  相似文献   

等离子体技术应用于气相污染物治理综述   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
近年来利用等离子体技术对气态污染物的氧化分解研究受到了广泛的关注.介绍了等离子体概念、分类及产生方法,简述了非平衡等离子体技术对气体污染物的降解原理,较全面地介绍了等离子体技术在脱硫、脱硝以及降解挥发性有机物(VOCs)等方面的研究.最后指出了今后等离子体处理废气的应用研究方向.  相似文献   

常规的煤矸石充填复垦塌陷地技术给环境造成难以治理的二次污染.煤矸石淋出液中的重金属元素会污染底部土体和地下水.引入国外矿区复垦应用成熟的土工布技术,选取聚乙烯丙纶、涤纶针刺、涤纶复合土工布和HDPE土工膜4类土工材料,采用室内柱状淋溶实验,初步研究土工布对煤矸石淋出液中重金属的阻隔作用.结果表明,4种土工布都不同程度地降低了淋出液中重金属的含量.其中,聚乙烯丙纶和涤纶针刺土工布降低重金属Cr的效果较好,浓度低于对照23.7%~33.5%,总量低于对照36.2%~50.0%;HDPE土工膜和涤纶复合土工布对重金属Pb和Cu十分有效,浓度低于对照17.0%~21.1%,总量低于对照22.9%~26.8%.同时,土工布吸附了大量的重金属,淋溶柱中重金属的残留量降低.聚乙烯丙纶和涤纶复合土工布吸附Cr的能力较高,涤纶针刺土工布吸附Pb的效果较好,涤纶针刺土工布和HDPE土工膜能大量地吸附Cu.研究可知,土工布的种类多,功能强大,在国内矿区土地充填复垦工作中将有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

紫外光降解气态氯苯的影响因素及其动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫外光降解挥发性有机物(VOCs)是一种新型的废气处理技术.采用主波长为365 nm的500 W高压汞灯为光源,重点考察了空塔停留时间、氯苯初始浓度、反应介质等对氯苯光降解效果的影响.结果表明,在氯苯初始浓度较低时.氯苯去除率随着空塔停留时间的延长而呈线性升高.最大去除率达87%;而氯苯初始浓度过高时会使单位分子接受的光子和活性基团数量下降,引起氯苯去除率降低,空气介质中的O2和H2O在光照下可转化为活性基团.进而增强了光降解效果;而在氮气介质下光降解氯苯的效率大大降低,最大去除率仅为61%.在氯苯为0.36~8.64 mg/L时,紫外光降解氯苯遵循二级反应动力学方程.  相似文献   

鉴于室内空气甲醛污染的危害,使用市售的"家丁"牌甲醛消除剂,对其去除甲醛性能进行了测试研究.研究结果表明,甲醛消除剂可以快速、有效地消除室内空气中的甲醛,又可以减少室内装修材料中游离甲醛的释放,是治理室内空气甲醛污染的有效手段之一.  相似文献   

为了对市售被动式室内空气净化产品的净化效果有深刻具体的认识,选择销售份额较大的4种甲醛清除剂进行实验舱测试。结果表明:(1)甲醛清除剂对甲醛的净化过程均随时间呈对数衰减,可见甲醛浓度越高,甲醛清除剂对甲醛的净化速率越快。(2)不同的甲醛清除剂的净化速率都有一定差异,即使24h净化率均在90%以上的甲醛清除剂,净化速率也不同,净化率达到90%以上所需要的实际时间可相差数倍。(3)《室内空气净化功能涂覆材料净化性能》(JCT 1074—2008)中对甲醛清除剂根据其对污染物24h的净化率进行了分级,消费者可据此对净化产品的优劣有初步判断。而净化速率和饱和净化量则可在消费者购买甲醛清除剂时起到更具体和明确的指导作用,并可在消费者具体使用时,根据饱和净化量,对甲醛清除剂用量和甲醛清除剂持续作用时间有初步的判断。  相似文献   

通过在垂直流模拟人工土柱上种植不同的花卉植物,研究了垂直流花卉人工湿地对污水COD、BOD5、TN和TP的净化效果的影响.结果表明,所选用的5种陆生花卉,甚至鲜切花卉对化粪池污水有比较好的净化效果,它们对BOD5的去除率可达到92.04%以上,对TP的去除率甚至可达到97.77%以上.而且种植花卉植物的人工湿地出水水质要好于不种植物的对照湿地系统.  相似文献   

室内空气中挥发性有机物的释放特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
房屋装修后1周、1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月采集其室内空气样品进行甲醛、苯系物浓度的测定,分析释放规律;另选某处新居于装修后24 h、1周、1个月且密闭状态下采集室内空气中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)样品分析研究.结果表明,房屋装修后12个月内甲醛浓度随时间呈非线性递减,多项式回归方程为:y=0.277 13-0.199 72x+0.079 74x2-0.011 67x3+0.000 525 61x4,其中y为甲醛质量浓度,mg/m3;x为时间,月;各苯系物浓度也随时间呈逐渐下降趋势,且通过SPSS13.0软件进行Spearman相关性分析,发现各苯系物间显著相关;装修后不同时间段室内空气中TVOC组分发生变化,随着房屋封闭时间延长,TVOC浓度超标严重;TVOC组分的增多或减少是由于室内装修材料TVOC释放的增强或减弱,以及门窗缝隙所带来的微弱通风造成,无二次污染物的生成.  相似文献   

Thirty-five cultivars of pot plants of 20 families were exposed for 50-64 days in a greenhouse facility to either 1 microl litre(-1) NO with 0.5 microl litre(-1) NO2, or 1 microl litre(-1) NO2 with 0.1 microl litre(-1) NO for 15 h each day, with air which was free from these gases as the reference. A sensitivity ranking of the pot plants was compiled, with the highest priority on visible injuries, followed by growth reductions, primarily as a response to the NO-dominated exposures, simulating the NOx-polluted environment in direct-fired, CO2-enriched greenhouses. This treatment reduced the leaf dry weight more than the number and area of the leaves. Twenty-two cultivars were significantly injured, while two (Hibicus sp, Epipremnum pinnatum, green) were significantly improved. The NOx-sensitivity of pot plants was highest in cultivars with variegated, small or narrow leaves, and in the Moraceae family. Nine cultivars (Ficus elastica 'Robusta', F. benjamina, F. pumila 'Sonny', Dieffenbachia maculata 'Camilla', F. elastica 'Tineke', Epipremnum pinnatum 'Marble Queen', Begonia elatior 'Nelson', Cyclamen persica, Poinsettia 'Mini') were specifically sensitive to the NO-containing exposure; six were specifically sensitive to the NO2-containing exposure (F. elastica 'Robusta', Asparagus den. 'Sprengeri', Hedera helix 'Shamrock', Aspledium nidus, Aster novo-belgii, Hypoestes phyl. 'Betina'); and 12 (Soleirolia soleirolii, Asparagus den. 'Sprengeri', H. helix 'Ester', Codiaeum 'Pictum', Rosa 'Minimo Red', F. benjamina 'Starlight', Saintpaulia ionantha 'light blue', F. pumila, Rhododendron simsii, H. helix 'Shamrock', Hibiscus sp., E. pinnatum) were equally sensitive to mixtures dominated by either gas, as measured by at least one response parameter.  相似文献   


Indoor air pollutants comprise both polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Indoor potted plants are well known for their innate ability to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by detoxification of indoor air pollutants. In this study, a combination of two different plant species comprising a C3 plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) and a crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) was used to remove polar and non-polar VOCs and minimize CO2 emission from the chamber. Z. zamiifolia and S. trifasciata, when combined, were able to remove more than 95% of pollutants within 48 h and could do so for six consecutive pollutant’s exposure cycles. The CO2 concentration was reduced from 410 down to 160 ppm inside the chamber. Our results showed that using plant growth medium rather than soil had a positive effect on decreasing CO2. We also re-affirmed the role of formaldehyde dehydrogenase in the detoxification and metabolism of formaldehyde and that exposure of plants to pollutants enhances the activity of this enzyme in the shoots of both Z. zamiifolia and S. trifasciata. Overall, a mixed plant of Z. zamiifolia and S. trifasciata was more efficient at removing mixed pollutants and reducing CO2 than individual plants.


Phytoremediation—using plants to remove toxins—is an attractive and cost effective way to improve indoor air quality. This study screened ornamental plants for their ability to remove volatile organic compounds from air by fumigating 73 plant species with 150 ppb benzene, an important indoor air pollutant that poses a risk to human health. The 10 species found to be most effective at removing benzene from air were fumigated for two more days (8 h per day) to quantify their benzene removal capacity. Crassula portulacea, Hydrangea macrophylla, Cymbidium Golden Elf., Ficus microcarpa var. fuyuensis, Dendranthema morifolium, Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis, Dieffenbachia amoena cv. Tropic Snow; Spathiphyllum Supreme; Nephrolepis exaltata cv. Bostoniensis; Dracaena deremensis cv. Variegata emerged as the species with the greatest capacity to remove benzene from indoor air.  相似文献   

Tillandsia usneoides L. is an epiphytic bromeliad plant able to absorb water and nutrients directly from the air. For this reason this species was selected to carry out a monitoring study of air pollution in the metropolitan region of S?o Paulo, Brazil. Five consecutive transplantation experiments (8 weeks each) were performed in 10 sites of the city, submitted to different sources of air pollution (industrial, vehicular), using plants collected from an unpolluted area. After exposure, trace metals were analyzed in the plant by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Traffic-related elements such as Zn and Ba presented high concentrations in exposure sites near to heavy traffic avenues (cars, buses and trucks) and may be associated to vehicular sources. For Zn and Co the highest contents were related to industrial zones and can be associated to the presence of anthropogenic emission sources. The rare earth elements, Fe and Rb, probably have soil particles as main source.  相似文献   

This paper provides results of ozone flux density measurements above a permanent grassland ecosystem as they relate to an establishment of air quality guidelines or standards. Using a resistance analogue, the product of zone concentration measured at a standard measurement height and the conductivity of the atmosphere reflect the maximum possible ozone flux density towards the envelope of the plants. In other words, this product can be regarded as the ozone exposure potential of the atmosphere for plants. It could be shown that ozone concentrations between 100 and 180 microg m(-3) are likely to have a great phytotoxic potential and are more important than concentrations greater than 180 microg m(-3). From the results presented one can deduce that the application of dose-response relationships based on chamber experiments to ambient conditions results in an overestimation of, for example, yield loses. Any guideline or standard has to take into account the influence of the atmospheric conductivity on the absorbed dose of ozone.  相似文献   

Effects of industrial air pollution on growth parameters of clover and Egyptian mallow were examined at three locations in the industrial area of Shoubra Elkheima, north of Cairo. Symptoms of plant damage appeared in the form of chlorosis and necrotic patterns. The decrease in chlorophyll reached more than 60% in plants cultivated in the industrial region. Plant growth and dry weights were reduced by more than 50%. The reduction in chlorophyll and growth parameters was correlated with the concentrations of air pollutants measured in the atmosphere of the locations examined. Moreover, clover and Egyptian mallow plants cultivated in the region of Shoubra Elkheima accumulated lead and cadmium, which can pass into the human food chain. It is concluded that these plants can be used as biomonitors for industrial air pollution.  相似文献   

GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Air pollution has been of a major problem in the Pearl River Delta of south China, particularly during the last two decades. Emissions of air pollutants from industries have already led to damages in natural communities and environments in a wide range of the Delta area. Leaf parameters such as chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf area (LA), dry weight (DW) and leaf mass per area (LMA) had once been used as specific indexes of environmental stress. This study aims to determine in situ if the daily variation of chlorophyll fluorescence and other ecophysiological parameters in five seedlings of three woody species, Ilex rotunda, Ficus microcarpa and Machilus chinensis, could be used alone or in combination with other measurements for sensitivity indexes to make diagnoses under air pollution stress and, hence, to choose the correct tree species for urban afforestation in the Delta area. METHODS: Five seedlings of each species were transplanted in pot containers after their acclimation under shadowing conditions. Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were made in situ by a portable fluorometer (OS-30, Opti-sciences, U.S.A). Ten random samples of leaves were picked from each species for LA measurements by area-meter (CI-203, CID, Inc., U.S.A). DW was determined after the leaf samples were dried to a constant weight at 65 degrees C. LMA was calculated as the ratio of DW/LA. Leaf N content was analyzed according to the Kjeldhal method, and the extraction of pigments was carried out according Lin et al. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The daily mean Fv/Fm (Fv is the variable fluorescence and Fm is the maximum fluorescence) analysis showed that Ilex rotunda and Ficus microcarpa were more highly resistant to pollution stress, followed by Machilus chinensis, implying that the efficiency of photosystem II in I. rotunda was less affected by air pollutants than the other two species. Little difference in daily change of Fv/Fm in I. rotunda between the polluted and the clean site was also observed. However, a relatively large variation of Fv/Fm appeared in the other two species, particularly in M. chinensis, suggesting that they were more sensitive to air pollutants than I. rotunda. The mean LA was reduced for all species growing at the polluted site. The mean LMA for all species exceeded the sclerophylly threshold given by Cowling and Campbell and increased for those under pollution stress, which could be explained as one of the acclimation strategies for plants to air pollution stress. Little difference in leaf chlorophyll content was observed in F. microcarpa and M. chinensis, while remarkable differences were found in I. rotunda growing at the polluted and the clean site. Content of leaf carotenoids was largely reduced in I. rotunda growing at the polluted site, but increased in F. microcarpa and M. chinensis, compared with plants growing at the clean site. Plants growing at the clean site had a lower leaf N content than those growing at the polluted site. In addition, species with a higher resistance to pollution stress showed less difference in leaf N content than those sensitive species. CONCLUSION: Based on Fv/Fm measurements of the three woody species, I. rotunda showed the highest resistance to air pollutants from ceramic industries, followed by F. microcarpa. M. chinensis was the most sensitive species to air pollution, had lowest capacities to cope with the air pollution stress, which was consistent with visual injury symptoms observed in the crown profiles of plants at the polluted site. Fv/Fm, LAM, LA, leaf pigments and N content could be used alone or in combination to diagnose the extent of the physiological injury. The ratio of Fv/Fm, however, was the best and most effective parameter. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: Tree species which have higher air-pollutant resistance, as diagnosed by such ecophysiological parameters, should be considered first and planted widely for urban afforestation or forest regeneration in areas where the forest was seriously degraded or forest health was markedly effected by the same kind of air pollutants.  相似文献   

Pea aphids feeding from birth to maturity on pea plants (Pisum sativum) exposed to SO(2) concentrations of 50 nl litre(-1) or 80 nl litre(-1) showed a significant 19% increase in the rate of nymph production during the reproductive period, compared to control aphids feeding on plants in charcoal-filtered air. The higher nymph production resulted in a mean 4.6% increase in the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm). In longer term glasshouse fumigation experiments pea aphid populations were, on average, 1.8 times greater on pea plants in ambient air plus 45 nl litre(-1) SO(2) than in ambient air alone. Aphid infestation in ambient air caused a 42% reduction in pea yield and affected most plant parameters adversely. Ambient air plus SO(2) had no direct effect on yield, but, in combination with aphid infestation, a further 10% reduction in yield was recorded.  相似文献   

In the last 10 yr, Beijing has made a great effort to improve its air quality. However, it is still suffering from regional coarse particulate matter (PM10) pollution that could be a challenge to the promise of clean air during the 2008 Olympics. To provide scientific guidance on regional air pollution control, the Mesoscale Modeling System Generation 5 (MM5) and the Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) air quality modeling system was used to investigate the contributions of emission sources outside the Beijing area to pollution levels in Beijing. The contributions to the PM10 concentrations in Beijing were assessed for the following sources: power plants, industry, domestic sources, transportation, agriculture, and biomass open burning. In January, it is estimated that on average 22% of the PM10 concentrations can be attributed to outside sources, of which domestic and industrial sources contributed 37 and 31%, respectively. In August, as much as 40% of the PM10 concentrations came from regional sources, of which approximately 41% came from industry and 31% from power plants. However, the synchronous analysis of the hourly concentrations, regional contributions, and wind vectors indicates that in the heaviest pollution periods the local emission sources play a more important role. The implications are that long-term control strategies should be based on regional-scale collaborations, and that emission abatement of local sources may be more effective in lowering the PM10 concentration levels on the heavy pollution days. Better air quality can be attained during the Olympics by placing effective emission controls on the local sources in Beijing and by controlling emissions from industry and power plants in the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

Fifteen plant species—Alternanthera bettzickiana, Drimiopsis botryoides, Aloe vera, Chlorophytum comosum, Aglaonema commutatum, Cordyline fruticosa, Philodendron martianum, Sansevieria hyacinthoides, Aglaonema rotundum, Fittonia albivenis, Muehlenbeckia platyclada, Tradescantia spathacea, Guzmania lingulata, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, and Cyperus alternifolius—were evaluated for the removal efficiency of xylene from contaminated air. Among the test plants, Z. zamiifolia showed the highest xylene removal efficiency. Xylene was toxic to Z. zamiifolia with an LC50 of 3,464 ppm. Higher concentrations of xylene exhibited damage symptoms, including leaf tips turning yellow, holonecrosis, and hydrosis. TEM images showed that a low concentration of xylene vapors caused minor changes in the chloroplast, while a high concentration caused swollen chloroplasts and damage. The effect of photosynthetic types on xylene removal efficiency suggests that a mixture of Z. zamiifolia, S. hyacinthoides, and A. commutatum which represent facultative CAM, CAM, and C3 plants, is the most suitable system for xylene removal. Therefore, for maximum improvement in removing xylene volatile compounds under various conditions, multiple species are needed. The effect of a plant’s total leaf area on xylene removal indicates that at lower concentrations of xylene, a small leaf area might be as efficient as a large leaf area.  相似文献   

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