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沈阳市固体废物处置中心对工业危险废物采用了安全土地填埋技术,它的主要特点是安全,工艺简单,可操作性强。能够杜绝危险废物渗析上渗污染地下水,同时又避名了危险废物污染环境卫生,本文主要以沈阳工业危险废物处置填埋场为例,介绍安全土地填埋的技术要求,设计要点等。  相似文献   

沈阳市固体废物处置中心对工业危险废物采用了安全土地填埋技术 ,它的主要特点是安全、工艺简单、可操作性强。能够杜绝危险废物渗析液下渗污染地下水 ,同时又避免了危险废物污染环境卫生。本文主要以沈阳工业危险废物处置填埋场为例 ,介绍安全土地填埋的技术要求、设计要点等  相似文献   

本文通过评述填埋法处置危险废物的环境影响,阐明其主要制约因素除占用土地资源外,还包括所生产的浸出液受气候、水文等外在条件污染地下水源。提出了利用干旱地区的独特自然优势填埋危险废物的可行性。  相似文献   

从法律、技术、环境、经济以及社会层面,结合国际流行管理理念,对苏南危险废物处理处置现状进行了全面评估;提出了苏南危险废物综合管理方案以及废物减量化、资源化、收集、运输、处理处置的技术模式;未来危险废物处理厂的选址方法及标准;新建现代化废弃物物化处理厂、焚烧厂以及填埋场的实施方案。  相似文献   

危险废物稳定化/固化技术的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对危险废物稳定化/固化处理技术的历史、现状以及今后的发展方向进行了较为系统的论述,对该技术在处理危险废物时所存在的问题进行了探讨,认为今后药剂稳定化技术在废物处置预处理领域将会占据重要的地位。  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置危险废物作为一种新兴的危险废物焚烧处置技术,具有焚烧温度高、停留时间长、处理效果好、改造成本低等多项优势,应用前景广泛。简述了中国危险废物的产生及处理处置现状,介绍了水泥窑协同处置技术,综合国内外最新的水泥窑协同处置危险废物的文献,从熟料性质、水泥质量以及烟气排放等角度综述了垃圾焚烧飞灰、污染土壤、农药废物以及污泥类危险废物这4种典型危险废物在水泥窑中的协同处置情况,分析了每种危险废物在水泥窑中协同处置的可行性,提出了实际应用过程中应该注意的问题,最后提出了未来水泥窑协同处置危险废物的研究思路。  相似文献   

加强上海市危险废物管理的思考刁炳祥(东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200051)总结了当前上海加强危险废物管理的五个方面的相关背景和必要性。分析了上海危险废物的产生、处置和利用以及监督管理的现状和特点。就管理、执法、应急预案、培训服务、重视对工业固体废物和危险化学品的管理等,提出了加强上海市危险废物管理的对策和建议。关键词危险废物加强管理对策垃圾压缩站污水污染防治研究张鸿郭周少奇(华南理工大学环境科学与工程学院,广东广州510640)垃圾压缩站解决了当前城市垃圾收集运输困难的难题,有利于城市生活垃圾的卫生填埋处置…  相似文献   

我国飞灰安全处置是生活垃圾焚烧污染控制及风险管理的薄弱环节,由于飞灰固化稳定化工艺的多样性,固化飞灰化学、物理、力学特性差异大,固化飞灰填埋设计标准、规范缺失,导致固化飞灰填埋处置存在扬尘大、刺激性气味强、渗滤液产量大、渗滤液组分复杂、渗滤液处理难、填埋场持续运行困难等一系列问题。基于实验测试研究成果,提出了固化飞灰的土工特性参数以及渗沥液水质典型指标的取值。通过分析提出了固化飞灰填埋场设计、运营管理、填埋作业工艺、雨污分流及渗滤液处理等相关优化建议,为固化飞灰安全填埋处置提供系统性解决方案。  相似文献   

含重金属水处理污泥的固化和浸出毒性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
工业危险固体废物在进行安全填埋前需要进行固化稳定处理。针对电镀厂和皮革厂含重金属的水处理污泥,用不同比例的水泥、粉煤灰进行固化稳定处理。考虑酸雨环境,浸出实验采用TCLP标准。电镀厂污泥单独固化时,其浸出液中铜离子浓度由78.0mg/L下降到1.5mg/L;镍离子浓度由224.5mg/L下降到22.2mg/L,高于危险废物允许进入填埋区15mg/L的控制限值。电镀厂污泥与皮革厂污泥混合后固化,浸出液毒性明显降低。铜离子的浸出浓度降低到1.98mg/L,镍离子降低到4.10mg/L,总铬降低到0.40mg/L,各项指标均低于国家危险废物允许进入填埋区的控制限值,可安全填埋。  相似文献   

危险废物转移联单是跟踪危险废物转移和处理处置的基本方法,也是实施危险废物全过程管理的有效工具。然而,目前使用的纸质联单系统,运用过程繁杂,周期长,耗费人力和物力,与现代化管理不相适应。本文提出了符合中国国情的电子化转移联单解决方案,论述了系统的设计开发和运行情况。这一系统采用了因特网技术,能实现联单运行的电子化和自动化,简化运行过程,提高效率,为我国危险废物转移的电子化管理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

耿震  胡昌平 《污染防治技术》2007,20(6):117-119,128
介绍了常熟垃圾焚烧飞灰安全填埋工程的设计,包括飞灰预处理系统、填埋库结构、防渗和封场设计以及渗沥液处理等。结合工程设计实践,探讨了飞灰安全填埋场的设计技术和设计原则。  相似文献   

The development of a special (hazardous) waste management system is well under way in Alberta, Canada, and completion of an integrated treatment and disposal facility near Swan Hills is expected in 1988. The facility will handle both inorganic and organic waste streams in a physical/chemical treatment plant and high temperature incinerator. Treated liquid residues will be disposed of in a deep well, and treated solid residues in a secure landfill. The chosen treatment technology and the established hydrogeological conditions of the site ensure the maintenance of environmental quality. An intensive site selection and public participation program provided that only locations which were environmentally and socially suitable for this development were considered. Through awareness of the problems of waste and the solutions for its management, and full citizen involvement in the site selection process, the siting and public participation programs accomplished the difficult task of selecting a location for North America’s first fully integrated special waste treatment and disposal facility.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on landfill site selection for Kolkata City,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kolkata is one of the four major metropolitan cities in India and the capital city of the state of West Bengal. With an area of 187.33 km2 and a population of about 10 million (including a floating population of about 6 million), the city generates about 3500 Metric Ton (MT) of solid waste per day. Currently, Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) disposes its waste at Dhapa (21.47 ha), where the disposal rate exceeds 3000 MT/day, and at Garden Reach (3.52 ha), where the disposal rate is 100 MT/day. Considering the exhaustion of Dhapa land space, city planners are urgently searching for an alternate disposal ground. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), under the sponsorship of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), has brought out literature developing the site selection criteria for municipal solid waste disposal ground to suit Indian conditions. The developed criteria encompass environmental conditions, accessibility, geological and hydrogeological conditions, and ecological and societal effects. This paper attempts to locate the most suitable site for disposal of KMC area solid waste using the multicriterion decision analysis as stipulated in CPCB 2003 guidelines and the overlay analysis of geographic information system (GIS).
Implications:The paper is based on landfill site selection for dumping of solid waste generated within Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) area. The methodology uses GIS/remote sensing, Site Sensitivity Index (an offshoot of pairwise comparison technique developed in CPCB 2003 guidelines, Government of India), and the Delphi technique. Dhapa landfill site, where solid waste of KMC area is currently being disposed, is exhausted; the authors of this article thus found it relevant to carry out a research on the selection of an alternative landfill site. The study undertaken was comprehensive, yet presented in a lucid way so that policymakers will find easy to comprehend.  相似文献   

我国城市中尚有大量非规范生活垃圾填埋场存在,对其进行污染整治消除填埋气导致的环境安全隐患刻不容缓.以重庆某垃圾填埋场为例,研究重庆市主城区的非规范生活垃圾填埋场填埋气的横向迁移问题,在垃圾场周边区域布设36个监测井,对监测井中的填埋气进行分析监测,以填埋气特征组分CH4气体的体积浓度变化研究填埋气的横向迁移规律.结果表明,监测井到填埋场边界的距离为监测井中CH4气体浓度的主要影响因素;垃圾场周边距离填埋场场界50 m以外的区域,填埋气的横向迁移已经相当微弱;但是距离填埋场边界50 m以内区域的填埋气的横向迁移明显,需要在距离填埋场边界50 m范围内采取措施与场内填埋气的导排措施配合,进行填埋气的污染控制.  相似文献   

软土地基上生活垃圾卫生填埋场的岩土工程问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活垃圾卫生填埋场是处理固体废弃物的有效方法之一.尽管国内外学者对与垃圾填埋场相关的许多问题已经做了大量的研究工作,但是对软土地基上填埋场可能引起的一些岩土工程问题研究不多.针对软土地基上的填埋场,分析了填埋场在建设与运营过程将会遇到的若干岩土工程问题.针对填埋场的沉降、稳定性等问题,提出了将垃圾荷载看作变量对地基沉降进行计算和设计.考虑垃圾体的稳定性,分析由于地基破坏而引起的整体稳定性问题和变形引起的衬里系统的内部稳定性问题,研究地基处理的可行性和适应性,并加强填埋过程中的岩土工程监测工作.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the state have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects. Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to "higher" waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

A number of policies adopted by the federal government and the states have been designed to promote waste reduction or influence the choice of waste disposal technologies employed by generators of hazardous waste. Graphic analysis of smoothed time series data for hazardous wastes manifested in New York State for the period between June 1982 and February 1987 suggests that some of these policies have had the intended effects.

Significant shifts in manifested waste volumes are evident that coincide with the following policy interventions: (1) increased state waste-end tax rates; (2) state and federal landfill bans; (3) federal restrictions on burning hazardous wastes and waste oils for energy recovery; and (4) changes in the federal regulatory definition of hazardous waste. Other changes in waste generation and management appear to be attributable to such factors as state and regional economic conditions and changes in instate treatment and disposal facility capacity. Analysis of the management of specific waste types supports evidence from the graphic analysis that waste generators changed from land disposal to “higher” waste handling technologies in response to several policy interventions.  相似文献   

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