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因为现有关于江河洪水调蓄区的立法只是将调蓄洪水当作蓄滞洪区的唯一功能进行保护,而没有充分考虑生态安全问题。所以,本文从维护生态安全的角度论述对江河洪水调蓄区多元生态功能进行法律保护的必要性。并且,通过对生态安全属性的分析揭示了现有立法不能适应江河洪水调蓄区多元生态功能保护的需要。法律理应通过保护对象、保护方法和保护主体的革新,从“单一蓄滞洪水功能保持”逐渐过渡到。多元生态功能保护”。  相似文献   

流域水资源分配与流域生态环境保护有着密切联系。当前,流域水资源分配中存在分配价值扭曲、分配机制不健全等问题。解决这些问题是保护流域生态环境的重要保障。其解决措施是对水资源价值进行重估,并据此建立水资源分配机制。  相似文献   

水资源危机正向我们走来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从水资源的分布特性,说明了水资源对经济建设的影响;其次根据用水情况,特别是大城市水资源的严重不足,加上工农业生产对水资源的污染指出了水资源危机正向我们走来,最后提出了解决水资源危机的基本途径是开源和节流.即开发水资源,保障供给和建立一个节水型社会.  相似文献   

在整个生态环境中,水是不可或缺的,也是影、响我们最深的生命之根本。目前各个国家面临着同样的四大难题就是:人口数量、粮食产量、能源储备和生态环境.但是这四大课题都和水是息息相关的。当人们开始慢慢意识到,地球上的生物都没办法离开水生活时.才发现水资源是国之命脉。所以,我们应该加强对水资源的保护,怎样保护水资源并且让其可持续发展也成为了我们全世界各族人民的共同课题。  相似文献   

菏泽市水资源状况调查及改进水资源管理建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以较详尽的资料,对菏泽市水资源状况进行了调查,面对日益紧缺的水资源正受到污染严重,浪费惊人的严峻形势,提出了治污保水,确保南水北调水质的意见和建议。  相似文献   

为进一步保障首都北京的供水安全,促进水资源的可持续利用,使上下游地区共同发展,建立稳上下游水资源保护和生态补偿机制是十分必要的。  相似文献   

四川水资源十分丰富,但供需矛盾很大,合理利用、认真保护其水资源尤为重要。一、概况四川水资源主要为淡水资源,包括地表、地下水,其总量(产水量)约3131亿m~3,加上过境水可利用部分,共约4508亿m~3。 1.分布地表水含地表径流、湖泊水和冰川水。①地表径流:全省河川年径流量大致是东南部高于西北部,  相似文献   

论文根据全国水资源分区和生态功能区划的具体情况,进行了水资源三级区生态功能内涵研究,采用空间叠置法对水资源三级区图和生态功能三级区图进行叠加处理,在此基础上制定了水资源三级区生态功能确定规则,得出全国各水资源三级区的主导生态功能和辅助生态功能。然后,依据水资源三级区生态功能,确定了基于生态功能的各水资源三级区水资源开发利用率阈值。将水资源开发利用率现状与水资源开发利用率阈值进行比较,结果表明,我国水资源开发利用程度合理性呈现出明显的地域特征,东部地区合理性程度低于西部地区,北部地区合理性程度低于南部地区。  相似文献   

从水质水量相结合的角度再论黄河的水资源   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
建立了流域水资源数量与质量联合评价的方法,发展了可利用水资源量的概念和计算方法,以及水资源功能容量和水资源功能亏缺的概念和计算方法,提出了水环境功能容量和功能亏缺的概念和计算方法.根据黄河流域1997—1999年间主要水文站点逐月的水质监测数据、水文数据及各取水口逐月的取水量数据,对黄河流域的水资源进行了水质水量综合评价.结果表明,在1997、1998和1999年,黄河可利用的水资源总量分别为2 5 5 3 9×10 8m3、3 43 41×10 8m3和3 5 5 44×10 8m3,分别占总天然径流量的80 2 % ,78 2 %和82 0 % .黄河水资源功能容量和亏缺在这3年间的平均值分别为42 3 5 0×10 8m3,78 97×10 8m3.对主要污染指标CODMn来说,黄河的水环境功能容量和功能亏缺在这3年间的平均值分别为2 95 71 5 4kg和199 70kg ;对主要污染指标NH+ 4 N来说,平均值分别为3 774 2 6kg和113 0 8kg .因此,与CODMn相比,NH+ 4 N对黄河可利用水资源总量的影响更大.水资源功能容量和水环境功能容量均分别显著大于水资源功能亏缺和水环境功能亏缺,说明在绝大部分情况下,黄河实际的水质要优于达到水资源功能所要求的水质  相似文献   

甘肃省平凉市水资源保护和开发利用的思路及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水是生命之源,是一种公共资源,也是一种循环资源.水资源的可持续发展是水资源的保护、开发和可持续利用.本文对我市的水资源贮量及循环利用现状进行了动态、客观分析,寻找问题和不足.探讨了通过水利工程、节水减污、污水处理利用、宣传、价格、法律、经济和行政等六大措施推进水资源良性循环的发展轨道.经论证采用循环经济型的水资源保护和开发利用模式是建立我市水资源良性循环发展的基本保证.  相似文献   

介绍了漓江湿地生态现状及其主要干扰根源,指出漓江湿地主要面临洪涝灾害频繁、枯季缺水、水体污染、河道破坏等生态环境问题。提出了水源林的营造和保护、水资源的保护和可持续利用、河道生态建设和管理三方面的建议与措施。  相似文献   

新疆叶尔羌河突发性洪水初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶尔羌河发源于昆仑山和喀喇昆仑山区,是新疆第三大河。近30年,每2—3年发生一次突发性洪水,给下游人民造成很大灾难。 本文阐述了该洪水的特性,时空分布、演进情势及峰量变化,加之分析气象资料、地质地貌条件,首次提出突发性洪水成因于冰川阻塞湖泄洪,其策源地位于克勒青河上游的克亚吉尔特索湖和特拉木坎力湖。随着冰川的衰退,阻塞湖将逐渐缩小。  相似文献   

The provision of human-designed floods in regulated rivers is still an incipient worldwide practice. However, these floods have already been shown to have relevant effects on the ecogeomorphic integrity of rivers altered by flow regulation. In Spain, experimental floods were legally established in 2008 and were stipulated in two subsequent Basin Management Plans as compulsory practice for improving the functioning of strategic river reaches. Since that time, a number of flooding events have been carried out in rivers of Mediterranean condition. This paper reviews the main consequences of experimental flood releases in three Spanish river sites downstream of major hydraulic infrastructures. In each case, the ecologic and geomorphic effects of the releases are analysed in parallel with their causes and consequences, thereby providing a detailed understanding of the dynamics of each scenario. The Spanish examples and the lessons learned from them are contrasted with examples of experimental floods from other countries (U.S.A., Switzerland, Australia). Lastly, recommendations are proposed to improve the implementation of future experimental floods in Spain and other Mediterranean countries.  相似文献   

利用海南冬季优势积极发展冬季农业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南岛是我国最大的一块热带地区,是我国最大的冬季天然温室。冬季光温资源丰富,台风、暴雨及病虫危害很少发生,在特别干旱时段,只要加以灌溉,冬种作物便可以在正常的环境条件下生长、发育,产量比较稳定,易获得高产,并且可以冬种的瓜果蔬菜、粮食、饲料等作物种类繁多,可开发利用的冬闲田面积广。在夏季,台风、洪水、病虫等危害严重,进一步开发的潜力已有限,并且一些产品(尤其是热作产品)面临东南亚、南亚及美洲一些国家和地区的激烈竞争,为此,利用冬季优势,积极发展冬种瓜果蔬菜及饲料等作物,是实现农业高产、优质、高效的关键措施。  相似文献   

Flood damages have exhibited a rapid upward trend, both globally and in Europe, faster than population and economic growth. Hence, vigorous attempts of attribution of changes have been made. Flood risk and vulnerability tend to change over many areas, due to a range of climatic and nonclimatic impacts whose relative importance is site-specific. Flooding is a complex phenomenon and there are several generating mechanisms, among others intense and/or long-lasting precipitation, snowmelt, ice jam. Projected climate-driven changes in future flood frequency are complex, depending on the generating mechanism, e.g., increasing flood magnitudes where floods result of heavy rainfall and possibly decreasing magnitudes where floods are generated by spring snowmelt. Climate change is likely to cause an increase of the risk of riverine flooding across much of Europe. Projections of flood hazard in Europe based on climatic and hydrological models, reviewed in this paper, illustrate possible changes of recurrence of a 100-year flood (with probability of exceedance being 1-in-100 years) in Europe. What used to be a 100-year flood in the control period is projected to become either more frequent or less frequent in the future time horizon of concern. For a large part of the continent, large flooding is projected to become more commonplace in future, warmer climate. Due to the large uncertainty of climate projections, it is currently not possible to devise a scientifically-sound procedure for redefining design floods (e.g. 100-year flood) in order to adjust flood defenses. For the time being, we recommend to adjust design floods using a “climate change factor” approach.  相似文献   

The FLASH project was implemented from 2006 to 2010 under the EU FP6 framework. The project focused on using lightning observations to better understand and predict convective storms that result in flash floods. As part of the project 23 case studies of flash floods in the Mediterranean region were examined. For the analysis of these storms lightning data from the ZEUS network were used together with satellite derived rainfall estimates in order to understand the storm development and electrification. In addition, these case studies were simulated using mesoscale meteorological models to better understand the meteorological and synoptic conditions leading up to these intense storms. As part of this project tools for short term predictions (nowcasts) of intense convection across the Mediterranean and Europe, and long term forecasts (a few days) of the likelihood of intense convection were developed. The project also focused on educational outreach through our website http://flashproject.org supplying real time lightning observations, real time experimental nowcasts, forecasts and educational materials. While flash floods and intense thunderstorms cannot be prevented as the climate changes, long-range regional lightning networks can supply valuable data, in real time, for warning end-users and stakeholders of imminent intense rainfall and possible flash floods.  相似文献   

干旱和洪涝是造成水稻减产最主要的自然灾害,稻农通过采用保护性耕作可以减少其对水稻的产量损失。基于2013—2015年中国水稻主产区1 080个水稻农户的调研面板数据,论文采用内生转换模型,实证分析了稻农通过采用保护性耕作应对干旱或洪涝的效果,并分别估计了采用者和未采用者的水稻单产情况。实证结果表明:1)采用者的水稻单产远远高于未采用者的水稻单产;2)在反事实假设情况下,如果采用者未采用保护性耕作,其水稻产量将相应减产457.95 kg/hm~2(约7%);如果未采用者采用保护性耕作,其水稻产量将相应增产225 kg/hm~2(约4%);3)户主种植经验、受教育年限和公共服务可得性正向影响稻农的采用行为。最后,论文建议政府应大力推广保护性耕作技术,加大对抗逆水稻品种的培育,加强对农业生产资料的投入和管理,扩大公共服务的覆盖范围。  相似文献   

国家人地关系的国际比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张雷  刘毅  杨波 《自然资源学报》2017,32(3):353-362
作为地球表层的一个物种,人类生存与发展始终以最大限度的资源与环境占有和获取为第一需求,即使进入现代时期,情况依然如此。实际上,随着社会财富和人口的快速增长,人地关系的稳定与协调始终是各国、特别是人口大国(>1亿人口)持续发展的首要任务和基本目标。自然禀赋(淡水、耕地、草场、森林、能源和矿产)与人文活动(人口、GDP和碳排放)的要素综合分析表明,尽管11个对象国的资源环境秉赋(本底)特征差异明显,但是在资源环境开发的极化效应作用下,各国现代化进程的国家人地关系均呈现出不同程度的紧张状态。一方面,随着资源环境开发规模和深度的不断扩大,国家财富积累与人口数量快速增长;另一方面,环境恶化和资源枯竭对各国乃至全球有限的资源基础支撑能力造成日益严峻的挑战。此方面,日本的国家人地关系演进最具说服力。  相似文献   

基于Z指数的昆明市洪涝研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于昆明市12个气象站点1963~2013年逐月降水量数据,采用Z指数的方法,得到旱涝等级评定结果,对昆明市洪涝的时空分布特征及成因进行了深入分析与研究,在此基础上提出防洪减灾对策.研究结果表明:时间分布上,昆明市在1963~2013年间,降水量经历了上升-下降-上升下降的波动状态,51年内共出现了8次重涝,3次大涝,10次偏涝,洪涝类型以重涝和偏涝为主,洪涝主要集中出分布在60年代中期至70年代中期、80年代末至21世纪初.空间分布上,昆明市的主城区昆明及其下风方向的嵩明地区降水较多,洪涝程度最为严重,呈贡、东川地区的降水较少,洪涝程度最轻.影响因素上,影响降水量最大的自然因素是相对湿度,其次是蒸发量及总云量;最大的人为因素是城市人口,其次是SO2排放量、建成区面积及道路面积.  相似文献   

Floods have been the most deadlynatural disasters in Portugal during the lastcentury, followed by earthquakes. The typeof flood known as a `progressive flood'mainly affects the larger basins, such asthat of the Tagus River, and results in alarge inundated area. These floods arecaused by heavy rains associated with awesterly zonal circulation that may persistfor weeks. The system of dams within thebasin reduces the frequency of flooding,but cannot `tame' the river. The dam systemhas even contributed to an increase in thepeak flow, as in the 1979 flood.Nevertheless, these floods are not a dangerfor the human population. In contrast, flashfloods are more dangerous and deadlier thanprogressive floods, as demonstrated in 1967and 1997. They affect the small drainagebasins and are caused by heavy andconcentrated rainfall, created byconvective depressions (active cold poolsor depressions caused by the interactionbetween polar and tropical air masses),active in the south of the country, in theLisbon region, Alentejo and the Algarve.Deforestation, soil impermeability, chaoticurbanization, building on floodplains, theblockage of small creeks or theircanalisation, and the building of walls andtransverse embankments along the smallcreeks all contribute to the aggravation ofthis kind of flood.  相似文献   

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