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海洋环境污染监测方案是一项复杂的系统工程。中国经过20多年海洋环境污好监测的实践活动,积累了丰富的经验。但是,由于未能对海洋环境污染监测方案进行深入细致的研讨,致使今天我国海洋环境污染监测尚停留在定性或半定量描述阶段。该文第一次把有关海洋环境污染监测相结合,通过运用逻辑构思方法和监测方法学,详细分析监测方案设计中的各个阶段,监测目标的提出,到方案的实施;从监测数据的加工,到监测信息的发布都进行了辩证的分析。本文既是中国海洋环境污染监测方案的设计指南,也是中国海洋环境污染监测工作的集大成。  相似文献   

2009年1月16日,国家海洋局发布了2008年中国海洋环境公报。该公报由《2008年中国海洋环境质量公报》、《2008年中国海洋灾害公报》、《2008年中国海平面公报》构成,对中国2008年的海洋环境情况作出了详细说明。  相似文献   

由中国科学院环委会、中国环境科学学会和中国海洋湖沼学会联合召开的全国污染生态学术会议于1983年12月27日至1984年元月2日在云南省昆明市召开。来自全国22个省、市、自治区包括中国科学院有关研究所、各部属研究院、所、大专院校和地方环境科研、监测、  相似文献   

一、我国海洋环境污染概况及主要结果 近十年来,在我国的南海、东海、黄海和渤海共计45万km~2有关海域上进行了多次的大型海洋环境污染调查,对污染物及各海域的污染状况已有初步的了解,并采取了一系列减轻污染的防治措施,取得了一定成  相似文献   

利用天津市海洋环境风险源调查成果,在对海域赤潮、危险化学品和溢油3种环境风险进行评价的基础上,构建了海洋环境风险综合评价的方法和指标体系,并以海域划分的245个2′×2′的网格为对象,对天津市海洋环境风险进行了综合评价。评价结果显示:天津市海域总体上处于中低风险态势,中、低风险海域面积分别约占海域总面积的59.18%和24.90%;高风险海域占海域总面积的15.92%,碎片化地分布于汉沽大神堂牡蛎礁海洋特别保护区、北塘旅游区、大港湿地、天津港、南港工业区等敏感或重点海域。评价成果可为天津海洋环境风险管控、海域资源使用配置、海洋环境保护规划等提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

1、海水污染的特性 苏联在大西洋进行的海水化学污染调查的第一阶段踏勘调查已于1975年结束。由于这些调查,做出了关于海洋环境污染性质的一些共同性结论,这些结论在许多方面有助于确定水质污染的监测问题。 曾认为污染,尤其是石油烃类污染,具有全球性。目前,在沿岸的污染场已经远远超出岸区范围传播到远方,包括了许多整个海域和洋区。这些污染场在时间和空间上  相似文献   

水环境污染是我国面临的突出问题。为加强水环境管理和监测工作 ,我国环保部门采取先进的技术手段 ,在主要流域设立水质自动监测站 ,并建立周报制度 ,对水污染进行实时连续监测。国家环保总局有关负责人近日在京透露 ,随着国务院陆续出台、实施“三河、三湖”重点流域水污染防治规划 ,水污染治理工作的力度逐年加强 ,对水环境监测工作的要求越来越高 ,常规的水环境监测手段已难以满足水环境管理和监督监测的需要。主要表现在 :水环境监测已由浓度监测过渡到同时实施浓度和污染物总量监测 ;水环境监测的频次 ,也由原来的每年按丰、平、枯水期…  相似文献   

一、前言 海洋污染,保护和改善海洋环境是现代工农业和海洋科学事业发展中出现的新问题,也是国民经济中一个不可忽视的组成部分。 加速国民经济的发展,实现四化,必须要有充足的自然资源,海洋是人类巨大的资源宝库,但在开发海洋资源、发展工农业的同时,又会带来污染海洋的问题;而海洋环境得到了  相似文献   

“811”环境污染整治行动是浙江省委、省政府贯彻落实科学发展观、加强环境保护、推进生态省建设、着力解决环境污染突出问题作出的重大决策部署。3年来,全省各级各有关部门围绕“两个基本、两个率先”的工作目标,全面推进重点流域、重点区域、重点行业、重点企业的污染整治,全面加强环保基础设施和环境质量监测监控设施建设,环境污染整治工作取得明显成效。  相似文献   

第三次全国环保工作会议,进一步明确必须坚定地走有中国特色的环境保护道路。这就是加强法制建设,强化监督管理,依靠科学技术进步,促进我国环保工作的发展。在强化监督管理方面,主要是贯彻新老“八项制度”,实现环境管理从定性向定量、从浓度向总量、从单项治理向综合整治的转变。然而无论是“八项制度”的贯彻还是“三个转变”的实现,都离不开环境监测工作。为了适应环境管理这一新形势,第四次全国环境监测工作会议提出“八五”监测工作的总目标是:“完善环境监测体系,及时、准确地掌握环境质量和污染源动态,为环境管理提供高效服务。”  相似文献   

Under the Clean Air Act Amendments, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is required to regulate emissions of 188 hazardous air pollutants. The EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards is currently conducting a National-scale Air Toxics Assessment with a goal to identify air toxics which are of greatest concern, in terms of contribution to population inhalation risk. The results will be used to set priorities for the collection of additional air toxics emissions and monitoring data. Expanded ambient air toxics monitoring will take the form of a national air toxics monitoring network. With all monitoring data, however, comes uncertainty in the form of environmental variability (spatial and temporal) and monitoring error (sample collection and laboratory analysis). With this in mind, existing data from the Urban Air Toxics Monitoring Program (UATMP) were analyzed to obtain a general understanding of these sources of variability and then provide recommendations for managing the data uncertainties of a national network. The results indicate that environmental variability, in particular temporal, comprises most of the overall variability observed in the UATMP data. However, at lower ambient levels (on the order of 0.1–0.5 ppbv or lower) environmental variability tends to dissipate and monitoring error takes over, most notably analytical error. Overall, the results suggest that common techniques in ambient air toxics monitoring for carbonyls and volatile organic compounds may satisfy many of the primary objectives of a national air toxics monitoring network.  相似文献   

环境监测现场室管理工作是环境监测中一项基础性管理和技术工作,监测现场的管理工作是否科学有序,关系到环境监测效率的高低,对环境监测数据质量的准确性、可靠性、可比性、完整性和公正性也有着十分重要影响。因此,做好环境监测现场室管理工作已成为环境监测管理工作者必须掌握的一项基础性科学技术。文中从环境监测现场室管理工作的实践经验出发,进一步进行探索研究,力求环境监测现场室管理工作高效可行。  相似文献   

Quantified air quality and meteorological information provided by an air pollution monitoring system must be geared to the legally prescribed functions of the control agency. The network must be treated as a vital component of the total integrated data system that supports agency activities in air resources management and control. It should be closely interphased with data systems for emission inventory, registration and permits, violations and complaints, fuel use, emission reduction plans, land use, demographic projections, and urban planning. Compatibility with neighboring and statewide or regionwide data systems is essential for coordination of effort, especially under episode conditions.

The network should be planned on three levels, static, semi-automatic, and fully automatic, to provide monthly, daily, and up-to-the-minute measurements, respectively. Optimization of network specifications requires a three-way balance of hardware, control objectives, and agency resources (capital facilities, manpower, funding, etc.), of which the first two are realistically governed by the third.

A monitoring network could serve a wide range of functions, and there are pressures and temptations to cater to all possible users. A number of functions are listed; an order of priority should be determined. Experience shows that far more data tend to be generated than can be analyzed, assimilated, and utilized. Rapid data acquisition and on-line processing capabilities of present-day automatic networks could, without effective planning, result in mountainous backlogs of unassimilated information.

A systems engineering approach to planning will ascertain that preliminary requirements are critically scrutinized, and only genuine requirements that meet the test of constraints (natural environment, economic, legal, social, political constraints, and manpower resources) will be translated into performance specifications. By means of this approach, design characteristics that are extraneous or peripheral to the principal network functions can be identified as low priority luxuries, whereas seemingly expensive items may be justified on the basis of data reliability or long-range savings in operation and maintenance requirements.  相似文献   

The establishment of an efficient surface water quality monitoring (WQM) network is a critical component in the assessment, restoration and protection of river water quality. A periodic evaluation of monitoring network is mandatory to ensure effective data collection and possible redesigning of existing network in a river catchment. In this study, the efficacy and appropriateness of existing water quality monitoring network in the Kabbini River basin of Kerala, India is presented. Significant multivariate statistical techniques like principal component analysis (PCA) and principal factor analysis (PFA) have been employed to evaluate the efficiency of the surface water quality monitoring network with monitoring stations as the evaluated variables for the interpretation of complex data matrix of the river basin. The main objective is to identify significant monitoring stations that must essentially be included in assessing annual and seasonal variations of river water quality. Moreover, the significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network was also investigated to capture valuable information on water quality from the network. Results identified few monitoring stations as insignificant in explaining the annual variance of the dataset. Moreover, the seasonal redesign of the monitoring network through a multivariate statistical framework was found to capture valuable information from the system, thus making the network more efficient. Cluster analysis (CA) classified the sampling sites into different groups based on similarity in water quality characteristics. The PCA/PFA identified significant latent factors standing for different pollution sources such as organic pollution, industrial pollution, diffuse pollution and faecal contamination. Thus, the present study illustrates that various multivariate statistical techniques can be effectively employed in sustainable management of water resources. Highlights ? The effectiveness of existing river water quality monitoring network is assessed ? Significance of seasonal redesign of the monitoring network is demonstrated ? Rationalization of water quality parameters is performed in a statistical framework  相似文献   

Oenema O  Pietrzak S 《Ambio》2002,31(2):159-168
The notion of management has undergone many changes during the past century. Nowadays, management is perceived as "specialized activity to achieve targets." Skill in management is the single most important factor determining the economic and environmental performance of agroecosystems. Nutrient management is "management of nutrients to achieve agronomic and environmental targets;" it requires proper understanding of nutrient cycling, site- and farm-specific guidelines and technology, and often direct coaching. These activities are diverse and complicated, especially in mixed farming systems that involve both crop and animal production. To be effective, economic and environmental targets must be coherent, flexible, and controllable. They also must be defined and implemented quantitatively at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Data from farms in Poland and The Netherlands are used to show how economic incentives, provided through governmental policies and measures in both countries, can improve nutrient-use efficiency by a factor of 2 on many intensively managed mixed farming systems.  相似文献   

The Afton Copper Smelter adjacent to Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada commenced operation in 1978 and employed a mercury scrubbing system. Two years of preproduction studies, which included monitoring for mercury in ambient air, water, soli, and vegetation were performed. The results from similar studies conducted during four full years (1978–81) and two partial years (1982–83) of production are presented in the data analysis. These programs illustrated that the most frequent ground impingement occurred within a 1.6–3.2- km radius of the source, and that the levels decreased with increasing distance from the source to a maximum radius of 8 km. The results of a comprehensive source monitoring program illustrated that the average mercury emission levels ranged from 3.2 to 6.8 kg/calendar day during 1979–81, and that the majority of the emissions were in a vapour form. The ambient monitoring data acquired when smelter operations were significantly reduced indicate a quick recovery to preproduction levels in virtually all monitored parameters and at most monitored sites. The integrated results from all mercury monitoring programs illustrate the environmental impact from mercury emissions which were two to four times the permit standard of 1.8 kg/day.  相似文献   

The paper highlights the application of an integrated decision support system for calculation of environmental friendly traffic flows in urban networks under different management strategies. Each proposed alternative is evaluated using a GIS and GPS environment that may, on a local basis, affect the environmental burden and contribute to pollution load in the region. For each link of the network an environmental capacity is calculated, taking into consideration the hydrodynamic theory based traffic flow dependent on the length of the road network and the average traffic volume and speed. The studied management options include: modifying the existing road network; road widening activities; bus bay relocation; construction of RUB/ROBs; rescheduling the work activities; parking management. The integrated transportation decision support system offers entirely new way of using the GIS, GPS and field survey data for model calculation of pollution load from road traffic to devise environmentally friendly traffic flows.  相似文献   

放射源管理系统是一种基于环境地理信息系统平台的资源管理系统,是GIS技术与环境监测技术、环境管理技术、数据库技术等各种环境信息分析和处理技术的集成。系统为环保部门提供了一个功能强大的空间信息服务和管理工具,可以直观、方便地获取放射源的监控、管理等数据信息,为环境管理部门的决策提供依据。  相似文献   

All U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) facilities are required under Executive Order (EO) 13148, "Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management," to establish quality-based environmental management systems (EMSs) that support environmental decision-making and verification of continuous environmental improvement by December 31, 2005. Compliance with EO 13148 as well as other federal, state, and local environmental regulations places a significant information management burden on DoD facilities. Cost-effective management of environmental data compels DoD facilities to establish robust database systems that not only address the complex and multifaceted environmental monitoring, record-keeping, and reporting requirements demanded by these rules but enable environmental management decision-makers to gauge improvements in environmental performance. The Enterprise Environmental Safety and Occupational Health Management Information System (EESOH-MIS) is a new electronic database developed by the U.S. Air Force to manage both the data needs associated with regulatory compliance programs across its facilities as well as the non-regulatory environmental information that supports installation business practices. The U.S. Air Force, which has adopted the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology as the EMS standard that it will employ to address EO 13148 requirements.  相似文献   

Background  Due to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive and other legal regulations (e.g., national laws like the German Federal Soil Protection Act), but also due to the implementation of the new EU chemicals management system REACH, environmental monitoring will gain increasing importance for the surveillance of environmental quality as well as for the assessment of chemicals. Against this background, the Work Group on ‘Environmental Monitoring’ of the Division of ‘Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology’ within the German Chemical Society has compiled a position paper on substance-related environmental monitoring. Scope  Core elements of this position paper are the definitions of important terms like monitoring, exposure monitoring, effect monitoring, and integrated monitoring. Moreover, temporal and spatial aspects (monitoring of spatial distributions, trend monitoring, and retrospective monitoring) and their applications are discussed. The main focus of this position paper is the coverage of aspects which have to be observed for the preparation and implementation of a monitoring program. Essential is the clear specification of the targets of the monitoring which determine the development of the monitoring concept and its realization, e.g., if environmental media (compartments) or organisms are most appropriate as samples for the aim of the study. Of course, also the properties of the target substances are important (e.g., lipophilicity/bioaccumulation as pre-requisite for an exposure monitoring with organisms). Finally, the monitoring phases of sample planning, sampling, storage and transport of samples, selection of analytical methods, quality assurance measures as well as reporting are discussed. Perspectives  An important issue for the future is to link the quantification of chemicals in environmental compartments (exposure and pollution monitoring) more closely to the study of biological effects (effect monitoring) than has been the case up to now. Furthermore, by inclusion of a spatial differentiation, a comprehensive evaluation of the state of an ecosystem can be obtained and the relevance of the results improved. Practical examples of monitoring studies which illustrate various aspects covered in this position paper will be presented in a series of publications by members of the Work Group in the following issues of this journal.
Gerhard Andreas WiesmüllerEmail:

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