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脉冲放电等离子体反应器作为低温等离子体技术处理气态污染物的关键部分,其电极配置很大程度上决定了放电等离子体的形成和放电能量的利用效率,研究反应器在不同电极配置下的放电特性可为改善脉冲能量注入形式和提高放电稳定性提供参考。实验研究了多针-板脉冲等离子体反应器的针板间距和针针间距对伏安特性和单脉冲注入能量的影响。结果表明,针板间距相同时,多针电极结构与单针相比,起晕电压较低、火花击穿电压较高,放电稳定性较好;相同条件下,放电电流随针板间距的增大而减小,而随针针间距的增大总体上呈上升趋势,当针针间距增大到20 mm时,相邻针尖的相互作用已很小,继续增大针针间距,放电电流出现下降趋势;针板间距对火花击穿电压的影响较大,针针间距对其影响较小。当针板间距为20 mm,针针间距为20 mm时,电晕放电具有最大单脉冲注入能量。  相似文献   

实验将介质阻挡放电与电晕放电组合在同一个反应器内,实验废水为直接大红染料溶液,将高压电极上通人50 Hz交流高压电,介质阻挡放电系统的电极间距为30 mm、电晕放电系统电极间距为25 mm、电源电压20 kV,利用常压空气中形成的雾化水电极介质阻挡放电/电晕放电低温等离子体及其活性基团作用于难降解有机物分子.实验分析了...  相似文献   

高压脉冲电晕法治理有机废气实验研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
介绍了采用高压脉冲电晕法去除乙醇,甲醛,二氧甲灶模拟废气的情况。实验在线一板式电晕反应器内进行,考察了电压峰值,气体浓度,停留时间和含湿量等不同因素对去除率的影响。实验结果表明能达到较好的去除效果。  相似文献   

选取芘作为多环芳烃的代表污染物,利用介质阻挡及脉冲电晕2种放电方式产生的低温等离子体对芘污染的土壤进行修复。通过污染物处理率、影响因素和能量利用效率等实验计算结果对2种放电方式下土壤的修复效果进行比较,并从放电方式的原理、特点和反应器结构等角度进行分析。结果表明:在芘初始浓度为100 mg·kg~(-1)、电极间隙为14 mm时,介质阻挡放电对土壤中芘的处理率较高,可达60.6%,经GC-MS图谱检测分析,其多数产物分子量小、结构简单,但该放电方式受电气参数影响较大,当电极间隙增大到20 mm时,处理率则低至28.3%,其最高能量效率仅为0.321 mg·k J~(-1);而脉冲电晕放电在不同条件下处理效果稳定,电极间隙为14~20 mm时,处理率均能达50%左右,且在不同实验条件下,其能量效率为2.29~3.76 mg·k J~(-1),是介质阻挡放电的10余倍。脉冲电晕放电方式在处理比污染土壤时要优于介质阻挡放电。  相似文献   

电液压脉冲放电与铁屑内电解法联用处理TNT废水试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TNT结构稳定,废水又具有生物毒性,难以生物降解,采用电液压脉冲放电与铁屑内电解法联用能有效处理TNT废水。研究了铁屑投加量、pH值和铁屑重复使用对TNT降解的影响。试验条件为:放电电压36 kV,废水体积7 L,TNT初始浓度90 mg/L,电极间距8 mm。结果表明,在投加铁屑700 g和pH值为6.5时,TNT降解率分别达到97.7%,铁屑重复使用6次不影响TNT降解效果;放电后静置一段时间,TNT仍然继续降解;在125 L的反应器中处理115 L废水,TNT初始浓度50 mg/L,TNT最大降解率达94.2%,TNT浓度降至2.9 mg/L。  相似文献   

收尘区脉冲供电对电除尘器收集性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了双区电除尘器实验模型,研究了预荷电压、不同供电方式下极板间距、电极型式对双区电除尘器收尘效果的影响.结果表明:随着预荷电压逐渐升高,除尘效率也随之增加,双区除尘效果明显优于单区的除尘效果.脉冲供电对电除尘器的除尘性能影响明显,与直流供电相比,脉冲供电对PM25的分级效率可提高16.9%;在较高的电压时,极板间距为...  相似文献   

膜生物反应器(MBR)已在污水处理领域得到广泛的应用,然而氮、磷难以达到排放要求。为了强化污染物去除效果,可将MBR与其他新型污水处理技术耦合,进一步降低出水污染物浓度。使用折流板将反应器分隔为厌氧池和好氧池,以石墨毡为阳极材料,以自制铜纳米线(Cu-NWs)导电微滤膜为阴极材料,构建自生电场膜生物反应器(SEF-MBR),用来处理模拟废水,研究了不同电极间距下自生电场强度的变化及污染物去除效果对自生电场强度变化的响应规律。结果表明:当电极间距从4 cm减小到2 cm时,自生电场强度提高了41.7%,出水化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, COD)、总氮(total nitrogen, TN)和总磷(total phosphorus, TP)的浓度分别降低了31.3%、24.2%和37.5%;电极间距对SEF-MRBs污泥的活性影响不大,但均高于对对照-MBR的影响;随电极间距减小,好氧池H2O2浓度提高了80.9%,从而促进了COD和N H4+-N的降解,提高了微生物对正磷的吸收,从而降低了TP的含量。三维激发发射矩阵(EEM)结果显示,污水中类色氨酸的特征峰荧光强度降低了5.3%。而膜过滤作用去除有机物的贡献随自生电场强度的提高而降低。自生电场作用与膜过滤互补协同,可为优化出水水质提供双重保障。该技术可降低MBR运行成本,丰富MBR技术的理论成果,为城镇生活污水的回用提供参考。  相似文献   

石墨电极-低压脉冲电解含油废水影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用石墨电极-低压脉冲电解方法,对含油废水去油影响因素进行了单因子实验研究。结果表明:该方法对浓度为95 mg/L的含油废水中油的去除率超过75%。油去除率随电解时间、电压增加而增大,达到一定值后受油分子扩散浓度影响而增加缓慢;适宜占空比、脉冲频率即可发挥脉冲作用,消除钝化效果,又可增强电解效果;体系pH值对电解影响较大,酸性和中性电解效果好于碱性条件;适当调整电极直径、电极间距可改善电解效果。  相似文献   

研制了一种新型线-板式介质阻挡放电反应器。通过分析V-Q Lissajous图,得出了反应器放电过程的特征,以乙烯的降解率为指标,优化了反应器的结构,并考察了工艺参数(相对湿度、乙烯初始浓度和停留时间)变化对反应器性能的影响。实验结果表明,反应器放电时,输入功率的增加不会使放电电压增大,增加的是放电电流;优化后的反应器以2.5mm厚的陶瓷板做阻挡介质,以间距为0.5 mm的钼丝做电晕极,放电间距3 mm;乙烯的降解效率受湿度的影响小于10%,随初始浓度的增加或停留时间的减小而降低;最佳的工艺参数为湿度24%(298 K)、初始浓度17 mg·m~(-3)、停留时间1 s。与传统的平行板式反应器相比,该反应器起晕电压较低、能量效率较高,适于降解低浓度的乙烯气体。  相似文献   

电除尘技术新方向—脉冲荷电除尘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言为了有效地除去0.1μm以下的微小尘粒,开发一种低能耗、高除尘效率、新型的除尘技术已引起人们的普遍关注。八十年代,电除尘技术发展较快,主要有脉冲荷电,电极间距加大,微机过程控制等。尤其是脉冲荷电除尘,由于它能防止通常电除尘中反电晕现象,能耗低、除尘率高、可控制,对SO_2和NO_x等亦能有效地消除,因此特别引人注目。本文对这技术作一简略介绍。  相似文献   

Ruan JJ  Li W  Shi Y  Nie Y  Wang X  Tan TE 《Chemosphere》2005,59(3):327-333
Decomposition of simulated odors in municipal wastewater treatment plants was investigated experimentally by a wire-plate pulse corona reactor. A new type of high pulse voltage source with a thyratron switch and a Blumlein pulse forming network (BPFN) was adopted in our experiments, and the testing malodorants were ammonia, ethanethiol and tri-methyl amine, respectively. The maximum output power of the pulse voltage source and the maximum peak voltage were 1 kW and 100 kV. The experiments were conducted at the gas-flow rate of 4.0-23.0 m3 h(-1). Important parameters, including peak voltage, pulse frequency, capacitance (inductance) of the BPFN, gas-flow rate, initial concentration, which influenced on the removal efficiency, were investigated. The results show that the odors can be treated effectively. Almost 100% removal efficiency was obtained for 32 mg m(-3) ammonia at the gas-flow rate of 4.0 m(3) h(-1). The maximum removal efficiencies of 85 mg m(-3) ethanethiol and 750 mg m(-3) tri-methyl amine at 10.0 m(3) h(-1) were 98% and 91%, respectively. The energy yield of 110 mg m(-3) ammonia was 2.99 g kWh(-1) when specific energy density was 106 Jl(-1). In the cases of ammonia, ethanethiol and tri-methyl amine removal, ozone and nitrogen oxides were observed in the exit gas. The carbon and sulfur elements of ethanethiol and tri-methyl amine were mainly converted to carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Moreover, the ammonium nitrates and sulfur were discovered in the reactor.  相似文献   

采用单极性三维电极法去除配制水中的氟离子,探讨了填充材料、极板间距和电压对除氟效果的影响。结果表明,填充颗粒比表面积越大、极板间距越小、电压越高,越有利于氟离子的去除。当采用活性炭颗粒作为填充材料、极板间距为10 mm、电压为5 V时,氟离子浓度可由4 mg/L降至0.8 mg/L,达到我国饮用水氟含量标准。  相似文献   

本文概述了脉冲电晕脱硫脱硝研究所得的重要成果,着重总结了国内外有关电晕特性、反应机理、电源与反应器系统研究所得的重要结论。最后对该技术的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

利用Fluent软件对静电除尘器烟道进口处流场进行了数值模拟,在此基础上提出一种新型的能有效均风的电晕线布置方法.结果表明,两相邻(垂直叠放)烟道进口处的电晕线平行放置时,在强电场力作用下产生的高速离子风会阻碍气流的均匀分布;两相邻烟道进口处的电晕线交叉放置时,可以起到明显的均风效果,更有利于除尘器内气流的均匀分布和提高除尘效率.该方法为静电除尘器的改造和设计提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   


This paper presents a technique for the complete, simultaneous decomposition of CO2, SO2, and NOx, as well as the simultaneous removal of fly ash by ultra-high voltage pulse activation. Ultra-high voltage narrow pulse is used to make the gases in the reactor become active molecules, which are then dissociated into nonpoisonous gas molecules and solid particles under the control of a directional reaction model. By using a sufficient charge and a strong electric field, the fly ash can be removed. It becomes the carrier of C and S, and its efficiency is 99.5%. Owing to the action of catalyst B (using Ni as the mother's body), the activation energy of CO2, SO2, and NOx gases is reduced in great magnitude, and their removal efficiency can reach 75~90% at normal pressure and 180 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of residence time distribution (RTD) on biotrickling filter systems and the comparison of the maximum elimination capacity (EC) and poisoning limits as functions of loadings of two packing media, Celite Biocatalyst Carrier R-635 and a subituminous coal, were studied. To alter the RTD patterns in the two reactor columns, two baffle designs were chosen. The RTD tests were done under dry conditions, over a range of airflow rates, with zero baffle, one baffle, and two baffles added into each column. Mixed culture from compost was used to acclimate the bed for the methanol removal efficiency study. No nutrients were added in the coal column. To study the poisoning limit, the inlet methanol concentration was randomly increased until a severe drop in removal efficiency occurred. From the RTD tests and the removal efficiency runs, which did not result in 100% conversion, number of tank-in-series (N) values, maximum EC values, and rate constants of each column with different baffle configurations could be obtained. Results from duplicate runs showed that addition of baffles decreased the N values of the columns and increased the back mixing in both systems. Maximum EC values, critical loadings, and poisoning limits also increased with increasing back mixing. Coal was superior to Celite Biocatalyst Carrier R-635 because it gave good conversions without additional nutrients. In all runs, the rate of methanol removal was controlled by a zero order process.  相似文献   

低温等离子体法处理甲醛气体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道用低温等离子体的方法去除甲醛气体,主要考察了电场强度、进口浓度及填料对于甲醛气体去除效率的影响。实验研究结果表明,随着电场强度的增加,进口浓度的降低和在反应器中加有填料都会提高甲醛气体的去除效率。低温等离子体方法去除甲醛气体的机理可分为2部分:电子与污染物分子的直接碰撞和电场产生的活性粒子与污染物分子之间发生的一系列化学反应。  相似文献   

Electrostatic precipitation is considered as an effective technology for fine particle removal. A lab-scale wet electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with wire-to-plate configuration was developed to study particle migration and collection. The performance of the wet ESP was evaluated in terms of the corona discharge characteristics, total removal efficiency and fractional removal efficiency. The corona discharge characteristics and particle removal abilities of the wet ESP were investigated and compared with dry ESP. Particle removal efficiency was influenced by discharge electrode type, SO2 concentration, specific collection area (SCA) and particle/droplet interaction. Results showed that the particle removal efficiency of wet ESP was elevated to 97.86% from 93.75% of dry ESP. Three types of discharge electrodes were investigated. Higher particle removal efficiency and larger migration velocity could be obtained with fishbone electrode. Particle removal efficiency decreased by 2.87% when SO2 concentration increased from 0 ppm to 43 ppm as a result of the suppression of corona discharge and particle charging. The removal efficiency increased with higher SCA, but it changed by only 0.71% with the SCA increasing from 25.0 m2/(m3/s) to 32.5 m2/(m3/s). Meanwhile, the increasing of particle and droplet concentration was favorable to the particle aggregation and improved particle removal efficiency.

Implications: This work tends to study the particle migration and collection under spraying condition. The performance of a wet electrostatic precipitator (ESP) is evaluated in terms of the corona discharge characteristics, total particle removal efficiency, and fractional particle removal efficiency. The effects of water droplets on particle removal, especially on removal of particles with different sizes, is investigated. The optimization work was done to determine appropriate water consumption, discharge electrode type, and specific collection area, which can provide a basis for wet ESP design and application.  相似文献   

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