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厌氧消化污泥进行隔膜板框压滤脱水试验,针对板框压滤机腔室厚度、压力变化、调理药剂、运行控制方式等因素对脱水效果的影响进行了试验研究,在腔室厚度为30mm、压榨压力为1.8Mpa、CPAM、Fe Cl3投加量分别为3‰和1.67%、采用多次进料多次压榨的条件下,可以稳定实现泥饼含水率≤60%的要求。  相似文献   

以南京某污水处理厂的污泥为研究对象,采用化学调理法及热水解法对污泥进行调理,来改善污泥的脱水性能,从而达到污泥减量化的目的。考察了几种调理剂(Fe2(SO4)3、Al Cl3、PAM)与氧化钙(Ca O)同时作用对污泥的调理效果,确定了各自的最佳投加比例:Fe2(SO4)3与Ca O最佳投加比例为0.4,Al Cl3与Ca O的最佳投加比例为1.3,PAM与Ca O的最佳投加比例为0.27,其中Fe2(SO4)3与Ca O组合调理对污泥脱水性能的改善最好。研究了热水解对污泥脱水性能的影响,表现随着热水解温度的升高,污泥的脱水性能不断得到改善。  相似文献   

剩余污泥共厌氧消化改善脱水性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为改善剩余污泥厌氧消化脱水性能,减少后续处理费用,研究了剩余污泥添加废物酒精糟液在高温(55℃)下共厌氧消化后污泥脱水性能,并对影响脱水性能因素进行了回归分析。结果表明:共厌氧消化提高了剩余污泥的碳氮比、有机负荷和产气率,减少了胞外聚合物中有机成分蛋白质和碳水化合物含量,增加颗粒尺寸,明显提高厌氧污泥脱水性能。当进样总体积为450mL、剩余污泥与酒精糟液二者体积比为2:1、污泥停留时间为11.1d时,厌氧消化污泥的脱水性能最好,毛细吸收时间为127s;当有机负荷继续提高时会出现酸化现象,可导致厌氧污泥脱水性能变差。对厌氧消化污泥脱水性能影响明显的因素是污泥颗粒尺寸、紧密粘附胞外聚合物含量。  相似文献   

利用实验室分离的丝状真菌Aspergillus niger SS5对柠檬酸污泥进行了污泥脱水前的生物调理.结果表明,菌液浓度和调理时间是影响污泥脱水性能的主要因素,调理后污泥的脱水性能、沉降性能均有明显改善,调理后的污泥负电荷减少,粒径显著增大,结合水含量比未投加菌液的空白对照降低了近40%.同时,真菌调理显著降低了上清液COD及污泥各EPS层的蛋白质和多糖含量,EPS中蛋白质的降解与污泥结合水含量、D50和Zeta电位显著相关,是影响柠檬酸污泥脱水性能改善的重要因素,且有机物的降解并未导致污泥pH值的显著变化,这和柠檬酸污泥拥有较大的酸碱缓冲容量有关.采用20mL/g DS的Aspergillus niger SS5调理柠檬酸污泥,调理3d可使泥饼含水率降至71.98%,且调理过程无化学药剂加入,更有利于柠檬酸等食品发酵类工业污泥的后续资源化综合利用.  相似文献   

电絮凝污泥调理是近年来发展起来的一种新型污泥预处理技术,具有破解污泥絮体、溶出胞外聚合物、改变污泥颗粒结构等作用,是实现后端污泥稳定化和减量化的有效手段.本研究比较了传统化学絮凝与电絮凝调理对污泥脱水性能的影响,深入分析了调理过程对污泥过滤性能、EPS组分和絮体结构的改变,并在此基础上优化了电絮凝操作条件.结果表明,以...  相似文献   

通过在污水厂实地取样,首先用阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(cationic polyacrylamide,CPAM)调理储泥池混合污泥与消化污泥,比较2种污泥投药前后的毛细吸水时间(capillary suction time,CST),发现消化污泥的CST明显小于储泥池的污泥。然后,检测这2种污泥的调理过程中Zeta电位的变化,并研究了挥发性悬浮物(volatile suspended solids,VSS)、总悬浮固体(total suspended solid,TSS)蛋白质、多糖以及胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances,EPS)总量对脱水效果的影响。结果表明投药后消化污泥脱水性能优于混合污泥,最佳投药量为4‰~4.5‰;污泥中VSS/TSS越高,污泥脱水效果越差;污泥中蛋白质含量是影响污泥脱水效果的重要因素之一,其含量低于26.5%时,污泥压滤后含水率随蛋白质含量升高而升高,但当蛋白质含量高于26.5%时,无明显变化规律。  相似文献   

为了解热活化过一硫酸盐(PMS)调理对厌氧消化污泥脱水性能的影响,本文以毛细吸水时间(CST)、污泥比阻(SRF)和泥饼含水率(WC)为评价指标,通过比较不同温度条件下(25~80℃)热活化PMS调理过程中PMS分解速率、自由基产生、胞外聚合物(EPS)含量和组成,以及污泥形貌特征和粒径分布等变化规律,探讨作用效果及机理.结果表明,热活化PMS调理能显著改善厌氧消化污泥的脱水性能,且温度的升高可增强脱水改善的程度.在温度80℃、PMS投加量4 mmol·g-1 DS(干物质)和处理5 min的条件下,厌氧消化污泥CST、SRF和WC分别从原始污泥的141 s、2.31×1013 m·kg-1、85%降至35 s、1.95×1012 m·kg-1和63%.热活化PMS调理过程中产生的SO4-·和·OH破坏了污泥絮体结构,大幅消减了TB-EPS中的蛋白质(尤其是芳香类蛋白和色氨酸类蛋白),同时污泥粒径的增大(100 μm→1000 μm)可能是厌氧消化污泥脱水性能提高的主要原因.该结果可为热活化过硫酸盐调理技术应用于厌氧消化污泥的高效脱水提供参考.  相似文献   

冷融技术联合化学调理对污泥脱水性能的影响及其机理   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
实验对比了常温(25℃)下阳离子聚丙烯酰胺(CPAM)、FeCl3/CaO、加酸及阳离子表面活性剂(CTAC)4种处理方式对污泥的调理效果.结果表明,CTAC对污泥的调理效果最好,可使污泥滤饼含水率降至68%.0℃时,未经处理(原泥)、CPAM、FeCl3/CaO、加酸处理条件下污泥脱水效果较常温时都有不同程度的提高,效果最好的为未经处理(原泥)和pH=2条件下的泥样;-15℃时,CTAC条件下滤饼含水率较常温下降了约6%,达到62.8%.污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)含量和污泥絮体结构对污泥脱水性能有一定影响.测定发现,EPS的溶出提高了絮体可压缩性,使污泥絮体内部结合水流出,从而改善污泥的脱水性能.电镜扫描(SEM)和粒径分析结果表明,经过FeCl3/CaO、加酸、CTAC和冷融处理后污泥表面结构和颗粒大小变化明显,脱水效果较原泥均有不同程度的提高.  相似文献   

超声对污泥流变性及絮凝脱水性的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用旋转粘度法研究了活性污泥体系的流变特性,考察和比较了超声处理前后污泥粘度及过滤比阻的变化,并就超声处理污泥的絮凝脱水性能进行了相关测试和分析.结果表明,随剪切速率的增大,污泥表观粘度降低,流动性增大,表现出流体变稀;污泥的流变特性反映出其胶状网络结构具有相对稳定性,污泥对水的结合能力强,因此,其过滤比阻高、脱水性能差;在固定频率25 kHz条件下,低声能密度(0.10~0.15W·mL-1)、短时间(2~3 min)超声处理可有效降低污泥表观粘度及过滤比阻;在絮凝剂(PDMDAAC)投量为污泥干固体质量(TS的)0.5%时,超声处理污泥的过滤比阻与滤饼含水率可分别降低至最小值0.18×109s2·g-1和65.7%.实验结果表明,将超声与絮凝剂结合用于污泥调理是可行的.  相似文献   

以上海某生活污水厂浓缩污泥为研究对象,以泥饼含水率和毛细吸水时间(CST)为评价指标,系统对比研究了芬顿(Fenton)、超声波-聚合硫酸铁(PFS)、十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)-氢氧化钠(NaOH)、溶菌酶和蛋白酶K共5种污泥调理方法对污泥脱水性能的强化效果。研究结果表明:5种调理方式中Fenton调理的脱水效果最好,调理后污泥泥饼含水率和CST分别为64.8%、43.3 s,但其产生的强酸性废水和污泥可能会影响后续的处理处置;技术经济综合分析发现,超声波-PFS联合调理是相对最优的污泥调理方式,超声波作用时间为30 s,PFS投加量为15.0 mg/g时,污泥的泥饼含水率可达到70.51%;蛋白酶K的调理效果明显优于溶菌酶;然而,研究发现SDS-NaOH联合调理会导致污泥脱水性能恶化。  相似文献   

分别用生物沥浸法(BC)、Fenton法和石灰/三氯化铁/PAM法(石灰法)对同一批城市污泥进行调理,并以常规PAM法(CC)为对照,探究不同调理后污泥的理化性质及其脱水性能的变化差异,并用流式细胞仪测定污泥中细胞裂解情况,以分析其机理.结果表明,BC法、Fenton法和石灰法均能大幅提高城市污泥脱水性能,表现在污泥过滤比阻(SRF)值仅为常规处理的0.43%~6.12%,尤其以石灰法处理脱水性能最佳.但BC法脱水泥饼中的有机质和养分能得到最大程度的保留,有机质(56.9%)、总氮(4.66%)、速效氮(0.47%)、矿化氮(1.80%)和总磷(1.60%)含量均远高于石灰法处理,而且污泥中重金属能被部分去除(Cr、Mn、Ni、Zn溶出率分别为18.7%、50.0%、48.7%和72.9%),该处理的污泥最具资源化潜力.而石灰法脱水泥饼由于大量脱水剂添加导致有机质(49.5%)、总氮(3.55%)和总磷(1.20%)含量明显下降,且泥饼呈强碱性(pH值接近11).脱水滤液中的sCOD(645mg/L)和TP(4.62mg/L)也显著高于其他处理.流式细胞仪测定结果显示,BC法、Fenton法和石灰法均能导致污泥微生物凋亡,活细胞数量由原始的86%降至75%左右,特别是石灰法对污泥中细胞的破解效果最为彻底,从而释放出更多内部水和胞内物质,这可能是引起其有机质和养分大量损失至脱水滤液中的原因之一.与Fenton法和石灰法调理相比,生物沥浸法既具有能大幅提高污泥脱水性能,脱水滤液水质相对较好的优点,又具有泥饼有机质和氮磷养分高,重金属含量低的优点.  相似文献   

The composition and effects of solution conditions on the physicochemical properties of the stratification components of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in anaerobic digested sludge were determined. The total EPS in anaerobic digested sludge were extracted by the cation exchange resin method. Another EPS extraction method, the centrifugation and sonication technique was employed to stratify the EPS into three fractions: slime, loosely bound (LB)-EPS, and tightly bound (TB)-EPS from the outside to the inside of the anaerobic digested sludge. Proteins and polysaccharides were dispersed uniformly across the different EPS fractions, and humic-like substances were mainly partitioned in the slime, with TB-EPS second. Protein was the major constituent of the LB-EPS and TB-EPS, and the corresponding ratios ranged from 54.0% to 65.6%. The hydrophobic part in the EPS chemical components was primarily comprised of protein and DNA, while the hydrophilic part was mainly composed of polysaccharide. In the slime, the hydrophobic values of several EPS chemical components (protein, polysaccharide, humic-like substances and DNA) were all below 50%. The protein/polysaccharide ratio had a significant influence on the Zeta potentials and isoelectric point values of the EPS: the greater the protein/polysaccharide ratio of the EPS was, the greater the Zeta potential and the higher the isoelectric point value were. All Zeta potentials of the EPS showed a decreasing trend with increasing pH. The corresponding isoelectric point values (pH) were 2.8 for total EPS, 2.2 for slime, 2.7 for LB-EPS, and 2.6 for TB-EPS. As the ionic strength increased, the Zeta potentials sharply increased and then gradually became constant without charge reversal. In addition, as the temperature increased (< 40°C), the apparent viscosity of the EPS decreased monotonically and then gradually became stable between 40 and 60°C.  相似文献   

本研究首先分析了铁负载污泥炭的物理化学性质,评估了铁负载污泥炭与有机高分子(聚丙烯酰胺,PAM)联合调理改善高级厌氧消肖化污泥脱水性的效能,研究了联合调理过程中污泥絮体特性与胞外聚合物(EPS)的变化特征.结果 表明,单独投加污泥炭可以通过铁的电中和作用降低污泥颗粒间的静电排斥力,同时充当骨架材料改善污泥的脱水性能.此...  相似文献   

不同剪切条件下活性污泥理化性质及脱水性能的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张越  王毅力 《环境科学学报》2013,33(12):3234-3243
通过实验室模拟,研究了原始活性污泥和最佳投药量下调理污泥的毛细管吸水时间、粒度、分形维数、Zeta电位和上清液SS值等参数随剪切强度与时间的变化规律,确定了污泥的剪切敏感性和强度因子及粒径、强度等参数与速度梯度(G)值之间的关系.结果表明,剪切导致原始污泥和调理污泥的脱水性能变差,相应的临界剪切强度分别为700 r·min-1G=554.6 s-1)和400 r·min-1G=239.5 s-1),并暴露出更多带负电荷的新鲜表面.原始污泥的质量分形维数受剪切作用影响不大,其粒径在一定范围内随剪切强度的增加而减小,而调理污泥絮体的质量分形维数却随之上升,粒度随之降低.原始污泥与调理污泥絮体的KSS值分别为4.73×10-2、8.33×10-2,稳定絮体粒径常数γ值分别为4.99×10-2、35.19×10-2,且前者的强度因子较高,它们均表明原始污泥的剪切稳定性更好.剥离是原始污泥剪切破碎的主要机制,而调理污泥在临界剪切强度以上呈现越来越明显的剪切分裂机制.此外,污泥粒径、强度均与G值呈现较好的指数关系.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on anaerobic digestion and sludge dewaterability and further to probe into the influencing factors on sludge dewaterability, sludge flocs were stratified into four fractions: (1) slime; (2) loosely bound extracellular polymeric substances (LB-EPS); (3) tightly bound EPS (TB-EPS); and (4) EPS-free pellets. The results showed that ultrasonic pretreatment increased the anaerobic digestion efficiency by 7%–8%. Anaerobic digestion without ultrasonic pretreatment deteriorated the sludge dewaterability, with the capillary suction time (CST) increased from 1.42 to 47.3 (sec L)/g-TSS. The application of ultrasonic pretreatment firstly deteriorated the sludge dewaterability (normalized CST increased to 44.4 (sec L)/g-TSS), while subsequent anaerobic digestion offset this effect and ultimately decreased the normalized CST to 23.2 (sec L)/g-TSS. The dewaterability of unsonicated sludge correlated with protein (p = 0.003) and polysaccharide (p = 0.004) concentrations in the slime fraction, while that of sonicated sludge correlated with protein concentrations in the slime and LB-EPS fractions (p < 0.05). Fluorescent excitationemission matrix analysis showed that the fluorescence matters in the LB-EPS fraction significantly correlated with sludge dewaterability during anarobic digestion.  相似文献   

The changes in the physical characteristics of unconditioned and conditioned anaerobic digested sludge (ADS) biosolids,such as capillary suction time (CST),yield stress,average size and fractal dimensions,were investigated through a CST test,transient and dynamic rheological test and image analysis.The results showed that the optimum polymer dose range was observed when CST or its reciprocal value was employed as an indicator.There were good correlations between the yield stresses determined from both a controlled shear stress test and a strain amplitude sweep test.The yield stress and storage modulus (G') increased as the polymer dose increased in most cases.A frequency sweep test revealed that polymer conditioning could extend the frequency sweep ranges for their elastic behaviors over viscous behaviors as well as the gel-like structure in the linear viscoelastic range.These results implied that more deformation energy was stored in this rigid structure,and that elastic behavior became increasingly dominant with the addition of the polymer in most cases.In addition,both the average sizes and two-dimensional fractal dimensions for conditioned ADS biosolids presented a similar up-climax-down variation trend as the polymer doses increased,whereas the critical polymer doses at the highest average sizes or two-dimensional fractal dimensions,were different.Correlation analysis revealed that the conditioned ADS dewaterability was not correlated with the yield stresses,while the average sizes or the two-dimensional fractal dimensions for conditioned ADS biosolids could be taken as the indication parameters for ADS dewaterability.  相似文献   

Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on sludge dewaterability was determined and the fate of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) matrix in mesophilic anaerobic digestion after ultrasonic pretreatment was studied. Characteristics of proteins (PN), polysaccharides (PS), excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular weight (MW) distribution of dissolved organic matters (DOM) in different EPS fractions were evaluated. The results showed that after ultrasonic pretreatment, the normalized capillary suction time (CST) decreased from 44.4 to 11.1 (sec·L)/g total suspended solids (TSS) during anaerobic digestion, indicating that sludge dewaterability was greatly improved. The normalized CST was significantly correlated with PN concentration (R2 = 0.92, p 0.01) and the PN/PS ratio (R2 = 0.84, p 0.01) in the loosely bound EPS (LB-EPS) fraction. Meanwhile, the average MW of DOM in the LB- EPS and tightly bound EPS (TB-EPS) fractions also had a good correlation with the normalized CST (R2 0.66, p 0.01). According to EEM fluorescence spectroscopy, tryptophan-like substances intensities in the slime, LB-EPS and TB-EPS fractions were correlated with the normalized CST. The organic matters in the EPS matrix played an important role in influencing sludge dewaterability.  相似文献   

The changes in the physical characteristics of unconditioned and conditioned anaerobic digested sludge (ADS) biosolids, such as capillary suction time (CST), yield stress, average size and fractal dimensions, were investigated through a CST test, transient and dynamic rheological test and image analysis. The results showed that the optimum polymer dose range was observed when CST or its reciprocal value was employed as an indicator. There were good correlations between the yield stresses determined from both a controlled shear stress test and a strain amplitude sweep test. The yield stress and storage modulus (G′) increased as the polymer dose increased in most cases. A frequency sweep test revealed that polymer conditioning could extend the frequency sweep ranges for their elastic behaviors over viscous behaviors as well as the gel-like structure in the linear viscoelastic range. These results implied that more deformation energy was stored in this rigid structure, and that elastic behavior became increasingly dominant with the addition of the polymer in most cases. In addition, both the average sizes and two-dimensional fractal dimensions for conditioned ADS biosolids presented a similar up-climax-down variation trend as the polymer doses increased, whereas the critical polymer doses at the highest average sizes or two-dimensional fractal dimensions, were different. Correlation analysis revealed that the conditioned ADS dewaterability was not correlated with the yield stresses, while the average sizes or the two-dimensional fractal dimensions for conditioned ADS biosolids could be taken as the indication parameters for ADS dewaterability.  相似文献   

The direct conversion of methanol into methane is the main process in anaerobic treatment of methanol containing wastewater. However, acetic acid can also be produced from methanol theoretically, which may probably result in an abrupt pH drop and deteriorate the anaerobic process. Therefore, it is interesting to know what would really happen in an anaerobic reactor treating methanol wastewater. In this study, an up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor treating methanol wastewater was operated. The chemical oxygen demand (COD), acetic acid and pH of the effluent were monitored at different loadings and influent alkalinity. The results showed that the anaerobic reactor could be operated steadily at as low as 119 mg/L of influent alkalinity and high organic loading rate with no obvious pH drops. Volatile fatty acids accumulation was not observed even at strong shock loadings. The microorganisms in the sludge at the end of the test became homogeneous in morphology, which were mainly spherical or spheroidal in shape. __________ Translated from China Water & Wastewater, 2006, 22(13): 42–44,48 [译自: 中国给水排水]  相似文献   

以苯甲酸(BA)、邻苯二甲酸(PA)、连苯三甲酸(HA)、1-萘甲酸(1NA)为研究对象,探究了不同结构芳香酸对厌氧颗粒污泥理化特性与微生物群落的影响.结果表明,在40 d的接触实验中,1NA实验组对溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)的去除率为86.09%,与空白对照组相比降低了7%.4个实验组污泥疏松胞外聚合物(LB-EP...  相似文献   

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