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饮用水中的消毒副产物及其控制策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
楚文海  肖融  丁顺克  张瑞华 《环境科学》2021,42(11):5059-5074
消毒副产物(disinfection by-products,DBPs)是在饮用水消毒时由消毒剂与有机或无机前体物反应生成的一类次生污染物,其由于具有致癌、致畸和致突变的三致特性在全球范围内广受关注.聚焦于饮用水中的DBPs,介绍了DBPs的主要分类和研究历程,汇总了多地饮用水中常见DBPs的浓度水平以及全球饮用水水质标准对DBP指标的管控要求.随后系统介绍了饮用水中DBPs的控制策略,包括源头控制、过程控制、末端控制以及协同控制这4大类,并对各类控制方法的优缺点进行了分析.评述了中国的DBPs研究的现有水平和未来趋势,并展望了未来有关DBPs控制方法的研究方向.一方面,在评价某种工艺或技术对DBPs的控制效果时需要考虑DBPs浓度和水质综合毒性的变化,另一方面,建议关注耦合源头、过程和末端控制技术的协同控制方法,兼顾从源头到龙头每个节点,实现对饮用水中各类DBPs的高效控制.  相似文献   

为了揭示新冠肺炎疫情下武汉典型饮用水水源中消毒副产物(DBPs)的污染特征与风险水平,选取武汉典型饮用水源地26个采样点位,采用N,N-二乙基-1,4-苯二胺分光光度法和气相色谱仪-微池电子捕获检测器(GC-μECD)法分别对水体中残余氯消毒剂和DBPs进行了检测,并开展健康与生态风险评估.结果表明,26个点位中有16个检出了游离氯或总余氯,检出最大浓度为0.04 mg·L-1,部分点位游离氯超过了国家地表水标准,靠近城市污水厂排水口的点位浓度相对较高.对10个代表性点位进行了34种DBPs的检测,有24种物质被检出,检出率为10.00%~100.00%;ρ(总DBPs)浓度范围为0.11~104.73μg·L-1,平均值为7.26μg·L-1.三氯甲烷检出浓度最高,浓度范围为9.98~11.15μg·L-1,平均值为10.47μg·L-1;一溴一碘乙酰胺检出浓度最低,浓度范围为ND~0.11μg·L-1,平均值为0.01μg·L-1...  相似文献   

氯消毒过程中可能生成有毒有害的副产物,会对水生态系统和环境健康产生直接和间接的次生危害.三卤甲烷(THMs)和卤乙酸(HAAs)是地表水中检出率最高的消毒副产物(DBPs),其毒性效应受到广泛关注.本文检索整理了三氯甲烷(TCM)、三溴甲烷(TBM)、二氯乙酸(DCAA)和三氯乙酸(TCAA)在我国地表水暴露浓度和对水生生物的毒性效应浓度,了解我国重点流域地表水环境中TCM、TBM、DCAA和TCAA的浓度水平,分别利用急、慢性毒性数据推导预测无效应浓度(PNEC),并使用风险商(RQ)和概率生态风险评价法(PERA)对我国重点流域水环境中TCM、TBM、DCAA和TCAA进行多层次生态风险评估.结果表明,我国地表水环境中TCM、TBM、DCAA和TCAA暴露浓度范围为n.d.~51μg/L.以致死和生长、繁殖等为测试终点的急、慢性毒性数据,构建物种敏感度分布(SSD)曲线,推导出TCM、TBM、DCAA和TCAA的PNEC值分别为0.586,0.857,0和44.880mg/L;0.006,0.064,0.956和0.012mg/L.基于急、慢性毒性数据计算出的RQ小于1.我国重点流域中TCM和TCAA对1%的水生生物造成生长、繁殖等慢性毒性影响的概率分别为78.86%和20.61%,存在潜在的生态风险.  相似文献   

以典型危险废物-氰渣为例,选择华北地区9座处置氰渣的一般工业固废填埋场(NISWL)作为研究对象,通过系统采样、浸出特征分析和过程模型模拟等方法预测了氰渣在NISWL豁免处置条件下的地下水污染特征和健康风险及长期演化规律.结果表明,除NISWL A和NISWL B外,其余7座NISWL由于填埋工程材料老化长期渗漏导致的暴露浓度分别超过地下水III类水质限值0.64~29倍;健康风险主要来自As的致癌危害、T-CN的非致癌危害,分别超过风险可接受水平31~270倍和17.2~305.5倍.究其原因主要是氰渣中氰化物降解慢,导致残留毒性较大、浸出浓度较高,HDPE膜劣化后渗漏后污染严重,健康风险较高.基于风险管控的入场浸出毒性控制研究表明,不同NISWL的T-CN入场浓度控制限值存在差异,分布在1.15~3.25mg/L之间,且均严格于《黄金行业氰渣污染控制技术规范》(HJ 943-2018)规定限值(5mg/L).说明入场浸出浓度限值制定应考虑填埋场工程材料老化导致的长期风险,制定更严格的入场浓度控制限值;风险大小受场地规模、区域气象水文及地质等因素影响,因此入场浸出浓度控制限值还应综合考虑上述差异,分区分类确定.  相似文献   

为了加强与俄罗斯在环境保护方面的合作,对我国和俄罗斯地表水和生活饮用水水质标准及国际卫生组织(WHO)的《饮用水水质准则》进行比较分析。结果表明,俄罗斯水质标准在化学性质和生物性质方面的指标及限值与我国有较大不同,在饮用水标准方面,其中俄罗斯共有化学指标1389项,多于我国水质标准和WHO标准。针对中俄两国水质标准的不同,对我国水质标准体系的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

江梅  张国宁  任春  邹兰  魏玉霞 《环境科学》2013,34(12):4747-4750
研究分析了挥发性有机污染物排放标准制订中4个关键技术问题:污染因子选择、控制指标确定、限值的确定以及技术管理措施.结果表明,应根据毒性和光化学反应性选择污染因子;确定控制指标应既考虑有组织控制指标,又考虑无组织的控制指标;确定排放限值应明确是基于控制技术还是基于健康风险;同时制定技术管理措施以通过源头和过程控制挥发性有机污染物排放.  相似文献   

以陆生来源有机物为原料制备了模拟氯、氯胺消毒饮用水,系统研究了煮沸对六大类46种消毒副产物(disinfection by-products, DBPs)的去除规律.结果显示,相比氯消毒,氯胺消毒可有效减少三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙酸(HAAs)、卤乙醛(HALs)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)、卤乙腈(HANs)等DBPs的生成,但会提高碘代DBPs (I-DBPs)、卤乙酰胺(HAcAms)的生成.煮沸对于绝大多数DBPs (除了二卤乙酸)有良好的去除效果,并发现如下规律:(1)就单种DBP而言,消毒方式对煮沸去除DBPs并无显著影响;(2)在同类型的DBPs中,取代程度高的DBPs普遍比取代程度低的DBPs容易去除;(3)取代程度相同的同类型DBPs,煮沸后DBPs去除率大部分遵循I-DBPs> Br-DBPs> Cl-DBPs的规律;(4)少部分DBPs (如Cl/Br-THMs、二卤乙腈),煮沸去除率表现出沸点或亨利常数依赖性.总体来看,DBPs去除率排序为THMs≈HANs≈HALs≈HNMs> HAcAms>>HAAs.此外,煮沸后各类DBPs的...  相似文献   

供水管网终端消毒副产物分布特征及预测模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
消毒副产物(disinfection by-products, DBPs)是影响饮用水水质的重要指标.以浙江省H市某区域供水点为调查目标,考察终端龙头水及加热器处理后饮用水中DBPs的含量特征,结合水质理化指标,初步确定管网终端DBPs预测模型,评估经口摄入的健康风险.结果表明,H市某供水点龙头水中共检出THMs、HANs和HAAs这3类共计10种DBPs.龙头水中目标DBPs检出率均为100%,THMs、HANs和HAAs质量浓度分别为10.12~28.39、 0.98~5.19和2.65~7.83μg·L~(-1);热水中TBM、TCAN和DBAN的检出率分别为46.43%、 82.14%和92.86%,BCAN未检出,其它DBPs检出率为100%,THMs、HANs和HAAs质量浓度分别为0.60~12.58、 0.02~0.52和2.42~5.86μg·L~(-1).加热处理后THMs和HANs的含量有所降低,总量分别降低84.22%和91.45%,HAAs变化不明显.水质理化指标pH值和SUVA与DBPs呈正相关关系,余氯和氨氮与DBPs呈负相关关系.根据常规指标与DBPs相关性建立THMs多元线性预测模型,相对误差小于10.00%,准确度较高,可用于管网供水终端THMs的预测.基于美国环保署推荐的健康风险评价模型对经口摄取途径时氯消毒副产物的致癌和非致癌风险进行计算,发现H市龙头水和热水中DBPs通过饮水途径的致癌风险分别为(17.24~84.63)×10~(-6)和(25.49~258.82)×10~(-7);非致癌风险分别为(4.17~50.32)×10~(-2)和(6.52~107.74)×10~(-3).龙头水中BDCM对致癌风险的贡献率最大,而热水系统中TCM贡献率最大;龙头水及热水中非致癌风险主要来自于TCM.热水中THMs的削减量最高达到94.38%,致癌风险降低79.00%.  相似文献   

张秋秋  潘申龄  张昱  杨敏  安伟 《环境科学》2017,38(7):2747-2753
亚硝胺类物质,特别是亚硝基二甲胺(NDMA),其高致癌性及在我国饮用水中高检出率引起了国内媒体和管理层的广泛关注.为了评价饮水中NDMA造成的健康风险,进而提出我国饮水标准的建议,本文利用近几年全国饮用水水质调查的NDMA数据,以伤残调整寿命年(DALYs)为风险评价终点,并结合疾病模型,对饮水途径摄入NDMA造成的健康风险进行估算.结果表明,我国城市饮用水中由于NDMA造成的终身癌症发病率为5.69×10~(-6),人均DALYs损失为6.27×10~(-7)人·a~(-1).以WHO所推荐的风险可接受水平(DALYs)(10~(-6)人·a~(-1))来制定饮用水中NDMA浓度安全标准,应为6.12 ng·L~(-1).考虑到我国水厂工艺情况,未来NDMA的安全标准设在6~40 ng·L~(-1)范围内更合理.最终的水质标准仍需进一步考虑其他经济和技术水平等因素.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间大规模使用含氯消毒剂,其残留可能对水环境及人体健康造成影响.我国饮用水水源地质量标准并未设置余氯项目及其浓度限值,且缺乏统一的余氯现场快速分析方法标准.为公共卫生事件发生期间的水质余氯监测与评价提供参考,对国内外饮用水标准余氯限值、实验室标准分析方法、现场快速分析方法等进行汇总分析,结果表明:①不同国家和地区以及WHO(World Health Organization,世界卫生组织)在饮用水标准中分别设置了出厂水中余氯限值(范围为0.1~2.0 mg/L)、管网末梢水中余氯限值(范围为0.1~1.8 mg/L)及饮用水中余氯最大允许浓度(范围为4~5 mg/L).②比色法、容量法因其具有反应迅速且稳定、准确度及精密度较高等优点而成为国内外实验室主要标准或推荐分析方法,高效液相色谱法检出限最低,灵敏度最高,可用于余氯痕量分析.③余氯现场快速分析方法多以比色法为主,在线监测方法多为电化学方法,但缺乏统一的标准方法.研究显示,国外饮用水标准中余氯最大允许浓度为5 mg/L,WHO推荐高风险环境下的管网末梢余氯浓度最低为0.5 mg/L,建议尽快开展水质余氯现场监测方法标准化研究.   相似文献   

To manage potential microbial risks and meet increasingly strict drinking water health standards, UV treatment has attracted increasing attention for use in drinking water systems in China. However, the effects of UV treatment on microbial control and disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation in real municipal drinking water systems are poorly understood. Here, we collected water samples from three real drinking water systems in Beijing and Tianjin to investigate the impacts of UV treatment on microbial control and DBP formation. We employed heterotrophic plate count (HPC), flow cytometry (FCM), quantitative PCR analysis, and high-throughput sequencing to measure microorganisms in the samples. Different trends were observed between HPC and total cell count (measured by FCM), indicating that a single indicator could not reflect the real degree of biological re-growth in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs). A significant increase in the 16S rRNA gene concentration was observed when the UV system was stopped. Besides, the bacterial community composition was similar at the phylum level but differed markedly at the genera level among the three DWDSs. Some chlorine-resistant bacteria, including potential pathogens (e.g., Acinetobacter) showed a high relative abundance when the UV system was turned off. It can be concluded that UV treatment can mitigate microbial re-growth to some extent. Finally, UV treatment had a limited influence on the formation of DBPs, including trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, and nitrogenated DBPs. The findings of this study may help to understand the performance of UV treatment in real drinking water systems.  相似文献   

蓝藻水华期间,藻细胞因自然生长或受水处理工艺影响(如预氧化和混凝),会向水中释放大量藻源有机物(AOM),能够与氯消毒剂反应生成大量消毒副产物(DBPs),增加了饮用水安全风险.了解AOM的特征及其对DBPs生成的影响对于AOM的控制和饮用水安全保障至关重要.本文综述了蓝藻AOM的主要理化特征(溶解性有机碳、溶解性有机氮、亲疏水性、光学特性、分子量、化学结构)及其对饮用水处理过程中AOM的削减转化规律和DBPs生成的影响,并讨论了AOM前体表征技术在蓝藻水处理过程中追踪AOM变化和预测DBPs的应用前景,最后展望了未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

Although disinfection byproducts(DBPs) in drinking water have been suggested as a cancer causing factor, the causative compounds have not yet been clarified. In this study, we used liquid chromatography quadrupole-time-of-flight spectrometry(LC-QTOF MS) to identify the unknown disinfection byproducts(DBPs) in drinking water produced from Taihu Lake source water, which is known as a convergence point for the anthropogenic pollutants discharged from intensive industrial activities in the surroundi...  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic factors can alter bromide concentrations in drinking water sources. Increasing source water bromide concentrations increases the formation and alters the speciation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formed during drinking water treatment. Brominated DBPs are more toxic than their chlorinated analogs, and thus have a greater impact on human health. However, DBPs are regulated based on the mass sum of DBPs within a given class (e.g., trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids), not based on species-specific risk or extent of bromine incorporation. The regulated surrogate measures are intended to protect against not only the species they directly represent, but also against unregulated DBPs that are not routinely measured. Surrogates that do not incorporate effects of increasing bromide may not adequately capture human health risk associated with drinking water when source water bromide is elevated. The present study analyzes trihalomethanes (THMs), measured as TTHM, with varying source water bromide concentrations, and assesses its correlation with brominated THM, TTHM risk and species-specific THM concentrations and associated risk. Alternative potential surrogates are evaluated to assess their ability to capture THM risk under different source water bromide concentration conditions. The results of the present study indicate that TTHM does not adequately capture risk of the regulated species when source water bromide concentrations are elevated, and thus would also likely be an inadequate surrogate for many unregulated brominated species. Alternative surrogate measures, including THM3 and the bromodichloromethane concentration, are more robust surrogates for species-specific THM risk at varying source water bromide concentrations.  相似文献   

Eight typical drinking water supplies in China were selected in this study. Both source and tap water were used to investigate the occurrence of chlorinated disinfection byproducts (DBPs), and seasonal variation in the concentrations of trihalomethanes (THMs) of seven water sources was compared. The results showed that the pollution level for source water in China, as shown by DBP formation potential, was low. The most encountered DBPs were chloroform, dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid, and chlorodibromoacetic acid. The concentration of every THMs and haloacetic acid (HAA) compound was under the limit of standards for drinking water quality. The highest total THMs concentrations were detected in spring.  相似文献   

以钱江源水源水为研究对象,以氯、氯胺为消毒方式,研究了不同消毒条件下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙腈(HANs)、氯代酮(CKs)、二卤乙酸(DHAAs)、三卤乙酸(THAAs)等消毒副产物(DBPs)的形成情况,以便为水务工作者监测钱江源建库前后水质、DBPs形成的变化提供基础数据.结果显示,氯消毒下DBPs的产量比氯胺消毒高出3~7倍甚至1个数量级,但不管是氯消毒还是氯胺消毒,THMs、HAAs形成量均在我国饮用水标准范围内.氯消毒下,大部分DBPs产量为中、碱性条件酸性条件(除了CKs),氯胺消毒则呈现不同的情况(所有DBPs的产量均为p H=6、p H=7p H=8).消毒剂量对所有DBPs形成具有明显的促进作用;溴离子对THMs、DHANs、DHAAs的形成有明显的促进作用.进一步研究表明,钱江源水源水的水质比钱塘江下游九溪水源水好,DBPs形成也较低,某些指标(如有机碳、有机氮、HANs形成量等)甚至比同省水质较好的金兰水库还要好;而且由于其较高的比紫外吸收值(SUVA),DBPs的溴嵌入能力均比九溪水源水、金兰水库低.此外,就目前的钱江源水源水来说,控制消毒剂量(氯、或氯胺)是控制DBPs形成的有效策略.  相似文献   

Disinfection by-products (DBPs), formed from the reactions of disinfectants with natural organic matter and halides in drinking water, were considered to be cytotoxic and genotoxic, and might trigger various cancers. The relatively low concentration of DBPs in finished water (low µg/L or even ng/L levels) and the interference from water matrix inhibited in situ determination of DBPs. Moreover, the further formation and degradation of DBPs by disinfectants during the holding time (several hours to several days) from sample collection to analysis could adversely affect the determination of DBPs. To obtain accurate, precise and reliable data of DBP occurrence and formation, robust and reliable sample preservation is indispensable. However, the commonly used quenching agents (e.g., sodium sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, and ascorbic acid) for sample preservation can decompose reactive DBPs by reductive dehalogenation. This study evaluated the performance of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione (GSH) as quenching agents for the analysis of halogenated DBPs by investigating the stoichiometry of the disinfectant-quenching agent reaction, the formation of DBPs during chlor(am)ination of NAC or GSH, and the effects of NAC or GSH on the stability of 18 individual DBPs and total organic halogen (TOX). Based on the results of this study, NAC and GSH were considered to be ideal quenching agents for the analysis of most DBPs and TOX, except halonitromethanes.  相似文献   

Disinfection by-products (DBPs) formed during water disinfection has drawn significant public concern due to its toxicity. Since the first discovery of the trihalomethanes in 1974, continued effort has been devoted on DBPs worldwide to investigate the formation mechanism, levels, toxicity and control measures in drinking water. This review summarizes the main achievements on DBP research in China, which included: (1) the investigation of known DBP occurrence in drinking water of China; (2) the enhanced removal of DBP precursor by water treatment process; (3) the disinfection optimization to minimize DBP formation; and (4) the identification of unknown DBPs in drinking water. Although the research of DBPs in China cover the whole formation process of DBPs, there is still a challenge in effectively controlling the drinking water quality risk induced by DBPs, an integrated research framework including chemistry, toxicology, engineering, and epidemiology is especially crucial.  相似文献   

The regulation of chromium in drinking water and sludge illustrates some of the challenges of regulating a chemical with complex environmental chemistry in a dynamic regulatory environment. The controversies evoked in setting environmental standards for chromium reflect technical uncertainties and the conflicting values of affected parties including regulators, citizens potentially exposed to chromium pollution, polluting industries, and research scientists. Regulatory limits for chromium in water and sludge recognize the paradoxical nature of chromium chemistry but also illustrate how the use of risk assessment can alter the regulatory approach. The framework of rationality as described by Crawford-Brown is suggested as a useful tool for evaluating regulatory limits for environmental contaminants. Science-based policies are most rational when they reflect the characteristics of rationality with respect to the ends or objectives sought, the means chosen to achieve these ends, and the beliefs that substantiate the chosen means and ends. If scientific research is to be applied to regulatory or environmental policy questions, then the traditional focus on the rationality of empirically based scientific beliefs must be expanded to consider the focus of the research question and the methodologies used.  相似文献   

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