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采用非等温热重分析和固定床热解实验研究了不干胶废弃物热解焦生成特性及热解焦燃烧特性,并计算了不同升温速率下热解焦的燃烧动力学参数。结果表明,不干胶废弃物热解焦产率随温度升高而逐渐降低,当热解终温在400~700℃时,热解焦产率在34.64%~22.03%之间;空气气氛下热解焦燃烧过程包括3个阶段:挥发分燃烧阶段(390~600℃)、混合燃烧阶段(390~600℃)和残炭燃烧与矿物分解阶段(650℃);升温速率对热解焦燃烧效果作用明显,升温速率越大,燃烧特性指数越高,燃烧稳定性越好;热解焦燃烧过程可以通过3个一级反应描述,当升温速率为40℃/min时热解焦燃烧各阶段表观活化能明显降低,表明升温速率提高有助于热解焦的燃烧反应活性,更有利于燃烧反应的进行。  相似文献   

不同升温速率下城市污水污泥热解特性及动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用差热-热重分析法和Coats-Redfern积分法,对杭州某污水处理厂污泥在不同升温速率下的热解特性及反应动力学特征进行研究。实验结果表明,热解温度从室温升至900℃时,污泥热解过程可分为4个失重阶段;升温速率对污泥热解转化率、挥发分析出温度以及最大失重率等热解特性参数都有显著影响。升温速率越高污泥最大失重率越大;而较低的升温速率延迟了污泥热解反应时间,导致污泥失重量相对较大。根据Coats-Redfern积分法计算结果,污泥在氮气氛围下的热解反应为二级反应模式。提高升温速率可显著增加污泥热解的表观活化能和频率因子。  相似文献   

利用热重分析法对印染、中药和废水处理厂3种典型工业废水污泥进行了热解动力学实验研究。结果表明,工业污泥是一种高挥发分、低固定碳和低热值的劣质燃料。经过消化处理的污泥灰分含量较高,挥发分含量变小。热解过程中有3个失重速率较高的阶段,以挥发分的析出为主。升温速率对热解的最终失重率有重要影响。升温速率增加,热解更剧烈,但最终失重率的变化趋势与污泥种类有关;为使热解效果更好,不同种类的污泥应选择不同的升温速率。不同种类的污泥具有不同的热解特性,印染污泥挥发分析出阶段有2次热解。中药污泥活化能最小,印染污泥挥发分第2次热解的活化能比第1次大幅增加。  相似文献   

采用热重分析方法对不干胶废弃物(PSAs)进行了热解和燃烧失重分析,并采用Doyle法拟合计算了PSAs热解和燃烧动力学参数。结果表明:当温度低于200℃或高于600℃,PSAs的热解和燃烧失重过程具有性;300~600℃时,PSAs热解过程具有3个失重峰,而其燃烧过程具有2个失重峰。动力学分析结果表明:PSAs的热解是由多阶段复杂的热裂解反应组成,其热解过程可用4个一级反应来描述,随着升温速率的提高热解阶段第1峰区表观活化能降低;而第2、3峰区以及半焦深度裂解阶段的第4峰区活化能逐渐升高;PSAs燃烧过程可用3个一级反应来描述,随着升温速率的提高,PSAs燃烧过程的表观活化能均逐渐降低,并且燃烧表观活化能均低于热解表观活化能。  相似文献   

废弃植物中药渣的热解特性及动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用热重分析法(TGA)对丹参中药渣的热解特性及其动力学规律进行了研究。分析了不同升温速率(10、30和50℃/min)和不同粒径(0.85~0.6、0.3~0.18和0.125~0.1 mm)药渣的热解特性。结果表明,药渣热解可分为3个阶段:预热干燥阶段、主热解阶段和碳化阶段,随升温速率的升高,热重(TG)和微分热重(DTG)曲线向高温侧移动,药渣的最大失重速率也显著增加;与大颗粒相比较小颗粒的挥发分产量较大。采用Coats-Redfern法和Flynn-Wall-Ozawa(FWO)法对药渣热解的动力学进行分析,选出了较为合理的机理函数,并计算得出药渣热解活化能为62~72 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

印刷电路板基材的热解实验研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
采用热重法对废旧印刷电路板(PCB)在氮气气氛下进行了不同升温速率的热解实验,发现电路板的热解可以分为以下几个阶段:在300℃以下时质量没有什么变化,在300~360℃时质量急剧减少,在360~1000℃时质量减少得比较缓慢。随后本文对电路板的热解进行了动力学回归。研究表明,样品热解反应分为2个阶段,这2个阶段反应过程中的活化能有很大差别,说明这2个阶段受不同的化学反应机理控制。  相似文献   

印刷电路板基材的热解实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用热重法对废旧印刷电路板 (PCB)在氮气气氛下进行了不同升温速率的热解实验 ,发现电路板的热解可以分为以下几个阶段 :在 30 0℃以下时质量没有什么变化 ,在 30 0~ 36 0℃时质量急剧减少 ,在 36 0~ 10 0 0℃时质量减少得比较缓慢。随后本文对电路板的热解进行了动力学回归。研究表明 ,样品热解反应分为 2个阶段 ,这 2个阶段反应过程中的活化能有很大差别 ,说明这 2个阶段受不同的化学反应机理控制。  相似文献   

针对餐厨垃圾生物处理过程中产生的有机废物,为了实现餐厨垃圾的资源化利用,使用热重分析仪对其典型组分:塑料、骨头及难降解生物质,进行了单独及混合热重(TG)特性研究。结果表明:难降解生物质(BRB)、骨头等生物质类物质失重温度较低,最大失重率温度分别为325和341℃,塑料的失重温度较高,最大失重率温度在475℃;通过对混合物料的热重曲线和动力学分析,在较低温度(400℃),塑料和骨头对热解过程有一定的抑制作用,而在高温(400℃)状态下,二者在热解过程中有协同作用;含有3种组分的实际物料在166~361℃条件下热解过程符合二维相界反应(函数为2(1-α)1/2);而在361~550℃热解符合三级动力学反应(函数为(1-α)3),在整个温度阶段(166~550℃)中的实际活化能低于模拟活化能(59.6986.57 k J·mol-1),表明3种物料混合热解有协同作用。  相似文献   

采用热重分析法,对生活污泥与煤以1∶1质量比混合的试样进行燃烧及热解实验研究,重点分析了升温速率对其热解及燃烧特性的影响,为煤泥混烧及热解技术的工业化应用提供理论支持。结果表明:煤泥混合样燃烧失重分为4个阶段,混燃过程中污泥与煤共同影响着混合试样的燃烧特性,随着升温速率从15℃·min~(-1)增加到50℃·min~(-1),其可燃性指数C增幅达60%和综合燃烧特性指数S提高了4倍多,燃烧性能得到明显提高;煤泥混合样的热解失重分为2个阶段,各阶段热解的挥发份最大析出速率(dw/dt)_(max)及挥发分析出特性指数D均随升温速率的升高而大幅增大,且试样总的挥发综合释放指数D从0.081 7×10~(-8)K~(-3)·min~(-2)增大到5.868×10~(-8)K~(-3)·min~(-2),可见升温速率越高,煤泥混合物的热解性能越好。  相似文献   

在不同升温速率和不同O2气氛下对船舶垃圾(CSW)的燃烧特性进行热重分析,并使用不同方法对其进行动力学参数求解。根据船用焚烧炉的特点,选择温度范围为100~1 100℃,结果表明:CSW燃烬物较少,只有6.02%(质量分数);根据微分热重(DTG)曲线,燃烧的温度区间分为3段,其中在200~600℃反应基本完成,在600~800℃反应的物质较少。CSW在气氛O2/N2(体积比)=30∶70下的燃烧性能是3种气氛中最好的。在气氛O2/N2=30∶70下,通过FWO法计算得CSW的平均活化能为162.588kJ/mol,通过KAS法计算得CSW的平均活化能为160.677kJ/mol。  相似文献   

以润滑油废白土为原料,利用电热解法,研究了热解终温、加热速率和CaO添加量对热解产物的影响。实验结果表明:热解终温对热解产物的影响最为显著。随着热解终温的升高,不凝气产量和产油率均迅速增加。当热解终温达到600℃时,其增加的速率逐渐缓慢增大。当控制热解终温为800℃、加热速率为16℃/min、CaO添加量为0.5%时,富氢气体产量为189.2 L/kg,气体中主要成分为H2和CH4,其含量分别为27.97%和41.64%;热解残渣含油率和重金属溶出物均低于标准规定值,热解油产率为10.98%,回收率为38.94%,其主要成分为汽油、柴油和重油3部分组成,分别含19.13%、31.35%和49.52%。  相似文献   

采用热重分析法研究了不同升温速率下垃圾中典型组分的热失重行为.根据热重分析曲线和实验数据,对不同加热速率条件下垃圾中典型组分的热失重行为进行了比较分析,结果表明,随着升温速率的加大,典型组分TG曲线对应的温度升高.DTG结果与组成成分的性质相关,橡胶塑料类的最大失重速率随着升温速率的加大而升高.纸类不同升温速率下对应的最大失重速度变化不大.  相似文献   

在化学反应设计中反应动力学是较重要的因素。为得到更合理的污泥热解动力学参数计算方法,利用热重分析仪,在氮气气氛下对罐底含油污泥的热解特性进行研究。根据热重实验数据,分别采用Coats-Redfern法、Kissinger法、FWO法和Popescu法计算污泥热解动力学参数,并获取罐底泥热解制油的主要阶段(第2阶段)的反应活化能E、频率因子A并分析各种方法反应机理。通过对比不同计算方法得到动力学参数及拟合曲线与实验曲线的相关性,确定了最佳罐底含油污泥热解动力学参数计算方法。研究表明,Popescu法得到罐底泥的热解过程符合Jander方程,活化能E为101.43 kJ/mol,与FWO法得到的91.20 kJ/mol相近,且预测曲线与实验曲线有较好的相关性(0.9816),说明Popescu法计算罐底泥热解动力学参数更合适。  相似文献   

Usage of plastics has been ever increasing and now poses a tremendous threat to the environment. Millions of tons of plastics are produced annually worldwide, and the waste products have become a common feature at overflowing bins and landfills. The process of converting waste plastic into value-added fuels finds a feasible solution for recycling of plastics. Thus, two universal problems such as problems of waste plastic management and problems of fuel shortage are being tackled simultaneously. Converting waste plastics into fuel holds great promise for both the environmental and economic scenarios. In order to carry out the study on plastic wastes, the pyrolysis process was used. Pyrolysis runs without oxygen and in high temperature of about 250–300 °C. The fuel obtained from plastics is blended with B20 algae oil, which is a biodiesel obtained from microalgae. For conducting the various experiments, a 10-HP single-cylinder four-stroke direct-injection water-cooled diesel engine is employed. The engine is made to run at 1500 rpm and the load is varied gradually from 0 to 100 %. The performance, emission and combustion characteristics are observed. The BTE was observed to be higher with respect to diesel for plastic-biodiesel blend and biodiesel blend by 15.7 and 12.9 %, respectively, at full load. For plastic-biodiesel blend, the emission of UBHC and CO decreases with a slight increase in NO x as compared to diesel. It reveals that fuel properties are comparable with petroleum products. Also, the process of converting plastic waste to fuel has now turned the problems into an opportunity to make wealth from waste.  相似文献   

将城郊乡村生活垃圾加工成粒径6.0 mm左右的垃圾衍生燃料(RDF),采用热重(TG)分析和红外光谱等研究其热解特性.结果表明:(1)在RDF挥发分阶段和生物质挥发分阶段,助燃添加剂处于活泼分解阶段,加入了30%(质量分数)秸秆、玉米芯等生物质作助燃添加剂后的RDF(以下简写为混合RDF)分子碎片正发生内部氢重排,总体挥发分产物较多,并且有明显的二次裂解,失重提高到4.85 mg,失重率约提高12%.在RDF与生物质重叠的碳固定阶段,助燃添加剂失重率有一定提高,热重微分(DTG)峰值速率增加,为RDF碳固定阶段的进一步热解提供了良好的支持.(2)快加热产气速率均大于慢加热.(3)热解终温越高,越有利气体析出.(4)RDF的热解固体产率随着热解终温的升高而降低,在850℃时为31.9%;热解气体产率随着热解终温升高而迅速升高,在850℃时可达49.8%.(5)根据红外光谱图,城郊乡村生活垃圾加工成的RDF中所含的氯元素基本上以HCl形式释放.(6)一级动力学反应可以准确地描述物料热解过程.  相似文献   


Pyrolytic product distribution rates and pyrolysis behavior of tire-derived fuels (TDF) were investigated using thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) techniques. A TGA was designed and built to investigate the behavior and products of pyrolysis of typical TDF specimens. The fundamental knowledge of TGA analysis and principal fuel analysis are applied in this study. Thermogravimetry of the degradation temperature of the TDF confirms the overall decomposition rate of the volatile products during the depolymerization reaction. The principal fuel analysis (proximate and ultimate analysis) of the pyrolytic char products show the correlation of volatilization into the gas and liquid phases and the existence of fixed carbon and other compounds that remain as a solid char. The kinetic parameters were calculated using least square with minimizing sum of error square technique. The results show that the average kinetic parameters of TDF are the activation energy, E = 1322 ± 244 kJ/mol, a pre-exponential constant of A = 2.06 ± 3.47 × 1010 min?1, and a reaction order n = 1.62 ± 0.31. The model-predicted rate equations agree with the experimental data. The overall TDF weight conversion represents the carbon weight conversion in the sample.  相似文献   


The objective of this study is to develop an innovative compositive impregnation process for preparing sulfurized powdered activated carbon (PAC) from waste tires. An experimental apparatus, including a pyrolysis and activation system and a sulfur (S) impregnation system, was designed and applied to produce sulfurized PAC with a high specific surface area. Experimental tests involved the pyrolysis, activation, and sulfurization of waste tires. Waste-tire-derived PAC (WPAC) was initially produced in the pyrolysis and activation system. Experimental results indicated that the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area of WPAC increased, and the average pore radius of WPAC decreased, as water feed rate and activation time increased. In this study, a conventional direct impregnation process was used to prepare the sulfurized PAC by impregnating WPAC with sodium sulfide (Na2S) solution. Furthermore, an innovative compositive impregnation process was developed and then compared with the conventional direct impregnation process. Experimental results showed that the compositive impregnation process produced the sulfurized WPAC with high BET surface area and a high S content. A maximum BET surface area of 886 m2/g and the S content of 2.61% by mass were obtained at 900°C and at the S feed ratio of 2160 mg Na2S/g C. However, the direct impregnation process led to a BET surface area of sulfurized WPAC that decreased significantly as the S content increased.  相似文献   


Raw poultry litter has certain drawbacks for energy production such as high ash and moisture content, a corrosive nature, and low heating values. A combined solution to utilization of raw poultry litter may involve fractionation and pyrolysis. Fractionation divides poultry litter into a fine, nutrient-rich fraction and a coarse, carbon-dense fraction. Pyrolysis of the coarse fraction would remove the corrosive volatiles as bio-oil, leaving clean char. This paper presents the effect of fractionation and pyrolysis process parameters on the calorific value of char and on the characterization of bio-oil. Poultry litter samples collected from three commercial poultry farms were divided into 10 treatments that included 2 controls (raw poultry litter and its coarse fraction having particle size greater than 0.85 mm) and 8 other treatments that were combinations of three factors: type (raw poultry litter or its coarse fraction), heating rate (30 or 10 °C/min), and pyrolysis temperature (300 or 500 °C). After the screening process, the poultry litter samples were dried and pyrolyzed in a batch reactor under nitrogen atmosphere and char and condensate yields were recorded. The condensate was separated into three fractions on the basis of their density: heavy, medium, and light phase. Calorific value and proximate and nutrient analysis were performed for char, condensate, and feedstock. Results show that the char with the highest calorific value (17.39 ± 1.37 MJ/kg) was made from the coarse fraction at 300 °C, which captured 68.71 ± 9.37% of the feedstock energy. The char produced at 300 °C had 42 ± 11 mg/kg arsenic content but no mercury. Almost all of the Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, and P remained in the char. The pyrolysis process reduced ammoniacal-nitrogen (NH4-N) in char by 99.14 ± 0.47% and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) by 95.79 ± 5.45% at 500 °C.  相似文献   

The formation characteristics of aerosol particles from pulverized coal pyrolysis in high temperatures are studied experimentally. By conducting a drop-tube furnace, fuel pyrolysis processes in industrial furnaces are simulated in which three different reaction temperatures of 1000, 1200, and 1400 degrees C are considered. Experimental observations indicate that when the reaction temperature is 1000 degrees C, submicron particles are produced, whereas the particle size is dominated by nanoscale for the temperature of 1400 degrees C. Thermogravimetric analysis of the aerosol particles stemming from the pyrolysis temperature of 1000 degrees C reveals that the thermal behavior of the aerosol is characterized by a three-stage reaction with increasing heating temperature: (1) a volatile-reaction stage, (2) a weak-reaction stage, and (3) a soot-reaction stage. However, with the pyrolysis temperature of 1400 degrees C, the volatile- and weak-reaction stages almost merge together and evolve into a chemical-frozen stage. The submicron particles (i.e., 1000 degrees C) are mainly composed of volatiles, tar, and soot, with the main component of the nanoscale particles (i.e., 1400 degrees C) being soot. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contained in the aerosols are also analyzed. It is found that the PAH content in generated aerosols decreases dramatically as the pyrolysis temperature increases.  相似文献   

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