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“十二五”环保规划实施的措施保障研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
建立健全"十二五"环保规划实施的保障机制,是保障"十二五"环境保护规划顺利实施的关键。这些机制包括强化政府主导作用、突出环保事权、加强环保政策和措施保障;各级政府要按时足额落实环境规划项目建设资金,督促规划项目按时完成;地方环保组织要加大环保队伍的建设;大力发展科学技术,以科技发展促进规划实施;完善规划实施评估考核机制,建立环保规划实施的年度评估和结果奖罚制度等。  相似文献   

随着政府加大对环保专项的资金投入,各类环保专项资金的申报管理任务日益繁重与复杂,用信息化手段辅助项目管理具有重要意义.本文通过对安徽省环保专项资金项目库系统建设的浅析,对提升全国环保专项资金管理水平具有参考与借鉴意义.结论对促进环保专项资金项目管理提供管理流程和技术参考.  相似文献   

自“环保管家”概念提出以来,一种新的第三方服务也应运而生。工业园区环境管理水平受到各种因素的制约,管理水平有待提升。面对新的挑战,全国各地政府大力推行该项业务。本文结合环保管家的概念、政策以及自身参与的环保管家项目,通过实际案例对目前环保管家服务的问题进行探讨,明确环保管家在推动工业园区绿色发展过程中起到的重要推动作用。  相似文献   

正由广东省人大环资委、省政协人资环委、省环保基金会等单位联合主办的"感恩东江"环保公益活动(2012-2015),在各地政府、广大企业、社团组织等各方力量的大力支持下,一年多来取得良好成效。通过项目引导公益捐赠的办法,活动把项目分成生态林建设、农村环保、农村能源改造、贫困学校帮扶和生态农业等几大类,落实了捐赠者意愿,提高了赠款使用效果。目前,活动已到帐公益捐赠款累计达633万元,各项活动陆续展开。  相似文献   

通过对2008年山东口岸进口废塑料、废金属、废纸、纺织品废物等主要再生资源环保项目不合格情况的分析,剖析了出现环保项目不合格的主要原因,归纳了出现环保项目不合格再生资源在来源国家、境外供货企业上的分布特点,有针对性地提出了降低进口再生资源环保项目不合格率的建议。  相似文献   

众所周知.化工企业向来是能耗高、污染大的生产企业.环保管理难度也相对较大。但多年来.杭州中策橡胶有限公司克服种种困难.严格遵守国家与地方的环保法律法规.在公司领导的重视下.不断加强环保管理工作.增加环保设施.严格控制环境污染.所有污染物均达标排放:每年在技改年度计划中,都列有环保项目、节能项目并保证资金投入.取得了较好的成绩.实现了经济建设与环境保护的协调发展。  相似文献   

以获得2004年澳大利亚国家奖励的地方政府有关项目为典型,对澳大利亚地方政府如何进行环保宣传教育进行分析.澳大利亚地方政府重视并积极开展环保教育,教育对象有儿童、学生、政府机构和社区以及企业各行各业的人群,内容有环保知识、技能和情报信息等,教育宣传方式、渠道及组织形式多样,并发动多方参与、广泛合作,为推进环保和可持续发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   

公私合作模式(PPP)是解决环保基础设施建设资金紧张以及政府在基础设施管理上效率底下的一个有效的方式。风险分担是环保基础设施PPP项目融资模式的核心问题之一,由于其组织结构复杂,导致在操作过程中会产生一系列的风险。不合理的风险分担不仅会增加项目总成本,甚至会导致项目的失败。文章基于委托代理理论,构建了投资者和运营商之间的最优风险分担比例模型。为现实的实际操作提供了一种有效思路。  相似文献   

谢菊  刘磊 《环境保护》2013,(23):21-23
本文在梳理我国环保社会组织发展基本现状的基础上,提出我国环保社会组织参与环境治理存在政府和社会对其认识仍不到位、环保社会组织参与环境治理缺乏制度保障、环保社会组织普遍资金和专业能力不足的问题;提出了三个应对之策,即充分认识环保社会组织在生态环境治理中的作用、对环保社会组织直接登记并降低门槛、建立政府与环保社会组织的沟通合作机制。  相似文献   

去年,国家环保总局、清华大学和美国耶鲁大学共同举办了“清华耶鲁环境与可持续发展高级干部培训项目”(ESDLP)。该项目旨在提高中国政府、企业和教学科研机构高级管理人员的环境意识。培养其环境与可持续发展方面的理念。学习和借鉴发达国家环境管理的经验与先进技术,进一步提高综合决策能力。参加这个项目的人员主要是来自全国各省市政府的主管市长、环保局长、大学教授和环保企业负责人。本文是两位学员参加培训项目后的学习体会和切身观感。也表现出了中国与西方其它国家在环保观念上的差别。[编者按]  相似文献   

Since the late 1970s the central government of China has initiated several ecological environmental protection projects. The most significant of these has been the tui geng huan lin (returning cultivated land to forest and pasture) project in operation since the late 1990s. China's northwest region is characterized by lack of water resources, yet such resources are of vital importance. There is scant discussion in the literature (including in China) on the linkages between the environmental protection projects and water management practices. This paper analyses how central government environmental protection projects are interpreted in the local setting, and how local water management policies and practices correspond to the projects. The conclusion is that local water management policies and practices are interlinked with both central government and local government policies on the environmental protection projects, and a new process for the redistribution of water has been established. When equity and social costs are not factored into the planning of new environmental protection projects, the social costs may be as high as the environmental costs.  相似文献   

李娟  孟瑾 《环境科学导刊》2008,27(1):15-16,39
以获得2004年澳大利亚国家奖励的地方政府有关项目为典型,对澳大利亚地方政府如何进行环保宣传教育进行分析。澳大利亚地方政府重视并积极开展环保教育,教育对象有儿童、学生、政府机构和社区以及企业各行各业的人群,内容有环保知识、技能和情报信息等,教育宣传方式、渠道及组织形式多样,并发动多方参与、广泛合作,为推进环保和可持续发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

加大对重点项目和民生项目建设的环境管理,充分发挥环评在产业结构调整、工业布局优化中的重要作用,是政府和环保部门当前必须认真对待的首要问题。  相似文献   

China encourages the demonstration of carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. In an effort to identify gaps and provide suggestions for environmental risk management of carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage in China, this article presents a concise overview of potential health, safety and environmental (HSE) risks and environmental management regulations for CO2 geological storage in Australia, Japan, the United States (USA), the European Union (EU), and the United Kingdom (UK). The environmental impact assessment (EIA) experience of Shenhua Ordos Coal-to-Liquid (CTL) Project and PetroChina Jilin Oil Field enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is subsequently analyzed in light of our field investigation, and gaps in current EIA guidelines that are applicable to CO2 geological storage projects are identified. It is found that there are no specific environmental risk regulations suitable for CO2 storage in China, and environmental risk management lags behind the development of CCS technology, which presents a challenge to demonstration enterprises in terms of assessing environmental risk. One major challenge is the overestimation or underestimation of this risk on the part of the enterprise, and another is a lack of applicable regulations for government sectors to supervise the risk throughout CCS projects. Therefore, there is a pressing need for China to formulate environmental management regulations that include environmental risk assessment, mandatory monitoring schemes, environmental emergency plans, and related issues.  相似文献   

环境污染第三方治理打破了传统的污染治理模式,是环境污染治理的一项重大改革.从中央到地方,各级政府出台了一系列环境污染第三方治理的相关政策文件.目前上海已在七大领域对第三方治理进行试点,在对金山区的调研基础上,分析了上海市环境治理现状,从治理模式以及治理绩效等角度对上海市环境污染第三方治理进行探讨,分析发现了污染企业治污积极性不高,环保企业生存压力大等问题,并从政府,污染企业和环保企业三个方面提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

企业在污染防治中扮演着重要的角色,而企业员工的环境意识则在一定程度上影响着污染防治的成败与否.针对淮河/太湖流域企业员工的环境意识问题,选择有代表性的44个市(县),开展了调查.调查结果表明,企业员工整体上的环境意识还不是很强.今后媒体、政府部门以及环境宣教机构需要共同加强环境宣传教育;同时企业也要加大培训力度,丰富培训内容.  相似文献   

Environment Canada's1 Corporate Environmental Innovation (CEI) initiative is a partnership-based governmental initiative designed to help accelerate innovation and to improve the environmental performance of companies. Specifically, CEI brings together industry, the finance sector, academics, non-governmental organizations and other government departments in three areas of engagement, each of which is described in this paper. Through discussion of the practical projects being implemented in each of these areas, this paper considers the role that targeted strategies to support environmental leadership and innovation can play in advancing adaptive, efficient and effective environmental management. In particular, this paper describes how partnerships and open dialogue are fostering greater alignment of the full spectrum of stakeholders with the goals of sustainable development, to leverage environmental results that go beyond the traditional boundaries of institutional roles.  相似文献   

目前生态影响类项目是环境监理的重点内容,线性工程是生态影响类中比较突出的项目,此类项目对生态影响范围大、污染分散,环境监理内容较多,因此做好线性工程的环境监理是十分重要的,本文简述了这方面的环境监理内容。  相似文献   

滇池治理与滇中调水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对滇池水环境污染治理的综合分析和认识,说明滇中地区既需举全力综合治理水环境污染,更需及早实施区外引水,按照资源环境承载能力和云南省政府提出的“一极三向五群”的发展战略,及早决策,治污和引水双管齐下,以促进和谐云南的建设。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the industrial ecology concept by Frosch and Gallopoulos in 1989, and the apparent success of the Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis project, attention to planned eco-industrial park (EIP) development projects has grown all over the world. This article includes data from six of these EIP development projects. Three of the projects discussed are located in the Netherlands and three in the US. This article compares the differences in project approach and results on a national level. The approach suggested is derived from the available EIP development literature.Initial research indicates that the Dutch EIP projects are more successful than their US counterparts. This difference in success can be, mostly, attributed to the fact that the US projects are initiated by local and regional governments that see the project as a way to improve the local/regional economy with access to substantial government funds. Because of this heavy government involvement, US companies are, in general, not interested in the project. The more successful Dutch projects, on the other hand, are mostly initiated by the companies themselves with financial and advisory support from the local and regional government.  相似文献   

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