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改革开放三十年来,中国石材工业取得了令世界瞩目的成就,但一系列环境问题接踵而来。通过分析石材在开采、加工过程中产生的废水、粉尘、噪音和废渣对周围环境的影响,提出相应的防治对策,以期对促进石材工业的可持续发展,改善环境有所裨益。  相似文献   

应用生态农业原理,提出集约化养猪场的主要环境污染问题,分析厚得种养有限公司大型养猪场所采用的“三段利用三步净化”方法工艺流程及其环境经济效益。并结合我国南方农村环境特征,探讨我国南方地区集约化养猪场高浓度有机废水污染防治问题。  相似文献   

针对喷漆工段各类废水的特点,通过静态试验论述了不同性质废水的有效处理方法,提出处理喷漆工段废水应视其特点采用分类别、分方法处理,给出其除油废水宜采用超滤法处理而其它废水混合采用混凝沉淀法的处理方案.  相似文献   

废纸脱墨废水的活性污泥法深度处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对废纸脱墨水废水的活性污泥深度处理进行了研究,结果表明,经一级絮凝处理后的脱墨废水适合于进行生化处理,用于处理脱墨废水的活性污泥在连续曝气72小时且不断提高脱墨废水BOD浓度至1109mg/L的条件进行培养,经培训驯化后的活性污泥处理胶墨化废水的能力增强,脱墨废水经活化污泥处理后COD,BOD的含量大幅度降低。  相似文献   

对制革废水进行了实验研究,提出了制革废水的处理方法.即首先对铬鞣废水进行单独处理,回收鞣革液,再采用聚合硅酸系混凝剂和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)来处理混合废水的新方法.  相似文献   

应用光合细胞处理味精废水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光合细菌处理高浓度有机废水是一项废水生物处理新技术,该文对该技术在味精废水上的应用进行了初探。试验在各种处理条件下,光合细菌对废水中CODcr的降解情况,并提出了处理工艺流程。  相似文献   

制浆废水先经HCR工艺处理,造纸废水先经气浮处理,然后,2种废水混合一起进入SBR反应器进一步进行生化处理,最终出水实现达标排放。采取有效措施控制了生化处理系统中的污泥膨胀现象。  相似文献   

糖蜜酒精废水治理新技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了糖蜜酒精废水的现行治理技术,分析了农田灌溉法、浓缩法、厌氧-好氧法和EM技术处理糖蜜酒精废水的优缺点,同时提出了用微氧技术处理糖蜜酒精废水的新方法,介绍了微氧技术的研究状况及其在处理糖蜜酒精废水方面的优势。试验结果表明,利用微氧厌氧技术处理富含硫酸盐糖蜜酒精废水是切实可行的,该技术不仅可有效去除废水中的有机质和硫酸盐,还为实现单质硫和沼气资源的回收利用创造条件。  相似文献   

铁屑内电解法处理含酚废水   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
本文讨论了铁屑内电解法处理含酚废水原理及各种因素对脱除效果的影响,用正交实验选取最佳处理条件,对模拟和实际废水进行了处理,本文还分析了铁屑内电解法处理含酚废水的优点和存在问题,以论证该法用于工业生产的前景。  相似文献   

集装箱厂喷漆废水处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙玉琴  葛梅 《交通环保》1997,18(3):10-12
通过对集装箱厂油漆废水中主要污染物的分析和对各种处理技术的可行性研究,选择了SBR法处理工艺处理喷漆废水。实验室及实际处理运行数据表明,采用SBR法处理油漆废水是行之有效的。  相似文献   

王萍  黄志宇 《环境科技》2003,16(3):15-17
提出乳状液膜深度处理钻井废水的传质机理,实验考察了处理充30^#钻井废水的适宜液膜条件,使得深度处理后的充30^#钻井钻井废水COD达到国家规定排放标准。  相似文献   

复合式厌氧污泥床反应器是一种改进的厌氧处理工艺 ,可有效去除城市生活污水中的污染物 ,并提高了污水的可生化性 ,是一种较理想的城市污水强化一级处理工艺 ,为上海合流污水深海排放的实施提供了保障。本文对该工艺的装置特点和处理效果进行了分析研究 ,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

脱硫废水处理试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
湿法烟气脱硫工艺产生的废水中含有大量污染物 ,严重危害环境和人民的身体健康。试验研究了脱硫废水的处理工艺 ,研究探讨中和沉淀、硫化物沉淀和絮凝沉淀的处理药剂、最佳加药量和反应条件 ;并进行动态模拟试验  相似文献   

研究了麦饭石对水溶性染料直接耐酸大红4BS的吸附作用,探讨了搅拌时间、麦饭石粒度、投料量及溶液pH值等因素对吸附的影响。结果表明,麦饭石对染料的吸附能较好地符合Langmuir方程。且对染料溶液及实际废水具有良好的脱色率和COD去除率。  相似文献   

Landfill leachate treatment in assisted landfill bioreactor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Landfill is the major disposal route of municipal solid waste(MSW) in most Asian countries. Leachate from landfill presents a strong wastewater that needs intensive treatment before discharge. Direct recycling was proposed as an effective alternative for leachate treatment by taking the landfill as a bioreactor. This process was proved not only considerably reducing the pollution potential of leachate, but also enhancing organic degradation in the landfill. However, as this paper shows, although direct leachate recycling was effective in landfilled MSW with low food waste fraction (3.5%, w/w), it failed in MSW containing 54% food waste, as normally noted in Asian countries. The initial acid stuck would inhibit methanogenesis to build up, hence strong leachate was yielded from landfill to threaten the quality of receiving water body. We demonstrated the feasibility to use an assisted bioreactor landfill, with a well-decomposed refuse layer as ex-situ anaerobic digester to reducing COD loading in leachate. By doing so, the refuse in simulated landfill column (2.3 m high) could be stabilized in 30 weeks while the COD in leachate reduced by 95%(61000 mg/L to 3000 mg/L). Meanwhile, the biogas production was considerably enhanced, signaling by the much greater amount and much higher methane content in the biogas.  相似文献   

人工湿地在重金属废水处理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章论述了人工湿地处理技术处理重金属废水的机理和优点.人工湿地利用基质、植物、微生物这个复合生态系统的物理化学及微生物的作用,通过过滤、吸附、共沉淀、植物吸收、离子交换和微生物分解来实现对重金属废水的高效净化;人工湿地污水处理系统具有较高的净化效率和相对较低的基建投资与处理成本,该技术已被许多国家广泛应用.根据人工湿地在重金属污水处理中的研究和应用现状,指出了人工湿地处理重金属废水的前景及今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment is one of critical issues faced by water utilities, and receives more and more attentions recently. The energy consumption modeling in biochemical wastewater treatment was investigated in the study via a general and robust approach based on Bayesian semi-parametric quantile regression. The dataset was derived from a municipal wastewater treatment plant, where the energy consumption of unit chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction was the response variable of interest. Via the proposed approach, the comprehensive regression pictures of the energy consumption and truly influencing factors, i.e., the regression relationships at lower, median and higher energy consumption levels were characterized respectively. Meanwhile, the proposals for energy saving in different cases were also facilitated specifically. First, the lower level of energy consumption was closely associated with the temperature of influent wastewater, and the chroma-rich wastewater also showed helpful in the execution of energy saving. Second, at median energy consumption level, the COD-rich wastewater played a determinative role in the reduction of energy consumption, while the higher quality of treated water led to slightly energy intensive. Third, the higher level of energy consumption was most likely to be attributed to the relatively high temperature of wastewater and total nitrogen (TN)-rich wastewater, and both of the factors were preferably to be avoided to alleviate the burden of energy consumption. The study provided an efficient approach to controlling the energy consumption of wastewater treatment in the perspective of statistical regression modeling, and offered valuable suggestions for the future energy saving.  相似文献   

人工湿地在应用中存在的问题及解决措施   总被引:15,自引:9,他引:6  
黄锦楼  陈琴  许连煌 《环境科学》2013,34(1):401-408
人工湿地是近几十年发展起来的一种污水生态处理工程技术,它将污水处理和环境生态有机地结合起来,在有效处理污水的同时也美化了环境,创造了生态景观,带来了环境效益和一定的经济效益.人工湿地自发展以来,以其独特的优势广受人们关注,并广泛应用于处理生活污水、工业废水、矿山及石油开采废水等.但是人工湿地在实际应用过程中也暴露出了很多问题,如易受气候条件和温度的影响,基质易饱和易堵塞,易受植物种类影响,占地面积较大,管理不合理,设计不规范,生态服务功能单一等,这些问题在一定程度上影响了人工湿地对污水的处理效果,缩短了人工湿地的使用寿命,阻碍了人工湿地的推广应用.针对目前人工湿地在应用中存在的这些问题提出了相应的解决措施,提高人工湿地对污水的处理效果,期望能够为人工湿地的应用及推广提供参考.  相似文献   

陕西的石煤主要分布在陕南秦岭南坡的商洛地区,但大部分石煤钒矿属于难处理矿,钒大部分以V(Ⅲ)和V(Ⅳ)存在,目前企业大多采用“焙烧+稀酸浸出+氨法沉钒”或者“强酸浸出+氨法沉钒”工艺进行生产。存在的问题一是钒的综合回收率为65%左右,整体偏低;二是生产废水中含有大量氨使得废水闭路循环难度大;三是矿区大部分位于汉丹江水系的中上游地区或临近出省断面,选址较为敏感。针对以上存在的问题提出了解决建议.并对陕西省石煤提钒行业的发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

Nowadays, intensive breeding of poultry and livestock of large scale has made the treatment of its waste and wastewater an urgent environmental issue, which motivated this study. A wetland of 688 m2 was constructed on an egg duck farm, and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) was chosen as an aquatic plant for the wetland and used as food for duck production. The objectives of this study were to test the role of water hyacinth in purifying nutrient-rich wastewater and its effects on the ducks’ feed intake, egg laying performance and egg quality. This paper shows that the constructed wetland removed as much as 64.44% of chemical oxygen demand (COD), 21.78% of total nitrogen (TN) and 23.02% of total phosphorus (TP). Both dissolved oxygen (DO) and the transparency of the wastewater were remarkably improved, with its transparency 2.5 times higher than that of the untreated wastewater. After the ducks were fed with water hyacinth, the average daily feed intake and the egg-laying ratio in the test group were 5.86% and 9.79% higher, respectively, than in the control group; the di erences were both significant at the 0.01 probability level. The egg weight in the test group was 2.36% higher than in the control group (P < 0.05), but the feed conversion ratios were almost the same. The eggshell thickness and strength were among the egg qualities significantly increased in ducks fed with water hyacinth.We concluded that a water hyacinth system was e ective for purifying wastewater from an intensive duck farm during the water hyacinth growing season, as harvested water hyacinth had an excellent performance as duck feed. We also discussed the limitations of the experiment.  相似文献   

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