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A fungal consortium including Aspergillus niger, Mucor hiemalis and Galactomyces geotrichum was tested for the treatment of dairy wastewater. The bio-augmentation method was tested at lab-scale (4 L), at pilot scale (110 L) and at an industrial scale in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP). The positive impact of fungal addition was confirmed when fungi was beforehand accelerated by pre-culture on whey (5 g/L lactose) or on the dairy effluent. Indeed, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal yields increased from 55% to 75% for model medium, diluted milk. While after inoculation of an industrial biological tank from a dairy factory with the fungal consortium accelerated by pre-cultivation in a 1000 L pilot plant, the outlet COD values decreased from values above the standard one (100 mg/L) to values in the range of 50-70 mg/L. In addition, there was a clear impact of fungal addition on the ’hard’ or non-biodegradable COD owing to the significant reduction of the increase of the COD on BOD 5 ratio between the inlet and the outlet of the biological tank of WWTP. It was in the range of 451%-1111% before adding fungal consortium, and in the range of 257%-153% after bio-augmentation with fungi. An inoculated bioreactor with fungal consortium was developed at lab-scale and demonstrated successfully at pilot scale in WWTP.  相似文献   

1IntroductionNovelbiologicalactivatedcarbonandactivatedsludgesystemhasshownitsefectiveabilitytoreduceCODintoxicorganicwastewa...  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of wet air oxidation to the treatment of desizing wastewater from two textile companies. A two-liter high temperature, high pressure autoclave reactor was used in the study. The range of operating temperatures examined was between 150 and 290℃, and the partial pressure of oxygen ranged from 0. 375 to 2.25 MPa. Variations in pH,CODCr and TOD content were monitored during each experiment and used to assess the extent of conversion of the process. The effects of temperature, pressure and reaction time were explored extensively. More than 90 % CODCr reduction and 80 % TOC removal have been obtained. The results have also been demonstrated that WAO is a suitable pre-treatment methods due to improvement of the BOD5/CODCr ratio of desizing wastewater. The reaction kinetics of wet air oxidation of desizing wastewater has been proved to be two steps, a fast reaction followed by a slow reaction stage.  相似文献   

This rapid infiltration (RI) system is proposed as the first one in China. The RI system treated 500 m3/d of municipal and industrial wastewater. About 0.36 ha of field was used. It has been evaluated that the RI system has an excellent ability to treat the wastewater. The infiltration rate was 50.3 m/a.  相似文献   

ComparativestudyofperformanceeficiencyforthrekindsofphotoreactorsWangYizhong,FuYuan,TangHongxiaoStateKeyLaboratoryofEnviro...  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheterephthalicacid(PTA)wastewatercontainsterephthalicacid(TA),aceticacidandmethylacetate,andsoon(Table1).PTAwas...  相似文献   

This paper generalized the structure characteristics of three different configuration photoreactors: annular type irradiated by lamp, solar shallow pond and solar flat plate and compared their performance efficiency at the same reaction condition level which was determined by the first order rate constant in photocatalytic decolorization of methyl orange in TiO2 suspension. It was demonstrated that solar could be considered as an alternative light source in photoreactors not only for low running and construction cost but also for their successful performance. The evidence has proved the feasibility of solar photocatalytic oxidation as an additional or alternative advantage stage of wastewater treatment process.   相似文献   

PhotocatalyticdecolorizationofdispersoldyesYouDaoxin;DaiShugui(DepartmentofEnvironmentalScienee,NankaiUniversity,Tianjin30007...  相似文献   

To develop a cost-effective combined phytoremediation and biological process,a combined perennial ryegrass/artificial aquatic mat biofilm reactor was used to treat synthetic wastewater.Influent ammonium loading,reflux ratio,hydraulic retention time(HRT) and temperature all had significant effects on the treatment efficiency.The results indicated that the effluent concentration of ammonium increased with increasing influent ammonium loading.The reactor temperature played an important role in the nitrification process.The ammonium removal efficiency significantly decreased from 80% to 30%-50% when the reactor temperature dropped to below 10°C.In addition,the optimal nitrogen removal condition was a reflux ratio of 2.The nitrate and ammonium concentration of the effluent were consistent with the HRT of the combined system.The chemical oxygen demand(COD) removal efficiency was at a high level during the whole experiment,being almost 80% after the start-up,and then mostly above 90%.The direct uptake of N by the perennial ryegrass accounted for 18.17% of the total N removal by the whole system.The perennial ryegrass absorption was a significant contributor to nitrogen removal in the combined system.The result illustrated that the combined perennial ryegrass/artificial aquatic mat biofilm reactor demonstrated good performance in ammonium,total N and COD removal.  相似文献   

The photocatalytic degradation of reactive dyes with solar-irradiated TiO2 was investigated in these experiments which showed that: (1)the decolourization efficiency are determined by pH value, catalyst amount and light intensity; (2) the reactive dyes decolourized rapidly (cleavageld be biologically degradated more easily, the toxicity decreased considerably after photodegradation.The results demonstrated that the photocatalytic process would become an efficient and safe method for colour wastewater treatment and would be very useful for explaining the reaction mechanism and decolourising structure-reactivity relationship. of the azo linkage), but the intermediates needed more time to transform to further degradation products, and finally to produce CO2; (3) the main products were identified to be alkanes and alkyl amines which cou  相似文献   

长期以来,我国城市污水处理相关工作人员职业病频发,与城市污水处理过程中会释放出大量的有毒有害气体有重要关系,我国现有的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》对水质排放指标作了明确规定,但对于污水处理过程中释放的气体污染物的类型及排放限值缺少详细说明.本文对城市污水处理厂不同污水处理工艺及不同污水处理单元在运行中所释放的气体污染物的特征进行了归纳总结,阐述了城市污水处理厂释放的主要恶臭挥发性有机物的产生途径、释放量及影响因素,并指出目前城市污水处理厂释放的气体污染物主要通过尾气末端收集综合处理的方式进行治理,而对于工艺运行参数与气体污染物释放特征之间的相关性关系仍需深入研究.  相似文献   

The advanced treatment using integrated Fenton's reaction and coagulation process was investigated in this study. Before the advancement, the pharmaceutical wastewater containing lincomycin hydrochloride was pretreated by UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge bed) and a SBR (sequencing batch reactor) process. The residual recalcitrant compounds, measured by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC-MS), mainly consisted of alcohols, phenols, and nitrogenous and sulfur compounds. The experimental results indicated that when the Fenton's reaction was conducted at pH=3.0, H2O2CODOcr=0.27, H2O2/Fe^2+=3:1 and 30 min of reaction time, and the coagulation process operated at a sulfate aluminum concentration of 800 mg/L and pH value of 5.0, the color and COD in the wastewater decreased by 94% and 73%, respectively; with a finale COD concentration of 267 mg/L and color level of 40 units, meeting the secondary standard of GB8978-1996 for industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

SBR法处理氯丁橡胶生产废水的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用SBR法对氯丁橡胶生产废水进行了处理,研究了不同充水时间、反应时间、沉淀时间、闲置时间和曝气方式对处理效果的影响.结果表明,当进水CODCr为1020 mg·L-1左右,最佳的充水时间为1h、反应时间为4 h、沉淀时间为2 h、排水时间为0.5 h、闲置时间为0 h、曝气采用非限量曝气,出水CODCr达100mg·L-1以下,CODCr去除率达90%以上.  相似文献   

O/H/O生物工艺中焦化废水含氮化合物的识别与转化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
富氮缺磷是焦化废水的特征之一,而含氮化合物存在多种组分与形态,其在废水处理过程中的利用与顺序会影响工艺条件与达标可行性,因此,通过识别含氮化合物的种类并了解其转化可以获得优化的运行工况.为考察含氮化合物的去除过程,在与实际生产330×104t·a-1焦炭工艺相配套的焦化废水处理工程O/H/O生物工艺中,检测了原水与生物出水中含氮化合物的种类与形态,以及各单元工艺中无机氮及部分有机氮化合物的浓度,分析特征化合物的转化.研究发现,焦化废水原水中含有的无机氮化合物主要为NH+4-N(33.6%)、氰化物(7.5%)、硫氰化物(40.4%),NO-2-N及NO-3-N的含量约为1%,折算总氮浓度约为240 mg·L-1,占82.5%左右;有机氮当中,可检测到胺类14种,有机腈类22种,含氮杂环化合物76种,以总氮形式表达其浓度低于50 mg·L-1,约占17.5%.处理过程中,O1反应器能够把氰化物、硫氰化物氧化为氨氮,有机氮发生形态改变;H反应器中,环状含氮化合物通过水解作用实现分子开环转变为氨氮,回流液中的硝态氮实现反硝化转变为氮气;O2反应器能够将低价状态的含氮化合物转变为硝态氮;生物出水中,硝态氮占总氮的70%以上;含氮化合物的转化受反应器的性质与运行条件控制,表现出复杂性.研究指出,焦化废水总氮的控制需要依据含氮化合物种类与形态判断、工艺组合及条件优化综合考虑.  相似文献   

Inthecourseofoilrefining,organicwastewaterwithhighconcentrationofemulsifiedoilandphenolisproduced,sofar,themethodsofphysicoche?..  相似文献   

IntroductionBiofilmkineticmodelplaysanimportantroleintherationaloptimizationofbiofilmreactordesign ,operationandresearch .Whereas,itsapplicationinthedesignoffull scaleoperationsisfarfromreachingtheacceptancelevelbecausewhichiscomplicatedmathematicalentities.Theapproachofillustrationloadingcurvecanbeusedtodesignthebiofilmreactorandavoidthecomplexsolutionforequationgroupofthemodel.Fixedbiofilmsystemshavevariousadvantagesovermoreconventionalactivatedsludgeprocess,includingtheabilitytosupportavari…  相似文献   

生物-微电解组合工艺处理染料废水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用上流式污泥床过滤器(upflow blanket filter,UBF)+曝气生物滤池(biological aerated filter,BAF)+微电解的组合工艺,对盐度接近2%、色度和COD分别约为8000倍和600.5mg/L的染料废水进行处理。经过连续120d的稳定运行后,组合系统处理效果良好,脱色率和COD去除率分别达到99%和75%以上。UBF和微电解单元均可以大幅度提高废水的可生化性,有利于进一步的生物处理。UV—Vis扫描和GC—MS分析表明,该组合工艺能破坏染料的发色基团和共轭双键,并能高效降解原水中的酚类、氯代有机物和复杂的杂环类化合物。实验结果表明,UBF+BAF+微电解的组合工艺是处理染料废水的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

兽用抗生素的广泛使用造成了畜禽养殖场及其周边环境中抗生素抗性基因丰度的提高,而畜禽养殖废水所携带的抗性基因在生物处理及其农田利用过程中的转归规律尚不明确,存在抗性基因从畜禽养殖场向周边环境的传播风险.本文通过文献调研,综述了畜禽养殖废水中抗性基因的赋存特征、抗性基因在畜禽养殖废水生物处理和农田利用过程中转归的研究进展,并提出了今后的研究方向,以期为揭示畜禽养殖废水在生物处理和农田利用过程中抗性基因的消减规律、降低抗性基因传播风险提供借鉴.  相似文献   

宣立强  刘硕  罗爻  李昀东  夏青 《环境科学学报》2020,40(11):3964-3970
城市污水处理厂出水作为微塑料(microplastics,MPs)进入自然水体的主要途径之一,对其微塑料污染物特征展开研究,有助于认识和了解人类活动对自然水体的影响.本文以哈尔滨市主城区的污水处理厂A和污水处理厂B中的3种工艺(曝气生物滤池工艺、多段AO-MBBR工艺、CASS-MBBR工艺)为研究对象,经体视显微镜观察并结合傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析哈尔滨城市污水处理厂中MPs的浓度、颜色、粒径、类型分布特征及3种不同处理工艺对MPs的去除效果.结果表明,哈尔滨城市污水处理厂进水中MPs的最高浓度为290.87个·L-1,颜色主要以白色和无色为主,组成成分主要为PP、PE和PS,粒径大的MPs更容易被去除;微塑料在曝气生物滤池工艺一级处理中的去除率为80.28%;多段AO-MBBR工艺与CASS-MBBR工艺的一级处理MPS去除效率为78.39%,曝气生物滤池工艺、多段AO-MBBR工艺和CASS-MBBR工艺的二级处理去除效率分别为20.92%、13.11%和14.68%,实验结果表明MPs的去除主要依靠一级处理,二级处理中的MPs去除效果...  相似文献   

对间歇及连续运行废水活性污泥处理过程去除人为污染高浓度烟草花叶病毒(tobaccomosaicvirus,TMV)的效率及其影响因素进行了研究.结果显示活性污泥去除TMV的效果受工艺参数的影响,其中污泥浓度直接影响所加入TMV的去除效率.同时,曝气强度也影响病毒的去除效率.在2个具不同运行工艺参数的活性污泥系统中连续加入枯斑数达(2 5~6 7)×104·L-1的TMV,连续运行一周其去除率仍均大于98%.当污泥BOD负荷率在0 534~0 899kg·(kg·d)-1,水力停留时间在4 8~10 2h,平均MLVSS在1780~3250mg·L-1范围内,TMV的去除效率同这些参数关系不大,说明活性污泥系统可有效地去除植物病毒而不过分地依赖于工艺条件,这为活性污泥法去除植物病毒的稳定性提供了保证.然而病毒的去除不等于灭活,很大程度上病毒仅是从液相转移到了固相,污泥中的病毒浓度往往比游离高出许多倍.因此在污泥农用、处置时要充分考虑到污泥的病毒学安全性问题.同时,在评价废水处理的有效性时也要考虑到这种现象.  相似文献   

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