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<正>天津:最大家庭光伏发电项目并网日前,天津市装机容量最大的家庭光伏发电项目在静海县正式并入电网发电。该项目共由40块250瓦多晶硅光伏发电板组成,预计年发电量可达15000度。除了节能减排效益显著,可自用于地源热泵外,经济效益也很可观,余电通过安装的计量装置上网销售。居民将余电卖给电网,在缴纳相应税前,每度电可按脱硫燃煤机组上网电价0.398元结算,同时还可享受可再生能源发展基金支付的电价补贴0.42元/度。  相似文献   

太阳能发电作为青海省第二大电源,在青海省能源利用中占据着举足轻重的地位。本文利用LCOE(平准化电价)模型对青海省两个典型太阳能发电企业进行经济性分析,进而针对分析结果提出相应政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>当前拟按省级行政区域开展光伏发电市场环境监测评价工作。对于存在多个光伏发电标杆上网电价资源区的省级行政区域,按资源区分别进行评价。监测评价采取分析全省统计资料和抽样调查光伏发电企业相结合的方式开展。监测评价对象为普通光伏电站和领跑基地项目,不含光伏扶贫村级电站和分布式光伏系统。评价体系统筹考虑各地区开发市场环境和投资运营风险,由竞争力和风险两类评价指标组成,采取综合评价与约束性指标判定相结合的方式进行评价分级。评价结果分为绿色、橙色和红色三个等级,绿  相似文献   

业界期待已久的光伏电价上网政策终于尘埃落定。国家发改委日前正式披露,我国将制定全国统一的太阳能光伏发电标杆上网电价,上网电价按不同建设时段和地区分为1元和1.15元每千瓦时两档。分析人士认为,这一电价水平将促使国内光伏市场快速启动。发改委表示,这一电价水平是按照社会平均投资和运营成本,参考太阳能光伏电站招标价格,以及中国太阳能资源状况,  相似文献   

什么是上网电价补贴,英国的此项政策是如何实施的?哪种可再生能源符合补贴条件?什么是上网电价补贴?上网电价补贴是指政府拿出一定比例的资金,鼓励学校、社团等私房屋主、企业和社会组织,通过安装太阳能电池板等小型节能装置,自己发电供给所需。2010年4月1日,英国出台了这项计划,叫清洁能源补贴,其中私房屋主可以拿到每年1000英磅的返馈现金。  相似文献   

为优化能源结构、推动节能减排、实现经济可持续发展,同时推进我国光伏产业国内市场发展,国家连续出台政策支持分布式光伏发电发展,尤其是在推进家庭光伏发电,实现自发电并网方面,从服务承诺、价格补贴等多方面不断加大支持力度。但由于处于发展初期,家庭分布式光伏发电仍依然需要国家和各地政府从加快掌握光伏发电的关键材料和技术、降低建设成本、简化并网手续等方面给予政策支持。  相似文献   

马中  蒋姝睿  马本  刘敏 《中国环境科学》2020,40(6):2715-2728
本文从电价政策优化视角,分析了环保电价与可再生能源电价的目标、补贴率变化,首次核算了两类政策的资金总额,对比评估了两类政策的资金规模、微观作用机制、资金机制和决策机制.结果发现,环保电价长年稳定,为燃煤发电行业污染治理资金提供了稳定预期,实现了污染物的快速减排;可再生能源上网标杆电价多次下调,激励企业技术进步的同时,助长了企业投机行为.微观作用机制上,环保电价刺激了燃煤发电企业治污技术进步、企业私人成本下降,但社会承担了较高的污染治理成本;而可再生能源电价政策促进了发电社会成本的下降.可再生能源电价资金传导机制更为刚性,但存在附加征收率不高、资金缺口大等问题,政策设计未做到激励相容.2015年环保电价与可再生能源电价补贴资金总额分别为767.97亿元(不含税)和429.1亿元(供给侧).环保电价资金总额超过可再生能源电价资金总额,强化了燃煤发电成本优势,制约了可再生能源发展,不利于电力结构的清洁化.  相似文献   

张宁  庞军  温婧  王军霞 《中国环境科学》2022,42(5):2442-2452
通过构建电力部门细分的CGE模型,分别在电价管制和完全竞争市场背景下,评估了取消电价交叉补贴和可再生能源电价补贴,以及引入碳税政策并将碳税收入转移支付给风电及光伏行业的经济影响.研究发现:取消电价交叉补贴对GDP有负面影响,而取消可再生能源电价补贴后GDP有所提升;相比完全竞争市场,电价管制市场背景下取消电价交叉补贴对GDP的负面冲击强度增加了0.003%,而取消可再生能源电价补贴对GDP的促进作用幅度则相对减小0.056%;同时取消两种补贴时,在电价管制市场背景下GDP相比基准情景下降了0.022%,而在完全竞争市场背景下GDP则增加了0.038%.电价管制市场背景下取消电价补贴对电力结构及能源结构影响较小;而在完全竞争市场背景下取消电价补贴将刺激传统电力消费并导致碳排放有所增加.引入碳税政策并将碳税收入转移支付给风电及光伏行业可以有效控制碳排放并促进电力结构和能源结构改善,但会对行业总产出和GDP产生更大的负面冲击.我国未来应适度放开电价管制,并采取诸如适时征收碳税并将其收入转移支付给风电和光伏行业的支持性政策,推动我国能源结构优化和节能减排目标的实现.  相似文献   

本文基于电力行业上市公司年报数据将传统CGE模型中的电力部门细分为7个发电部门,其中包含水电、风电、光伏和生物质电4个可再生能源发电部门.首先基于传统CGE模型和电力部门细分的CGE模型比较了我国引入可再生能源发电技术前后征收碳税对宏观经济的影响,然后分析了单一碳税政策、碳税与可再生能源发电补贴复合政策对可再生能源发电技术发展的影响.研究发现:引入可再生能源发电技术后,征收碳税对宏观经济的负面影响相比没有引入而言将有所降低;征收碳税将促进可再生能源发电技术的发展;在征收碳税的同时如果对特定可再生能源发电技术给予补贴,可能会对未受到补贴且不具备成本比较优势的可再生能源发电技术产生“挤出效应”.  相似文献   

太阳能光伏发电是可再生能源应用的主要方向之一。作为适宜发展太阳能光伏发电的地区,青岛市政电网覆盖区外的诸多海岛具有较好的光伏发电推广应用前景;在市政电网成型地区,道路照明等公共设施用电、新建住宅小区、机关事业单位以及重点用能单位也是具有推广光伏发电的潜力。然而,目前存在的技术瓶颈、激励政策缺乏以及并网发电手续繁琐等因素制约了光伏发电的应用。通过推动光伏发电技术进步及产业发展,并在政策法规以及经济上给予更多鼓励支持,才能促进太阳能光伏发电快速、健康发展。  相似文献   

Photovoltaic (PV) power generation has high investment costs and long payback periods. Therefore, during early deployment, subsidies are fundamental and necessary to accelerate its development. We consider the question of how to promote PV industry development and which supporting policy is more efficient in accelerating adoption. Based on real options method, we establish a subsidy efficiency model for electricity price subsidies and carbon-trading subsidies under two sources of uncertainty power demand for PV and the investment cost-reduction probability. This study aims to compare the two forms of subsidies from the perspective of promoting immediate investment and maximizing the subsidy policy efficiency for the government (minimizing the unit carbon-mitigation cost) and advance relevant policy proposals. An example of China is provided to test the effectiveness of the model and to illustrate the implications of the solutions. The results show that a carbon-trading subsidy is better than an electricity price subsidy and that it is essential to improve the demand for the power produced by the PV power-generation projects. Lower market risk and driving technology progress are both conducive to improving the subsidy efficiency. This study also provides a meaningful reference for governments worldwide to formulate subsidy programs to support PV power-generation projects.  相似文献   

Distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation is a promising pathway for reducing carbon emission and meeting energy demands in electricity sector. Subsidies are essential to accelerate its deployment. This paper aims to study the optimal subsidy levels for distributed PV generation from the perspective of maximizing the net policy benefits (environmental and economic) by applying the principal–agent theory, which is a commonly used method of analyzing government incentive issues. Based on a detailed analysis of asymmetric information and of benefit conflicts between the government (the principal) and the investor (the agent), the optimal subsidy principal–agent model is established, in which the investor’s preference toward distributed PV generation is asymmetric and is described by a random variable. The equivalent model is then presented to obtain the optimal solutions, and a numerical example is provided to test the effectiveness of the model and to illustrate the implications of the solutions. The results show that high net policy benefits are directly influenced by a high investor preference. This emphasizes the importance for the government of improving the investor’s preference level and of eliminating asymmetric information to develop distributed PV generation and reduce subsidy costs. Additionally, lowering the market risk and enlarging the overflow value of distributed PV generation both contribute to subsidy cost savings. This paper offers policy makers an effective subsidy scheme to accelerate distributed PV generation development and will also be a useful reference for government to subsidize other renewable power systems to mitigate global climate and energy changes.  相似文献   

不同的林业补贴产生不同的效果:可能提高社会福利,也可能降低社会福利。出现这种差别的原因是补贴使林业生产收益流发生了变化,从而使得林业生产收益最大净现值到来的时间相对于社会最优时间提前或延后。论文建立了一个以林木吸收碳来衡量森林生态效益的林业生产收益定量模型,并通过该模型对华东某市的一项林场补贴政策进行分析。分析结果是,在没有补贴的情况下,该林场最优砍伐时间为第19年,当存在补贴的情况下,林场的最优砍伐时间提前到第11年,而随着碳价格从0增加至1000元/t,社会最优砍伐时间从第19年增加到第31年,造成的社会净损失从7750元/hm2增加到17704元/hm2。鉴于此,合理的林业补贴要能够促使私人效益与社会效益相统一。  相似文献   

当前,垃圾焚烧发电已成为生活垃圾处理的主流工艺。但随着生活垃圾分类制度逐步在全国范围内推行,势必会导致用于焚烧发电的垃圾原料发生明显改变。基于此,从不同角度分析了垃圾分类对垃圾焚烧发电产业发展的影响。为适应分类后焚烧垃圾物理化学性质的改变,现有垃圾焚烧发电工艺需相应调整,尤其是热值升高,将大幅提升吨垃圾发电量,显著提高项目的经济效益,有利于激发企业自主投资运营的积极性。政府可依据焚烧发电产业市场行情,灵活调整相关补贴和优惠政策。垃圾焚烧发电产业有望进一步实现完全市场化运行,其发展模式也有望呈现为“全民参与+EPC”模式。对于生活垃圾的处置,政府的“参与、监管”角色也将向单一“监管”角色转变。  相似文献   

魏琦  丁亚楠 《中国环境科学》2022,42(3):1456-1465
考虑到企业和消费者的低碳策略往往受到政府补贴政策的影响,构建了消费者、消费领域相关企业和政府的三方演化博弈模型,探讨多种因素对各主体策略选择的影响机制.研究表明:企业低碳生产的概率与政府补贴力度、消费者低碳偏好、放弃低碳生产的机会成本和市场损失正相关,与生产方式转变成本负相关;消费者低碳消费的概率与政府补贴力度、低碳偏好收益正相关,与低碳产品和普通产品的价格差值负相关;政府只有在潜在收益超过消费补贴与生产补贴流程成本的差值时才选择补贴消费者,否则政府更倾向于生产补贴.运用仿真工具验证了上述结论,并据此提出有助于促进各方减排行为的对策建议.  相似文献   

Supplying electricity to remote rural communities in lesser developed countries (LDCs) is key to improving livelihoods and reducing poverty. Decentralised renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity have the potential to provide a viable and sustainable alternative to overcome the physical and economic barriers facing the expansion of low and medium tension grids. This paper critically assesses the impact of small-scale PV systems installed in homes, schools and public buildings over the last six years under the PERMER project—Renewable Energy Project for the Rural Electricity Market—co-funded by a range of public and private sources. The structure of financial subsidies has enabled these remote rural communities to receive an electricity supply that, in many cases, would otherwise not have been possible. Replacing traditional energy sources such as candles and kerosene lamps, the PV electricity systems are providing better quality light, reducing indoor air pollution levels, as well as a means to power communications technologies and extend hours for cultural and productive activities. There are, however, certain technical, organisational and intellectual barriers that remain to be overcome before the project can be considered to be operating optimally.  相似文献   

李颖  李静 《环境科学与管理》2012,37(3):22-24,30
生物质发电是将废弃生物质变成可再生能源得以充分利用,这些工程将减少来自于生物质自然腐烂和无控燃烧产生的温室效应,这不仅节约了煤炭,同时也减少了二氧化碳的排放。本文中以某生物质项目发电为例,根据CDM方法学ACM0006计算了该项目的减排量。结果表明,该项目10年间共减少了二氧化碳排放量2 075 140吨,给中国带来了可观的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the renewable energy capacity of Turkey in order to consider main priorities in the energy policy of Turkey. In this paper, renewable energy potential and regulatory conditions are discussed in Turkey in comparison with European Union. The results of the study implemented within the framework of EnviroGRIDS project indicated a promising yet very susceptible future for the implementation of renewable energy power plants in Turkey. The forecasts have shown that the solar power potential utilization is becoming more significant after 2020. The projections for 2050 indicate that electricity consumption from small and medium renewable energy sources including solar and wind will constitute 15% of the total, whereas the solar thermal will constitute around 16%. Geothermal and other renewables will remain around 3%. According to the high demand scenario, in 2050 the share of hydropower in overall electricity generation will be 12%, followed by solar power at 7% and wind power at 3%. Additionally, renewable energy policy and regulations in Turkey and in EU are overviewed in this study. On the contrary to EU, the constant feed-in tariff amount does not consider capital investments of specific energy sources in Turkey that brings disadvantage to the implementation. However, new regulations published and currently applied should be accepted as milestones in acquisition period of Turkey in EU.  相似文献   

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