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本文在研究通波塘水文特征和水质特征的基础上,推导出通用性较好的一维动态水量水质数学模型。该模型基本反映了通波塘水量水质的时变情况。文章对通波塘水环境容量作了计算,并提出了改善水质的建议。  相似文献   

保护集镇饮用水河流是当前水污染防治工作的重点。本文通过现状分析,针对城乡结合部河流以面源为主的特点,找出影响饮用水河流水质的主要污染源及污水排放特征.用系统分析方法,将集镇的经济、人口、环境统计资料作为环境管理模型的主要输入信息,经计算机仿真,得出保护水源水质应采取的对策与治理方案。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了概率稀释模型的理论基础及其改进方法,以肥城市康汇河为例,应用该模型确定了河流污染物各总量控制方案下的水质目标及其达标率,阐明了该模型在水体污染物总量控制中的应用。  相似文献   

苏州市大量未经处理的污水直接排入河道,使得河流中有机物和其它污染物的输入量猛增,而进入苏州市的水量则大幅度减少,降低了河道的稀释扩散能力,从而造成苏州市水生态环境质量下降,河网污染日趋严重,水质日益恶化.为了尽快改变苏州市内城河的污染现状,从2004下半年开始在古城区的苗家河开展了苏州市水环境治理的试验.  相似文献   

本文以(由页)塘河为例,研究了中小河流水质模型参数,提出了一整套更为简便易行的估计中、小河流模型参数的方法,分析了准确估计模型参数的影响因素,得到了适用于(由页)塘河水质模型参数K_1、K_2、K_3及D_L的估计结果.该结果可直接应用于(由页)塘河的水质数值模拟,对于其它中、小河流也有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

本文针对沿河城市污染排放的情况,分析了污染物排放对河流造成的污染,并根据Streeter—Phelps模型和城市河流对水质的要求,建立了沿河城市多点污染排放优化控制的线性规划模模,并编制了计算程序用来求解该数学模型.文中提供的算例及计算结果表明,本文提出的沿河城市多点污染排放量优化控制方法对城市排水系统的建设有较大的指导意义.  相似文献   

为探讨望虞河西岸河流氮磷污染状况及其对调水引流入太湖水质的影响,分别于2017年11月以及2018年3和6月,选取望虞河西岸紧临入湖口的4条代表性河流,测定水体各形态氮、磷浓度,对各形态氮、磷时空分布规律及其对调水水质的影响进行研究。结果表明:(1)伯渎港、徐塘桥河、古市桥河和张塘河ρ(TN)平均值分别为4.93、5.20、2.27和3.78 mg·L~(-1),ρ(TP)平均值分别为0.18、0.23、0.16和0.15 mg·L~(-1),NO_3~--N和PO_4~(3-)-P分别为氮、磷的主要形态;(2)夏季伯渎港、徐塘桥河和古市桥河TN平均浓度最高,分别为各自最低季节的1.24、1.44和2.01倍;4条河流氮、磷浓度沿汇入望虞河方向呈下降趋势,但入河断面水质未达到区域水功能区划制定的Ⅲ类水质目标;(3)研究区91.3%的水体断面处于中度富营养化水平,56.5%的水体断面为磷限制状态;(4)电导率、COD_(Mn)和ρ(Chl-a)为各形态氮、磷分布的主要影响因素。研究区河流营养盐的汇入对望虞河入湖口水质有较大影响,尤其是磷素污染,需加强水体溶解性磷浓度的削减控制。夏季研究区氮素污染最为严重,且夏季为望虞河引水期,应加强该时段入河支流水体污染控制,保障调水水质。  相似文献   

城厢镇地表水水源的污染特点在很大程度上取决于浏河闸的运行启闭情况,对通过引排水方案来改善滞流期恶劣的水质状况.文中首先用一维Saint—Venant方程组及CBOD—NBOD—DO联偶反应方程组分别建立水量及水质模式,通过有限差分法数值求解.利用1990年11月5日开闸排水期间水量与水质同步监测资料进行验证,结果表明,模式能够满足水质规划的要求.本文对水质的动态变化规律进行评价,认为只要合理组合引排方案,就能达到改善城厢镇地表水源水质的目的.  相似文献   

滇池湖泊生态系统水动力学模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对滇池富营养化状况,依据滇池生态环境建设规划,在以前研究工作的基础上,综合考虑湿地植物、底泥、水域条件变化,根据水动力学原理建立了垂向平均的二维生态系统水动力学模型,模拟了滇池现有水体、拆除防浪堤水域扩展后水体和滇池湿地建成后总水体3种情况的流场和浓度场,以及入滇河道达标排放后的水质浓度场,分析了湿地植物和水域扩展对滇池流场的影响,以及水域扩展、湿地植物、入湖河流达标排放对滇池水质的影响。结果表明,水域拓展对滇池流场的影响是局部的,湿地植物对滇池流场的影响主要发生在湿地区域。水域拓展对滇池水质具有一定影响,TN、TP平均质量浓度由2.08和0.19 mg.L-1(现有水体)降至1.69和0.16 mg.L-1;人工湿地建设对滇池水体TN、TP浓度影响较大,湿地建成后平均质量浓度降至0.76和0.05 mg.L-1,基本达到GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅲ类水质标准;人工湿地建设完成并且入滇池河流达标排放后,TN、TP平均质量浓度分别降至0.17和0.01 mg.L-1,水质明显改善。因此,人工湿地建设及入滇池河流的达标排放对滇池生态环境的改善具有重要作用。  相似文献   

特定小流域水质模型的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王蕾  尹澄清 《环境化学》1993,12(5):387-393
根据特定小流域的水文特点和实际要求,建立一个流域综合水质模型,它由三个子模型支持,即:河流水质模型、水库富养营化模型和非点源污染模型。本工作对河流水质模型(QUAL2EU)加以改进,使之适应W河的具体情况,并在QUAL2EU增加了模拟COD、网箱养鱼和底泥泛起的功能。完成了作了水源地的水库地的水库富营养化模型,解决了流域内农业耕作、污水灌溉等造成的非点源污染随降雨径流进入水体过程的模拟和计算,使之  相似文献   

天津市水环境功能区划分方案及水质标准的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在天津市原水环境功能区划分的基础上,根据历史,现状,近期和远期水环境功能分析和水环境质量现状评价结果,在保证主要河道水环境功能的前提下,依照水环境质量现状和污染源排放情况以及《海河流域水污染防治规划》确定的上游河流功能区水质保护目标,确定天津市属河道,水库水环境功能区水质标准。  相似文献   

在对广东省主要跨市河流进行详细调查的基础上,分析现有跨市河流边界水质控制断面的存在问题;综合考虑跨市河段的地理位置、水体现状功能及水环境敏感性等因素,并兼顾上、下游地区社会经济发展现状及趋势,建议在新丰江、增江、韩江、灞江、绥江、西南涌、西江干流、榕江、枫江等河道新设边界水质控制断面13个,在全省共布设38个断面,构成广东省跨市河流边界水质达标管理的监测体系。文章还建议,要尽快制定广东省跨市河流边界水质保护条例,为加强广东跨市河流边界水质的达标管理,解决上下游地区之问的污染纠纷提供法律依据。  相似文献   

Emission trading is one of the most effective alternatives to controlling water pollution. Water environmental functional zone (WEFZ) is used to determine the water quality standard and identify the zone boundary for each river or reach. In this study, a new emission trading scheme was addressed based on WEFZ, accounting for both the temporal dimension and water quality control. A temporal factor of emission trading was proposed based on variations in the environmental capacity within a year by dividing the year into three periods, including high, normal, and low periods of environmental capacity. During each period, emission trading was implemented exclusively. A water quality-control scheme was suggested based on the water quality requirement in the water functional zone, in which the water quality at the downstream boundary of the zone was required to meet the water standard following auto-purification in the stream. Two methods of calculating water quality control are addressed for point-source pollution and non-point-source pollution. The calculated temporal dimension and water quality control were located in Dongxi River of the Daning Watershed in the Three Gorges Watershed. The high period was during June, July, and August, the normal period was during April, May, September, and October, and the low period was during January, February, March, November, and December. The results from the water quality calculation demonstrated that the discharge of point-source and non-point-source pollutions led to an excess of common contaminants at the downstream boundary of WEFZ. The temporal and spatial factors above should be incorporated into the emission trading scheme based on WEFZ.  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-objective optimization model has been developed for allocating freshwater to meet the environmental flow requirements of the restored wetlands in the Yellow River Delta, China. The model seeks a rational balance among appropriate water allocation for the wetlands, a healthy ecosystem, and optimum economic returns for the humans that use the wetlands to earn their livelihood, with the degree of ecosystem health represented by the difference between actual and ideal water levels. And then a holistic method has been used for satisfying multiple objectives to avoid the problem of decision-maker subjectivity, and then solved the resulting optimal allocation model for environmental flows of the wetlands using a genetic algorithm. With water from the Yellow River as the source, the model shows how the optimal monthly water release into the restored wetlands can be achieved in dry, average, and wet years. Using the model, 20-56% reductions in water use could be achieved compared with the current pattern of water release, and the optimal water level in each month would coincide better with the ideal value based on an indicator plant community (reeds). The results of the study demonstrate the capability of the multi-objective programming model to optimize ecological water allocation and management for the wetlands of the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

以北京市3条具有不同功能的代表性河流(清河:纳污排洪;京密引水渠:供水水源;小月河:景观用水)作为研究对象,分析测定了33个水质指标,采用内梅罗指数法与大型蚤急性毒性测试法对3条河流的水质与毒性状况进行了评价,同时运用主成分分析法对毒性产生的原因和影响水质的因素进行了初步探讨.结果表明,1)3条河流已受到不同程度的污染,水质和毒性状况均不容乐观.作为纳污排洪的清河大部分采样点水质较差,生物毒性极高;作为景观用水的小月河水质一般,具有一定的生物毒性;作为供水水源的京密引水渠水质一般,但毒性较低.2)水样生物毒性与Cl-、Ca、K、Li、Mn、Na、Cr、Ni等指标有关;内梅罗水质指数与NO2-、Cl-、K、Na、Ni等指标有关.3)某些指标(如NO2-)超标会对水质分级产生较大影响,但对生物毒性贡献不大,而低浓度的重金属,不会对水质分级产生贡献,却会对生物的生理活动产生影响,综合化学指标和毒性指标共同评价水质更为合理.  相似文献   

灰色聚类法综合评价滴水湖水系环境质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将滴水湖水系看作一个灰色系统进行研究,利用灰色聚类理论,以地表水环境标准和富营养化分级标准为基础建立灰类评价体系,确定聚类指标的隶属度和标准灰类的权重,得到各聚类指标对标准灰类的聚类系数,最大聚类系数关联的等级即水体质量等级。2010年,每2周1次对滴水湖水系11个监测点的溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(CODMn)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、透明度(SD)及叶绿素a(Chl.a)进行监测,取各指标的年均值,建立灰类评价系统。结果表明:滴水湖水源大治河及引水干道随塘河处水质属于Ⅳ类~Ⅴ类,呈富营养化和极度富营养化状态;闸外引水河芦潮引河段水质类型为Ⅲ类,为富营养化水平;闸内引水河道水质总体呈现富营养化状态,水质类型为Ⅲ类;滴水湖湖区水体质量良好,水质类型为Ⅲ类,呈中营养水平。  相似文献   

论述了江苏省水污染事故及水环境污染对渔业生产、饮用水源、农牧业生产、工业生产的影响及造成的经济损失;指出河网地区水流滞缓流向不定,感潮河段水流往复运动是造成江苏省水体污染加剧的环境水力学因素,入境河流携带大量废水、污水也是造成局部地区水污染危害的重要原因  相似文献   

• Impact of urban development on water system is assessed with carrying capacity. • Impacts on both water resource quantity and environmental quality are involved. • Multi-objective optimization revealing system trade-off facilitate the regulation. • Efficiency, scale and structure of urban development are regulated in two stages. • A roadmap approaching more sustainable development is provided for the case city. Environmental impact assessments and subsequent regulation measures of urban development plans are critical to human progress toward sustainability, since these plans set the scale and structure targets of future socioeconomic development. A three-step methodology for assessing and optimizing an urban development plan focusing on its impacts on the water system was developed. The methodology first predicted the pressure on the water system caused by implementation of the plan under distinct scenarios, then compared the pressure with the carrying capacity threshold to verify the system status; finally, a multi-objective optimization method was used to propose regulation solutions. The methodology enabled evaluation of the water system carrying state, taking socioeconomic development uncertainties into account, and multiple sets of improvement measures under different decisionmaker preferences were generated. The methodology was applied in the case of Zhoushan city in South-east China. The assessment results showed that overloading problems occurred in 11 out of the 13 zones in Zhoushan, with the potential pressure varying from 1.1 to 18.3 times the carrying capacity. As a basic regulation measure, an environmental efficiency upgrade could relieve the overloading in 4 zones and reduce 9%‒63% of the pressure. The optimization of industrial development showed that the pressure could be controlled under the carrying capacity threshold if the planned scale was reduced by 24% and the industrial structure was transformed. Various regulation schemes including a more suitable scale and structure with necessary efficiency standards are provided for decisionmakers that can help the case city approach a more sustainable development pattern.  相似文献   

• A new algorithm of two-dimensional water quantity and the quality model was built. • The migration and diffusion of TP was simulated. • The emergency measures for sudden water pollution accidents was proposed. In recent years, sudden water pollution accidents in China’s rivers have become more frequent, resulting in considerable effects on environmental safety. Therefore, it is necessary to simulate and predict pollution accidents. Simulation and prediction provide strong support for emergency disposal and disaster reduction. This paper describes a new two-dimensional water quantity and the quality model that incorporates a digital elevation model into the geographic information system. The model is used to simulate sudden water pollution accidents in the main stream of the Yangtze River and Jialing River in the Chongqing section of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The sectional velocity distribution and concentration change of total phosphorus are then analyzed under four hydrological situations. The results show that the proposed model accurately simulates and predicts the concentration change and migration process of total phosphorus under sudden water pollution accidents. The speed of migration and diffusion of pollutants is found to be greatest in the flood season, followed by the water storage period, drawdown season, and dry season, in that order. The selection of an appropriate water scheduling scheme can reduce the peak concentration of river pollutants. This study enables the impact of pollutants on the ecological environment of river water to be alleviated, and provides a scientific basis for the emergency response to sudden water pollution accidents in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.  相似文献   

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