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双筒型微生物燃料电池产电及污水净化特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁鹏  黄霞  范明志  曹效鑫  崔岳 《环境科学》2009,30(2):616-620
构建了双筒型微生物燃料电池并考察了产电和污水净化特性,在此基础上考察不同阳极填料对微生物燃料电池产电的影响.通过稳态放电法和电流中断法测量得到微生物燃料电池的内阻,以颗粒石墨作为阳极填料的双筒型微生物燃料电池内阻为38.9 Ω,阳极内阻、欧姆内阻和阴极内阻分别为5.1、 14.1和18.7 Ω,最大产电功率密度为6 253 mW/m3,双筒型微生物燃料电池的构型能有效提高单位体积质子膜面积.双筒型微生物燃料电池对COD的去除负荷为1.6 kg/(m3·d),库仑效率约为10%~12%.阳极填料为大颗粒石墨、小颗粒石墨、碳毡和穿孔型碳毡的双筒型微生物燃料电池的内阻分别为47、 39、 28和33 Ω,稳定运行周期分别为20、 18、 11和18 d.从兼顾产电和稳定运行角度出发,穿孔型碳毡和小颗粒石墨更适合用作MFC阳极填料.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池表观内阻的构成和测量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
梁鹏  范明志  曹效鑫  黄霞  王诚 《环境科学》2007,28(8):1894-1898
将微生物燃料电池内部各种阻力用表观内阻统一表征,在建立其等效电路的基础上将表观内阻分为欧姆内阻和非欧姆内阻2部分.通过稳态放电法测量微生物燃料电池表观内阻,在改变外电阻后稳定时间需要60 s以上方能保证测定准确性,通过稳态放电法测定一室型微生物燃料电池的表观内阻为289 Ω,当外电阻等于表观内阻时微生物燃料电池对外输出功率达到最大,为241 mW/m2;通过电流中断法测量一室型微生物燃料电池的欧姆内阻为99 Ω,测定结果与断电前电流强度无关;当一室型微生物燃料电池对外供电分别处于活化极化区、欧姆极化区和浓差极化区时,非欧姆电阻占总内阻的比例分别为93%、66%和75%,在电池对外供电达到最大时非欧姆占总内阻比例最低.提高微生物燃料电池产电能力需要同时降低电池的欧姆内阻和非欧姆内阻.  相似文献   

通过优化阴极材料,构建新型单室无膜壁式空气阴极微生物燃料电池,开展了污泥浓度、阳极面积、导线材料和NaCl离子浓度等影响因素及其优化试验研究。结果显示:在恒温30℃和外接电阻1 000Ω的条件下,以铜线为导线,污泥浓度为21 000 mg/L,阳极面积为31.4 cm2,Na+浓度为200 mmol/L时,其产电性能最佳,最大电压为597 mV,最大输出功率密度为301 mW/m2,内阻为92.5Ω。此外,还分析了污泥运行过程中的变化。与目前其他以未经过预处理的剩余污泥作为底物的微生物燃料电池相比,该新型单室无膜壁式空气阴极微生物燃料电池功率密度较高,内阻较低。  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池表观内阻的构成和测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
梁鹏  范明志  曹效鑫  黄霞  王诚 《环境科学》2007,28(8):1894-1898
将微生物燃料电池内部各种阻力用表观内阻统一表征,在建立其等效电路的基础上将表观内阻分为欧姆内阻和非欧姆内阻2部分。通过稳态放电法测量微生物燃料电池表观内阻,在改变外电阻后稳定时间需要60s以上方能保证测定准确性,通过稳态放电法测定一室型微生物燃料电池的表观内阻为289?,当外电阻等于表观内阻时微生物燃料电池对外输出功率达到最大,为241mW/m2;通过电流中断法测量一室型微生物燃料电池的欧姆内阻为99?,测定结果与断电前电流强度无关;当一室型微生物燃料电池对外供电分别处于活化极化区、欧姆极化区和浓差极化区时,非欧姆电阻占总内阻的比例分别为93%、66%和75%,在电池对外供电达到最大时非欧姆占总内阻比例最低。提高微生物燃料电池产电能力需要同时降低电池的欧姆内阻和非欧姆内阻。  相似文献   

电极构型对空气阴极生物燃料电池发电性能的影响   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
尤世界  赵庆良  姜珺秋 《环境科学》2006,27(11):2159-2163
在空气阴极生物燃料电池(ACMFC)中,从阴极扩散进入阳极的氧气能够被兼性微生物作为电子受体还原,进而导致电子损失严重.本研究利用葡萄糖作底物,对2种不同电极构型的空气阴极生物燃料电池ACMFC1和ACMFC2的功率输出和电子回收进行了比较研究.结果表明,ACMFC1的内阻为302.14Ω,阳极电位为-323mV,最大功率密度为3 070 mW/m3;ACMFC2的内阻为107.79Ω,阳极电位为-442mV,最大功率密度达到9 800 mW/m3.在间歇条件下,ACMFC2可以连续运行220h,电子回收率为30.1%;而ACMFC1只能运行不到50h,电子回收率为9.78%.因此,合理的设计空气阴极生物燃料电池电极构型可以减小内阻,增大电池电动势进而增大功率输出,提高电子回收率.  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池处理废水时的产电性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了一个经典的双室微生物燃料电池,并考察了其在接种厌氧污泥条件下对葡萄糖模拟废水的产电性能。试验主要考察了电池系统在不同的电极材料及不同COD浓度下的产电性能及废水处理效率。结果表明,该电池在初始COD为1000mg/L,以石墨为电极的运行条件下产电性能最好,最大电流密度为4.4mA/m2。在不同的COD浓度下,该系统对废水中COD的去处率都稳定在70%。另外实验还考察了好氧污泥代替空气作为电子受体后电池系统的产电性能及废水处理效率。在该条件下,微生物燃料电池的产电性能得到了显著的提高,输出电流密度约为17.3mA/m2,同时其对废水中的COD去除率达到了82%。  相似文献   

填料型微生物燃料电池产电特性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将石墨和碳毡作为阳极填料组装成填料型微生物燃料电池,其启动期在1 d左右,低于平板型微生物燃料电池的启动期.碳毡作为填料时,微生物燃料电池的最大产电功率密度为1 502 mW/m2(37.6 W/m3),优于石墨作为填料的MFC.将碳毡与碳纸烧结一体以提高填料型微生物燃料电池阳极的导电性,与平板型微生物燃料电池相比,其面积内阻从0.071 Ω穖2下降到0.051 Ω穖2,最大电流密度从3 000 mA上升到8 000 mA,最大产电功率密度从1 100 mW/m2(27.5 W/m3)上升到2426 mW/m2(60.7W/m3),阳极电势平均下降100 mV.循环流量影响填料型微生物燃料电池的产电能力,当流量低于1 mL/min时,其产电功率密度随流速降低而下降.填料型微生物燃料电池在外电阻为600 Ω下长期稳定运行30 d以上,其库仑效率约为10.6%.  相似文献   

梅卓  张哲  王鑫 《环境科学》2015,36(11):4311-4318
阳极-隔膜-阴极的"三合一"膜电极结构能够最大程度减小阴阳极间距,提高微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell,MFC)的输出功率.为进一步提高MFC性能,本研究使用非贵金属材料构建了辊压"三合一"膜电极系统,其欧姆内阻降低至3~5Ω.以乙酸钠为底物,MFC的最高功率密度达到446 m W·m-2.向阳极内添加固体小球(如聚苯乙烯球和玻璃微球)可在辊压过程中增加阳极表面和内部的大孔,强化电解液向阴极的传递从而使MFC的功率密度提升10%.添加阳离子交换树脂能够进一步强化阳极内部的质子传递,提高阴极电位,从而将功率密度提升至543 m W·m-2.此外,阳极内添加阳离子交换树脂还可提高电池运行的稳定性和库仑效率.  相似文献   

利用玉米浸泡液产电的微生物燃料电池研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
以玉米淀粉生产过程中的浸泡液(玉米浸泡液)作为接种液和基质,利用“三合一”膜电极的单室空气阴极微生物燃料电池进行试验,采用在线监测电压和废水分析方法对产电功率和化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮进行测定,探讨高COD、高氨氮有机废水产电及废水处理的可行性.结果表明,经过94 d(1个周期)的连续运行(固定外电阻为1 000 Ω),17 d时输出电压达到最大(525.0 mV),稳定期最大输出功率可达169.6 mW/m2,此时电池相应的电流密度为440.2 mA/m2,内阻约为350 Ω,开路电压619.5 mV;但燃料电池电子利用效率较低(库仑效率为1.6%);1个周期结束时浸泡液的COD去除率达到51.6%,氨氮去除率25.8%.本试验利用玉米浸泡液成功获得电能,同时对浸泡液有效地进行了处理,为其资源化利用提供新途径.  相似文献   

构建了双室微生物燃料电池系统(MFC)处理高盐高浓度榨菜废水,实现了污水处理与能量回收的双重目的.高盐高浓度榨菜废水MFC多周期运行过程中性能研究表明,该MFC可长期、高效、稳定运行.在1000Ω外接电阻间歇运行条件下,电池运行至第5周期时产电性能达到最佳,最大功率密度、电池内阻及开路电压分别为:7.44W/m~3、88Ω、746mV,COD去除率及库伦效率分别为:(65±2.5)%、(19.3±1)%.启动成功后污染物去除效果随运行时间的延长缓慢提高,运行至第8周期时COD去除率为(73±3.3)%,而库伦效率缓慢降低,最大库伦效率为(19.3±1)%.此外,随着运行时间的延长阳极出水pH值不断减小,酸化程度不断加重.在长期运行过程中系统稳定功率输出所对应的外阻为500Ω左右.实验过程中功率密度和极化曲线出现了回折现象.  相似文献   

Soil contaminated with heavy metals cadmium(Cd)and lead(Pb)is hard to be remediated.Phytoremediation may be a feasible method to remove toxic metals from soil,but there are few suitable plants which can hyperaccumulate metals.In this study,Cd and Pb accumulation by four plants including sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.),mustard(Brassica juncea L.),alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.), ricinus(Ricinus communis L.)in hydroponic cultures was compared.Results showed that these plants could phytocxtract heavy metals, the ability of accumulation differed with species,concentrations and categories of heavy metals.Values of BCF(bioconcentration factor)and TF(translocation factor)indicated that four species had dissimilar abilities of phytoextraction and transportation of heavy metals.Changes on the biomass of plants,pH and Eh at different treatments revealed that these four plants had distinct responses to Cd and Pb in cultures.Measurements should be taken to improve the phytoremediation of sites contaminated with heavy metals,such as pH and Eh regulations,and so forth.  相似文献   

The oxidation of As(Ⅲ) with potassium permanganate was studied under conditions including pH, initial As(Ⅲ) concentration and dosage of Mn(Ⅶ). The results have shown that potassium permanganate was an effective agent for oxidizing of As(Ⅲ) in a wide pH range. The pH value of tested water was not a significant factor affecting the oxidation of As(Ⅲ) by Mn(Ⅶ). Although theoretical redox analyses suggest that Mn(Ⅶ) should have better performance in oxidization of As(Ⅲ) within lower pH ranges, the experimental results show that the oxidation efficiencies of As(Ⅲ) under basic and acidic conditions were similar, which may be due to the adsorption of As(Ⅲ) on the Mn(OH)2 and MnO2 resulting from the oxidation of As(Ⅲ).  相似文献   

The Xijiang River is the major source of water for about 4.5 millions of urban population and 28.7 millions of rural population. The water quality is very important for the health of the rural population. The concentration and distribution of chlorobenzenes (CBs) in both water and waterweeds collected from 4 stations in the Xijiang River (Gangdong section) of the Pearl River in April and November were determined. The result showed that nearly every congener of CBs was detected. The total contents of CBs (∑CBs) in the river water ranged from 111.1 to 360.0 ng/L in April and from 151.9 to 481.7 ng/L in November, respectively. The pollution level of CBs in the water in April was higher than that in November. The contents of ∑ CBs in waterweeds ranged from 13.53×102 μg/g to 38.27×102μg/g dry weight (dw). There was no significant difference between April and November in waterweeds. The distribution of CBs in roots, caulis, and leaves of Vallisneria spiralis L. showed different patterns. The leaves mainly contained low-molecular-weight CBs(DCBs), whereas the roots accumulated more PCBs and HCBs. The average lgBCFlip (bioconcentration factor) of CBs ranged from 0.64 to 3.57 in the waterweeds. The spatial distribution character of CBs in the Xijiang River was: Fengkai County < Yunan County <Yun'an County < Gaoyao County according to the ∑CBs, and the pollution deteriorated from the upstream to the downstream of the Xijiang River. Further analysis demonstrated that the discharge of waste containing CBs may be the main source of CBs pollution in the Xijiang River.  相似文献   

Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol(2,4-DCP)was studied in a novel three-electrode photoelectrocatalytic(PEC)integrative oxidation process,and the factors influencing the degradation rate,such as applied current,flow speed of O_2,pH,adscititious voltage and initial 2,4-DCP concentration were investigated and optimized.H_2O_2 was produced nearby cathode and Fe~(2 )continuously generated from Fe anode in solution when current and O_2 were applied,so,main reactions,H_2O_2-assisted TiO_2 PEC oxidation and E-Fenton reaction,occurred during degradation of 2,4-DCP in this integrative system.The degradation ratio of 2,4-DCP was 93% in this integrative oxidation process,while it was only 31% in E-Fenton process and 46% in H_2O_2-assisted TiO_2 PEC process.So,it revealed that the degradation of 2,4-DCP was improved greatly by photoelectrical cooperation effect.By the investigation of pH,it showed that this integrative process could work well in a wide pH range from pH 3 to pH 9.  相似文献   

The influence of coexisting copper (Cu) ion on the degradation of pesticides pyrethroid cypermethrin and cyhalothrin in soil and photodegradation in water system were studied.Serial concentrations of the pesticides with the addition of copper ion were spiked in the soil and incubated for a regular period of time,the analysis of the extracts from the soil was carried out using gas chromatography (GC).The photodegradation of pyrethroids in water system was conducted under UV irradiation.The effect of Cu~(2 ) on the pesticides degradation was measured with half life (t_(0.5)) of degradation.It was found that a negative correlation between the degradation of the pyrethroid pesticides in soil and Cu addition was observed.But Cu~(2 ) could accelerate photodegradation of the pyrethroids in water.The t_(0.5) for cyhalothrin extended from 6.7 to 6.8 d while for cypermethrin extended from 8.1 to 10.9 d with the presence of copper ion in soil.As for photodegradation,t_(0.5) for cyhalothrin reduced from 173.3 to 115.5 rain and for cypermethrin from 115.5 to 99.0 min.The results suggested that copper influenced the degradation of the pesticides in soil by affecting the activity of microorganisms.However, it had catalyst tendency for photodegradation in water system.The difference for the degradation efficiency of pyrethroid isomers in soil was also observed.Copper could obviously accelerate the degradation of some special isomers.  相似文献   

The effects of arsenic(As)were investigated on seed germination,root and shoot length and their biomass and some other factors to elucidate the toxicity of As.The results showed low concentrations of As(O-1 mg/kg)stimulated seed germination and the growth of root and shoot,however,these factors all decreased gradually at high concentrations of As(5-20 mg/kg).The contents Of O2-,MDA,soluble protein and peroxidase(POD)activity all increased with increasing As concentrations.Soluble sugar content,ascorbate peroxidase(APX),and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activities decreased at low concentrations of As,and increased at high concentrations of As.While acetylsalicylic acid(ASA)and chlorophyll contents,catalase(CAT)activity displayed increasing trend when the concentrations of As was lower than 1 mg/kg,and then decreasing trend.By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE).As induced the expression of POD isozymes of wheat seedlings.As induced the expression of CAT isozymes but inhibited the expression of SOD isozymes of wheat seedlings at concentrations lower than 1 mg/kg.However,As inhibited the expression of CAT isozymes but induced the expression of SOD isozymes at concentrations higher than 5 mg/kg.The results indicated As could exert harmfulness in the early development stage of wheat at inappropriate concentrations.  相似文献   

This article explores the assessment of sustainability in fields subject to wind erosion. In the first part, simple sustainability audits are examined, as of soil depth and nutrients. Direct measurement of these characteristics has many problems, largely because of huge variability in space and time at all scales. Modelling still has its problems, but it may be possible to overcome many of them soon. It is true that wind erosion preferentially removes soil nutrients, but there are imponderables even here. The nutrient balance in many of these soils includes considerable input from dust. In West Africa, it has been shown that the amounts of calcium and potassium that are added in dust are sufficient to fertilize dispersed crops. In mildly acidic sandy soils, such as those found on the widespread palaeo- aeolian deposits, much of the phosphorus is fixed and unavailable to plants by the time it is removed by wind erosion, so that erosion has no added downside. Most of the nutrients carried by dust have been shown to travel close to the ground (even when they are attached to dust-sized particles), and so are trapped in nearby fallow strips, and are thus not lost to the farming system. Second, the sustalnabillty of a whole semi-arid farming system is explored. Wind erosion in semi-arid areas (like China, the Sahel and Norflawestern Europe) generally takes place on aeolian deposits of the recent geological past. Most of these soils are deep enough to withstand centuries of wind erosion before they are totally lost to production, and some of these soils have greater fertility at greater depth (so that wind erosion may even improve the soil). Finally some remarks are made about environmental change in relation to sustainability.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Xenopus laevis have been reported only for a few congeners. Additionally, there is very little information on the ability of Xenopus laevis to bioconcentrate PCBs. To address these issues, the tadpole Xenopus laevis was exposed to Aroclor 1254 mixtures in water at room temperature for 110 d followed by an additional 110 d of nonspiked PCBs in the water for the control group. During the whole process, bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of PCBs ranged from 1180 to 15670. For most PCB congeners, the highest and lowest bioconcentrations of the kinetic curves were found to be remarkably simultaneous, respectively. All 141 PCB congeners under the same experimental conditions had no linear correlation on the lgBCF versus lgKow relationship. The relationship between lgBCFs and lgKow followed a parabolic pattern indicative of selective bioconcentration, suggesting that the kinetic curves of the PCB congeners observed in the lifecycle of the tadpoles may be concentrated due to the amphibian special species and internal metabolism. In contrast, lgBCFs for PCBs were inversely related to lgKow, suggesting that a metabolism of the higher Kow PCB congeners occurred. These results support the author's conclusion that the tadpole Xenopus laevis plays major roles in the bioconcentration of PCB congeners, and demonstrated that the exposure kinetic curves of PCB congeners are complex. Besides the amphibian metamorphous development, the lifecycle of the tadpole Xenopus laevis also may be of importance in determining the bioconcentration of PCB congeners.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)was used to amplify a 600-base pair(bp)sequence of plasmid pGEX-2T DNA bound on soil colloidal particles from Brown soil(Alfisol)and Red soil(Ultisol),and three different minerals(goethite,kaolinite,montmorillonite). DNA bound on soil colloids,kaolinite,and montmorillonite was not amplified when the complexes were used directly but amplification occurred when the soil colloid or kaolinite-DNA complex was diluted,10- and 20-fold.The montmorillonite-DNA complex required at least 100-fold dilution before amplification could be detected.DNA bound on goethile was amplified irrespective of whether the complex was used directly,or diluted 10- and 20-fold.The amplification of mineral-bound plasmid DNA by PCR is,therefore,markedly influenced by the type and concentration of minerals used.This information is of fundamental importance to soil molecular microbial ecology with particular reference to monitoring the fate of genetically engineered microorganisms and their recombinant DNA in soil environments.  相似文献   

In order to understand the similarity or difference of inorganic As species uptake and transport related to phosphorus in As-hyperaccumulator, uptake and transport of arsenate (As(Ⅴ)) and arsenite (As(Ⅲ)) were studied using Pteris vittata L. under sand culture. Higher concentrations of phosphate were found to inhibit accumulation of arsenate and arsenite in the fronds of P. vittata. The reduction in As accumulation was greater in old fronds than in young fronds, and relatively weak in root and rhizome. Moderate increases, from 0.05 to 0.3 mmol/L, in phosphate reduced uptake of As(Ⅲ) more than As(Ⅴ), while the reverse was observed at high concentrations of phosphate (≥ 1.0 mmol/L). Phosphate apparently reduced As transport and the proportion of As accumulated in fronds of P. vittata when As was supplied as As(Ⅴ). It may in part be due to competition between phosphorus and As(Ⅴ) during transport. In contrast, phosphate had a much smaller effect on As transport when the As was supplied as As(Ⅲ). Therefore, the results from present experiments indicates that a higher concentration of phosphate suppressed As accumulation and transport in P. vittata, especially in the fronds, when exposure to As(Ⅴ); but the suppression of phosphate to As transport in the root or rhizome may be insignificant when P. vittata when exposure to As(Ⅲ) under sand culture conditions. The finding will help to understand the interaction of P and As during their uptake process in P. vittata.  相似文献   

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