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再生水回用于景观水体的初步探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
从国内外再生水回用于景观水体的现状以及城市生活污水再生利用发展规模上的变化,阐述了生活污水回用于景观水体的必要性,介绍了再生水处理工艺,通过实验结果论述了生活污水回用于景观水体的可行性,并分析了它的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

污水灌溉与农用水质控制标准   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王德荣 《陕西环境》1996,3(1):17-21
本文叙述了我国污水灌溉的起因、国内外发展趋势、污水回用于农业的可行性,以及农用水质控制标准。当前污水灌区的主要问题是急需科学指导和监督管理部门的建立,避免污染事故的发生和长期潜在的隐患。  相似文献   

污染防治技术生活污水深度处理供采暖锅炉回用辽河石油勘探局运输公司王岩目前,我国城市污水经处理后回用于工业冷却、农业灌溉、城市中水及油田注水的工程实例较多,而未见城市污水回用于采暖锅炉的文献报道。本文旨在介绍辽河油田渤海基地的生活污水深度处理供采暖锅炉...  相似文献   

通过分析云南省发展现代农业带来的农田废水、畜禽粪便、农田固废的面源污染及其使得农业发展不可持续的问题,提出云南要实现生态文明,必须走有机农业道路,通过建立动物养殖-有机肥生产-沼气池处理污水-有机肥/沼液沼渣回用于有机种植的一体化循环产业模式可协同削减农田废水、畜禽粪便、农田固废的面源污染,并发挥其绿色发展效用。  相似文献   

结合西南科技大学的具体情况,采用人工湿地污水处理工艺对西南科技大学污水处理厂的二级出水进行深度处理,处理后回用于校园部分区域的冲厕等生活杂用。课题对污水处理厂的出水水质和回用领域进行了分析,论述了人工湿地技术的可行性,同时,详细设计了基于西南科技大学东区现有部分绿地和水体景观基础上建造的人工湿地污水回用系统,对各处理单元进行了说明,并讨论了回用水的卫生安全问题。  相似文献   

中水水量稳定,处理达标后的中水可回用于工业冷却、农业灌溉、城市杂用及河流景观补水等方面。中水回用对缓解城市干旱缺水具有一定作用。以近年来南宁市遭遇的干旱为依据,阐述了中水回用的必要性。介绍了南宁市水资源及中水回用状况,分析中水回用存在问题,提出了南宁市中水回用对策。根据南宁市污水处理厂及潜在中水用户分布,结合南宁市各行业用水实际情况,南宁市中水宜就近回用作工业用水及生态环境用水,也可由罐车输送用于道路冲洗及城市绿化灌溉。  相似文献   

采用天然沸石去除污水中的氨氮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抚顺石化分公司石油二厂在研究外排污水深度处理过程中,选用天然沸石去除污水中氨氮取得明显效果。经深度处理的污水回用于循环水场用于补水,杜绝了循环水场“软泥”的产生,为污水深度处理及回用总结了一条成功经验。  相似文献   

哈尔滨石化分公司经深度处理污水水质的部分指标已接近、甚至好于五类地表水标准,本文介绍了几年来我厂对污水回用于循环冷却水的研究及应用情况  相似文献   

城市污水回用定价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋健健  张鸿涛 《环境保护》2005,23(11):55-58
污水回用是缓解水资源危机的重要方法。本文根据我国35个省会城市及计划单列城市的城市污水处理率、污水回用率等数据.以城市污水回用于生活用水为案例,分析了回用水定价的影响因素,经过主成分分析、聚类分析等统计学方法计算.得到了影响回用水定价四级指标体系。污水回用定价体系的建立,有利于各地区水价体系与经济政策的调整。  相似文献   

针对黑龙江省某大型机械厂综合污水进行了处理工艺、设计参数研究,以及工艺流程设计.并通过实际调试运行对设计参数的理论值进行适当修正.文章为污水深度处理回用于锅炉及循环系统的工艺优化开辟了新途径.  相似文献   

O3氧化-活性炭吸附在洗衣污水回用中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洗衣污水回用对于中国当前强调发展循环经济、节能降耗的国情来说具有重要现实意义。以广州某洗涤公司采用O3氧化-活性炭吸附工艺对洗涤污水进行回用为例,发现此工艺方案运行稳定,处理后的水质满足洗衣回用水要求,且操作控制简单,处理成本不高,对于中国发达地区城市如何将洗衣污水进行有效回用提供了借鉴参考。  相似文献   

我国城市污水工业回用的现状及存在问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
略述了近几年来我国城市污水工业回用的一些成功经验 ,提出了城市污水工业回用中存在的几个主要问题及其对策 ,展望了我国在这一领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

The growing water stress both in terms of water scarcity and quality deterioration promotes the development of reclaimed water as a new water resource use. This paper reviewed wastewater reuse practices in China, and the opportunities and challenges of expanding reclaimed water use were analyzed. Rapid urbanization with the increasing of water demand and wastewater discharge provides an opportunity for wastewater reuse. The vast amount of wastewater discharge and low reclaimed water production mean that wastewater reuse still has a great potential in China. Many environmental and economic benefits and successful reclamation technologies also provide opportunities for wastewater reuse. In addition, the overall strategy in China is also encouraging for wastewater reuse. In the beginning stage of wastewater reclamation and reuse, there are many significant challenges to expand wastewater reuse in China including slow pace in adopting urban wastewater reuse programs, the establishment of integrated water resources management framework and guidelines for wastewater reuse programs, incoherent water quality requirements, the limited commercial development of reclaimed water and the strengthening of public awareness and cooperation among stakeholders.  相似文献   

分散式小区污水回用分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
污水回用处理可分为分散式和集中式,本文着重就分散式小区污水回用处理模式进行探讨,比较分析国内外典型国家或城市的技术和应用现状,在此基础上,指出我国分散式小区污水回用模式当前实施存在的问题及今后的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Effects of land use change and water reuse options on urban water cycle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The aim of this article was to study the effects of land use change and water reuse options on an urban water cycle. A water cycle analysis was performed on the Goonja drainage basin, located in metropolitan Seoul, using the Aquacycle model. The chronological e ects of urbanization were first assessed for the land uses of the Goonja drainage basin from 1975 to 2005, where the ratio of impervious areas ranged from 43% to 84%. Progressive urbanization was identified as leading to a decrease in evapotranspiration (29%), an increase in surface runo (41%) and a decrease in groundwater recharge (74%), indicating a serious distortion of the water cycle. From a subsequent analysis of the water reuse options, such as rainwater use and wastewater reuse, it is concluded that wastewater reuse seemed to have an advantage over rainwater use for providing a consistent water supply throughout the year for a country like Korea, where the rainy season is concentrated during the summer monsoon.  相似文献   

A water quality model for water reuse was made by mathematics induction. The relationship among the reuse rate of treated wastewater(R), pollutant concentration of reused water( Cs ), pollutant concentration of influent( C0), removal efficiency of pollutant in wastewater( E), and the standard of reuse water were discussed in this study. According to the experiment result of a toilet wastewater treatment and reuse with membrane bioreactors, R would be set at less than 40%, on which all the concerned parameters could meet with the reuse water standards. To raise R of reuse water in the toilet, an important way was to improve color removal of the wastewater.  相似文献   

污水经深度处理后进行资源化利用已逐渐成为我国今后缓解城市水资源紧缺的现实选择,污水资源化利用的关键是按需求确定回用对象及其水质目标,重点是选择合适的污水深度处理技术。本文在概述目前污水深度处理技术的基础上,介绍了国内外大量污水资源化利用的工程实例,并分析了其采用的深度处理技术,对进一步推动我国污水资源化利用工程实践的应用以及探讨污水新型深度处理组合工艺技术具有的重要意义。  相似文献   

中水回用在沈阳市的应用前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈阳是一个水资源严重短缺的城市,研究中水回用对缓解沈阳用水紧张和节约水资源都有积极的意义。文章研究了沈阳市中水回用的必要性、可行性、现状和制约因素,进而提出了推进沈阳中水回用的有关对策。  相似文献   

The awareness of the problem of the scarcity of water of high quality has strongly changed the approach of wastewater treatment. Currently, there is an increasing need for the beneficial reuse of treated wastewater and to recover valuable products and energy from the wastewater. Because microbiological treatment methods are, only to a limited part, able to satisfy these needs, the role and significance of physical/chemical processes in wastewater treatment are gaining more and more interest. The specific future role and aim of the various physical/chemical treatment processes can be categorized in five groups: improvement of the performance of microbiological treatment processes, achievement of the high quality required for reuse of the effluent, recovery of valuable components and energy from the wastewater for beneficial reuse, desalination of brackish water and seawater, and treatment of concentrated liquid or solid waste residues produced in a wastewater treatment process. Development of more environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment chains in which physical/chemical processes play a crucial role, also requires application of process control and modeling strategies. This is briefly introduced by the elaboration of treatment scenarios for three specific wastewaters.  相似文献   

MBR在污水处理与回用工艺中的应用   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:29  
MBR是将生物处理与膜分离技术相结合而成的一种高效污水处理新工艺。国内外MBR工艺在城市污水处理、中水回用、高浓度生活污水处理以及垃圾渗滤液处理等方面的应用实践经验表明 ,MBR工艺具有常规污水处理工艺无法比拟的优势 ,其在污水处理与回用事业中的应用前景非常广阔  相似文献   

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