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论高等学校班主任和辅导员工作的定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文强调工作定位的重要性,对高等学校班主任和辅导员等学生工作者的定位进行了分析,指出:高等学校的班主任和辅导员既是第一线的教师,又是第一线的管理干部,是集“高校教师”和“高校管理干部”双重身份于一体的教育工作者,思想政治工作者,大学生日常行为的管理者,大学生成才与发展的服务者。  相似文献   

对江苏大学辅导员和大学生开展信息素养问卷调查,比较、分析两个群体之间信息素养的差异。调查结果表明:辅导员的信息意识、信息获取能力、信息道德水平明显高于大学生,大学生的信息沟通传递能力高于辅导员,而辅导员和大学生的信息分析评价能力、高端数据库信息利用能力之间无显著差异且均有待提高,在此基础上提出提高辅导员和大学生信息素养的对策建议。  相似文献   

作为高校学生日常教育、管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,高校辅导员无疑是大学生思想政治教育的主要依靠力量。辅导员的工作内容和工作性质决定了这一角色并非简单的单一角色,而是复杂的复合多元角色。如何科学、理性地把握辅导员的众多角色一直是众多教育工作者和教育研究者普遍关注的问题。本文着重探讨了高校辅导员角色定位的"三忌三宜",主张辅导员角色定位职业化、专业化。  相似文献   

<正>班主任是班集体的组织者、教育者和指导者。班主任能否管理好一个班级,除了自身的管理能力外,还依赖于是否有一支素质较高、管理能力较强的班干队伍。要建立坚强的班集体,必须有一批团结在班主任周围的优秀学生干部。班干部是班级的骨干,是班主任搞好班级工作的得力助手,是管理班集体的重要成员之一。一、抓实两个基础1.思想基础。培养优秀的班干部,首先要抓好班干部的思想教育,要让他们意识到班级好坏同自身工作好坏有很大关系。要培养学生的集体主义精神,树立对集体的责任感、义务感、荣誉感。要让他们明确共同的思想准则,即"班兴我荣、班衰我耻"。进行思想教育要抓好时机,要时时贯穿于各种教育活动中。另外,平时还要注意观察班干部的思想动向,进行个别教育。思想教育要常抓不懈,以便抓实班干部的思想基础。  相似文献   

立德树人,是教育的根本任务。本文从大学生思想政治教育工作者的角度阐述了"立德树人"的精神内涵,结合辅导员工作的实际,提出立德树人的现实途径:创新大学生思想政治教育方式;营造良好的校园文化氛围;创建服务育人的机制。  相似文献   

辅导员是大学生日常思想政治教育和管理的组织者和实施者,是学校领导进行教育教学指导工作的得力助手,更是走在时代前列的奋进者、开拓者和奉献者,应该具备以下多种工作能力:管理能力、语言表达能力、心理辅导能力、人际交往能力、创新能力。  相似文献   

大学辅导员集任课教师、学生管理者、学生朋友和"家长"等诸多身份于一体。人的和谐发展决定了教育是多方面的。因此,我们应把思想政治教育工作分为三个水平、六个阶段,并采取不同的教育手段和手法。在现代学校专业教育分工越来越细的情况下,应形成专业教师、德育工作者、辅导员合理网格,通过和谐班集体的构建进而实现大学生个人的和谐发展。  相似文献   

在学校管理中,班级管理是一个比较重要的方面,班级管理是否得当有序能够体现出一所学校的校风、学风。班级管理虽然没有轰轰烈烈的大事,但却要班主任在细微处渗透着科学的管理方法和对学生的关爱。而且班级管理不是一朝一夕就能完成的,它需要班主任及时发现问题,并采取科学的方法解决问题;需要班主任用"心"去施教,用"心"去经营,用"心"去感染。  相似文献   

为了提高环境保护管理干部的业务技术水平,市环保局和市环境科学学会于1981年10月5日至11月5日联合举办了环保管理干部第一期轮训班。本市各区、县环办、环境污染检查管理处(所)和部分企、事业单位环保管理干部  相似文献   

长期以来,高等学校的传统模式已经无法适应大学生创新能力的培养,"分流教学"以其独特的教学优势,适应了高校教学改革的需要。本文将日语专业分流为"研究型人才培育组"和"应用型人才强化组",对"分流教学"模式进行了探索和实践。  相似文献   

“排污权”权利主体论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境法的权利义务体系中,环境容量的所有权属于全体人民,公民享有环境权。政府受托管理环境容量等资源,实现环境保护和经济发展的协调,保障全体公民的环境权。企业等生产经营单位和个人承担合法排污、清洁生产等环境义务,保证公民的环境权得以实现,同时基于“排污权交易”的制度设计,在超量减排时可享有一定的经济补偿的权利一排污权。排污权的法定权利主体只能是企业等生产经营单位和个人,环境保护信用不良企业不应是排污权的现实权利主体,只有符合区域产业结构调整政策、对环境容量资源利用效率高的企业等生产经营单位和个人才能成为真正拥有排污权的现实权利主体。  相似文献   

Defining response capacity to enhance climate change policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change adaptation and mitigation decisions made by governments are usually taken in different policy domains. At the individual level however, adaptation and mitigation activities are undertaken together as part of the management of risk and resources. We propose that a useful starting point to develop a national climate policy is to understand what societal response might mean in practice. First we frame the set of responses at the national policy level as a trade off between investment in the development and diffusion of new technology, and investment in encouraging and enabling society to change its behaviour and or adopt the new technology. We argue that these are the pertinent trade-offs, rather than those usually posited between climate change mitigation and adaptation. The preference for a policy response that focuses more on technological innovation rather than one that focuses on changing social behaviour will be influenced by the capacity of different societies to change their greenhouse gas emissions; by perceived vulnerability to climate impacts; and by capacity to modify social behaviour and physical environment. Starting with this complete vision of response options should enable policy makers to re-evaluate the risk environment and the set of response options available to them. From here, policy makers should consider who is responsible for making climate response decisions and when actions should be taken. Institutional arrangements dictate social and political acceptability of different policies, they structure worldviews, and they determine the provision of resources for investment in technological innovation and social change. The importance of focussing on the timing of the response is emphasised to maximise the potential for adjustments through social learning and institutional change at different policy scales. We argue that the ability to respond to climate change is both enabled and constrained by social and technological conditions. The ability of society to respond to climate change and the need for technological change for both decarbonisation and for dealing with surprise in general, are central to concepts of sustainable development.  相似文献   

   My concern is to question the quality and utility of science in general and ethology in particular as applied to animal welfare. This topic has in the past provoked me to some severe criticism, for example, 'A lot of well-intended welfare research is neither very good science nor very helpful to the animals.... Too much welfare research is (in my opinion) flawed either because it is oversimplistic, or because it is not so much designed to test preconceptions but to reinforce prejudice' (Webster 1994). Dawkins (1997) has recently responded to this challenge, addressing the question 'Why has there not been more progress in welfare research?' Her response is concerned largely with applied ethology. My own criticism was not directed at ethologists in particular. I was more concerned by the misuse of scientific method by those who seek to obtain a so-called 'objective' measurement of something which they preconceive to be a stress (e.g. measurement of plasma concentrations of cortisol or endorphins in animals following transportation). Here the 'objective' measure frequently becomes the test that gives the answer that they want, and if it fails, then they seek other 'objective' markers until they achieve a set of measurements that supports the subjective impression which they had at the outset. My second main concern is that the welfare state of a sentient animal is a very complex affair and cannot be embraced by any single scientific discipline, be it ethology, physiology, molecular or neurobiology. Unfortunately it is also too complex to be embraced by a single-sentence definition. The best I can do is to suggest that it is determined by the capacity of an animal to sustain physical fitness and avoid mental suffering. The assessment of this is necessarily multidisciplinary.  相似文献   

饮食习惯一直被认为是造成食物浪费的重要因素。基于对29省29所高校9192份大学生食堂就餐的实地调查问卷,从南北差异视角探讨了个体食物浪费行为的差异特征。研究表明:相对北方籍大学生,南方籍大学生浪费食物的概率更高,南方籍大学生在高校食堂就餐时食物浪费量和浪费率也高于北方籍大学生。通过中介效应模型,证实南北方主流饮食模式是引发浪费差异的关键所在。进一步匹配大学生南北方籍贯和所就读高校的南北区位,并以“南方大学生在南方高校求学”模式为基准,发现“南方大学生到北方高校求学”模式下,个体有更低的食物浪费概率、浪费量和浪费率。但“北方大学生到南方高校求学”模式下,个体没有显示出较低的食物浪费概率、食物浪费量和食物浪费率,从而稳健地证实南北方主流饮食模式是引发浪费差异的关键所在这一结论。  相似文献   

This two-part paper considers the complementarity between adaptation and mitigation in managing the risks associated with the enhanced greenhouse effect. Part one reviews the application of risk management methods to climate change assessments. Formal investigations of the enhanced greenhouse effect have produced three generations of risk assessment. The first led to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), First Assessment Report and subsequent drafting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The second investigated the impacts of unmitigated climate change in the Second and Third IPCC Assessment Reports. The third generation, currently underway, is investigating how risk management options can be prioritised and implemented. Mitigation and adaptation have two main areas of complementarity. Firstly, they each manage different components of future climate-related risk. Mitigation reduces the number and magnitude of potential climate hazards, reducing the most severe changes first. Adaptation increases the ability to cope with climate hazards by reducing system sensitivity or by reducing the consequent level of harm. Secondly, they manage risks at different extremes of the potential range of future climate change. Adaptation works best with changes of lesser magnitude at the lower end of the potential range. Where there is sufficient adaptive capacity, adaptation improves the ability of a system to cope with increasingly larger changes over time. By moving from uncontrolled emissions towards stabilisation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mitigation limits the upper part of the range. Different activities have various blends of adaptive and mitigative capacity. In some cases, high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity may lead to large residual climate risks; in other cases, a large adaptive capacity may mean that residual risks are small or non-existent. Mitigative and adaptive capacity do not share the same scale: adaptive capacity is expressed locally, whereas mitigative capacity is different for each activity and location but needs to be aggregated at the global scale to properly assess its potential benefits in reducing climate hazards. This can be seen as a demand for mitigation, which can be exercised at the local scale through exercising mitigative capacity. Part two of the paper deals with the situation where regional bodies aim to maximise the benefits of managing climate risks by integrating adaptation and mitigation measures at their various scales of operation. In north central Victoria, Australia, adaptation and mitigation are being jointly managed by a greenhouse consortium and a catchment management authority. Several related studies investigating large-scale revegetation are used to show how climate change impacts and sequestration measures affect soil, salt and carbon fluxes in the landscape. These studies show that trade-offs between these interactions will have to be carefully managed to maximise their relative benefits. The paper concludes that when managing climate change risks, there are many instances where adaptation and mitigation can be integrated at the operational level. However, significant gaps between our understanding of the benefits of adaptation and mitigation between local and global scales remain. Some of these may be addressed by matching demands for mitigation (for activities and locations where adaptive capacity will be exceeded) with the ability to supply that demand through localised mitigative capacity by means of globally integrated mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adaptation and mitigation: trade-offs in substance and methods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adaptation to climate change and mitigation of climate change are policy substitutes, as both reduce the impacts of climate change. Adaptation and mitigation should therefore be analysed together, as they indeed are, albeit in a rudimentary way, in cost-benefit analyses of emission abatement. However, adaptation and mitigation are done by different people operating at different spatial and temporal scales. This hampers analysis of the trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation. An exception is facilitative adaptation (enhancing adaptive capacity), which, like mitigation, requires long-term policies at macro level. Facilitative adaptation and mitigation not only both reduce impacts, but they also compete for resources.  相似文献   

济南市高校大学生环境意识调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境意识已经成为国民素质的一个重要标志,大学生的环境意识状况对社会的和谐发展有重要的影响。本文采用问卷调查法,从环境意识、环境态度、环境行为、环境知识和环境教育等方面,从济南市八所本科院校中随机抽取了300名大学生,进行环境意识状况的调查、分析和总结。结果表明:济南市大学生的环境意识总体水平较好,但环保行为滞后;大学生作为一个有知识的特殊群体,环保意识有待提高,环保行为极待加强。针对这些问题。提出了提高大学生环境意识的主要措施。  相似文献   

大学生环境意识调查与环境教育刍议   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对云师大学生的问卷调查表明,大学生整体的环境意识不强,但对环境的参与意愿和关注程度较高,对环境偏于从社会观角度理解,环境观的系统性和整体性较差,但对接受系统环境教育持积极态度。  相似文献   

Apart from the ethical argument around trade-off that individuals have to make between monetary and non-monetary value, application of stated preference method was exposed to another criticism related to the complexity of biodiversity issue and the capacity of the general public to provide accurate responses to willingness to pay elicitation survey. This paper tests how providing information about the ecological processes underlying forest management scenarios affects public preferences and their valuation of biodiversity in publicly owned forest land in France. The generalized multinomial logit models applied to choice experiment data suggests that all respondents adopt the same heuristics based on easily visible aspects of forest landscape, to reveal their use and nonuse values of biodiversity. However, when they receive additional ecological information, only those who are familiar with the biodiversity concept, have awareness of issues at stake, and have a regular use of forest tend to attach higher values to less known biodiversity component (fallen deadwood in this case). The paper concludes that “mass media campaign” has to be completed by environmental literacy programs, to improve people’s awareness and understanding of what biodiversity means from ecological functioning, then making economic valuation a useful tool from a conservation perspective.  相似文献   

Polycentric networks of formal organizations and informal stakeholder groups, as opposed to centralized institutional hierarchies, can be critically important for strengthening the capacity of governance systems to adapt to unexpected social and biophysical change. Adaptive governance is one type of environmental governance characterized by the emergence of networks that stimulate adaptive capacity through increases in social-learning, communication, trust, public participation and adaptive management. However, detecting and analyzing adaptive governance networks remains elusive, especially given contexts of highly contested resource governance such as large-scale negotiations over water use. Research methods such as social network analysis (SNA) are often infeasible as they necessitate collecting in-depth and politically sensitive personal data from a near-complete set of actors or organizations in a network. Here we present a method for resolving this problem by describing the results of an institutional SNA aimed at characterizing the changing governance network in the Klamath River Basin, USA during a period of contested negotiations over water. Through this research, we forward a method of institutional SNA useful when an individual or egocentric approach to SNA is problematic for political, logistical or financial reasons. We focus our analysis on publically available data signaling changes in formal relationships (statutory, regulatory, contractual) between organizations and stakeholder groups. We find that employing this type of SNA is useful for describing potential and actual transitions in governance that yield increases in adaptive capacity to respond to social and biophysical surprises such as increasing water scarcity and changes in water distribution.  相似文献   

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