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不同有机物料对东南景天修复重金属污染土壤效率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过盆栽试验,研究清洁有机物料(沼渣、菌渣、笋壳)对镉、锌超积累植物东南景天修复重金属污染程度不同的土壤(分别采自温州和富阳,称温州土和富阳土)的影响.结果表明,有机物料对土壤重金属有效性的影响因有机物料种类和添加量而异,不同重金属元素的反应也不同.在温州土中,以5%沼渣对Cu、Zn的活化效果最好;而在富阳土中则以1%笋壳对Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的活化效果最好.有机物料的添加促进了东南景天的生长,其生物量随着有机物料添加量的提高而增加,增幅达23.7%~93.0%.在温州土中,仅以1%笋壳的处理对东南景天地上部吸收积累Cd的效果最佳,超过对照的22.6%,而其余各处理皆不及对照;对于Zn,菌渣处理不及对照,而其它处理均优于对照,以5%沼渣、1%笋壳和5%笋壳为佳,分别超过对照的39.6%、32.6%和23.8%.而在富阳土中,对于Cd而言,以5%笋壳、1%沼渣和5%沼渣的处理效果为佳,地上部Cd积累量超过对照的12.9%、12.8%和6.2%,而其余处理皆不及对照;对于Zn,添加有机物料的各处理都促进了东南景天地上部Zn的积累,最佳处理分别为:5%笋壳、5%沼渣和5%菌渣,分别超过对照的38.4%、25.7%和22.4%.  相似文献   

外源8''-炔基脱落酸强化东南景天吸收重金属的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚定芳  赵萍萍  胡忆  孙杰 《环境科学学报》2020,40(12):4540-4547
为探究脱落酸类似物8''-炔基脱落酸[8''-(C2H)ABA]强化东南景天富集重金属的效应,通过水培的方法研究了外源8''-(C2H)ABA分别对Cd(20 mg·L-1)、Zn(160 mg·L-1)单一胁迫下东南景天Cd/Zn积累和生理特性的影响,以及初步探讨了8''-(C2H)ABA在植物重金属胁迫响应中的作用.实验结果表明:与天然ABA相比,外源8''-(C2H)ABA能达到与ABA类似的作用效果,且对Cd胁迫下东南景天促进效果好于Zn;在Cd胁迫下,与对照相比,外源8''-(C2H)ABA能显著增加东南景天根、叶中的Cd含量(44.2%、27.5%),以及光合色素(10.7%)和叶中过氧化物酶(SOD)活性(52.9%)、超氧化物歧化酶(POD)(24.7%)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性(27.9%)抗氧化酶活性,使可溶性糖(SS)(13%)和游离脯氨酸(Pro)(37.4%)含量增加,而叶中丙二醛(MDA)(40%)含量明显降低.上述结果表明,一定浓度的8''-(C2H)ABA可以提高东南景天抗氧化酶活性来增强其对重金属Cd的抗性及吸收和转运能力,在强化东南景天修复重金属污染方面具有应用潜力.  相似文献   

卫泽斌  陈晓红  吴启堂  谭蒙 《环境科学》2015,36(5):1864-1869
化学强化的植物提取技术可以有效地去除污染土壤的重金属.用盆栽试验的方法,研究了可生物降解螯合剂谷氨酸N,N-二乙酸(GLDA)不同用量或者与乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)、柠檬酸复配使用对超富集植物东南景天吸收土壤重金属Cd、Zn和Pb的影响.结果表明,施用GLDA提高了东南景天对土壤Cd和Zn的提取效率,GLDA用量为2.5 mmol·kg-1时东南景天对Cd和Zn的提取量最高,分别是对照的2.5倍和2.6倍.螯合剂的总用量为5 mmol·kg-1时,EDTA、柠檬酸分别与GLDA复配,未能进一步促进东南景天对土壤Cd和Zn的提取.上述结果表明,可生物降解螯合剂GLDA在诱导植物修复重金属污染土壤特别是Cd和Zn污染土壤具有明显潜力.  相似文献   

磷对超积累植物--东南景天生长和积累锌的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
通过溶液培养试验,探讨了东南景天植株体内磷锌相互关系.结果表明,在一定范围内供磷(0.5-2.0mmol·L-1)能明显促进东南景天的生长,显著提高叶片、茎和根的生物量适当的增磷(0.5-1.0mmol·L-1)极显著提高东南景天叶片、茎的锌含量和地上部的锌积累量;高磷(2.0mmol·L-1)则降低地上部的锌含量和积累量.无论在何种磷锌水平处理下S(地上部的锌积累量)/R(根系的锌积累量)比值始终大于1,表明在东南景天植株体内可能存在明显的"增磷诱导锌需求(Phosphorusinduced zinc requirement)"现象.从植物修复角度来说,利用增磷手段提高超积累植物东南景天的生物量和地上部锌的积累能力具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

超积累植物伴矿景天在Cd和Zn污染土壤修复方面展现出广泛应用前景,但收获物压榨脱水后产生的含重金属汁液处理是目前亟待解决的问题。选用酸性和中性土壤,通过盆栽试验将不同剂量的伴矿景天汁液还田并种植伴矿景天,监测土壤中pH、可溶性有机碳(DOC)浓度和CaCl2提取态Cd与Zn(CaCl2-Cd/Zn)浓度动态变化及植物生长和重金属再吸收情况。结果表明:添加汁液后7和30 d,酸性土壤pH升高而中性土壤pH降低,2种土壤中DOC浓度均显著升高;生长中后期土壤pH、DOC浓度与不添加汁液的对照接近;汁液处理的酸性土壤中CaCl2-Cd/Zn浓度随着生长时间延长逐步升高,在第105天达最高,而中性土壤中浓度呈现逐步降低趋势;汁液处理使伴矿景天生长受到抑制,生物量降低,但其地上部Cd浓度升高;酸性土壤用100 mL/kg汁液处理,伴矿景天地上部Cd和Zn吸收量大于汁液带入量,修复后土壤Cd和Zn浓度低于原土的本底值。因此,酸性土壤适当剂量汁液还田并种植伴矿景天,可将汁液带入的Cd和Zn再次吸收去除,达到汁液处理和净化土壤的双重目的。  相似文献   

为探索螯合剂和东南景天联合修复重金属锌污染土壤的效率,通过盆栽试验的定量分析,研究了3种螯合剂(EDTANa2、有机酸柠檬酸、有机肥)对东南景天吸收土壤中锌的影响程度。结果表明,3种螯合剂均能促进东南景天的生长,其促进效果为EDTA-Na2>柠檬酸>有机肥;3种螯合剂中,EDTA-Na2对东南景天地上部吸收锌的促进效果最好,提高幅度为29.0%;其次是柠檬酸,提高幅度为19.1%;最后是有机肥,提高幅度为6.3%。EDTA-Na2、有机酸柠檬酸、有机肥添加后,污染土壤中重金属锌含量的削减率依次为11.7%、10.5%、9.1%。  相似文献   

东南景天是一种镉和锌的超积累植物,改变土壤p H能否有效提高其吸收镉的效率,需要进一步验证。采用盆栽实验研究不同土壤p H下东南景天吸收和积累Cd的差异以及对Ca Cl2提取有效态镉的影响。结果表明,降低土壤p H值显著提高了土壤镉的有效态含量。弱酸性土壤即p H接近5.5时东南景天生物量及累积镉的量最大,土壤镉去除率也最高,达6.6%。强酸性即当p H接近4时,虽然植物地上与地下镉含量均最高,但生物量最小,植物去除率较其他处理低。研究证实降低土壤p H是提高植物提取效率的有效办法,这为进一步利用东南景天修复镉污染土壤,提高修复效率提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

一株镉超积累植物东南景天特异内生细菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以我国原生的镉超积累植物东南景天为材料,从其根部筛选到4株对镉具有耐性的内生菌株,它们均可产生生长素(IAA)、铁载体等促生物质.砂培试验发现,接种上述菌株能促进油菜植株的生长,提高植物对镉的积累量,其中,以菌株SaN1的作用效果最显著,可使油菜苗期地上部的生物量和镉积累量分别提高18.6%和45%.生理生化鉴定与16S rDNA分析证明,SaN1为巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterum);该菌株接种到LB液体培养基后,12 h进入对数生长期,42 h达到稳定生长期,54 h进入衰亡期;其最佳培养温度为30℃,最适pH为中性.  相似文献   

三种经济植物对重金属吸收积累的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着冶金工业的发展,我国大气中重金属污染日趋严重。防治方法,除必须采取的工业治理措施外,还应充分发挥绿色植物的自净作用。 绿色经济植物对大气中重金属的吸收和积累及在植物体内的分配规律,这方面研究目前在国内还不多见。我们选材经济植物的目的是为重金属污染地区寻找一条切实可行的生物防治途径,从而防止重金属污染的粮食、蔬菜、水果等通过食物链进入人体。  相似文献   

介绍了应用美国EPA环境监测方法测定土壤中12种金属元素。并与我国土壤标准分析方法进行了比较。结果表明美国EPA法测定值比我国现行的标准分析方法测定值偏低。  相似文献   

在田间条件下,验证通过盆栽试验初步筛选出的几种改良剂在玉米和东南景天间套种修复重金属污染土壤的大田实际应用效果.研究结果表明,施用改良剂蘑菇渣肥、云母和沸石能有效降低玉米籽粒和茎叶中的Cd和Pb,玉米籽粒Cd和Pb含量均达到食用标准.蘑菇渣肥显著增加了东南景天对Cd的提取量,腐植酸显著促进了东南景天对Pb的吸收,因此,蘑菇渣和腐植酸可以应用于玉米和东南景天套种系统.施用云母和沸石可以显著提高土壤pH值,降低土壤可交换态Cd/Pb含量,从而降低二种植物对Cd/Pb的吸收;然而,施用蘑菇渣肥和腐植酸却增加土壤可交换/吸附态Cd/Pb含量.植物根系吸收Cd的稳定常数显示该有机吸附态Cd难于被玉米根系吸收.  相似文献   

Previous soil pot and field experiments demonstrated that co-cropping the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii with maize increased Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii and decreased Zn uptake by maize shoots. This hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate whether the facilitation of Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii resulted from improved dissolution in this co-cropping system and its relation to root exudates. S. alfredii and maize were mono-and co-cropped (without a root barrier) in nutrient solution spiked with four Zn compounds, ZnS, ZnO, Zn3(PO4)2 and 5ZnO·2CO3·4H2O (represented as ZnCO3 ) at 1000 mg/L Zn for 15 days without renewal of nutrient solution after pre-culture. The root exudates were collected under incomplete sterilization and analyzed. The results indicated that the difference in Zn salts had a greater influence on the Zn concentration in maize than for S. alfredii, varying from 210-2603 mg/kg for maize shoots and 6445-12476 mg/kg for S. alfredii in the same order: ZnCO3 > ZnO >Zn3(PO4)2 > ZnS. For the four kinds of Zn sources in this experiment, co-cropping with maize did not improve Zn phytoextraction by S. alfredii. In most cases, compared to co-cropped and mono-cropped maize, mono-cropped S. alfredii resulted in the highest Zn2+ concentration in the remaining nutrient solution, and also had a higher total concentration of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOA) and lower pH of root exudation. Root exudates did partly influence Zn hyperaccumulation in S. alfredii.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a cost-effective and environment-friendly strategy for decontaminating heavy-metal-contaminated soil. However, the practical use of phytoremediation is constrained by the low biomass of plants and low bioavailability of heavy metals in soil. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of the metal chelator ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and EDTA in combination with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Burkholderia sp. D54 or Burkholderia sp. D416) on the growth and metal uptake of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii Hance. According to the results, EDTA application decreased shoot and root biomass by 50% and 43%, respectively. The soil respiration and Cd, Pb, Zn uptake were depressed, while the photosynthetic rate, glutathione and phytochelatin (PC) contents were increased by EDTA application. Interestingly, Burkholderia sp. D54 and Burkholderia sp. D416 inoculation significantly relieved the inhibitory effects of EDTA on plant growth and soil respiration. Compared with the control, EDTA + D416 treatment increased the Cd concentration in shoots and decreased the Pb concentration in shoots and roots, but did not change the Zn concentration in S. alfredii plants. Furthermore, EDTA, EDTA + D54 and EDTA + D416 application increased the cysteine and PC contents in S. alfredii (p < 0.05); among all tested PCs, the most abundant species was PC2, and compared with the control, the PC2 content was increased by 371.0%, 1158.6% and 815.6%, respectively. These results will provide some insights into the practical use of EDTA and PGPR in the phytoremediation of heavy-metal-contaminated soil by S. alfredii.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance, a newly discovered hyperaccumulator, could serve as a good material for phytoremediation Cd polluted sites. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidases (catalase (CAT); superoxide dismutase (SOD); peroxidase (POD)) in the leaf were determined when S. alfredii was treated for 15 d with various CdCl2 concentrations ranging from 0 to 800 μmol/L. The results showed that the production rate of 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein (DCF), which is an indicator of ROS level, reached up to the maximum at 400 μmol/L CdCl2 and then declined with the increase of CdCl2 concentration, while MDA accumulation tended to increase. CAT activity was significantly inhibited at all tested CdCl2 concentrations and SOD activity was sharply suppressed at 800 μmol/L CdCl2. However, the enhancement of POD activity was observed when CdCl2 concentration was higher than 400 μmol/L. In addition, its activity increased when treated with 600 μmol/L CdCl2 for more than 5 d. When sodium benzoate, a free radical scavenger, was added, S. alfredii was a little more sensitive to Cd toxicity than that exposed to Cd alone, and the Cd accumulation tended to decline with the increase of sodium benzoate concentration. It came to the conclusions that POD played an important role during Cd hyperaccumulation, and the accumulation of ROS induced by Cd treatment might be involved in Cd hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

Heavy metals in variable charge soil are highly bioavailable and easy to transfer into plants. Since it is impossible to completely eliminate rice planting on contaminated soils, some remediation and mitigation techniques are necessary to reduce metal bioavailability and uptake by rice. This pot experiment investigated the e ects of seven amendments on the growth of rice and uptake of heavy metals from a paddy soil that was contaminated by copper and cadmium. The best results were from the application of limestone that increased grain yield by 12.5–16.5 fold, and decreased Cu and Cd concentrations in grain by 23.0%–50.4%. Application of calcium magnesium phosphate, calcium silicate, pig manure, and peat also increased the grain yield by 0.3–15.3 fold, and e ectively decreased the Cu and Cd concentrations in grain. Cd concentration in grain was slightly reduced in the treatments of Chinese milk vetch and zinc sulfate. Concentrations of Cu and Cd in grain and straw were dependent on the available Cu and Cd in the soils, and soil available Cu and Cd were significantly a ected by the soil pH.  相似文献   

Chelant-enhanced phytoextraction is one of the most promising technologies to remove heavy metals from soil. The key of the technology is to choose suitable additives in combination with a suitable plant. In the present study, laboratory batch experiment of metal solubilization, cress seeds germination were undertaken to investigate the metal-mobilizing capability and the phytotoxicity of organic additives, including ethylene diamine triacetic acid (EDTA), citric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid, glutamine and monosodium glutamate waste liquid (MGWL) from food industry. Experiments in pots were carried out to study the effects of the additives on Zn and Cd phytoextraction. Furthermore, a leaching experiment with lysimeter was performed to evaluate the environmental risks of additive-induced leaching to underground water. The results showed that EDTA had a strong mobilizing ability for Zn and Cd, followed by mixed reagent (MR) and MGWL. MGWL and acetic acid at 5 mmol equivalent per liter resulted in seed germination index less than 2%. Experiments in pots verified the phytotoxicity of acetic acid and MGWL. Addition of the mixed reagent at 6--10 mmol/kg significantly increased Zn phytoextraction by Thlaspi caerulescens. The same for EDTA and the mixed reagent at 10 mmol/kg by Sedum dfredii. But only mixed reagents could significantly increase Cd phytoextraction by the studied hyperaccumulators. This suggested that the strong chelant was not always the good agent to enhance phytoextraction. S. alfredii combined with 2--10 mmol/kg soil MR was preferred for phytoremediation of Cd/Zn contaminated soils in southern China, this could result in high phytoextraction of Cd/Zn and reduce the leaching risk to underground water than EDTA assisted phytoextration.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验来评价7个柳树无性系(旱柳?杞柳和金丝柳)修复Cu/Zn污染土壤或矿砂的潜力.研究了7个无性系在2种污染介质中的生长,叶绿素含量?根系形态及其对Cu、Zn的吸收转移.结果表明,150d后,7个柳树无性系在污染介质中都能生长,其中旱柳和金丝柳生长较好,其他无性系生长受到明显抑制.各无性系叶片出现黄化现象,叶绿素相对含量降低.根系发育受到一定程度的抑制.各无性系对Cu的积累主要在地下部,而对Zn的积累主要在地上部,特别是在叶片中.7个无性系在铜土中更容易积累重金属.各无性系生物富集系数(BCF)Cu.Cu的转移系数(TF)值均<1,Zn的TF值在1.36~2.49之间.旱10?旱34和金丝柳对Cu和Zn有较强的耐性和一定积累能力,适合在尾矿区造林和修复.  相似文献   

Introduction In 2003, 48 per cent of the world's population is estimated to live in urban areas with the proportion that is urban projected to rise to 61 per cent by 2030 (United Nations, 2004). Moreover, during 2000— 2030 the world's urban population is…  相似文献   

洗涤剂组合两步洗涤修复重金属污染土壤研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
尹雪  陈家军  吕策 《中国环境科学》2014,34(5):1222-1228
本文以某化工厂受As、Cd、Cu和Pb污染场地土壤为研究对象,将EDTA分别与柠檬酸、鼠李糖脂和草酸组合进行2轮搅拌洗涤修复,考察实验室条件下不同洗涤剂组合对重金属提取能力差异和形态分布的影响,研究多金属污染土壤的最佳洗涤方式.结果表明,与单轮洗涤相比,两轮洗涤处理明显提高了As、Cd、Cu和Pb的去除率,增幅范围在8.45%~36.81%.经过EDTA+草酸组合的洗涤,As和Cu的去除率分别可达24.04%和29.25%;EDTA+鼠李糖脂和鼠李糖脂+EDTA组合对Cd和Pb的去除效果显著,洗脱率分别为47.83%和30.59%.柠檬酸和EDTA组合能有效削减4种重金属有效态比例,使As、Cd、Cu和Pb的有效态分别降低了8.61%、9.37%、14.12%和25.16%.实际工程应用中对多种洗涤剂进行选配,并对多重金属污染土壤进行多轮洗涤修复,应充分考虑重金属去除量以及有效态削减情况,确定洗涤剂最优组合,确保治理修复后土样残留重金属的稳定性以减少对环境后续影响.  相似文献   

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