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华东师范大学地理系地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海200062  相似文献   

三峡蓄水期间汉丰湖消落区营养状态时间变化   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
为探明三峡蓄水后汉丰湖消落区水质营养状态的变化特征,于2013年10月至2014年2月对水质进行连续观察,测定了水质物理参数、营养盐与叶绿素(Chl-a)的质量浓度.结果表明,水体中营养盐与Chl-a质量浓度的增加,在淹水后营养程度有升高现象,2014年2月与2013年10月相比,TN、TP、高锰酸盐指数与Chl-a质量浓度分别增加了4.7、1.0、0.2、3.27倍,TN、TP质量浓度均超过藻类生长限值,随滞留时间延长易造成水体富营养化,应引起重视.Chl-a单因子评价反映出水质由贫营养向富营养演变.TN/TP结果表明,TN、TP分别在不同时间内制约着藻类的生长;2013年10~12月与2014年2月,藻类生长受TN限制;2014年1月,藻类生长受TP限制.Chl-a与p H、DO、NH+4-N、NO-3-N、TN、高锰酸盐指数及TP呈显著正相关,而与SD、水温呈显著负相关;蓄水期间,水质受到了同一污染源的影响.因子分析结果表明,汉丰湖消落区水质主要受p H、DO、NO-3-N、TN的影响,同时Chl-a、TP、NH+4-N与好氧性有机物的污染不可忽视;在蓄水稳定初期水体具有自净能力,随蓄水滞留时间的延长,水质污染程度整体上呈现逐步恶化的趋势,应加以控制;三峡蓄水期间,南河、东河营养程度相对较高,应加强治理.  相似文献   

岸边带湿地对富营养化河流的净化作用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对北运河上游污染严重流域实地调查发现,水中TN、TP和NH4+-N的最大超标倍数分别为12、10和7,以NH4+-N污染为主要特征.对北运河流域沙河水库附近一处典型岸边带湿地进行深入研究发现,天然河流岸边带湿地系统对河水中NH4+-N、TN和TP浓度有明显的削减作用,分别由河水中的27.0、29.0、1.82mg·L-1降至湿地中的2.50、6.54、0.12mg·L-1.由于微生物驱动的硝化-反硝化脱氮作用以及岸边带植物对营养元素的吸收作用,植被型岸边带沉积物中NH4+-N、TN和OM含量(分别为23.0mg·kg-1,0.66g·kg-1和9.13g·kg-1)分别为裸露型岸边带沉积物的0.20,0.48,0.67倍.植被型岸边带沉积物各层C/N比(平均为8.68)是裸露型岸边带沉积物各层C/N比(5.53)的1.6倍,为反硝化作用的发生提供了相对充足的碳源.与裸露型岸边带相比,植被型岸边带更利于营养元素的去除.作为工程实例,模拟天然河流岸边带湿地的罗马湖旁路/离线人工湿地系统对水体营养元素有显著的去除作用.  相似文献   

曾立雄  黄志霖  肖文发  田耀武 《环境科学》2012,33(10):3390-3396
农业面源污染治理是库区生态环境建设亟待解决的问题.通过对三峡库区退耕还林后不同土地利用类型养分流失的监测,分析不同退耕还林模式氮磷流失特征及其对环境因子的响应.结果表明:①不同土地利用类型养分流失浓度的变异性较强,速效养分浓度的变异性远高于全养分;②退耕还林后各土地利用类型磷的年流失负荷降低了84.53%~91.61%,氮的年流失负荷则只有乔木林和板栗显著降低,各土地利用类型的氮素流失负荷是磷素流失负荷的4.85~38.62倍;③不同土地利用类型的磷主要以颗粒态流失,而硝态氮则是氮流失的主要形态;④茶园与竹林的养分流失负荷与降雨量呈较好的相关性,磷素与降雨量的相关性优于氮素,养分流失负荷与降雨强度没有明显的相关性;⑤植被的总盖度、乔木层盖度以及凋落物层盖度对TN流失的影响程度较大.NO3--N的流失负荷受土壤表层NH4+-N含量影响程度较高.土壤TP含量和沙粒含量则是磷素流失的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

Globally, management of grazed riparian areas is critically important to agricultural sustainability and environmental quality. However, the potential impacts of riparian grazing management on water quality are not well-documented, particularly in the southeastern USA. The objective of this work was to determine sediment and nutrient export under simulated rainfall from poorly drained and well-drained riparian soils where heavy or light grazing pressure by cattle was simulated. Plots were established on stands of existing vegetation to create grazing pressure treatments of (a) light-use (full ground cover, uncompacted), and with stands modified to establish (b) heavy-use (bare ground, compacted) treatments. Vegetation on poorly drained soils consisted of several typical wetland species (e.g., Pontederia cordata L., Juncus coriaceus Mackenzie) in the southeastern USA, whereas mixed tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)–dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) stands were the dominant vegetation on well-drained soils. Runoff volume was generally greater from heavy-use than from light-use for poorly drained soils and for well-drained soils. Greater runoff volume was also observed from poorly drained soils compared to well-drained soils for both light-use and for heavy-use treatments. Light-use plots were remarkably effective at minimizing export of total suspended solids (TSS) on both soils (<30 kg ha−1). Mean total Kjeldahl P (TKP) export was fourfold greater from heavy-use plots than from light-use plots on both soils. While export of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) was unaffected by grazing pressure and soil drainage, mean ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N) and total N (TN) export from poorly drained heavy-use plots was greater than fivefold that from well-drained light-use plots. Results indicate that livestock heavy-use areas in the riparian zone may export substantial TSS and nutrients, especially on poorly drained soils. However, when full ground cover is maintained on well-drained soils, TSS and nutrient losses may be limited.  相似文献   

为研究不同水文期河水与河岸带地下水的水量补给关系,以及河水中的氮污染物对河岸带近岸地下水水质的影响,选取了安徽省宿州市杨庄乡的奎河断面作为研究对象,基于氢氧同位素示踪技术、末端元混合模型、Pearson相关性分析和多元线性回归方法,分析河水、上游潜水等补给源对近岸含水层的ρ(NH4+-N)和ρ(NO3--N)的影响,并构建河岸带地下水氮浓度预测模型.结果表明:①平水期至丰水期期间河水与地下水的补给来源主要为大气降水,河水始终补给河岸带地下水,其中,河水对潜水层及弱承压层的补给率分别为10.87%~49.74%和0~19.78%.②空间分布上,ρ(NH4+-N)和ρ(NO3--N)均表现为河水>近岸潜水>近岸弱承压水,且在地下水中均呈现由河流向两岸递减的关系.③近岸潜水层与弱承压层的ρ(NH4+-N)均随着河水和上游潜水ρ(NH4+-N)贡献量的增加而升高,近岸潜水层的ρ(NO3--N)随着河水和上游潜水ρ(NH4+-N)贡献量的增加而升高.④相比于ρ(NO3--N),多元线性回归模型更能准确地预测近岸潜水层与弱承压层ρ(NH4+-N)在ORP、ρ(DO)、河水ρ(NH4+-N)贡献量,以及上游潜水ρ(NH4+-N)和ρ(NO3--N)贡献量综合影响下的变化趋势.研究显示,河水与上游潜水的线性混合是造成河岸带地下水氮污染的重要途径,河流氮污染防治措施将为河岸带地下水水质提供重要保障.   相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) agriculture is estimated to cover 161 million ha of land on Earth, with 10% grown in temperate regions. Currently there are strong concerns about surface water nutrient pollution, and the purpose of this study was to determine the impacts of temperate rice cultivation on nutrient dynamics at the small watershed scale. Over the course of the 2008 growing season (May through September), bi-weekly grab samples were collected from outlets of 11 agricultural subwatersheds in California. Samples were analyzed for NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, K, and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations, and the average values across all subwatersheds and sampling dates were 0.22, 0.031, 0.047, 1.36, and 0.32 mg L−1, respectively. Linear mixed effects analysis was used to evaluate the magnitude of relationships between nutrient concentration and flux and subwatershed characteristics (i.e. percent soil clay and organic matter, percent rice area, irrigation water reuse, subwatershed discharge, irrigated area, and time, measured as the day in the growing season). For all nutrients, flux decreased over time and increased with discharge. Concentrations of K and DON were highest at the start and end of the growing season. Concentrations of NH4-N were near non-detect levels, with the exception of a peak in mid-July, which corresponds to when many growers top-dress rice fields with N fertilizer. Nitrate-N concentration and flux decreased with percent rice area, whereas PO4-P concentrations increased with percent rice area, indicating that rice area should be considered in future watershed-scale studies of nutrient discharge. In all subwatersheds, the discharge loads of K were smaller than surface water input loads, while NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, and DON discharge loads exceeded input loads when total growing season discharge was greater than 3500-6600 m3 ha−1. This implies that the management of subwatershed discharge can be used to control nutrient export from rice-growing areas.  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水对消落带土壤理化性质的影响   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
土壤养分是三峡库区消落带生态系统的重要组成部分。通过对石宝寨消落带12个水位96个样点的土壤分析,研究了消落带不同水位土壤容重、酸碱度、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量变化。结果表明:①淹水后消落带土壤由微碱性(pH值=7.91)变为碱性(pH值=8.14),养分平均含量普遍下降,速效钾含量下降最多(46.7%),淹水易造成养分流失;②消落带土壤淹水前各测定指标在不同高程之间差异均不显著(P>0.05);③不同淹水强度的土壤容重、有机质、全氮、速效钾含量差异极显著(P<0.01),氨态氮含量差异显著(P<0.05),淹水土壤pH值高于未淹水土壤,有机质、全氮及速效钾含量低于未淹水土壤;④长期淹水后(146 m)的土壤出现有机质及全量养分累积现象。  相似文献   

基于一维河网与三维河口耦合水动力模型,建立了可描述珠江口水体-底泥中营养盐动态变化的三维水质-底泥模型,利用1999年和2006年夏季观测数据对模型进行了验证,在此基础上,模拟分析了珠江口主要水质因子和底泥营养盐通量的分布特征,以及底泥通量对珠江口营养盐输入的贡献.验证结果表明,模型能较好地反映出水体和底泥中的营养盐及溶解氧浓度的时空分布特征,各水质因子的模拟值与观测值的相对误差均小于38%;另外,底泥营养盐通量的模拟值与文献报道的实测结果较为接近,表明模型能合理地刻画出底泥主要生化过程及通量变化特征.模拟结果显示,夏季珠江口氨氮(NH_4~+-N)和活性磷酸盐(PO_4~(3-)-P)通量主要从底泥向水体输送,底泥是水体氮磷元素的源,而硝态氮和亚硝态氮(NO_3~-+NO_2~-,NO23)的通量输送方向则与之相反,底泥呈现“汇”的效应;底泥营养盐通量主要从河口向外海递减,伶仃洋NH_4~+-N、NO23、PO_4~(3-)-P的通量变化范围分别为0.24~8.88、-10.06~-0.14、-0.37~0.41 mmol·m~(-2)·d~(-1),珠江口近海的通量变化范围分别为-0.01~4.14、-1.45~0.68、-0.12~0.09 mmol·m~(-2)·d~(-1).整体而言,底泥营养盐通量对珠江口营养盐输入有明显贡献,夏季经底泥释放进入水体的NH_4~+-N和PO_4~(3-)-P最大相当于陆源总氮、总磷输入量的12%和22%.  相似文献   

以三峡库区兰陵溪小流域为研究对象,分析了流域水体氮、磷等输出时空特征及土地利用景观格局对其产生的影响.结果表明,流域总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮(NO-3-N)主要来源于园地,6~9月汛期的氮磷输出显著大于1~5月的非汛期;非汛期铵态氮(NH+4-N)主要来源于住宅用地,汛期NH+4-N则来源于园地,以林地为主的集水区氮磷输出在两个时期均较低.林地面积比与非汛期NO-3-N、TP及汛期的TN、TP显著负相关;住宅用地面积比与非汛期的NO-3-N、TN及汛期的NO-3-N、TN、TP显著正相关;园地面积比与汛期的NH+4-N、TN显著正相关.PD与非汛期的氮素及汛期的NO-3-N、NH+4-N显著正相关;CONT与汛期的氮素及非汛期的TP呈负相关;耕地、未利用地比例以及景观格局指数ED与氮磷输出的相关性较弱,而SHMN和水域比例尚未表现出显著相关性.此外,两个研究时期NH+4-N与土地利用及景观格局变量的回归关系要优于NO-3-N、TN和TP,R2分别为0.885和0.969,而汛期的回归关系也比非汛期显著.典型相关分析进一步显示,不同土地利用斑块类型导致的景观破碎化能较好解释氮磷输出的影响,两典范轴累积解释氮磷输出变量的90%,景观变量PD贡献最大,对流域水质评价与预测具有重要意义.  相似文献   

To evaluate the response of phytoplankton from Lake Taihu to di erent types of nutrients, the phytoplankton responses were measured after adding inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) or decomposed algal scum (Microcystis spp.) into the lake water. Both types of nutrients promoted an increase in phytoplankton biomass as determined by chlorophyll a and algal wet weight. The addition of decomposed algal scum resulted in a significantly greater phytoplankton response than the addition of inorganic N and P alone. The dissolved inorganic N and P in the inorganic nutrient treatment were found not limit phytoplankton growth. The higher algal biomass obtained in the treatment with decomposed algal scum indicated the importance of other organic nutrients besides N and P such as trace elements, as well as the importance of the form of N since the levels of ammonia nitrogen (NH4 +-N) from the decomposed algal treatment were actually higher than that of the inorganic N and P addition. Microcystis spp. (Cyanobacteria), Scenedesmus spp. (Chlorophyta) and Synechocystis spp. (Cyanobacteria) were the dominant taxa in the control, inorganic N and P treatment, and the decomposed algal scum treatment, respectively. Microcystis never bloomed in response to both types of nutrient additions indicating that the bloom propagation is not solely related to nutrient additions, but may be related to the absence of selective grazing from zooplankton.  相似文献   

巢湖水体氮磷营养盐时空分布特征   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
在不同汛期对巢湖水体进行了网格化样品采集,研究了巢湖水体中氮磷营养盐的含量与时空分布规律,确定了巢湖水体的主要污染因子.结果表明,巢湖入湖河流中TP、TN和NO-3-N指标均超过了Ⅴ类水标准,南淝河和十五里河中TP、TN、NH+4-N和NO-3-N表现出丰水期低于平水期、枯水期的季节性变化特征,在其他河流则呈现出丰水期高于枯水期、平水期的特征;巢湖湖体氮磷营养盐浓度的分布存在时空差异,西部湖区中氮磷营养盐含量远高于东部湖区;TP、TN和NH+4-N表现出在枯水期高于平水期和丰水期的变化特征,而NO-3-N在丰水期的含量较高;巢湖水体的主要污染因子为TN和NH+4-N,这些污染物从西往东质量浓度不断减少.  相似文献   

富营养化水体的营养盐限制性研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水体富营养化是全球目前以及今后相当一段时期内的重大水环境问题。氮、磷作为浮游植物生长所必需的营养盐,是水体富营养化的主要限制因子。通过对近年来水体富营养化受氮、磷营养盐限制的研究进行综述,研究了营养盐来源及其对浮游植物生长的影响,总结了营养盐限制性差异的影响因素,分析了缓解富营养化的营养盐主控因子。分析表明:营养盐的来源主要分为外源和内源,受外界环境及人类活动影响显著;浮游植物的生长受N/P比值及其绝对浓度的共同作用;在不同的水文、气候和人类活动强度下,水体富营养化主要营养盐限制因子存在差异,并且存在限制性转换和共同限制的情况;缓解水体富营养化措施的提出应在综合考虑多种因素的前提下进行。  相似文献   

田静  盛茂银  汪攀  温培才 《环境科学》2019,40(9):4278-4286
以贵州关岭花江喀斯特峡谷原生林、灌木林、草地和坡耕地这4种典型土地利用方式下的凋落物-土壤为研究对象,研究土地利用变化对西南喀斯特植物凋落物-土壤C、N、P化学计量特征和土壤酶活性的影响及其驱动机制.结果表明,4种不同土地利用方式的凋落物-土壤C、N、P含量和土壤酶活性存在显著差异.与其他区域相比,凋落物和土壤分别具有高C低N高P、低C低N高P的格局.脲酶、蔗糖酶和淀粉酶表现出原生林灌木林草地坡耕地,碱性磷酸酶则是原生林灌木林坡耕地草地.未来的生态建设应重视原生林的保护.土壤养分受凋落物C、N、P及其计量比的显著影响,但土壤酶活性与凋落物无显著联系.冗余分析表明,土壤酶活性与土壤TN、SWC、C∶N极显著相关(P 0. 01),与p H和N∶P显著相关(P 0. 05),重要性大小依次为TN SWC C∶N p H N∶P.  相似文献   

Three forests with different historical land-use, forest age, and species assemblages in subtropical China were selected to evaluate current soil N status and investigate the responses of soil inorganic N dynamics to monthly ammonium nitrate additions. Results showed that the mature monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest that has been protected for more than 400 years exhibited an advanced soil N status than the pine (Pinus massoniana) and pine-broadleaf mixed forests, both originated from the 1930's clear-cut and pine plantation. Mature forests had greater extractable inorganic N pool, lower N retention capacity, higher inorganic N leaching, and higher soil C/N ratios. Mineral soil extractable NH4^+-N and NO3-N concentrations were significantly increased by experimental N additions on several sampling dates, but repeated ANOVA showed that the effect was not significant over the whole year except NH4^+-N in the mature forest. In contrast, inorganic N (both NH4^+-N and NO3^--N) in soil 20-cm below the surface was significantly elevated by the N additions. From 42% to 74% of N added was retained by the upper 20 cm soils in the pine and mixed forests, while 0%-70% was retained in the mature forest. Our results suggest that land-use history, forest age and species composition were likely to be some of the important factors that determine differing forest N retention responses to elevated N deposition in the study region.  相似文献   

生物炭作为一种既能单独施用,又能与化肥共同施用的土壤改良剂,在农业生产实践中被广泛施用.然而,关于不同粒径生物炭与磷肥联合施用对土壤和植物的影响研究较少.采用盆栽试验,研究在两个磷水平下,不同粒径生物炭对土壤养分、酶活性以及紫花苜蓿养分吸收的影响[生物炭根据直径分为:C1(>1 mm)和C2(<0.01 mm)这两种处理].结果表明,生物炭和磷联合施用显著提高了土壤养分、酶活性和苜蓿养分吸收;其中,C2处理显著提高了土壤有效磷含量(P<0.05)和磷酸酶活性(P<0.01),而C1处理对铵态氮、硝态氮、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性有显著影响(P<0.05).并且,不同粒径生物炭处理间的养分及酶的差异受到土壤磷水平的影响,P0水平下,C1和C2处理的铵态氮和硝态氮含量并没有显著差异;而在P1水平下,C1处理的铵态氮和硝态氮含量比C2处理高24.19%和18.68%(P<0.05),但C1和C2处理的有效磷之间并无显著差异;磷添加显著提高了苜蓿地上和地下部的N和P含量(P<0.05),但是不同粒径生物炭之间苜蓿养分含量并没有显著影响.综上所述,生物炭与磷肥...  相似文献   

为探究长期平衡施肥和秸秆覆盖对紫色土坡耕地土壤养分及其化学计量比的影响,以垫江县长期农田氮磷流失监测点为研究样地,设置3个处理:常规模式(CK)、平衡施肥模式(M1)和平衡施肥+秸秆覆盖模式(M2),每个处理各设3个重复,共建立9个小区(长7 m×宽3 m),并于2018、2019和2020年采集土样,研究不同处理下碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)和钾(K)含量及其化学计量变化特征.结果表明,2018年不同处理之间K含量差异显著,大小顺序为:CK>M2>M1;2019年不同处理之间硝态氮(NO3--N)、铵态氮(NH4+-N)含量差异显著,表现为:M1>M2>CK;其他养分含量在同一年份不同处理之间差异均不显著.不同年份间各处理的土壤C和N含量差异不显著.2018年各处理中K含量均显著高于其他年份,其中,2018年的CK、M1和M2分别比2019年和2020年高78.26%和98.79%,19.13%和35.4%,54.49%和41.76%.P含量在CK和M2处理中均随着年份增大而减小,且2018年分别比2019年高20.29%和10.67%,比2020年高39.68%和17.33%.各处理不同年份间速效钾(AK)含量无显著差异,而NO3--N和NH4+-N和速效磷(AP)含量差异显著,且均在2020年最高.土壤C :P、C :K、N :P、N :K和P :K在不同年份间都表现出显著差异(P<0.05).土壤C :K、N :K和AN :AP分别于2018年和2019年在不同施肥模式间差异显著(P<0.05).土壤C与N及P与K之间呈显著的线性正相关;土壤C :K与C :P、N :K、N :P和P :K之间,N :K与C :P、P :K和N :P之间,N :P与C :P之间都呈显著的线性正相关;土壤P与C :K和N :K之间呈显著的线性负相关.土壤NO3--N与NH4+-N、AN :AP和AN :AK之间,NH4+-N与AN :AP和AN :AK之间,AP与AK和AP :AK之间,AN :AP与AN :AK之间都呈极显著正相关.研究发现平衡施肥+秸秆覆盖是紫色土坡耕地较为适宜的管理模式.  相似文献   

太湖内源营养盐负荷状况及其对上覆水水质的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
狄贞珍  张洪  单保庆 《环境科学学报》2015,35(12):3872-3882
以太湖沉积物-上覆水界面为研究对象,于2013年夏季采集46个样点的沉积物柱状样,分析表层沉积物孔隙水中营养盐(正磷酸盐、氨氮、硝氮)的浓度空间分布,估算表层沉积物中磷、氮的扩散通量,明确营养盐在沉积物-水界面的分布规律,以探明内源营养盐负荷对太湖上覆水的污染贡献,并为沉积物-水界面氮磷的转移过程理论补充证据.结果表明:太湖西北部区域的表层沉积物孔隙水中正磷酸盐和硝氮浓度较高,分别达到1.11 mg·L~(-1)和1.25 mg·L~(-1)以上;大部分湖区的氨氮浓度超过2 mg·L~(-1).全湖区范围内,从表层沉积物的上覆水到孔隙水,氨氮含量呈现升高趋势而硝氮含量呈现降低趋势.北部3个湖湾区的沉积物营养盐扩散通量最高,正磷酸盐为2.69~4.60 mg·m~(-2)·d~~(-1),氨氮为17.8~45.7 mg·m-2·d~(-1),而湖岸河口区是沉积物硝氮内源释放显著的区域.沉积物向上覆水释放正磷酸盐和氨氮的年内源污染负荷分别为64.6 t·a~(-1)和1756 t·a~(-1);而上覆水向沉积物汇入硝氮的年负荷为1102 t·a~(-1).氨氮的内源污染负荷与外源污染负荷之比高达18.7%,氨氮、总磷和总氮内源污染为上覆水贡献的浓度分别为0.361、0.013和0.134 mg·L~(-1),表明自由扩散带来的内源负荷会使太湖水中营养盐污染恶化,需引起重视.  相似文献   

千烟洲试区人工林营养元素生物积累的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对千烟洲试验区人工林的植物和土壤中15种营养元素的含量、分布和生物积累特征进行了研究。结果表明,两块人工林土壤中缺乏N、P、Ca3种元素,微量营养元素未发现亏缺现象。草本层的养分含量高于乔木层的养分含量。两块人工林的生物吸收系数均以P、Ca、N的吸收系数最大,Ti元素的生物吸收系数最低,其余的养分元素均属弱积累中等摄取的营养元素  相似文献   

It was investigated whether exposure of elevated ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations affected the macronutrient (N, P, K, Mg, Ca) concentrations in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers in three open-top chamber experiments from Sweden and Finland. The tuber concentrations of N, P, K and Mg correlated positively with O3 exposure (although not significantly in the case of N and P) but the O3 exposure had no effect on the tuber concentration of Ca. A likely mechanism behind the observed O3 effects was suggested to be that the more progressed senescence of O3 exposed plants was associated with a larger extent of reallocation of mobile nutrients from the haulm to the tubers. In addition, the uptake of macronutrients may have been less negatively affected by O3 exposure than the assimilation of carbon. O3 tended to reduce the total tuber contents of all investigated nutrients, which imply a reduced fertilizer need per unit field area. This was not associated with a decreased fertilizer need per tonnage of yield, as the tuber nutrient concentrations were increased by O3 exposure. The increased CO2 concentration did not significantly affect any of the investigated macronutrients in the present dataset but did generally prevent the O3 induced increases in nutrient concentrations to be expressed (only significant in the case of N and Mg). The O3 induced increase in tuber K concentration, may mediate earlier observed O3 effects on potato tuber concentrations of citric and malic acids. To conclude, anticipated future (and even presently occurring) O3 exposure has a negative impact on the total tuber contents of K and Ca and probably also on the total tuber contents of N, P and Mg. O3 exposure causes increased tuber concentrations of N, P, K and Mg at an early harvest. The O3 induced increase in tuber concentration tended to diminish by a CO2 elevation.  相似文献   

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