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新型SBBR处理畜禽废水脱氮实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以畜禽废水为处理对象,将序批式运行模式应用到好氧三相内循环生物流化床中,考察在不同模式下的处理效果及氮的转化情况。实验结果表明,在室温条件下,进水COD浓度为2 000 mg/L左右,总氮为140 mg/L左右时,保持溶解氧在2~2.5 mg/L,交替好氧/缺氧运行方式处理效果优于单一的好氧/缺氧方式;模式为3 h(曝气)-1.5 h(停曝)-1.5 h(曝气)-1 h(停曝)时系统对总氮和氨氮处理效果最好,总氮去除率达到90%,系统主要脱氮方式为同步硝化反硝化和短程硝化反硝化。  相似文献   

起端曝气对垂直潜流人工湿地运行效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
垂直潜流人工湿地由于自身构造的限制,传氧能力较差,内部溶解氧(DO)浓度较低,若在湿地内部曝气则会限制反硝化的进行,不利于TN的去除。为解决这一问题,对垂直潜流人工湿地进行起端曝气,考察不同曝气强度下人工湿地内DO沿程变化以及污染物沿程去除规律,通过对曝气强度进行优化,以实现对湿地内部DO环境的有效调控。结果表明,随曝气强度的增加,湿地的好氧环境从表层区域逐渐扩大到40cm深度,且起端曝气人工湿地对COD、氨氮和TP的降解为垂直方向分层降解;当曝气强度达到0.86m~3/d时,COD、氨氮、TP去除率均高达80%以上,分别为85.8%、80.9%、82.7%。  相似文献   

为提高人工湿地的脱氮效率,将硫磺与石灰石按体积1∶1的比例填充于波形潜流湿地内,辅助间歇人工曝气,探讨了在冬季低温条件下,间歇曝气时间对波形潜流人工湿地脱氮效率和反硝化作用的影响,并分析了硫自养湿地的作用机理和节能减排特性。结果表明,间歇曝气运行方式有效提高了湿地内部溶解氧水平,在湿地内部营造了一种交替的好氧和缺氧环境,可以促进硝化和反硝化作用,有效地解决了人工湿地在冬季(10℃以下)脱氮效率低的问题。湿地冬季运行时,曝气间歇时间为4 h的条件下,TN去除率高达59.4%,相比连续曝气方式提高20%~30%。与传统处理工艺相比,硫自养湿地的能耗节省率达到50%以上,且在一定程度上减少了CO_2的排放,实现了高效脱氮和节能环保。  相似文献   

水深对表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统运行效果的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于中试系统一年的连续运行监测,研究了水深对芦苇表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统的影响。结果表明,水深对表面流人工湿地污染河水处理系统运行效果有很大影响,在进水COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷等分别为36±4.46、0.92±0.47、6.27±2.01和0.13±0.05 mg/L条件下,水深50 cm时处理效果最好,COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷去除率分别达到42.75%、58.42%、56.94%和43.24%。综合污染物去除效果和人工湿地建设工程量,芦苇表面流人工湿地的水深宜采用50 cm。人工湿地系统中植物光合生理和溶解氧等研究表明,水深主要通过影响植物生长和溶解氧等而影响人工湿地的水质净化效果。  相似文献   

钢渣-灰岩人工湿地脱除粪便污水高氮素的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
构建小试系统研究了钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流人工湿地对粪便污水中高浓度氮素的降解效果。同时比较分析了填料填铺方式和表层填料对钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流湿地降解粪便污水氮素效能的影响。结果表明:当原水氨氮在42.72~272.60 mg/L,总氮在107.40~689.35 mg/L内,钢渣-灰岩垂直潜流人工湿地出水氨氮和总氮浓度可分别达到13.57 mg/L和62.83 mg/L;从长期效果来看,大级配差的正反粒径混合填铺的填料结构更有利于钢渣-灰岩人工湿地保持氮素降解效能;表层的基质材料选择要充分考虑渗透性和复氧能力;钢渣不但对氨氮有吸附作用,而且为氨氮的挥发和硝化/反硝化作用创造有利环境;灰岩在钢渣协助下溶出钙离子以利于氨氮的阳离子交换,同时为铁自养反硝化菌和脱硫杆菌的自养反硝化作用提供碳源。  相似文献   

同步硝化反硝化工艺中DO浓度对N2O产生量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响.控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L.结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%.DO为2 mg/L时,...  相似文献   

采用序批式生物膜反应器(SBBR),在连续曝气全程好氧的运行条件下,考察不同溶解氧浓度对同步硝化反硝化脱氮性能及N2O产量的影响。控制溶解氧浓度恒定在1、2、2.5和3 mg/L。结果表明,DO为2 mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,氨氮去除率分别为97.9%和98.5%,同步硝化反硝化率均为99%。DO为2 mg/L时,系统中N2O产生量最低,为0.423 mg/L,占氨氮去除量的1.4%;DO为3 mg/L时N2O的产生量最高,为2.01 mg/L,是DO为2 mg/L时的4.75倍。系统中亚硝酸盐的存在可能是高溶解氧条件下N2O产量增加的主要原因,同步过程中没有NOx-的积累即稳定的SND系统有利于降低生物脱氮过程中N2O的产生量。  相似文献   

出水口位置对垂直潜流人工湿地净化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究出水口位置对垂直潜流人工湿地净化的影响。垂直潜流人工湿地以间歇进水方式运行,进水水力负荷为0.125m3/(m2.d),进水来自南宁市琅东污水处理厂初沉池出水。研究结果表明,出水口位置对垂直潜流人工湿地净化有显著影响。与底部出水相比,中部出水的TN、SS和COD去除率分别提高了8.01%、8.48%、7.99%,出水NO-3-N质量浓度降低了9.38 mg/L;但NH+4-N去除率则降低了26.25%,TP去除率降低了21.21%。  相似文献   

SBBR与人工湿地组合工艺脱氮除磷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人工合成污水为原水,以第二代生态碳纤维作为SBBR填料,考察了SBBR和人工湿地组合工艺脱氮除磷的性能。结果表明,SBBR系统能够实现同步硝化反硝化且可出现明显的释磷、吸磷现象,当SBBR厌氧75 min,曝气240 min,溶解氧在3.07~4.09 mg·L~(-1)之间时,组合工艺实现了能耗最低情况下的达标出水。此模式下,SBBR系统对COD、氨氮、TN和TP的去除率分别达到94.6%、94.8%、85.4%和61.1%。人工湿地采取间歇运行模式以进一步脱氮除磷,其中进水12h,放空复氧12 h,稳定后湿地对COD、氨氮、TN和TP的去除率分别达到39.3%、47.3%、61.5%和70.7%。此模式下整体组合工艺表现出了良好的脱氮除磷性能,系统出水COD、氨氮、TN和TP浓度均值分别为13.89、0.535、2.047和0.286 mg·L~(-1),去除率分别能够达到96.7%、97.3%、94.4%和88.6%。  相似文献   

采用两级UASB与好氧组合工艺处理早期城市生活垃圾渗滤液.系统出水按不同比例回流到一级UASB中进行反硝化,同时进行产甲烷反应,有机物在二级UASB中被进一步降解,好氧池完成剩余有机物的去除和氨氮的硝化.启动阶段通过对原渗滤液不同比例的稀释,分5次逐步提高进水浓度,启动结束时完成了对原渗滤液的高效处理.在进水COD浓度从3000 mg/L提高到15000 mg/L,氨氮浓度从250 mg/L提高到1400 mg/L时,最终COD去除率稳定在92%左右,氨氮去除率可达99%以上,一级UASB中反硝化率接近100%,回流比为300%时系统总氮去除率为70%~80%.  相似文献   

复合人工湿地去除生活污水中的有机物和氮   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高人工湿地对生活污水的处理能力,对传统的单一垂直流湿地进行改进和优化。采用2个垂直流人工湿地串联,并在好氧湿地内增加曝气供氧,使好氧湿地内溶解氧保持在2~2.5 mg/L范围内,而后增加出水回流。结果表明,增加曝气显著提高了出水的COD、NH3-N去除率,但TN去除效果仍不达标;当随着回流比的增加,NH3-N的去除率略有提高,而后趋于稳定,TN去除率提高显著,但回流比过大时,TN去除率则有所下降。  相似文献   

研发了一种基于射流曝气的管式反应设备,考察了负荷和DO对反应器处理效能的影响。实验结果表明,在温度为15℃、DO 6.0 mg/L、有机负荷为1.0 kg COD/(m3.d)、氮负荷为0.30 kg TN/(m3.d)、HRT为8 h的条件下,管式反应器可使生活污水的COD、NH4+-N及TN分别从335 mg/L、105 mg/L及110 mg/L降至43 mg/L、14 mg/L及18 mg/L,去除率分别为87%、86%和83%。DO对反应器脱氮效能影响显著,DO为6 mg/L时,能构建出同步硝化反硝化系统,NH4+-N和TN的去除率分别为96.6%和86.7%。  相似文献   

在低温低浓度生活污水的实验研究中,回流比和气水比是影响潜流人工湿地一生物接触氧化组合工艺污染物去除效果的重要因素,推荐回流比R=1.0,气水比为4:1,在该工况下,进水COD浓度在170.8~221.3mg/L时,平均去除率可达90%;进水NH3-N浓度在17.3~25.9mg/L,平均去除率45%~65%;进水TN浓度在25.1~38.49mg/L时,平均去除率45%~65%;进水TP浓度在2.2~3.1mg/L时,平均去除率65%~80%。污染物沿程浓度分析结果表明,该组合工艺可以在低温季节通过曝气促进氨氮硝化,大幅提高NH3-N和TN去除率,同时可以充分发挥复合潜流湿地功能。  相似文献   

Oxygen and carbon source supply are usually insufficient in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Simultaneous removal of organic pollutants and nitrogen in five batch-operated vertical flow constructed wetlands under different operating conditions was investigated. Alternate aerobic and anaerobic regions were created well with intermittent aeration. Four-month experiments showed that the wetland-applied intermittent aeration combined with step feeding strategy (reactor E) greatly improved the removal of organics, ammonium nitrogen (NH4–N), and total nitrogen (TN) simultaneously, which were 97, 96, and 82 %, respectively. It was much better than non-aerated reactors A and B and outperformed intermittently aerated reactor D without step feeding. Continuous aeration (reactor C) significantly enhanced the organics removal and nitrification, but it limited the TN removal (29 %) seriously as a result of low denitrification level, and the high operation cost remained a question. The effect of plants was confirmed in this study, and the monitoring data showed that the plants could grow normally. Intermittent aeration as well as step feeding had no obvious influence on the growth of wetland plants in this study.  相似文献   

简述了采用跌水曝气沸石床工艺预处理生活污水的处理效果。实验结果表明,跌水高度分别为0.3、0.45和0.60 m 3种情况下,原水经跌水曝气后,溶解氧的增加值平均为2.4、3.6和4.2 mg/L。水力停留时间平均为2 h情况下,进水COD、TN和TP分别在309-464、33~95和4.0~7.5 mg/L范围变化时,相应平均去除效率分别为47.25%、46.39%和40.75%。  相似文献   

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND or SNdN) may occur at low dissolved oxygen concentrations. In this study, bench-scale (approximately 6 L) bioreactors treating a continuous feed of synthetic wastewater were used to evaluate the effects of solids retention time and low dissolved oxygen concentration, under cyclic aeration, on the removal of organics, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The cyclic aeration was carried out with repeated cycles of 1 hour at a higher dissolved oxygen concentration (HDO) and 30 minutes at a lower (or zero) dissolved oxygen concentration (LDO). Compared with aeration at constant dissolved oxygen concentrations, the cyclic aeration, when operated with proper combinations of HDO and LDO, produced better-settling sludge and more complete nitrogen and phosphorus removal. For nitrogen removal, the advantage resulted from the more readily available nitrate and nitrite (generated by nitrification during the HDO period) for denitrification (during the LDO period). For phosphorus removal, the advantage of cyclic aeration came from the development of a higher population of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms, as indicated by the higher phosphorus contents in the sludge solids of the cyclically aerated systems. Nitrite shunt was also observed to occur in the LDO systems. Higher ratios of nitrite to nitrate were found in the systems of lower HDO (and, to less dependency, higher LDO), suggesting that the nitrite shunt took place mainly because of the disrupted nitrification at lower HDO. The study results indicated that the HDO used should be kept reasonably high (approximately 0.8 mg/L) or the HDO period prolonged, to promote adequate nitrification, and the LDO kept low (< or =0.2 mg/L), to achieve more complete denitrification and higher phosphorus removal. The above findings in the laboratory systems find strong support from the results obtained in full-scale plant implementation. Two plant case studies using the cyclic low-dissolved-oxygen aeration for creating and maintaining SND are also presented.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the performance of a full-scale system with wetlands for slaughterhouse (abattoir) effluent treatment in the State of Hidalgo, México. The treatment system consisted of a primary sedimentation tank, an anaerobic lagoon, and a constructed subsurface-flow wetland, in series. The wetland accounted for almost 30% of the removal of organic matter. In general, the treatment system achieved satisfactory pollutant removals, but the final effluent could not meet the Mexican environmental regulations for fecal coliform counts, five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and total suspended solids (TSS). Overall, removal levels were 91%, 89%, and 85% for BOD5, chemical oxygen demand, and TSS, respectively. However, BOD5 in the final effluent (137 mg/L) was higher than the maximum level of 30 mg/L allowed by the regulatory agency. Although organic nitrogen removal levels were approximately 80%, the nitrogen persisted in oxidation state -3 as ammonia-nitrogen, the removal of which was only 9% in the wetland stage. On average, phosphorus removal was null, and, on occasion, the phosphorus concentration in the treated effluent was higher than that of the influent. Coliform reductions in the overall system were high (on the order of 5 logs on average), whereas the coliform removal in the wetland was between 2 to 3.5 logs. The treatment system was also effective at removing pathogens (Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella, and Shigella). Further laboratory tests with the wetland effluent suggest that post treatment in a sand filter stage followed by disinfection with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) could help meet the Mexican discharge regulations, particularly the criteria for coliforms and total BOD5.  相似文献   

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