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从提高秸秆类生物质利用效率与利用价值、提高农民生活质量与生活品位、减少污染、充分利用可再生能源资源和延缓不可再生能源资源的持续利用等,阐明推广应用秸秆类生物质气化集中供气技术的重要意义;介绍气化基本原理与工艺流程,秸秆类生物质粉碎后通过干燥、裂解反应、氧化反应和还原反应,即可完成气化全过程;气化工程由燃气发生炉机组、储气柜、输气管网和用户燃气设备4部分组成;秸秆类生物质燃气与城市管道煤气具有共同的特点。  相似文献   

为了从源头上减少二氧化碳排放,提高秸秆气化燃气热值,以氨水作为吸收剂,对捕集秸秆气化燃气中的二氧化碳进行了初步的实验研究,探讨了秸秆气化燃气热值与二氧化碳体积分数变化的关系。结果显示:在一定范围内,氨水浓度高、氨水流量大、秸秆气化燃气流量小对氨水吸收二氧化碳的反应更有利;在小型实验系统中,氨水浓度为9%,氨水流量为50 L/h,燃气流量为7.7 m3/h时,二氧化碳脱除率可达92.90%;当燃气中二氧化碳体积分数下降,单位体积燃气热值则增加,热值增加的百分比与二氧化碳体积分数减少量之比在1.06~1.10。  相似文献   

天津市静海县生态村建设效果好。已有一批乡镇村庄先后建成了秸秆气化站,由于成本低,燃气质量好,村民使用率达100%,不仅废物成了宝,村庄环境也有明显的改观。  相似文献   

通过调查中国主要大型钢铁企业绿色供应链管理实施现状,从直接和间接两方面分析其实施绿色供应链管理的影响因素,引入总效益作为中间变量,运用因子分析和结构方程模型对影响其实施绿色供应链管理的因素作用机理进行实证研究。研究结果表明:绿色供应链总效益驱动是钢铁企业开展绿色供应链管理的主要动因;政府支持与推动则是影响钢铁企业开展供应链绿色化战略直接且重要的外部推动因素;外部相关主体推动、企业内部驱动与企业内部制约是通过影响绿色供应链总效益进而影响钢铁企业供应链绿色化战略,且企业内部驱动效果不显著,而内部制约效果却较为明显。该文的研究成果可应用于促进中国钢铁企业积极开展绿色供应链管理。  相似文献   

中国生物质废弃物利用现状分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国是一个能源资源稀缺的国家,而随着中国经济的发展,我们对能源的需求量越来越大.因此,如何充分有效地利用好中国现有能源资源,显得十分重要.生物质能是一种可再生能源,中国的生物质废弃物资源十分丰富,包括森林能源、农作物秸秆、禽畜粪便、生活垃圾等等,这些废弃物资源若能很好的利用,不但能有效的减少环境污染问题,还将会有助于缓解中国的能源危机.中国的生物质废弃物利用技术起步较晚,但也取得了一些比较突出的科研成果,主要有沼气技术、生物质固化成型技术、生物质气化技术、生物柴油技术等.  相似文献   

中国CO2排放效率具有十分明显的省际差异,排放效率较高的省区多位于东部沿海地区或南方地区,而排放效率较低的省区多位于中西部内陆地区或北方地区。其影响因素有能源转换、能源效率和产业结构,各种影响因素的驱动力和驱动方向存在着明显的地域分异规律。在CO2排放效率较高的省区,能源效率因素是推动排放效率提高的最大因素,在排放效率较低的省区,能源效率因素则是阻碍排放效率提高的最大因素;而能源转换因素和产业结构因素的作用不大。今后只有因地制宜地选择各省区不同的政策重点,才能发挥最大的整体效益。如CO2排放效率较高省区应发挥其技术优势,加快能源转换步伐,使产业结构的正向驱动因素发挥更大的作用;而CO2排放效率较低的省区,今后更重要的是应以提高能源效率为中心来提高CO2排放效率。  相似文献   

在构建重庆市工业耗能相关碳排放影响因素分解模型的基础上,采用因素分解方法分析了过去十余年间(19992011)4种驱动因素对重庆市工业碳排放变化的影响,并识别出关键驱动因素。结果显示:能耗增长的主要原因是工业经济发展;工业能源强度是促进重庆市工业耗能相关碳减排的主要影响因素;产业结构因素对重庆市工业耗能相关碳排放变化的影响存在波动,但其累积效果表现为减排;能源结构因素对重庆市工业耗能相关碳排放变化没有显著影响。最后,结合各关键因素的未来发展趋势,提出重庆市工业未来低碳发展的可行途径为技术进步和产业升级。  相似文献   

对甘肃省1994年-2013年的工业碳排放量进行了测算,在此基础上运用LMDI分解法分析了影响工业碳排放的主要因素,结果表明:甘肃省1994年-2013年的工业碳排放量呈现波动上升的趋势,制造业和电力、燃气及水的生产和供应业对碳排放的增加有较大影响;在影响因素分析中,经济发展和能源结构是碳排放的驱动因素,分别累积实现的碳增量为9 685.64×104 t和31.48×104 t,能源强度和经济结构则抑制了碳排放的增加,分别累计实现的碳减排是4 599.22×104 t和129.66×104 t.  相似文献   

浅析秸秆综合利用技术推广的制约因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秸秆是非常重要的生产资料资源,其综合利用途径十分广泛.但泰州地区的秸秆综合利用技术"起步难"的现象依然存在.在此结合泰州的地域特点及农作物收获的季节特征进行分析,结果显示:当地秸秆综合利用技术难以推广的既有主观因素也有客观原因.根据分析结果,提出了合理化的建议和对策,并特别强调了政府的引导作用.  相似文献   

油菜秸杆外壳对水溶液中六价铬的吸附作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨油菜秸秆外壳去除水溶液中重金属铬的可能性及其影响因素,并研究其吸附性能和吸附机制.采用Box-Behnken Design实验设计研究了水溶液中六价铬[Cr(VI)]初始浓度、pH值范围、油菜秸秆外壳添加量和吸附温度4个因素对油菜秸秆外壳去除溶液中Cr(VI)的影响作用;用吸附等温方程、吸附动力学方程与热力学方程分别探讨了油菜秸秆外壳去除水溶液中Cr(VI)的行为;采用红外光谱技术对油菜秸秆外壳吸附水溶液Cr(VI)前后进行表征,探讨其吸附机制.油菜秸秆外壳去除溶液中Cr(VI)的最佳条件组合为:在吸附时间为1440min时,Cr(VI)初始浓度为99.15mg/L、pH值为1.01、油菜秸秆外壳添加量为2.90g/L和吸附温度35.70℃,Cr(VI)去除率为91.97%;吸附等温线拟合,吸附Cr(VI)行为符合Freundlich方程,为优惠吸附;热力学研究表明:溶液中Cr(VI)吸附属吸热反应,且为自发吸附行为;吸附动力学显示:油菜秸秆外壳去除溶液Cr(VI)符合准二阶动力学方程,吸附过程中存在离子交换;红外光谱提示:吸附过程中,O—H、C—H、NH3+、N—H和C—O基团与Cr(VI) 络合吸附发挥了重要作用.油菜秸秆外壳能够有效吸附水溶液中的Cr(VI),pH值是最为重要的影响因素.  相似文献   

机动车是城市最主要的交通工具。目前全世界拥有的机动车数量已经是6亿辆,全世界石油资源消耗的一半是用于交通运输的燃料消耗。全世界的机动车每年抛向大气层的温室气体CO2为40亿t,是人类活动排放总量的20%。由机动车所排放的PM、HC和NOX等污染物对人体健康构成了严重威胁。世界上石油资源的储量有限,氢能机动车尤其是质子交换膜燃料电池汽车是未来最理想的选择。  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the core of societal and economic development. However, most people query on the implementation and performance of environmental management. In this paper, the manufacturing SMEs in Northern China with different pollution levels are studied to explore the main forces (e.g., government, society, market, and enterprise itself) driving SMEs for promoting environmental management. It focuses on the correlation between environmental management and economic performance for SMEs at different pollution levels. The results show that SMEs of different pollution levels have significant differences in the relationship of driving forces and performance. First, for SMEs with high-pollution levels, social and market driving forces and government incentives are revealed having a significant effect on their environmental performance. Driving forces from within the enterprise itself and the market provide a positive effect on the economic performance, while social forces have a negative effect. Second, for SMEs with light pollution, social and market driving forces, and government assistance play a supporting role on corporate environmental performance improvement. It is also found that the driving force of the enterprise itself does not have a significant effect on the environmental performance for SMEs with different pollution levels. In addition, the environmental performance and economic performance for SMEs with high or light-pollution levels are positively correlated. Further, it shows that the environmental performance is moderately correlated with financial indices, but not significantly with the non-financial indices.  相似文献   

生物技术与植物纤维性废弃资源的综合利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
禾谷类作物的秸秆、棉籽壳、椰子壳、甘蔗渣、菠萝和香蕉叶等农业废弃物含有丰富的生物纤维,是一种可再生和再利用的植物纤维性资源。生物纤维是食品、医药、纺织、造纸、复合材料和精细化工等工业的重要原料。全球每年所产农业废弃物中生物纤维总量约2×1011t,我国每年可产农作物秸秆约6×108t,蔗渣和蔗梢约2000×104t,油料秸秆约3000×104t。生物技术的发展极大地促进了农业废弃物中生物纤维资源的开发和综合利用,催生了多种新型环境友好的“绿色”工业。论文分析了农业废弃物中生物纤维的理化特性以及工业化应用价值及途径,重点论述生物技术在以植物纤维性资源为原料生产单细胞蛋白、酶制剂、乳酸、木糖醇、生物可降解复合材料、燃料酒精和生物电能等方面的研发进展,并讨论植物纤维性资源综合利用目前存在的问题和挑战以及发展前景。  相似文献   

Global demand for bio-fuels continues unabated. Rising concerns over environmental pollution and global warming have encouraged the movement to alternate fuels, the world ethanol market is projected to reach 86 billion litres this year. Bioethanol is currently produced from land-based crops such as corn and sugar cane. A continued use of these crops drives the food versus fuel debate. An alternate feed-stock which is abundant and carbohydrate-rich is necessary. The production of such a crop should be sustainable, and, reduce competition with production of food, feed, and industrial crops, and not be dependent on agricultural inputs (pesticides, fertilizer, farmable land, water). Marine biomass could meet these challenges, being an abundant and carbon neutral renewable resource with potential to reduce green house gas (GHG) emissions and the man-made impact on climate change. Here we examine the current cultivation technologies for marine biomass and the environmental and economic aspects of using brown seaweeds for bio-ethanol production.  相似文献   

为量化秸秆打包政策对防控大气污染的影响,基于吉林省2016年秸秆产量、秸秆打包地亩数、卫星火点数据以及大气污染物浓度的变化,对吉林省秸秆打包产生的大气环境及社会经济效益进行了分析,结果表明:1)吉林省打包秸秆量为220.36×10~4t,约占秸秆年产量的5.5%,假如全部加工成生物质颗粒燃料,2016年至少减少14.54×10~4t污染物排放;2)吉林省秸秆打包政策执行以来,秸秆露天燃烧量及秸秆燃烧主要月份的卫星火点数显著下降;3)随着露天燃烧量的减少,区域大气颗粒物浓度降低,空气质量改善。秸秆燃烧主要月份的PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)浓度从2014年的104.5μg·m~(-3)、164μg·m~(-3)分别下降到2016年的48.5μg·m~(-3)、69·μg·m~(-3)。研究结果可为吉林省有效减少污染物排放、综合利用农作物秸秆、改善大气环境质量等提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Air pollution is severe in China, and pollutants such as PM_(2.5) and surface O_3 may cause major damage to human health and crops, respectively. Few studies have considered the health effects of PM_(2.5) or the loss of crop yields due to surface O_3 using model-simulated air pollution data in China. We used gridded outputs from the WRF-Chem model, high resolution population data, and crop yield data to evaluate the effects on human health and crop yield in mainland China. Our results showed that outdoor PM_(2.5) pollution was responsible for 1.70–1.99 million cases of all-cause mortality in 2006. The economic costs of these health effects were estimated to be 151.1–176.9 billion USD, of which 90% were attributed to mortality. The estimated crop yield losses for wheat, rice, maize, and soybean were approximately 9, 4.6, 0.44, and 0.34 million tons, respectively, resulting in economic losses of 3.4 billion USD. The total economic losses due to ambient air pollution were estimated to be 154.5–180.3 billion USD, accounting for approximately 5.7%–6.6% of the total GDP of China in 2006. Our results show that both population health and staple crop yields in China have been significantly affected by exposure to air pollution. Measures should be taken to reduce emissions, improve air quality, and mitigate the economic loss.  相似文献   

Coal combustion and mercury pollution are closely linked, and this relationship is particularly relevant in China, the world's largest coal consumer. This paper begins with a summary of recent China-specific studies on mercury removal by air pollution control technologies and then provides an economic analysis of mercury abatement from these emission control technologies at coal-fired power plants in China. This includes a cost-effectiveness analysis at the enterprise and sector level in China using 2010 as a baseline and projecting out to 2020 and 2030. Of the control technologies evaluated, the most cost-effective is a fabric filter installed upstream of the wet flue gas desulfurization system (FF + WFGD). Halogen injection (HI) is also a cost-effective mercury-specific control strategy, although it has not yet reached commercial maturity. The sector-level analysis shows that 193 tons of mercury was removed in 2010 in China's coal-fired power sector, with annualized mercury emission control costs of 2.7 billion Chinese Yuan. Under a projected 2030 Emission Control (EC) scenario with stringent mercury limits compared to Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, the increase of selective catalytic reduction systems (SCR) and the use of HI could contribute to 39 tons of mercury removal at a cost of 3.8 billion CNY. The economic analysis presented in this paper offers insights on air pollution control technologies and practices for enhancing atmospheric mercury control that can aid decision-making in policy design and private-sector investments.  相似文献   

云南省农村有机废物资源量及其沼气潜力的概算研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
按1994年的生产水平计,统计概算了云南省农作物秸秆、禽畜粪和人粪尿三类农村有机废弃物的资源量及其沼气潜力。目前,我省每年的沼气潜力为100亿立方米,其中,每年可产生各种农作物秸秆达2000多万吨,60%可用作沼气发酵原料,能生产沼气252亿立方米;产生各种粪便18多亿吨,可生产沼气75亿立方米。按我省700万农户计,户均拥有沼气资源1430立方米。  相似文献   

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