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生物滴滤塔处理苯乙烯气流的工效和生物膜微群落的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用培养驯化污泥菌种、类球形陶粒和循环液等构建生物滴滤塔.研究评价气体苯乙烯浓度、气体流量、循环液喷淋量对生物滴滤塔工效的影响,并对生物膜微群落中的微种群作了定性定量检测.当进口气体苯乙烯小于1 000 mg/m3、气体流量为200 L/h、循环液流量为10 L/h时,苯乙烯净化效率达90%以上,生化去除量为30 mg/(L·h);单位体积生物膜填料对苯乙烯的最大生化去除量为35 mg/(L·h).湿润生物膜微群落的优势菌种群包括恶臭假单胞菌、梭形芽孢杆菌、罗非氏不动杆菌等5种,恶臭假单胞菌等非芽孢杆菌的最大活菌数为5.5×107 CFU/g,并随生物滴滤塔运行时间延长有减少趋势.  相似文献   

为了考察生物法治理污水处理场恶臭气体的实验效果,本研究采用生物滴滤、生物过滤和生物洗涤3种方法对某中石化公司化纤污水处理场4个恶臭气体挥发严重的污水池(生活污水提升池、氧化池、事故池和调节池)进行恶臭治理。实验结果表明,待生物塔稳定运行后,改变处理气量由0.1 m~3·h-1增大到0.2 m~3·h-1,相应的停留时间(EBRT)由172 s缩短到86 s,生物滴滤塔对甲醇、乙醇、环己烷和间-二甲苯这4种污染物的去除效率分别提升至96.80%、100.00%、92.15%和99.68%。此外,3台生物塔对于外界气温变化的适应性良好,但生物滴滤塔的压降始终未检出。根据小试实验结果,该化纤污水处理场恶臭的有效治理可以选用生物滴滤技术。  相似文献   

为提高生物滴滤塔净化气体中H_2S的运行效率,分别采用活性炭、陶粒、聚丙烯空心球3种填料,以排硫硫杆菌(Tiobacillus thioparus)接种生物滴滤塔处理含H_2S气体,研究了进气H_2S浓度、气体停留时间等参数对生物滴滤塔去除H_2S性能的影响。结果表明,采用排硫硫杆菌接种生物滴滤塔处理含H_2S气体,挂膜速度快,系统运行稳定且脱硫效率高。3种填料中活性炭填料脱硫效果最好,固定进气H_2S浓度1.5 g·m~(-3),停留时间高于23 s时,H_2S去除率可以达到94.4%以上,H_2S去除负荷达333.16 g·(m~3·h)~(-1)。动力学分析表明,活性炭生物滴滤塔最大H_2S去除负荷为666.7 g·(m~3·h)~(-1),饱和常数为0.87 g·m~(-3)。随着实验的进行,填料塔的压力降会因为生物膜的生长和单质硫的积累逐渐增加,严重时导致气体完全堵塞,需要进行鼓泡反冲以除去积累的单质硫。  相似文献   

生物滴滤塔处理有机废气的填料选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以含低浓度乙酸、正己烷和苯乙烯的混合有机气体模拟实际有机废气,采用实验室规模的生物滴滤塔处理有机废气,并比较了海绵、珊瑚石、陶粒和空心塑料小球4种填料的性能。结果表明:(1)生物滴滤塔启动时间最短的为海绵生物滴滤塔(约20d),其次为陶粒生物滴滤塔(约25d),启动时间较长的为珊瑚石生物滴滤塔(约35d)和空心塑料小球生物滴滤塔(约40d)。(2)在稳定运行期,不同填料生物滴滤塔对水溶性和极性较强的乙酸的去除率差异尤为明显,对正己烷和苯乙烯的去除率差异相对较小。(3)4种填料生物滴滤塔中的异养细菌数量依次为海绵>陶粒>珊瑚石>空心塑料小球。运行80d时,海绵、陶粒、珊瑚石和空心塑料小球生物滴滤塔中的异养细菌数量分别达5.9×108、4.8×108、3.6×108、3.0×108 cfu/g(以单位质量干填料计)。(4)在相同的进气流速下,4种填料生物滴滤塔的填料层压力降依次为珊瑚石>陶粒>空心塑料小球>海绵。(5)海绵和陶粒较适宜作为生物滴滤塔的填料。  相似文献   

逆流式和错流式生物滴滤装置脱臭性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用逆流式生物滴滤塔(DBTF)和错流式生物滴滤装置(CBTF)处理含氨和三甲胺的恶臭气体,研究生物脱臭性能。研究结果表明,逆流式和错流式生物滴滤装置都能有效地去除含氮混合恶臭气体,对氨和三甲胺的净化效率可达99.4%以上。逆流式和错流式生物脱臭装置具有较好的抗冲击负荷,运行稳定。DBTF和CBTF的适宜工艺操作条件为:氨进气负荷分别为26 g/(m3.h)和24.6 g/(m3.h),三甲胺进气负荷都为113 g/(m3.h);停留时间分别为29.1 s和32 s,喷淋量分别为37 mL/min和51.5 mL/min,循环液pH值范围都是6.3~7.0。这为生物脱臭技术工程推广应用和产业化应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

生物滴滤塔净化苯乙烯废气的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用生物滴滤(BTF)系统对含苯乙烯的有机废气进行了生物净化实验并研究该系统VOCs生物降解性能。实验表明,苯乙烯进气浓度低于20 mg/m3时BTF去除效率可达92%以上,出口苯乙烯浓度低于1.6 mg/m3,达到GB14554-1993中规定的排放标准;该BTF装置对苯乙烯的去除负荷在2.0 g/(m3.h)左右;系统稳定运行时循环液COD、浊度和pH等都保持稳定,无脱落生物膜积累现象;生物滴滤塔系统适宜的气液比为300;系统总压降约100 Pa,鲍尔环填料和聚氨酯发泡填料混合装填方式可以降低系统压降并有利于微生物挂膜。  相似文献   

生物焦炭滴滤塔降解苯乙烯废气的中试启动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苯乙烯废气既是一种挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),又属于我国恶臭气体控制的范围之内。其作为一种化工原料和有机溶剂广泛应用于工业生产中。生物法处理有机废气具有运行费用低和没有二次污染等优点。采用焦炭填料滴滤塔对苯乙烯废气的处理进行了中试启动研究。启动过程中,进气浓度范围是50~114 mg/m3,去除率为30%~45%左右,最高可达90%左右。所采用的焦炭填料可以认为是一种环境友好型填料,废弃后可作为燃料,值得推广。  相似文献   

采用装有凹凸棒石基铁氧化物多孔陶粒作为填料的生物滴滤塔,进行了长期实验室H2S脱臭实验。结果表明,该生物滴滤塔H2S的进气浓度低于500 mg/m3时,循环营养液喷淋量高于1.5 L/h,气体最佳停留时间为54.9 s,去除率在95%以上。代谢产物以SO2-4为主,转化速率在52.42 g/(m3·d)左右。该滴滤塔系统可稳定而有效运行。生物相观察表明,滴滤塔填料表面附着大量微生物,铁氧化物陶粒具有化学和生物惰性,有利于微生物的附着。  相似文献   

生物焦炭滴滤塔降解苯乙烯废气的中试启动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苯乙烯废气既是一种挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),又属于我国恶臭气体控制的范围之内。其作为一种化工原料和有机溶剂广泛应用于工业生产中。生物法处理有机废气具有运行费用低和没有二次污染等优点。采用焦炭填料滴滤塔对苯乙烯废气的处理进行了中试启动研究。启动过程中,进气浓度范围是50—114mg/m^3,去除率为30%~45%左右,最高可达90%左右。所采用的焦炭填料可以认为是一种环境友好型填料,废弃后可作为燃料,值得推广。  相似文献   

采用多面空心球与活性炭纤维组合填料构建生物滴滤塔(BTF),接种活性污泥净化苯乙烯废气。采用外加葡萄糖共代谢基质,气液相联合挂膜法启动生物滴滤塔,考察BTF启动及稳定阶段的工艺性能。结果表明,BTF的挂膜时间仅为20 d,实现了BTF的快速启动;适宜的苯乙烯进气浓度为195.2~1 478.2 mg/m3,停留时间(EBRT)为57 s,气液比为300∶1,系统最大去除负荷可达136.4 g/(m3·h);BTF对喷淋液p H的大幅变化及间歇运行有较强的适应性。  相似文献   

The treatment of waste air containing phenol vapors in biotrickling filter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Moussavi G  Mohseni M 《Chemosphere》2008,72(11):1649-1654
This research aimed at investigating the biodegradation of phenol contaminated-air streams in biotrickling filter. The effect of inlet concentration (200-1000 ppmv) and empty bed contact time (EBCT) (15-60 s) were investigated under steady state, transient and shock loading, and shutdown periods. Upon rapid start up operation, inlet phenol concentrations of up to 1000 ppmv did not significantly affect the performance of the biotrickling filter at EBCT of 60 s, so that removal efficiency was well greater than 99%. In addition, the EBCT as low as 30 s did not have detrimental effects on the efficiency of the bioreactor and phenol removal was greater than 99%. Decreasing the EBCT to 15s reduced the removal efficiency to around 92%. The maximum elimination capacity obtained in the biotrickling filter was 642 g(phenol) m(-3) h(-1), where the removal efficiency was only 57%. Results from the transient loading experiments revealed that the biotrickling filter could effectively handle the variations of the inlet loads without the phenol removal capacity being significantly affected.  相似文献   

The development of a thermophilic biotrickling filter (BTF) system to inoculate a newly isolated strain of Chelatococcus daeguensis TAD1 for the effective treatment of nitric oxide (NO) is described. A bench-scale BTF was run under high concentrations of NO and 8% O2 in thermophilic aerobic environment. A novel aerobic denitrifier Chelatococcus daeguensis TAD1 was isolated from the biofilm of an on-site biotrickling filter and it showed a denitrifying capability of 96.1% nitrate removal rate in a 24 h period in aerobic environment at 50 degrees C, with no nitrite accumulation. The inlet NO concentration fluctuated between approximately 133.9 and 669.6 mg m-3 and kept on a steady NOx removal rate above 80% in an oxygen stream of 8%. The BTF system was able to consistently remove 80-93.7% NO when the inlet NO was 535.7 mg m-3 in an oxygen stream of 2-20%. The biological removal efficiency of NO at 50 degrees C is higher than that at 25 degrees C, suggesting that the aerobic denitrifier TAD1 display well denitrification performance under thermophilic condition. Starvation for 2, 4 and 8 days resulted in the re-acclimation times of Chelatococcus daeguensis TAD1 ranging between 4 and 16 hours. A longer recovery time than that for weekend shutdown will be required when a longer starvation occurs. The results presented here demonstrate the feasibility of biotrickling filter for the thermophilic removal of NOx from gas streams. Implications: A novel denitrifier Chelatococcus daeguensis TAD1 was isolated from an on-site biotrickling filter in aerobic environment at 50 degrees C. To date, C. daeguensis has not been previously reported to be an aerobic denitrifier. In this study, a thermophilic biotrickling filter system inoculated with Chelatococcus daeguensis TADI for treatment of nitric oxide is developed. In coal-fired power plants, influent flue gas stream for nitrogen oxides (NOx) removal typically exhibit temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees C. Traditionally, cooling gases to below 40 degrees C prior to biological treatment is inevitable, which is costly. Therefore, the application ofthermophilic microorganisms for the removal of nitric oxide (NO) at this temperature range would offer great savings and would greatly extend the applicability ofbiofilters and biotrickling filters. Until now there has not been any study published about thermophilic biological treatment of NO under aerobic condition.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) may participate in the ozone layer depletion and forming of nitric acid. Abiotic and biological mechanisms of NO removal from waste gases were studied in a biotrickling filter. The abiotic NO removal rate in the biotrickling filter was estimated by a review of the literature. The abiotic and biological removals were also verified in the biotrickling filter. The result has shown that chemical oxidation and bionitrification were both involved in the NO removal. It was found that the NO removal in high concentration (approximately 1000 ppm or higher) was in large measure the result of abiotic removal in both gas-phase and liquid-phase reactions. When NO concentration is low (less than approximately 100 ppm), bionitrification was the main process in the NO removal process in the biotrickling filter.  相似文献   

研究以甲苯为驯导物的生物滴滤塔挂膜启动阶段净化性能的变化。实验结果表明,通过控制pH和湿度得到了真菌滴滤系统,启动周期为14 d,比细菌滴滤塔长7 d;在进化性能方面,在入口负荷、浓度为80 g/(m3.h)、3 000 mg/m3的条件下获得了稳定在98%以上的去除效率;对比2种填料对启动阶段的影响,在较低负荷下(≤80 g/(m3.h))对系统的启动时间和去除效率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The control of mercury vapor using biotrickling filters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Philip L  Deshusses MA 《Chemosphere》2008,70(3):411-417
The feasibility of using biotrickling filters for the removal of mercury vapor from simulated flue gases was evaluated. The experiments were carried out in laboratory-scale biotrickling filters with various mixed cultures naturally attached on a polyurethane foam packing. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria, toluene degraders and denitrifiers were used and compared for their ability to remove Hg 0 vapor. In particular, the biotrickling filters with sulfur oxidizing bacteria were able to remove 100% of mercury vapor, with an inlet concentration of 300-650 microg m(-3), at a gas contact time as low as six seconds. 87-92% of the removed mercury was fixed in or onto the microbial cells while the remaining left the system with the trickling liquid. The removal of mercury vapors in a biotrickling filter with dead cells was almost equivalent to this in biotrickling filters with live cells, indicating that significant abiotic removal mechanisms existed. Sulfur oxidizing bacteria biotrickling filters were the most effective in controlling mercury vapors, suggesting that sulfur played a key role. Identification of the location of metal deposition and of the form of metal was conducted using TEM, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and mercury elution analyses. The results suggested that mercury removal was through a series of complex mechanisms, probably both biotic and abiotic, including sorption in and onto cellular material and possible biotransformations. Overall, the study demonstrates that biotrickling filters appear to be a promising alternative for mercury vapor removal from flue gases.  相似文献   


This paper presents results obtained from a performance study on the biotreatment of 1,3-butadiene in an air stream using a reactor that consisted of a two-stage, in-series biotrickling filter connected with a three-stage, in-series biofilter. Slags and pig manure-based media were used as packing materials for the biotrickling filter and the biofilter, respectively. Experimental results indicated that, for the biotrickling filter portion, the butadiene elimination capacities were below 5 g/m3/hr for loadings of less than 25 g/m3/hr, and the butadiene removal efficiency was only around 17%. For the biofilter portion, the elimination capacities ranged from 10 to 107 g/m3/hr for loadings of less than 148 g/m3/hr. The average butadiene removal efficiency was 75–84% for superficial gas velocities of 53–142 m/hr and a loading range of 10–120 g/m3/hr. The elimination capacity approached a maximum of 108 g/m3/hr for a loading of 150 g/m3/hr. The elimination rates of butadiene in both the biotrickling filter and biofilter were mass-transfer controlled for influent butadiene concentrations below about 600 ppm for superficial gas velocities of 29–142 m/hr. The elimination capacity was significantly higher in the biofilter than in the biotrickling filter. This discrepancy may be attributed to the higher mass-transfer coefficient and gas-solid interfacial area offered for transferring the gaseous butadiene in the biofilter.  相似文献   

Li G  Wan S  An T 《Chemosphere》2012,87(3):253-258
A biotrickling filter inoculated with commercial mixed microorganisms B350 was employed to treat N-containing odorous vapor - aniline. Results indicated no aniline could be detected when empty bed residence time (EBRT) was larger than 110s at inlet concentration of 0.30 g m(-3). The variation of inlet concentration did not change removal efficiencies when concentration is less than 0.21 g m(-3) at fixed EBRT 110s. Biodegradation mechanism of aniline was tentatively proposed based on identified intermediates and predicted biodegradation pathway as well as final mineralized products. Aniline was firstly biodegraded to catechol, and then to levulinic acid and subsequently to succinic acid. Finally, about 62% aniline carbon was completely mineralized to CO(2), while about 91% aniline nitrogen was converted into ammonia and nitrate. Bacterial community in biotrickling filter was found that at least seven bands microbes were identified for high efficiencies of bioreactor at stable state. In all, biotrickling filter seeded with B350 would be a better choice for the purification odorous gas containing high concentration aniline.  相似文献   

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