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The influence of physical and chemical parameters on the abundance and diversity of chironomids was studied in six rivers with moderate to highly polluted water in the Juru River Basin. The rivers: Ceruk Tok Kun (CTKR) as reference site, and polluted rivers of Pasir (PR), Juru (JR), Permatang Rawa (PRR), Ara (AR) and Kilang Ubi (KUR) were sampled over a period of five months (November 2007–March 2008). Nine chirnomid species: Chironimus kiiensis, C. javanus, Polypedilum trigonus, Microchironomus sp., Dicrotendipes sp., Tanytarsus formosanus, Clinotanypus sp., Tanypus punctipennis and Fittkauimyia sp. were identified. Assessment of their relationships with several environmental parameters was performed using the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Tanytarsus formosanus was the most dominant in the relatively clean CTKR and moderately polluted JR with mean densities of 19.66 and 25.32 m?2, respectively while C. kiiensis was abundant in more polluted rivers. Tanytarsus formosanus, Dicrotendipes sp. and Microchironomus sp. were grouped under moderate to high water temperature, total organic matter (TOM), total suspended solids (TSS), velocity, pH, phosphates and sulphates. However, Tanypus punctipennis, Fittkauimyia sp., and Clinotanypus sp. were associated with high contents of river sediment such as TOM, Zn and Mn and water ammonium-N and nitrate-N and they were associated with higher dissolved oxygen (DO) content in the water. Chironomus kiiensis, C. javanus and P. trigonus showed positive relationships with TOM, ammonium-N and nitrate-N as well as trace metals of Zn, Cu and Mn. These three species could be considered as tolerant species since they have the ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions with low DO and high concentrations of pollutants. Based on the water parameter scores in all rivers, the highest diversity of chironomid larvae was reported in CTKR. With higher concentrations of organic and/or inorganic pollutants as reported in PPR, KUR and AR, the chironomid larval diversity decreased, and the abundance of tolerant species, mainly Chironomus spp., increased.  相似文献   

通过对2011年-2015年黑龙江嘉荫段地表水例行监测数据及水体污染特征、水域使用功能状况和历年水质变化趋势等情况的分析,结果表明,"十二五"期间,黑龙江嘉荫段水质污染以有机污染为主,影响河流的主要污染因子为高锰酸盐指数和化学需氧量,主要原因为有机污染物本底值高.水质变化趋势为高锰酸盐指数呈显著升高趋势,化学需氧量无显著变化,但水质类别仍为Ⅳ类水体,水体功能无明显变化.河流周边社会生活、工业生产及农业生产未对黑龙江嘉荫段水环境造成显著影响.  相似文献   

河道曝气提升河流水质的WASP模型研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
朱文博  王洪秀  柳翠  张建  梁爽 《环境科学》2015,36(4):1326-1331
曝气充氧是修复受污染河道的重要技术,数学模型是预测、评估环境污染状况的重要方法.本研究应用WASP水质模型评价不同时段河道曝气对河流水质的提升作用.初期模型验证结果表明,WASP水质模型拟合结果与实际监测结果基本吻合,可为水污染治理工程提供参考依据.在此基础上,对不同曝气条件进行模拟分析,结果表明,河道曝气能够有效降低河水中的化学需氧量(COD)和氨氮(NH+4-N)浓度,改善水质;随着曝气河段内溶解氧(DO)水平的提升,水质虽不断改善,但改善幅度逐渐减小;全年不同月份曝气效果差异显著,5~9月曝气效果较好.结合经济投入和环境效益,最终确定夏季提升DO水平达到4 mg·L-1为河道曝气最优条件.  相似文献   

Water quality forecasting is an essential part of water resource management. Spatiotemporal variations of water quality and their inherent constraints make it very complex. This study explored a data-based method for short-term water quality forecasting. Prediction of water quality indicators including dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand by KMnO4 and ammonia nitrogen using support vector machine was taken as inputs of the particle swarm algorithm based optimal wavelet neural network to forecast the whole status index of water quality. Gubeikou monitoring section of Miyun reservoir in Beijing, China was taken as the study case to examine effectiveness of this approach. The experiment results also revealed that the proposed model has advantages of stability and time reduction in comparison with other data-driven models including traditional BP neural network model, wavelet neural network model and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree model. It can be used as an effective approach to perform short-term comprehensive water quality prediction.  相似文献   

为了更好地对延河污染进行控制,增加延河水资源的利用率,采用综合污染指数法,对延河5个监测断面的水质指标进行评价,最后确定延河水质的主要污染物、污染物类型及主要污染断面。结果表明,延河水主要污染物为生化需氧量、化学需氧量以及氨氮,延河水质三氮类、有机类污染为中度污染,重金属类和细菌类污染为轻度污染,总体延河水质属有机类污染,延河主要污染断面为石窑村断面。  相似文献   

以昆山市凌家浜河道作为原位生态修复的试验对象,综合运用水生植物修复技术、生物膜技术等,改善水质。结合水生动物,平衡水体内浮游生物种类结构和数量,促进降解和转移水体中有机物质,达到河道生态系统原位修复的目的。研究表明:在有部分外源污染的情况下,采用该技术修复河道,水质改善显著,水体透明度、COD、TP、TN、NHN、叶绿素a等主要水质指标达到或优于地表水质标准。  相似文献   

密云水库及其流域营养物集成模拟的模型体系研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
近年来由于连年干旱,密云水库面临着严重的水质和水量问题.为实现密云水库及流域的营养物集成模拟和预测,研究开发了以流域非点源模型、水体生态动力学模型和河流模型为基础的,在GIS、RS技术支持下的密云水库水环境模拟预测集成模型.生态动力学模型是由WASP模型和EFDC模型耦合而成,流域非点源模型选用SWAT模型系统,该系统同时包括了污染物在河流中的迁移转化模拟.研究采用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗法进行参数识别.结果表明,实测水质数据基本位于模拟数据分布众数曲线上下,并基本落入了水质变量模拟分布80%置信度的置信区间内,模拟结果与监测数据匹配较好.说明流域集成模型体系得到了有效识别并能满足实际应用.  相似文献   

近年来由于连年干旱,密云水库面临着严重的水质和水量问题.为实现密云水库及流域的营养物集成模拟和预测,研究开发了以流域非点源模型、水体生态动力学模型和河流模型为基础的,在GIS、RS技术支持下的密云水库水环境模拟预测集成模型.生态动力学模型是由WASP模型和EFDC模型耦合而成,流域非点源模型选用SWAT模型系统,该系统同时包括了污染物在河流中的迁移转化模拟.研究采用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗法进行参数识别.结果表明,实测水质数据基本位于模拟数据分布众数曲线上下,并基本落入了水质变量模拟分布80%置信度的置信区间内,模拟结果与监测数据匹配较好.说明流域集成模型体系得到了有效识别并能满足实际应用.  相似文献   

The estimation and allocation of water environmental capacity (WEC) are essential to water quality management and social-economic interests. However, there is inevitable uncertainty in the capacity estimation due to model conceptualization, data collection and parameter calibration. An innovative holistic approach was developed, which took both independence and relevance between parameters into account to analyze the uncertainties in WEC calculation and estimate the margin of safety. The Doniang River was taken as the case to demonstrate the method, focusing on the chemical oxygen demand and NH-N that were the two major water quality problems in the river. The results showed that the proposed holistic approach is very promising and applicable compared to traditional methods of uncertainty analysis.  相似文献   

基于2014-2019年钦江入海河口断面流量以及化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)3种典型污染物的浓度,本研究通过LOADEST模型优化了COD、TN和TP入海通量计算方程,其优化后的判定性系数分别为0.857、0.772和0.717,这说明优化后的方程能够满足钦江河口典型污染物入海通量及水质变化特征的评估。结果表明:(1)2014-2019年,COD、TN和TP无论是浓度还是通量均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,TN依然超标严重;(2)COD、TN和TP季节变化特征显著(p<0.01),入海通量干季低于湿季,浓度干季高于湿季,COD和TN的入海通量与降雨量呈极显著相关性(R2=0.897,p<0.01,R2=0.748,p<0.01),COD和TN主要来自非点源,而TP与降雨量呈显著相关性(R2=0.359,p<0.05),TP不仅受非点源影响,也受点源影响,建议加强沿江污水管网和污水处理能力建设。  相似文献   

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